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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 48 KB, 475x480, 1362977481289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7860506 No.7860506 [Reply] [Original]

How do you know if you're delusional about your looks?

>> No.7860538

post your picture here
I'm totally serious

>> No.7860547


>> No.7860551

Delusional isn't that bad op
Better than being depressed after knowing the truth

>> No.7860559

I'm wondering too, I know a guy who's probably a legit 1-2/10 and someone asked him what he thought he was and he thought he was 8/10. Worries me about myself.

>> No.7860569

>probably a legit 1-2/10

Is that even possible without serious deformities?

>> No.7860585

right? I always went with "3 is unfortunate ugly, 2 is downs syndrome ugly, 1 is some tumor/deformity on face."

>> No.7860587
File: 370 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20131229_152831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm 6-7/10

Please rate me

>> No.7860590

number system is dumb
you are either average, handsome or ugly

>> No.7860595


>> No.7860599

dude are you being srs
why would take a picture like that to be judged? it looks like you have no neck or jaw line...

>> No.7860604

do you think he was being serious? lmao

If it looks too ugly to be true on /fa/ you're probably getting rused ...

>> No.7860606

lose weight, too much fat on the face
>inb4 "i'm average weight but I have a chubby face"

>> No.7860608

If you are attractive, random people will say you should model constantly while you work.

>> No.7860618

Old people have said that I should model but not constantly, like once every year. Does that count?

>> No.7860628

I've always known that I'm fairly good looking but of course I had my doubts. Once in a bar a girl came up to me and told me that her qt3.141592 friend thinks I'm good looking and that I should go talk to her. As a man you can get really far as long as you are above average. Needless to say that I've been an egoistic asshole ever since but it's working.

>> No.7860624

ya sure because old people know what's attractive
I feel like I'm being tricked :(

>> No.7860671

I get it on a daily basis but I wasn't that attractive in high school so it helps confidence

>> No.7860709

>tfw asian male
>tfw a white woman told me I should model
>self confidence through the roog

>> No.7860730

Really though, a face made for modelling is just one of a limited set of aesthetics. There are many attractive people who shouldn't try modelling.
Also, I think generally, average looking people who really care about their looks are capable of fluctuating pretty widely on the scale. Like a 6 turning into a solid 8 just for the night, or a 9 going full 10 every time theres something good happening.

If you are good looking you will have memories of people other than your mother and past girlfriends telling you that. If you are good looking you will have a certain confidence about the effect your looks have on people, even if youre angsty and/or autistic as fuck.

>> No.7860736

did you fugg

>> No.7860748

>If you are good looking you will have memories of people other than your mother and past girlfriends telling you that.
Not if you live in Germany ;_;

>> No.7860762
File: 569 KB, 980x666, germany_soccer_dpai_5648951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't fuck around huh

>> No.7860764

>Live in autistic Norway
>Have those memories

>> No.7860779

hmm. I hear it every now and then.. mostly from buddies who wonder why I don't get more pussy and try to encourage me telling me I'm a pretty motherfucker

>> No.7860922

be girl
>never know if boy tells the truth or just wants to fuck whatever.

>> No.7860949

post pic i'll tell you bbgurl

>> No.7860970

you know you're delusional if you're on the internet, worrying about your looks.

>> No.7860977

>really feeding

>> No.7860981

I know I'm a 5/10 but I've been told I have a really good sense of fashion and I was told a few times that I look like a model.
I'm a bit past ottermode and I have put a few pounds because of my bulk.
I don't know what to think anymore.

>> No.7861080

like a 4?

>> No.7861101

Sauce on image??

>> No.7861137
File: 29 KB, 350x357, 350x700px-LL-1a1dd090_29copw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought I was fugly. About a year ago I got a job at a bar, one of the dishwasher said I'm kinda handsome.

Old ladies grab muh ass all the time.

I'm so confused.

>> No.7861171
File: 19 KB, 450x349, 443348-bjorn_andresen_004[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death in Venice

>> No.7861180

It works both ways.

You might think you look and actually look bad.
But you might also think you look bad when you actually look awesome.

Think about it bros.

>> No.7861196

I have no idea how ugly or attractive I am, I've had girls hit on me and I like how I look most of the time but I also have been called ugly and sometimes feel quite ugly.

