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/fa/ - Fashion

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7895391 No.7895391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious question

Where cop /fa/ social skills? Even people uglier and un/fa/ get more tail and into events because of it. How do people do it?

>> No.7895398

Experience, confidence and most importantly, the mindset that failure is fucking nothing, and you should just go for it and have fun while doing it.

>> No.7895396

There is no secret. Fake it til you make it.

>> No.7895417

*coming up to line*
>Are You Not The List
"Yeah, my name is NineArm"
>Huh I can't find it
"Oh it's fine I write for (relevant website or blog)"
>Oh really, I'm sorry for the confusion
"haha, it's fine" *runs hand thought hair, grin*

>> No.7895414

Faking being confidence will actually make you confident; it's literally that simple. When you've done it enough, you won't have to fake it no mo'.

>> No.7895426

Alcohol and not caring about failing. Rape some women too.

>> No.7895460

Raping women really helped me
my confidence is back and i love it

>> No.7895471


i dislike the notion that you have to fake it

i feel like it's more of a matter of being ambitious and not afraid of failure

>> No.7895530
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A fake is much more genuine than the real thing sometimes
A fake, trying even harder than the real thing might even be worth more and more honest.
If you fake confidence before a person it shows that you care enough that you want to be confident in their eyes
If you are already confident then who gives a shit really

Even if you have to fake it

It's still very much you

just trying

very hard


you care

>> No.7895558


ur autismal

>> No.7895805

anyone tried volunteer work? heard about this sort of thing on /out/, Northwest Youth Corps was recommended

the idea is that if you learn to work in groups and do big things, you'll see daily interaction with other human beings as small potatoes in comparison


>> No.7895814

underageb& = this entire thread

>> No.7895906

Thank you hungry skeletons.

>> No.7896022

this has never really happened has it

>> No.7896044


*coming up to line*
>Are You Not The List
"Yeah, my name is NineArm"
>Huh I can't find it
"Oh it's fine I write for (relevant website or blog)"
>I don't see your name on this list
"Heh, that's probably because my dad's a senator . . . my name doesn't appear on most lists"
>What did you say your name was
"It's uh, Robert Deniro"
>Please leave
*runs hand thought hair, cry*

>> No.7896087

Volunteering is an excellent way to meet people, especially with team-based work.

I did the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and I met many wonderful people through orientation and training. I also got to help out a bunch of at-risk kids.

Actually, volunteer work helped with my depression. With that out of my way, I was able to be socially competent.

>> No.7896096

I want to be confident, but I value my overall paranoia/anxiety because I like the way I am. Strategic humility helps you understand things better. Or atleast in my eyes.

>> No.7896103

My ex girlfriend interned with them and asked if I wanted to be one but then told me not to because I am an alcoholic.

>> No.7896112

I signed up for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, but then I quit after I met a few street baboons.

>> No.7896114

i cried for the first time in 10 years since i lost my wife to cancer thank u anon

>> No.7896162
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Literally just got done with Tsukihi's arc. That was beautiful.

>> No.7897439

my general confidence level and social skills were pretty shit until I got a job and people started inviting me places and promoting me and generally giving me the feeling that I'm not a complete NEET

but they all thought I was a weird stoner loner until I stopped giving a fuck


you have to stop caring about failure

>> No.7897459

getting tail is easy, u just gotta have confidence and make them laugh, then u follow these steps

say ur at a party
>if you're sitting down, lean into her and see if she leans back. if she leans back u can proceed to step 2
>grab her hand and hold dat shit. if you are walking you can skip straight to this step
>if she responds positively say something like

Yo u wanna come to my car
Yo u wanna go get a drink
Yo u wanna go have a smoke
Yo u wan sum fuk
Yo u wanna go for a walk

then u go do one of these things

>lean in kiss her
>if she rejects you who care
>just a hoe

why is this os hard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7897465


>> No.7897472

/fa/ version


>> No.7897477


>me: "h-h-hey"
>*girl desperately trying to ignore me*
> in the back of my mind: "..j-just remember what /fa/ told me"
>*start groping her hands with my sweaty, semen stained mitts*
>"Stop touching me, anon!"
>"yo-yo-you wanna come to my car?"
>*I start climbing on top of the girl*
>*puckering my lips, desperately trying to taste skin before she pushes me off*
>*all her friends start kicking my ass*
>*they're all /fit/ as fuck*
>"Hey, lets toss this asshole outside"
>*get tossed on my ass, my drop crotch pants split down the crotch, revealing semen stained boxers*
>*her friends walk back inside and close the door*
>"p-p-post fits...fuccbois...hehe"

thanks, asokone...

