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/fa/ - Fashion

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7865206 No.7865206 [Reply] [Original]

When it comes down to it, which is more /fa/, being tan or being pale?

>> No.7865209

Pale for sure. It helps being white.

>> No.7865212

ofc pale fuck niggers and pinoys

>> No.7865218

Don't forget the curry Indians and Aboriginese. If you want to rank the shittiest races from bad, to absolutely worst:
9000: niggers
9001: indians


9002: abos


9003: pinoys

>> No.7865223

Jesus christ you cannot into power rankings for shit. You can't have a power gap and then the next damn number.

Anyway, pale.

>> No.7865230

In any case, Filipinos is the shittiest race that exists.

>> No.7865233

I dunno. I've been to the Philippines and worked with people who live there, it's pretty decent. Can't speak for the immigrants though.

>> No.7865237

Why the fuck would you go to the Phillipines? The Pinoys the dirtiest, ugliest, least /fa/ race to exist. Most powerful race my white ass.

>> No.7865240

id say its curry-niggers and mudslimes
for me its like

white people > asians >>> niggers >>> pinoys >>>> curry-niggers >>>>>>>> mudslimes

>> No.7865241

being pale looks like you dont go outside which is not very /fa/

>> No.7865242

I was away picking up a newly built ship, so I spent about ten days in Subic.

I thought they were all nice enough. Plus, since they're obsessed with white people you get treated like a king.

I just don't get why you're so mad.

>> No.7865246

I'm okay with this list too.

>> No.7865250

Pinoys are shorter, smellier, and sweatier versions of niggers.

>> No.7865252

depends on the person
skinny pale white gyal is waifu tier tho

>> No.7865260
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I only look at pale chicks

>> No.7865264
File: 217 KB, 1426x1432, dieantwoord2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pale is more interesting.

>> No.7865274
File: 51 KB, 550x824, Petra-Kopie-550x824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pale, sickly and very thin.

>> No.7865273

What about for guys?

>> No.7865276

Pale is more effay but only if you have good skin and are a skeleton. But in reality a healthy tan is going to make you look better and more attractive to your average qt


>> No.7865277
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>> No.7865287

I think it depends on race. Black folk look best when black af. asians and Caucasian look best pale. IIMO Persians/arabs/latinos look best being either very pale or very dark.

white people with tans look fucking awful

>> No.7865288
File: 70 KB, 467x700, tumblr_lmi5eu2BFy1qatudno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pale and anorexic

>> No.7865292

>I'm tan so it's more fa
pale hands down for both men and women, milky white skin is god-tier

>> No.7865300
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pale for women
tan for males
Males are too ugly to be pale
Most of you will look like cancer patients

>> No.7865308
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well it doesn't matter what shade your skin is if you're ugly, because then you're not fa no matter what

>> No.7865309

The problem with pale is that you need absolutely 100% perfect skin to pull it off.

>> No.7865314

You need to be handsome to be pale if you are a male
You can be average/ugly tanned will look better on you
But if we are throwing out realistic situations and only considering 8-9/10 models
ya pale looks nicer

>> No.7865328

depends on the man
I think both work for me b/c I'm p. andro but I'm also mediterranean

>> No.7865330

i bet you are handsome m8 :^)
never saw your face because you don't post it

>> No.7865344

avg tbh

>> No.7865345

whats it like not being white?

>> No.7865347

dont be so modest m8

>> No.7865348

feels good
white man is pussified scared of his own culture

>> No.7865359

C-Can black people pull off slp?

>mfw not dark enough :(

>> No.7865372
File: 175 KB, 640x426, loop (35).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to fitness club

>mfw i am the whitest girl there
>mfw i am so white i seem to reflect light

It is not like i avoid sun, i just don't go anywhere with the sole intention of tanning.

>> No.7865377
File: 35 KB, 250x375, tumblr_llp22pLCTB1qiaweco1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I remember this chick from high school who was pale as fuck
Was 1 year below me
She was bi-sexual and lived in the trailer park
I wanted to fuck the trash gene out of her ;_;

>> No.7865392

>be mixed
>meet similarly pale chick with similar background
>date for a while
>I meet her parents
>they call me a nigger. . . I'm not black
>her father scolds her for dating outside of her race
>I awkwardly look around the room
>stormfront, white nationalist stuff, a nazi germany flag in the corner
>girl is kicked out of the house
>I let her live with me for a while

I learned how race could be very important for some people that day.

>> No.7865408 [DELETED] 

>>stormfront, white nationalist stuff, a nazi germany flag in the corner
not sure if they exist in Ontario but i don't she was racist because her best friend was black
she was so kawaii and dumb :^)

>> No.7865415

congrats you just ruined a girls life because you are a thirsty shitskin

>> No.7865419

>>stormfront, white nationalist stuff, a nazi germany flag in the corner
not sure if they exist in Ontario but i know she wasn't racist because her best friend was black
she was so kawaii
I honestly hope to see her one day working as a nurse or a receptionist and me asking her out
i'm so dumb :^)

>> No.7865434

>I honestly hope to see her one day working as a nurse or a receptionist and me asking her out
She may or may not be a nurse in the future, but you might see her again. When I was 22, I ran into a friend from the 4th grade. All those years passed, and yet we were able to recognize each others' names and faces. And its not like we were in our hometown. What are the chances of that ever happening?