>> No.7861210

>tfw I can do anything a beautiful person can do even tho im average b/c i have style and confidence

>> No.7861226

Looks don't really matter that much, I know an unattractive guy with a horrible personality and he has a new decent girlfriend every week.

>> No.7861265

Honestly, as a man you should be clean and hygienic. Other than that just worry about your intelligence/money/power/ and you will be happy.

>> No.7861919

You don't want to know

>> No.7862052

Even if you weren't delusional about your looks it wouldn't help you much, women use strange criteria to rate handsomeness

>> No.7862063
File: 31 KB, 625x626, 1388977309896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan filename

>> No.7862062

stupid question. we are delusional about everything

>> No.7862074
File: 9 KB, 173x45, 1393543446737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7862357

I have this problem since i graduated from high school, ye ppl tell me that i could get a job as model and friends tell me i look handsome but atleast 6/10 times i look at myself in the mirror i look a bit fatty with old looking skin and like a 5/10 have u guise ever wondered if psycologists would help? Sorry im not a native english speaker

>> No.7862388 [DELETED] 

I have this problem since i graduated from high school, ye ppl tell me that i could get a job as model and friends tell me i look handsome but atleast 6/10 times i look at myself in the mirror i look a bit fatty with old looking skin and like a 5/10 have u guise ever wondered if psycologists would help? Sorry im not a native english speaker

>> No.7862394

I think I used to have this problem, don't really give a shit now though.

I mean I didn't have problems with getting girls or compliments or anything but I found an old phone a while back and it was full of selfies and pics that looked like I was trying to face model and shit, pretty ridiculous. I guess I thought too highly of myself. I also was bad to assume everyone was hitting on me all the time, still kinda do that.

>> No.7862441

i think i see people look at me a lot. occasionally they smile at me if i accidentally make eye contact which is kind of uncomfortable. my friends say stuff like

>anon u have the most photogenic face eva!!
>anon ur so handsome u should model
>u look identical to ezra miller

does this mean i'm alright looking? i dunno maybe people say this stuff to ugly people anyway

>> No.7862446

your low confidence brings down your handsomeness so don't worry about your looks worry about your low esteem

>> No.7862450

>If you are good looking you will have memories of people other than your mother and past girlfriends telling you that. If you are good looking you will have a certain confidence about the effect your looks have on people, even if youre angsty and/or autistic as fuck.

this seems pretty accurate. i'd consider myself a real world 7-7.5/10. it's never been uncommon for people to tell me i'm attractive, but it doesn't happen on a daily basis. i'm not an outgoing person by nature, but i never feel intimidated talking to people or being in social environments simply because i don't feel insecure.

>> No.7862496
File: 34 KB, 540x960, john.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7862504

are you in your 30s?

>> No.7862561

thats not me, but hes like 21

>> No.7862570

god…white ppl age like bread

>> No.7862582

>recent medical problems.
>feel like I've lost too much weight.
>lots of unpredictable fainting.
>haven't had a hair cut since July because I don't like going places anymore for that reason.

On one hand I feel like I'm delusional because I feel like I used to be attractive enough but now may just be a disgusting, frizzy skeleton. On the other hand I think I'm just letting the stress of it all get to me.

>> No.7862598
File: 580 KB, 300x203, 1393478012187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm ugly, everyone else does though.

>> No.7862634

well at least they aren't niggers, they always look bad ;)
sage for /soc/ shit, you're a fucking faggot

>> No.7862641

I think I'm ugly but i always had girls and guys tell me I'm attractive

>> No.7862647

Alright so I'm a solid 7 in the mirror but a 5 in photos what do I trust

the mirror, because people have two eyes and not one like a camera?

or the camera,because it is objective and not distorted by my mind?

>> No.7862651

camera is real you

you are used to seeing your mirror image so you think you look weird in pictures

>> No.7862652

but muh monocular lens

>> No.7862692

damn bruh pulling a white bitch is like a gold medal for us

>> No.7862696


nigga this guy (when he was that young) looks like reinhardt from legends of galactic heroes.

fuck he's so handsome.