>> No.7897517

That's interesting. I personally want to get rid of my anxiety, it makes me feel like shit

>> No.7897529
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w2c post-break up confidence?

>> No.7898630

bumping for this question

>> No.7898636

Insecure, lonely women

>> No.7898647

w2c insecure and lonely women?

>> No.7898651



>> No.7898659
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When 1 door closes another opens so u may as well walk froo it bcuz the initial door was closed + what is within the new Door is new experiences and opportunity

How ever u can just stand in front of à closed door u can't open n stare at à open door w8ng 4 u / never walk thru

So walk through the door

>> No.7898663

Why do you always type like that? Are u being funny? Is this a new meme I'm missing out on?


>> No.7898666

I would tell your to read a few books, but simply because some are PUA stuff people instantly dismiss it. Dressing better, looking better has nothing to do with being social, it's about the way you talk and behave yourself. Read book of pook, art of approaching and the system by doc love or forever be doomed.
39 2323362

>> No.7898679
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Sum times wisdom is 2 thick 2 drink str8 so u hav 2 water it down do u get it

May b it is better 2 get certain types of info. In à playful way rather than à Daunting textbook approach it is not intimidating 2 Read + it is on u 2 take the information 4 what it is bcuz it is there if u r look n 4 it

>> No.7898676

btw you can get these books for free just by googling the title followed by ".pdf download"

>> No.7898683

how do i speak to girls even though i know i dont have a chance ?
6'1 135lbs ugly as fuck

>> No.7898696

after reading your posts I feel like I'm 16 again simply from the way you type.

>> No.7898699

for you lame fucks that don't know how to kiss a girl when everything get's quite, just ask her "do you want to kiss me?" One of 3 things will happen, 1, she says yes, you kiss her, 2 she says she doesn't know and you kiss her or 3 she says no and you rape her. Now apart from step 3 I'm completely serious and it's worked 33% of the time, all the time.

>> No.7898710

1. be white
2. be handsome

>> No.7898712
File: 202 KB, 874x1087, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U do not need to createa situation 2 Talk 2 girls. Y does it feel so awkward? Bcuz it is. Figure out reasons 2 have proximity 2 girls / natural reasons 2 talk tothem Will be created

So where do u go 2 créate proximity? Well where do the kind girls u like go? So go there / conversation should not b so forced it is legit

Ur apparence is ur appearance there Will always b sum1 that finds u attractive + u may b surprises so done even worry about it n à self-defeating way

Fuck man half the time I look in mirror n b
Like "damn u à ugly motherfucker" n just laugh favorably other u more ok with yourself it just whatever does n have 2 b confidence it is ACCEPTANCE u need

>> No.7898715


Fake confidence until people fill you with it.

I went from a beta nerd to being top of my game in less than two years, first of all pretending i was confident, then noticing what people actually liked about me and amplifying it, and eventually acknowledging what people dont like about me and diminishing those aspects or playing them off in a jokey sense.

>> No.7898724

Stop, you're 18. You're not wise or world weary, you are not deep. You're not providing any new information that hasn't been posted prior in dozens of threads like this since advice threads on 4chan were a thing. Typing like you're a 14 year old black kid has never been cute.

>> No.7898720

r u tryin 2 simultaneously fill the void of both cool man luked/"dr mario + ternleft .?

v admirable tbh V__V

>> No.7898730

awkward turtle

>> No.7898733

You never ask champ. If anything don't do anything unless you're absolutely certain that she wants it. Then you go in for it without asking. If you don't get a kiss you'll likely get a "I really wanted to kiss you" text. Then you're in. If not, just rape her.

>> No.7898735

you are the worst name fag. Please go away

>> No.7898742
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Nô an jus b n me 1 day at à time but r not we all

>> No.7898744

no dumbass, you just have to be on a date where your romantic/sexual intentions are somewhat clear. Fuck no wonder you guys can't talk to people.

>> No.7898750

You can obviously go in without asking, but the fact is most of these /fa/ggots will just sit there thinking V = 4/3 π r3 when all you have to do is 2=1+1

>> No.7898792

>not drowing her in a tsunami of spaguetti

>> No.7898805


>> No.7898885



Is this pasta?

>> No.7898901

>implying anyone on /fa/ knows what V = 4/3 π r^3 is
>implying most /fa/ lurkers aren't americans or australians

>> No.7898925

>be anybody
>not knowing basic geometry


>> No.7899039

Seriously hope no-one ITT takes girl advice from a fucking 4chan tripfag >>7897459

>> No.7899045

This post made me sad :(

>> No.7899064

actually works tho.
You need to make them laugh, not talk too much, appear confident and like you dont care. The hand grabbing thing is mainly for clubs but still the advice is solid.

