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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 236 KB, 1280x960, Picture 804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7893794 No.7893794 [Reply] [Original]

I've decided I'm finally tired of having hair as long as my arm, and want to get it cut this weekend. it gets tangled all the time, caught in things, makes it harder to get a job, and gets smelly easily. however, I haven't had a short haircut since I was 11/12, any advice on styles?

>> No.7893800

braid it into a noose and hang yourself

>> No.7893806

make me do it, you skinny hipster faggot

>> No.7893807


>> No.7893814

You'll do it yourself one day anyways. No need to touch your greasy ass fatbody

>> No.7893816

the whole point of this is that I DON'T want to have to maintain my hair all the time. also, there is no such thing as a manbun
does anyone have any actual advice for me?

>> No.7893817

Yeah, kill yourself.

>> No.7893818

>there is no such thing as a manbun

>> No.7893820

ok, I get it, banter is fun, but can we stay on topic? I thought you hipster queers actually knew about style

>> No.7893823

Post a pic with your hair pulled back so we can actually see your face properly. For what it is worth, you seem to have nice hair and an attractive face,

>> No.7893824

>the whole point of this is that I DON'T want to have to maintain my hair all the time.

sounds like you'd like a buzzcut/shaved head
you would look drastically different however

>> No.7893822

Kill yourself.

>> No.7893826

holy shit you look disgusting I dont think short hair will help

>> No.7893828

The only useful advice you could get here is to stop wasting your time on 4chan and get a life.

>> No.7893830

>nice hair and an attractive face

>> No.7893843
File: 143 KB, 1280x960, Picture 805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might do this
here you go
this is usually how my hair is when I'm job seeking/going for interviews

>> No.7893848


>> No.7893847


first time on /fa/, holy fuck
only an 8 year old would post like this

OP you're better off googling

>> No.7893851

oh lawdy

>> No.7893854

buzz it, its comfortable and simple and people will most likely compliment you on your change

>> No.7893857

I can't really do that without money, which requires a job, which is a lot of the reason I'm cutting my hair

>> No.7893861

stop posting

>> No.7893863

ugly people like OP shouldn't be using a trip

filtered :^)

>> No.7893871

My head shape is oval as far as i can tell
would buzzcut suit me?
brown hair/eyes
pretty slight tan
not fat although could probs do with losing some cheek fat

>> No.7893901

idk I don't know how you look like

>> No.7893912

>hair gets smelly

My hair is the same length as your sand curly. how does hair even get smelly.

>> No.7893917

grease, sweat, etc. you might not notice it yourself, but unwashed hair does have a fairly bad smell

>> No.7893925

fuck off to /soc/ pls

>> No.7893927
File: 1.15 MB, 1246x1059, basi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it with this board and people looking like one piece characters?
is there something in the water?

>> No.7893939

i haven't shampooed my hair in over 8 months and it doesn't smell

>> No.7893936

4chan was a chinese cartoon image board at first
Everything is connected to animu

>> No.7893946
File: 532 KB, 682x998, 1393699378318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to improve and be more /fa/:
Don't focus on your hair alone. Fix your sleep to get rid of those eyebags. Go outside more and excersize to lose that gray skin colour.

If you choose to be an edgy metalhead beyond the age of 16, go ahead, but atleast rock it right by keeping the long hair look good. A bun or ponytail should work, your facial features aren't anything to write home about so the long hair might actually help. If you ever decide to stop being an edgelord teen for the rest of your life, get a decent presentable haircut (no need to go for some trendy haircut like HY, you obviously won't pull it off).

There, easy and simple steps to improve your appearance by not spending a fucking dollar or getting your hair cut.

Wear clothes that fit (no need for skinnytight gay shit).

>I thought you hipster queers actually knew about style
This attitude just doesn't cut it at your age.

>> No.7893948

You got a girlfriend m8?

>> No.7893957


>> No.7893963



>> No.7893968

what's his name?

>> No.7893991
File: 91 KB, 262x398, shigidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you

>> No.7893998


how did you find my pictures?

>> No.7894000


please don't post my old photos its embarrasing i looked so shit back then glad i lost weight

>> No.7894003

i just sent 12 pizzas your way

hope you're hungry.

>> No.7894008

why did you do that
I already sent him some kfc
fuckin retard…ask before ordering

>> No.7894012

Stop it guys, don't feed and perpetuate his unhealthy lifestyle habits. You really want him to become a wizard in a few years, playing WoW in his mom's moment carrying 200lbs of lard in his body around all day?