>> No.7862704

as pong as u act like a 5/10 i think ir fine no matter what u are
if ur under 5 ur acting like a jormal perso. if ur over ur humble

>> No.7863123

if people tell me im cute but in the camera
i think im ugly
in the mirror i think im ugly
I think im ugly
am I ugly?
i take good selfies tho

>> No.7863132

I was told i should model too and i still think im hella ugly
i wish i was someone else and that i could view my face from their eyes

>> No.7863142

Isn't this why you have best friends?
My friend told me I have a big head and I should work out to balance that shit out
I didn't listen to him :^)

>> No.7864412

fuck off

>> No.7864422

fuck you slut

>> No.7864425

i think i'm ugly when i get high i guess

>> No.7864433

Can you be the other way around? like I think of myself as a 2-3/10 but could I be higher? could it all be in my head?

>> No.7864460

...What? Name a race that ages better.
Asians don't count because hardly any of them stay hot after hitting 18.

>> No.7864469


the stereotype is that asians age very well

which tbh is true

>> No.7864472

and indian age like milk
>hit 30-40
>look like they are in their 70's

>> No.7864557

>tfw I can do anything greater than you because I'm a beautiful person and have style, charm, wit, and confidence.
>tfw trendsetter and people really want to be in my spotlight

>> No.7864568
File: 40 KB, 512x504, 1390536399652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw haven't actually let it go to my head
Good luck in life, friend! We've all made it!

>> No.7864578
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, skateboard p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7864581
File: 130 KB, 640x480, photo copy 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me fa/gs!

>> No.7864582
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>> No.7864583
File: 164 KB, 786x1000, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7864929

I'd say I'm about a 3/10 but one guy online mentioned he thought I was a 8/10. I gave him a generous 6/10 and he got annoyed and deleted me.

I'm probably a 2.

>> No.7864952

Dude are you me, this one crazy chick I became friends with recently (dresses in full Rick p cool) won't shut up about how I look like Ezra Miller and all my friends coyly tell me I'm attractive
I have zero self-esteem though, recently fell hard for some average 7 that doesn't like me back and it's killing me lol

also >worry about your low esteem
lol that's what low esteem is

>> No.7864963

>worry about your low esteem
>lol that's what low esteem is
it's not
Heavy self-criticism and dissatisfaction.[15]
Hypersensitivity to criticism with resentment against critics and feelings of being attacked.[15]
Chronic indecision and an exaggerated fear of mistakes.[15]
Excessive will to please and unwillingness to displease any petitioner.[15]
Perfectionism, which can lead to frustration when perfection is not achieved.[15]
Neurotic guilt, dwelling on and/or exaggerating the magnitude of past mistakes.[15]
Floating hostility and general defensiveness and irritability without any proximate cause.[15]
Pessimism and a general negative outlook.[15]
Envy, invidiousness, or general resentment.[15]
Sees temporary setbacks as permanent, intolerable conditions.[30]

Worry about them because it's not just going to go away

>> No.7864982

>tfw you were fugly in high school
>tfw you become more confident on your own looks once your teenage years have passed but you don't know how to pick up girls cause you were ugly when everyone was having their first gf
>tfw when I see ugly ass fat motherfuckers more confident than me able to pick up girls at bars and clubs

>> No.7864990

how new are you?

>> No.7864998


holy shit is dude is ridiculously attractice

>> No.7865029

I honestly have no idea if I'm attractive or not and I'm not sure if I want a definitive answer.

>> No.7865047

Are you me?

>> No.7865053

fuckoff nigger

>> No.7865055

Post face n i will tell u 4 real

>> No.7865126


>> No.7865150

>tfw people are looking at you and making eye contact
>tfw unable to tell if they do so because you're attractive or simply an odd lookin ugly motherfucker
>tfw you'd rather say nothing and not approach qt 3.14 to find out
>tfw despite all your efforts to become and consider yourself better looking than you used to be when people were making fun of you in high school, you're still a social retard when it comes to pick up grills due to crippling low self esteem
>tfw even though you're better looking than during your teenage years, the anxiety of having once been considered ugly will never leave you
>tfw people still compliment your looks extremely rarely

>> No.7865153

I'm like a 4-5/10, 5.5 on good days, but my crush is like an objective 8 and subjective 9 at least

What do?

