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7851866 No.7851866 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ how do you stay slim enough to look amazing in all of your clothes?
what do you eat on a daily basis?

>inb4 fatass
I'm actually a normal weight but normal weight isn't /fa/.

>> No.7851874

I exercise and I eat healthy meals.

>> No.7851884

gym and whatever i want to eat

>> No.7851885

Egg - 66
2 Cookies - 120
Yogurt - 120
Turkey Sandwich - 300
5 hard candies - 75
Half a bag of Carrot – 100
Broccoli - 30
Coffee with honey – 120
Apple - 116
66 + 120 + 120 + 300 + 75 + 100 + 30 + 120 + 116

1047 total

This is calorie intake for 1 day with NO exercise

you need 1893 Calories/day to maintain your weight
you need 1393 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week
you need 893 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week

I walk around uni shit ton so that counts as exercise

>> No.7851890 [DELETED] 

Egg - 66
2 Cookies - 120
Yogurt - 120
Turkey Sandwich - 300
5 hard candies - 75
Half a bag of Carrot – 100
Broccoli - 30
Coffee with honey – 120
Apple - 116
66 + 120 + 120 + 300 + 75 + 100 + 30 + 120 + 116

Total calories 1047

This is the calories I need to intake for 1 day WITHOUT any exercise

you need 1893 Calories/day to maintain your weight
you need 1393 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week
you need 893 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week

I walk around campus a lot so that counts as exercise

>> No.7851897

play video games all day and eat irregularly
99 lbs

>> No.7851903

don't eat shit all the time
don't eat if you aren't doing anything all day
work out as much as you need to

>> No.7851906

just fat, don't need to look slim

>> No.7851913 [DELETED] 

Smoking is effay. It smells up your clothes and wastes time and money.

>> No.7851918
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>> No.7851944


yesterday i had mcdonalds cheeseburger, then had some homemade burrito, then some sweet bread stuff, then had a shitload of ice cream

110 pounds

>> No.7851964

I distance run and vegetarian.

>> No.7851968

smoking or napping reduces your hunger. all things in life are a trade off.

>> No.7851999

so does exercising and drinking water

>> No.7852007
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so does not eating
checkmate m8

>> No.7852025

also, not eating is cheaper than water

>> No.7852026

calorie count
I have a goal of 1600 cal per day for 1.1lb loss per week.

usual day is:
> breakfast ~ 500 cal
2 oat pancakes w/ jam
1 cup no fat yogurt

> lunch ~ 600 cal
tuna salad
pb honey raisin sandwich

> dinner ~ 600 cal
2 scoops of protein powder w/ water
rice, beans, stewed tomato

then I do ~ 450 cal of cardio of stationary bike + light lifting everyday so I usually end up below my goal for the day.

ends up being about a 30% deficit.

1lb/week, 20% deficit is considered healthy maximum.

>> No.7852038


>> No.7852080

run 5k three times a week
I eat mostly home cooked (not really big on fasfood so no big deal to me)
and I drink either cofee, water, or tea no sugar

>> No.7852095
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>tfw granny smith waffles go str8 to ur butt

>> No.7852096

not eating makes you less hungry?

>> No.7852100

This is my first time on this section of this forum. To start off, I cook all the food I eat, myself. Almost no processed foods at all. Breakfast is usually a mix between large flake oatmeal (not the packets). Make it with water in the microwave and keep a plate under the bowl. For me, it almost always overflows. Making it with water adds less calories that with milk. I usually add cinnamon and maybe some sugar. It does taste quite bland, but I'll have eggs on the side as well. I cook my eggs with olive oil, cayenne pepper and ground black pepper. I never add salt to anything. Cream of wheat is another fun breakfast option that always taste good. Lunches are much more open. Tuna, boiled or steamed vegetables. There are so many options. Stay away from bread and starchy vegetables. Lean meats like Turkey and chicken are good choices. For me, dinner and lunch are almost interchangeable. For drinks, I drink water 90% of the time. If I'm really feeling like treating myself, I'll drink a little juice. No alcohol, no soda. That's most of it without getting too crazy.

Recap: Non-starchy vegetables, lean meats, water (plain water. No Gatorade, no vitamin water, just plain old bottled or tap water.)

Stay away from: Processed foods, bread, soft drinks, anything with added sugar.
You also don't want to eat a lot of fruits. Sure they may have vitamins but they have 3 times as many calories as non-starchy vegetables. Think of them as more of a treat.