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.7894015

dont worry I wont post any more

>> No.7894018


>> No.7894019

Eating like a hambeast is the least /fa/ thing you can do.

>> No.7894021

What if I threw right after?
/fa/ as fuck

>> No.7894027


>> No.7894044

Are you that guy from /soc/ with the receding hairline?

>> No.7894057

I think he left

>> No.7894071

did OP hang himself?

>> No.7894074

I'll give you left! A left hook in the gabhole, that is!

>> No.7894079

is OP kill?

>> No.7894083


>> No.7894091
File: 1.61 MB, 1442x941, Hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, i'm in the exactly opposite situation, I want to let it grow.
How long did you waited for it to get this big?

>> No.7894100

yes, I am
like I said in the OP, I haven't had a short haircut since I was 11/12. I've had it trimmed a few times, but nothing more than a couple inches

>> No.7894141

Lost your virginity yet, bro?

>> No.7894145



>> No.7894155

gz man

Lost my virginity last summer at 20

Now I'm 21 and turning 22 in 5 months and I haven't had sex since..

Feels like I'm a fucking virgin all over again

>> No.7894265


>> No.7894288

last had sex a year ago, lost my virginity 3 years ago. probably won't get to have sex again, and since I'm fucked in the head, it would be a bad idea to even if I had the opportunity. the only way it could work is if she gave me no means of contacting her, I never found out her real name and she left the country afterwards, which would depress me more than just going without sex for life

>> No.7894297

Stay strong man, just improve your life by the day and the fruits will follow.

>> No.7894325


>> No.7894335
File: 125 KB, 592x888, 1394046509837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo for real tho
try the chris hemsworth, although its hard to pull off without good aesthetics

my friend used to have long hair and he got a short haircut and looks good. if it comes down to it, just get it cut short

>> No.7894348

Please please please post pic of face. I beg you.

>> No.7894362
File: 645 KB, 2000x1500, fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, well here's the most recent one before I started letting my hair grow, clean shaven now obviously

>> No.7894371

why do u have this losers photo saved

>> No.7894368

I've been mentally unbalanced my whole life, nothing will change that
I'm balding though, you need a good head of hair to have any hope of pulling that off

>> No.7894373


>> No.7894381

how old are you. where are you balding

>> No.7894376

>I've been mentally unbalanced my whole life, nothing will change that
Self fulfilling prophecy.

You know, every little bit counts. You just lack the driving force to start small. You may not becoming mentally amazingly stable, but you can atleast become good looking if you tried. That helps.

>> No.7894394

im 18 and im balding at the temples slowly but surely

>> No.7894405

Your hair looks just like my bfs. I was so shocked LOL.

>> No.7894414
File: 78 KB, 462x553, 1394047713316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7894420


>> No.7894425

you are 18?
The photo I posted wasnt you

>> No.7894446

No. Sorry :(

>> No.7894455

>there is no such thing as a manbun
kill yourself

>> No.7894458

i remember you OP. glad to see you're doing better and making a change. don't listen to these fuccbois and trolls. go to a barber and get some suggestions :)

>> No.7894487

i remember you OP. glad to see you're still a fucking hideous long haired greaseball too lazy and self defeatist to make a change. don't listen to faggots trying to sugarcoat how bad you look. go to a barber and fix your shit :)

>> No.7894488

you wouldn't look particularly good with short hair

at least with long hair you have an interesting look to you

although I would keep it slightly below shoulder length

>> No.7894495

someone's having a bad day ;p

>> No.7894502

i mean no harm <3

>> No.7894601

almost 20, losing hair mostly at the front of the scalp and the top back, but it's a lot thinner all over
that's the plan. did you not read the thread?
maybe not, but I'll be more likely to get a job, and won't have to deal with all this fucking tangling

>> No.7894661

I like your hair it looks cool, if you're going to cut it get a manbun.

>> No.7895309

You wont be more likely to get a job, I have no idea where you got that.

I have a close friend with your length hair, he's worked everything from KFC to security firms and is doing great. The difference between him and you? He's the most likeable guy I've ever met.

Focus on your employability, not your hair. Sorry to be a dick but this is a problem /fa/ wont solve. If we can see you have a bad attitude from this one thread, then obviously employers will, that's your problem. Be nice even if people aren't to you.
Keep the hair.

^spot on

>> No.7895390

holy shit, whats with that eye?

>> No.7896268

it's not only that though, as I said I'm tired of having to take care of it constantly, keep it out of machinery, etc. also, though my hair is certainly not the only reason I'm unemployed, keeping it long is definitely not helping me