>> No.7865157

i know that feel, bra. except for 'rarely' = 'never'

>> No.7865167

>tfw only your mother tells you you're handsome

fuck these feels

I just want to be 9/10 maybe a strong 8
why is life so hard

>> No.7865173

Lol it feels worse when people jus say u r smart almost regularly n it's like, "wow must b à wreck 2 look at"

>> No.7865178

>girl friends tell me I'm handsome
>wingmen tell me I'm handsome
>random 5/10 told me I was handsome and said "we're going to fuck"
I still think I'm average, and can't get past the fact that my face is pretty unsymmetrical

>> No.7865191

Honestly I think I am about an 8/10 but Im developing a receding hairline at 20 so I'd relegate me to a low 7 / high 6 now


>> No.7865219

I think i am a pretty average girl, but i do get hit on fairly regularly, mostly by older dadcore man and blacks, but oh well.
The other day walking on street, look up, just about to pass a cute skinny goofninja who has apparently been looking at me, startled that i looked up he says H-h-hi, does a funny halfway wave and blushes horribly while passing me. So this is the spaghetti everyone mentions.
He was a real cutie though.

>> No.7865245

>tfw turned eighteen last month
>tfw I didn't "grow into" my awkward facial features like everyone said I would
>tfw I still have a shitty jaw and ears

anyone know that feel

>> No.7865261


that just means you are ugly and people re-assured you saying you will stop being ugly

>> No.7865267


Yeah but aren't your facial features supposed to change between the time you're fifteen and the time you're eighteen

Mine didn't except I grew a shitty stubble and my acne went away

do banks allow loans for surgery

>> No.7865268

you're 18, your peak is ahead of you

>> No.7865271

ahead like it's not happened yet?
pls be right

>> No.7865278

yes and I am, men peak in their 20s, women do so earlier. At least that's what is happening around me and happened to me

>> No.7865282

I hope I'll be average at least. I'm not asking for much.

>> No.7865286
File: 819 KB, 820x1230, 1393599131440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw man i cannot wait to peak in my mid 20s
i look pretty good as it is, but at 25 or something i will be so damn masculine

>> No.7865293

how old are you anyways? You look like a 45 year old cance survivor

>> No.7865296

men don't really peak in their 20's, if you keep in good shape you can maintain looks till your 40's easily

>> No.7865299

top fuckin kek mate

>> No.7865324

Are you me?

>> No.7865398


>do banks allow loans for surgery

This, is it possible?
I don't want to wait until I finish college to fix my nose.

Alternatively if banks won't allow me to borrow 5k for that, is there any way to make that much over three to four months without sucking dicks?

>> No.7865401

no way they going to lend you 5K to fix your nose
and lying isn't a good way to get bank's money

>> No.7865406



Well how do I earn 5k since I can't work?
Willing to do most stuff that doesn't involve sexual favors or degrading acts of any kind

>> No.7865436

selling drugs I guess
but it be hard…getting the drugs, selling it to people

my mom gets Oxycodone for free because she damaged a nerve when she got i a car accident
She's just getting the drug and not taking it because we still have a case going on and suing the insurance company etc etc
she throws out the Oxycodone lol I could possibly sell it make make shit ton of money but fuck it I'm no drug dealer

>> No.7865444

Eh I'm no dealer either, too bad
Don't mind doing illegal stuff but drug dealing isn't my thing really

Also lel I'm sure you could sell everything to one rich kid

>> No.7865537

what does it mean if attractive men hit on u

>> No.7865545

u gay son?

>> No.7865569

>tfw whole family is attractive except me

I should kill myself

>> No.7865622

My sister is attractive, everyone says we look like twins, have been mistaken for her before. I can't be that bad than.

>> No.7866005
File: 18 KB, 450x450, 1386465519595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my dad is/was handsome as fuck
>tfw people say I look just like my mother

>> No.7866165

Hey so according to some people in this thread the structure of your jaw might still change at the end of puberty?

is that true?

also does losing weight make your jaw more defined at all
my jawline is decent but meh

>> No.7866226
File: 30 KB, 640x960, 1393616415138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me

>> No.7866231

how old are you? you look 40

>> No.7866233

stop posting facebook pictures of people you don't like on here

>> No.7866435

Reminds me of Beavis, got the blue shirt and everything

>> No.7866440


now i dont feel so ugly, thanks m8

>> No.7866449

i am 77kg and 1.80m tall and i have chubby face, not like that hamplanet but my jawline is barely there

