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/fa/ - Fashion

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7860127 No.7860127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will the goof ninjas ever stop posting on /fa/?

How can we kill them and return /fa/ to its former glory?

>> No.7860162
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>> No.7860164
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>> No.7860166

>implying we need to "kill" one subset of posters in order to have a successful board

Honestly, /fa/ never really had any "former glory". There's not enough collective sustained knowledge on the board at any given time to state that we are "glorious", or even "good". A good share of the threads on /fa/ are off-topic or meta (this one included), or are hyperspecific enough that they're a waste of space. Outside of that, you have to consider the average age of posters on /fa/ is 18-21, give or take. You're not going to see a lot of traditional suiting or even classic prep because a lot of people here identify anything remotely mature/traditional as "dadcore" (not that dadcore isn't a real thing perpetrated daily by MFA and other fashion boards/sites like Dappered). I'm a little more of a traditionalist, but I try to appreciate different fits and perspectives to up my own game. I would never go full gothninja, but it definitely changed my approach to scarves and ponchos this past winter.

Outside of that, /fa/ is more of a social thing as well. You're going to have some element of "The Emperor's New Clothes" when you have a group of anonymous people looking at the same piece/outfit. It's the reason that Rick/Raf/Ann D/KVA/ are tossed around here so often and why you see people copping designer "grails" with no idea how to style them. As self-aware as we might be about the culture of being "dressed by the internet", that doesn't mean that it still doesn't happen.

>> No.7860254

former glory of what? gay ass selvedge jeans, button ups and clarks desert boots? that shit was fucking gay even when it was relevant. at least goof ninjas are creative and have the courage to stand out from the rest of the mall brand wearing sheeple

>> No.7860257

do u believe this

>> No.7860269

not that anon but 100.1% yes
fuck dadcore and workwear. its uncomfortable and looks autistic

>> No.7860276
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>he thinks that there are only two other ways of dressing
>he thinks that traditional menswear is uncomfortable

>> No.7860277

I don't see a problem with workwear. It's not my style, but it looks fine and I can appreciate it.

>> No.7860281

do u believe
>at least goof ninjas are creative and have the courage to stand out from the rest of the mall brand wearing sheeple

>> No.7860329

>>implying goof ninjas still post on /fa/

>> No.7860359

yes. it must be hard to dress up in a costume when everyone else is wearing graphic tees and naked and famous jeans. automatic marginalization. that take guts.

>> No.7860388

goffniggers are the worst trend on here
i am not particulary against the style but it needs to be done perfectly to not look retarded

i havent seen a single goofniggerfit in waywt which istn 100%autismic

>> No.7860405

ive seen heaps from teddy and a few anons. u arent lookin hard enough. see far more autistic workwear/dadcore fits

>> No.7860493

every trend has people with silly fits

but gothninjs ist just too hard to pull off

>> No.7860510

u honestly think that some mfa redditor in clarks and naked and famous nihon jin selvedge looks better than teddy in geos and a rick leather?

>> No.7860542

i realy dont care about trips
all i wanted to say is that both trends include autistic people with autismic fits
goofninja is just a lot harder to pull of so its alot harder to get a good looking goofninja outfit
i peronally would never even try to dress this way because i would feel like im in a costume

>> No.7860544

>thinking teddy is a gothninja

Lmao nice.

>> No.7860546
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if this counts as goof, I'd say it's pretty damn good.

>> No.7860588

That is a huge ass hood.

>> No.7860592

I dunno m8, everyone I meet just looks like a normalfag.

>> No.7860879

trill post

>> No.7860882
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/fa/ used to laugh at goof ninja way back in '07

>> No.7860902

/fa/ didnt exist in 2007

/fa/ always had a fascination with goob, but mostly regarded it as a novelty.

>> No.7860916

wrong and false.

>> No.7860918

look at this delusional faggot

he writes an entire paragraph and thinks it will justify 18 year olds wearing star wars costumes

>> No.7860937

/fa/ laughed at it in early 2012

>> No.7860941


>> No.7860946

Around 5% of the people who wear gothninja stuff are able to look even remotely good/cool in it.

>> No.7860955
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/fa/ was created in mid 2008

gothninja was too niche back then for there to be a boardwide consensus on it; youd naturally get the anime/cosplaying derision, but people just saw it as something cool, but ultimately unattainable and just nice to look at. It was largely just a curiosity and reserved to the occasional thread every few weeks, not that /fa/ knew anything about designer clothing back then, of course.

>> No.7861385


While everyone in menswear looks....... the same.

>> No.7861604

I always thought of it as a huge shawl collar.

>> No.7862695

Except for the good looking alpha guys who stand out and get looked at by every single female of all ages.

If you can pull off goof nigglet, you still won't have a gf.

>> No.7862735

>Except for the good looking alpha guys who stand out and get looked at by every single female of all ages.

lmao u mean the ryan gosling looking lookbook fucks that u masturbate to every night while crying cause ur a 4/10

>> No.7862755

I've seen what you look like.