I've slept with 24 women, I'm 20, and I've had 3 threesomes with all different women. Ask me anything you want advice on.

>> No.7899076

im almost 19 and kissed with over dozens of women but never gone further

also most girls in clubs dont appeal 2 me enough to make me undergo action

>> No.7899098

>feed off your parents' money
>be in a frat
>frats haze you until you're so delusional that you believe that what you're doing is for the greater good
>go to slutrority parties
>rape chicks until confidence ensues
>all this while at the same time, you're like a solid 5/10

I hate frats

>> No.7899128


Yeah frats are awful. Frat parties are like the fucking dawn of man.

>> No.7899138

I can talk to/ pick up chicks in person pretty easily, but I have so much trouble with my text game. Anyone got any advice?

>> No.7899149
File: 72 KB, 1258x1426, feelio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw get the sense that certain people aren't interested in being friends with you and don't put effort into talking to you
>tfw get the least enthusiastic handshake when meeting up with people
>tfw feel like third wheel in a group

Every fucking time. Why is my personality so shit, I don't understand how you can "fake" being confident

>> No.7899157

You see other people acting confident? Learn how to act like that you'll get the hang of it

>> No.7899164

>tfw people inadvertently grimace when greeting you at work

>> No.7899177

I'm a pick-up artist, so I definitely think I can help you.

The most important part about textint is timing. Be sure to measure the time inbetween the texts she send you. Now, when it's your turn to text her, make sure to take AT LEAST 2x[her time], if not 3x[her time]. Seriously, make sure to get that part.

The second most important part about texting her is your writing style. Don't, I repeat, DO NOT, use smileys or emoticons of any sort. This is NOT a game, and you don't want to think you're some kind of childish retard. Make sure to use correct grammar and spelling and write in complete sentences. Stuff like LOL or LMFAO is obviously a no-go.

Third, and also very important. Have some fun, call her out on her bullshit and other stuff every now and then. This is both fun, and it shows her you are a man who takes charge instead of bullshit.
For example, you ask her what she's doing and she answers with
>Just hanging out with some friends lol

your answer could be (after you made sure you waited long enough)
>I don't see what's worth laughing out loudly about that. But anyways, where are you?
To which she might reply
>At saras place, watching we're the millers
After the estimated pause inbetween texts, you might reply?
>We're the Millers? What are you, a fucking pleb?
Then continue to list the flaws of movies like this, and why she should watch intelligent stuff like True Detective instead.

>> No.7899203

>at uni
>go out fairly regularly, 3 times average a week
>still haven't got laid
>just end up getting off my head and cutting shapes the whole night

fucking depressing. i've also developed oneitis for this one girl just because we've kissed a few times.

>> No.7899216


Get a load of this guy. How's that feathery top hat treating you? Pick up artist, haha. Spare me!

Just fucking text how you want to text whenever you want. If a girl has met you/slept with you/talked to you more than a few times then she will know what you're like IRL. The only reason you shouldn't use emoticons is because they're fucking annoying.

>> No.7899223


>I don't see what's worth laughing out loudly about that.

>What are you, a fucking pleb?

What charm. I bet women who hate themselves love you.

Or maybe you're being insincere, pretending to be a retarded PUA. I suppose we'll never know.

>> No.7899234

fucking hell you're stupid.

>> No.7899233


I have a feeling I just fell for some tasty and wormy bait...I never even read that greentext part.

>> No.7899224

I've just begun texting with a girl I was with the other day, and it's actually amazing how far you can get by acting superior and calling her a pleb, etc.
I've just been making fun of her in a playful tone, while she goes along with it incredibly well. This shit works.

>> No.7899235

taking girls home from clubs who arent hideous is only easy for a small percentage of guys, dont sweat it bro

>> No.7899242


guilty as charged

>> No.7899243


sure, I bet you're just dripping with charisma irl.

>> No.7899247

Damn, I thought it was enough to make sure people could tell I meant it as a joke.

I'm not actually sure if you are serious or just playing along though. I think it's the latter

>> No.7899250


fuck I'm laughing so hard

>> No.7899280

Hello OP.

So if you want to get into events you want to be everyones friend. So you just have be relaxed and talk with people. Being relaxed is really important else it's really hard to have a nice and easy going conversation. You have to appear really genuine as well. This is harder to fake.

If you want women, you want to seem confident, not tooo confident on the verge of being an ass clown. Be playful too, being playful triggers the brain to send out a lot of different stuff in the body, so that all emotions afterwoods will be intensified. So it's easier to make her want you.

>> No.7899683

Its kinda a nice feeling tho tbh

>> No.7899706

8/10 good one dude

>> No.7900127