>> No.7866455

it's pretty simple, really

1. compare your face to the one of a male model
2. try to rate yourself while bearing in mind objective standards of male beauty (good jawline, high cheekbones etc etc all that shit)

either way works tbh, no need to go all /soc/ and ask random strangers

>> No.7866478

Friends always say i would get more pussy if i weren't such a depressed fucker with my shitty attitude because I'm not ugly, female friends say in handsome and once i got told that i look like Alex Turner

i feel like a solid 4/10 with a fat face but all those comments make me feel confused, lately girls have been staring at me and there's this girl were we cross looks

tell me /fa/ what should i think? Am i ugly or is it just because I'm all Hedi Slimane erryday?

>> No.7866479
File: 64 KB, 297x286, 774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been called hot and someone said I had model cheekbones. I think the best way is to take a 360 degree video

>tfw look good on left side but shit on the right

>> No.7866520

Post pic

>> No.7866610


what type of coat is this? Look like some kind of factory worker's jacket/shirt

>> No.7866703

>tfw more attractive than gf
>tfw ex gf tells you you've really gotten good looking over the years
>tfw grills eyeing you all the time
>tfw manlet but style, face, and hair make up for it apparently

>> No.7867241

good 4 u anon :-)

>> No.7867300


I know I posted this already (>>7864998) this morning but I seriously can't get over how beautiful this man is. Literally been thinking about him all day. I'm not gay but I've never felt this way about a guy before I feel like I'm losing my mind.

>> No.7867359
File: 160 KB, 785x660, 1393633710510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm a 7/10 but my nose and hair makes me a 6/10.
Am I being to generous with myself /fa/?

>> No.7867380

>tfw lowest rating i got was an 8.5/10 by this really stuck up bitch
>tfw rich trustfund baby
>tfw only attracted to tall gals
>tfw manlet
sux having such high standars
its ur lips that give you a bit of a babby face
all is p well, handsome ;~0

>> No.7867440


I wish I could grow a bit of stubble to look older, but at the moment I just have some scraggly shit on my neck and sideburns

>> No.7867456
File: 28 KB, 300x400, 1364392354871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by asking on /fa/

>> No.7867462

solid 8 bruhz

>> No.7867667
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, 2014-02-28 19-34-37.105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i lack facial definition?

i dont know if it's just the self loathing talking or if i really do have too round of a face

i dont want to suck my cheeks forever /fa/

weak jawline skinny shoulders chubby cheeks big nose long neck


>> No.7867714

beans is that you?

>> No.7867733

nice chin nice eyes nice eyebrows. its your insecurity that hurts. also shave

>> No.7867757


people don't see you as a still 2d image, moron

but the most accurate would be a video of your face

>> No.7867775

the mirror is more idealized than photos. in the first moment you see yourself in the mirror, you correct little facial flaws you dislike. you stop drooping your eyelids, you straighten up your face and jaw, you fix your posture. you do this when you catch your reflection outside too. photos catch you when you aren't aware of your own appearance, which is how you present yourself 90% of the time and how people mostly see you.

>> No.7867780

forgot to add: neither is wrong, but the mirror looks less like daily reality, but the photo fails to catch one in motion.

>> No.7867832

is that my phsycological record? I have all of those

should i kill myself or just take a shit ton of prozac?

>> No.7867841


>> No.7867858

im a hideous cunt, search for fat depressed fucker and you'll probably find a pic of me

my self esteem is low as fuck and i feel like shit

>> No.7867866


>> No.7867873

qt. 8/10

>> No.7867878


>> No.7867886

alright, thanks for that. but i especially can't see the nice chin thing, i just see no definition, and i don't like that. just think it's too round

>> No.7868357
File: 265 KB, 634x955, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like Chinese cartoons you should read old shoujo manga, a lot of the artists were influenced by Death in Venice and other Italian films. Pic related, the main character of Window of Orpheus was directly based off of Bjorn

>tfw you've had a crush on a guy that looks like BA for two years but have no confidence to strike conversation with him aside from one spaghetti incident

>> No.7871596


>> No.7871669


vid of me, am I qt?

>> No.7871713

You look great

>> No.7872845

>yo wadup
>it's yo boy