I love this defensive goof nigger attitude. Anytime someone points out how drop crotches are fucking gross

> WEAR RICK OWENS!!!!!11111111111

>> No.7862773

there are those of us who can pull off lots of looks and get attention no matter what we wear :)

>> No.7862782
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die in a fire you insufferable piece of shit

>> No.7862807

So no one is going to point out how muslim extremists who want Sharia law for the UK dress like goth ninjas?

What if every goth ninja poster on /fa/ was just a muslim extremist?

>> No.7862822

They actually look way better than any fuccboi wearing owens because it's function over style. i.e religious garb mixed with urban wear

>> No.7862824

while we meta in here:

how does one avoid "dressed by the internet" status when the internet is one's only source of inspiration?

i live in a culturally-void /fa/-termed "fly over state"

>> No.7862840

>defensive goof nigger attitude

He's a degenerate wigger

no sensible girl would want that

except for repugnant skanks maybe

He only hates on "ryan gosling looking lookbook fucks" b/c he they have it way better than him. He's an immature little fuck who's mentally stuck in the 6th grade.

>> No.7862851

Like I said, I've seen a pic of him.

Not impressive.

>> No.7862866

>He's an immature little fuck who's mentally stuck in the 6th grade.

says the kid anonymously shit talking on 4chan


>> No.7862869
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He has an incredible knack for inspiring pure loathing

It's just about all he is capable of it seems

>> No.7862881

Can someone post some of this faggot's fits, I wanna see whether he really is a useless faggot or if you're all just bitching for no reason

>> No.7862885

Agreed, you can see how insecure he is always trying to have the "last word" and defending his miserable opinions over and over when normal people would just throw in their 2 cents and move on. It's really telling how insecure and quite frankly, ignorant and uneducated, he is.

>> No.7862887

did u srlsy take the time to sceencap ur samefagging


>> No.7862894

So true. See the following for evidence:


>> No.7862916
File: 965 KB, 500x294, tumblr_mvphc9eFA91se3l3bo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me.

This is me also.

No, everyone loves you. You're totally right.

>> No.7862929

fag overload. get some friends. what did trunks ever do to you?

>> No.7862939

ty :)

>> No.7862950

go to sleep junior

>> No.7862961
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>> No.7862980

dude you should just leave /fa/. So many people on here who just want to talk about which black denim to buy and where they can find cheap doc martens.

>> No.7863000

Yea for reals. You deserve better, trunks. I think you should go to mfa where you won't have to put up with all these jealous children.

>> No.7863005

trunks pls don't leave

>> No.7863013

dw bb <3

>> No.7863014
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>> No.7863824


Holy fuck seriously

/fa/ is honestly better now

>> No.7863832

is this suppose to be teddy?

>> No.7863835


>> No.7863902



>> No.7863923

why does tproc post shit all over your comments doesnt he realize even though he reads about fashion on the internet a lot in the end he's wearing shitty ripoffs of the reddit uniform

>> No.7863945

thats the arm though

>> No.7865361


>> No.7865387
File: 95 KB, 480x640, IMG_8770_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its a non specific goof

this is so cool

mirror pics don't do him justice

>> No.7865389

You are the first person who should consider dressing gothninja just to hide your fugly face.

>> No.7865442

Why do I have such a crush on Rick
I'm Straight and have a qt gf
If I saw Rick I would shyly approach and try to hug him. And then maybe a kiss on the cheek.

>> No.7865739

He's bald and essentially has one very big rat tail.


>> No.7865741

>at least goof ninjas are creative and have the courage to stand out from the rest of the mall brand wearing sheeple

spoken like a true neckbeard

do you carry a bag of cheetos, a mountain dew and a gentoo live install cd in your drop crotch everywhere you go?

>> No.7866888

tfw Islamist radical Anjem Choudary

>> No.7867094

goth ninja is fucking gross

it was cool as a high fashion trend but not something to wear out in public

>> No.7867143
File: 15 KB, 289x295, 85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the rabbi for muslisms in the middle could easely be a designer

>> No.7867155

we were always here, newfag. get out

>> No.7867271

le born in teh wrong generation xDD!

fuck you



FUck You

>> No.7867277


pick one m8

>> No.7867283

>rabbi for muslims

wtf america

>> No.7867295

goth ninja =/= goof nigga

goof nigga is a style evolved from goth ninja, simultaneously incorporating both streetwear and conservative menswear into the goth ninja look popular a decade ago. goof nigga is currently a popular style on /fa/,

>> No.7870311


>> No.7870357

yea nut hugging chinos or raw denim with a super fitted polyester flannel button up is super comfortable compared to drop crotch shorts, sneakers and a baggy tank top. retard

>> No.7870372
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>> No.7870444

I'm not a big fan of goof, but variety is always good, isn't it? If that's what people here are into, let them enjoy it.

It's not like fashion would benefit from only one style.

>> No.7870455

>at least goof ninjas are creative and have the courage to stand out from the rest of the mall brand wearing sheeple
Hahahahah goofninjas are some of the biggest conformists out there. Dressing in all black goofwear requires zero creativity or taste.

>> No.7871331
File: 7 KB, 240x210, Maajid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