>> No.7865446

I be living in toronto after uni is done hoping to bump into her or one of her friends
i feel like a creeper but fuck it I like her :^)

>> No.7865486

Pale no, alabaster yes. Otherwise get a light tan.

>> No.7865538

>Pale no, alabaster yes
How do you define the difference?

>> No.7865596

Depends on the person, but I find it really annoying when people get called out for being pale and told to get a tan.

>> No.7866064

Just paint yourself white

>> No.7866133

pale but only with perfect skin

>> No.7868771

Can pale and bald ever not look like a cancer patient?

>> No.7868779

>Otherwise flaws/healthiness

>> No.7868784
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>get new job
>people calling me out on my pale skin 24/7
shit really gets on my nerves

>> No.7869351

seriously fuck you guys, jump off a cliff.

>> No.7869357

fuck off

>> No.7869370
File: 124 KB, 1280x850, 1364808718060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pale but acne scars
I wish I took better care of my skin when I was younger.

>> No.7869388

its true, flips suck

source: im a flip. at least i've got a white girlfriend with a rich family

>> No.7869652


>> No.7869672

/pol/ pls leave.

>> No.7870680

pls respond

>> No.7870709

Not you blackychan, you're fat

>> No.7870762

Tan? What the hell does that mean? You mean darkskinned like a Negro? Or tan like a white person?

I hate white/olive skin.

>> No.7870768

>hate white/olive skin


>> No.7870838

people thought i had cancer when i shaved mine but im also a girl, who cares though

>> No.7870861

that was well deserved then

>> No.7870877

>all this pale skin circle jerking

I always knew you guys were faggots

>> No.7870904

Obviously people will always try to promote their characteristics as the best, it's not even circle jerking it's human nature man

>> No.7870939

whichever fits your style and personality the best

>> No.7871054 [DELETED] 

Iktfb I went to my a party with a photo booth and I looked florescent.
Also I can't tan I just burn everywhere.

>> No.7871061

Iktfb I went to some party with a photo booth and I looked florescent.
Also I can't tan I just burn everywhere.

>> No.7871090

Pale skin is a distinguishing feature of the upper classes and higher races.

>> No.7871114

Everyone reflects light... If you didn't reflect light, no-one would be able to see you.

>> No.7871221

Pale skin
Dark hair
Blue, grey or green eyes
Under-eye circles
Sunken cheeks
Strong jaw
Clean shave

>> No.7871605
File: 21 KB, 314x119, melanoma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm palish but tan easily which is pretty cool
doesn't really matter tho since i look groce either way

picrelated is me before and after a weeklong sailing trip last summer

>> No.7871688

Depends. I think pale is good when you can pull it off, most people's skin just looks better when it's a bit tan though, makes imperfections less noticable. It also depends on the look you're going for.

>> No.7871892

be my bf

>> No.7871911

I meant to say that i seemed to emit light.
But i like you and i like the way you think.

>> No.7871919
File: 222 KB, 500x334, most powerful race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we aren't master-race
Stay jelly, whitey.

>> No.7871936
File: 313 KB, 930x950, my nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas (insecure white bois) are mad as fuck ITT.

Pale looks better than tan if you have a certain look to you. you cant be some manlet fuccboi saying muh superior race. when you look like shit.

>> No.7871941

You have the most hypebeast,that's the real fact.

>> No.7871948
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>not being a God

>> No.7872033

how to avoid acne scars?

>> No.7872187 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 784x588, 1393708466831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his eyes are fucking gross. looks like he's undergoing putrefaction

>> No.7872196

don't pick or scratch or pop

if you already have them you can get dermabrasion

>> No.7872212

delete this picture it makes me insecure
>why cant i be so beautiful

>> No.7872260


>> No.7873083

pls b in Antarctica

>> No.7873114

Sucker for ivory women.

Gotta stay true to pale fuccboi heritage.

>> No.7873123
File: 250 KB, 1634x2308, 179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter if you're pale as a corpse or dark as coal. If you're not attractive then it doesn't matter what your skin color is.

>being this concerned about superficial characteristics

can't say I expect much from this board anyways.
inb4 anything

>> No.7873149

Kanye looks cute there, this is pretty much the same as the eye color threads that were popular last time I browsed

>> No.7873301

That's a really fucking attractive picture of Kanye, damn.

>> No.7873357

I'd kill to get me one of those.
Pale skin, dark hair, blue/gray/green eyes, and a nice jawline is so attractive for females imo.

>> No.7873424
File: 257 KB, 363x357, 1382660443694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a pale skinny beauty broke my heart

fuck, I really want to turn back time

>> No.7873487

Have to add to this: picking or scratching can make it worse, but it isn't a guarantee that you won't have scars for not touching. I very very rarely every touched mine, and when I did it was by accident, and I still got some small scars/red marks.

>> No.7873630

It's always better to be pale.

If you're not so pale people think you're dead if you sit sill for a few minutes, you're not pale enough.