This may sound difficult, but you'll learn how to make fun, interesting and tasty meals while following this diet. Note that this is a diet. Not going on a diet, but a permanent diet change. If you just want to maintain your weight, you can be more lenient. I'm not trying to lost weight. I barely think I can lost any bad weight if I wanted to. I eat this way, but I eat a lot.

I'm a guy btw. Getting compliments on my physique from attractive girls > PB&J sandwiches.

>> No.7852105

the hunger does sort of go away after while
not encouraging anorexia tho

>> No.7852107
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So does drinking water and exercising

>> No.7852112

Eating, then
Exercising, then

>> No.7852114

>vegetarian/mostly vegan diet
>lift weights 3-4 days a week
>commute to and from campus and work by bike
>drink lots of coffee
>used to smoke, but I've been cig free for a few weeks now
>cut down beer intake

>> No.7852115

>not counting calories
Have fun being fat when you get old
>hurr durr my metabolism will never go away!!!

>> No.7852116

Same person
Fat free yogurt and cottage cheese are nice snacks as well. If you're working out, make sure that you replace all the calories that you burn. If you don't you risk having your body clinging on to calories and turning it into fat. Slow and steady is the name of the game.

>> No.7852124

>thinking metabolism is actually a thing

Every "I can eat whatever I want and stay skinny" person that has been tested with the average food intake of a larger person invariably gains weight

skinny people just eat less or burn more. Calories in/Calories out

>> No.7852126

> If you're working out, make sure that you replace all the calories that you burn
THIS. When your body isn't getting the calories it needs it goes into starvation mode and retains as many calories as it can. If you're trying to lose weight, do it gradually. Don't do anything too hastily or you won't get the effects you're looking for.

>> No.7852135

Ya metabolism is a "thing"
>hurr durr youtube!! lies!!

>> No.7852140

>tfw born with skinny genes

My mom was 90 pounds and my dad wore size 28 waist when they got married.

I so skinny.

>> No.7852143

I try to eat pretty normally, just healthily. Not snacking on convenient junk, not really drinking anything but coffee, tea and water, not buying fast food and not overeating makes a huge difference. For most people it's probably enough to keep them in half decent shape with no serious exercise or dieting restrictions.
I don't exactly calorie count, but I can't help it when I know the value of what i'm eating. TDEE is 2500-3000 so being skinny isn't hard.
I do light exercise and walk everywhere locally, usually 6-9km/day.
I'm starting to deliberately eat more as of late. I've noticed i'm losing weight pretty quickly and i'm already skinny at 6'3. Just want to be healthy and low body fat, not a provocative nomuscle skeleton.

>> No.7852164

you guys are so fucking stupid. go to /fit/ and read the sticky

>> No.7852181

holy shit you can't watch a 4:00 min video?
Jesus christ...

>> No.7852200

great post, thanks anon-senpai

>> No.7852201

thyroid problems only affect 1 in 20 people
I eat like shit but I'm skinny b/c I eat barely anything some days

>> No.7852222

>tgloriousfw hypothyroid
will probably go away when I mature properly but hey
I don't test the boundaries anymore but god damn did I used to, and I think still can if I so desire

>> No.7852219


The only occurrences of any of this being true is related to thyroid conditions.

Not everyone has the same level of hormones, so yes, "metabolism" is true to some extent.

But honestly, I'm small as fuck and the doctors tell me I have mild OT but I have been able to gain 15 pounds healthily within a month with some exercise/protein shake/ proper calorie intake.

Nowadays though I average 1500 to 2000 calories a day. Usually eating more than this makes me bloat :/

>> No.7852250
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I find it's easier to stick with general rules or principles rather than calorie count and scheduling times to sit in a stinky gym riding a stationary bicycle or swimming in a pool full of kid piss.
It feels like I'm living my life on a spreadsheet, so if you're like me:
>Just avoid meat, highly processed foods and drinks, and greasy/fatty stuff, when you can.
>Go hiking/backpacking or some other activity you genuinely enjoy.

>> No.7852256

most nerds r either really fat or really skinny with no muscle (we are the latter)

>> No.7852257

I take caffeine capsules to stem my appetite and honestly, I rarely have an appetite to begin with. When I do eat, it's a mostly plant-based diet, and I walk/exercise frequently.

>> No.7852260

But you do have one right? Like how you have a heart?
So everyone has some 'condition' but to some extent
You can have high thyroid hormone compare to the guy next to you but not the extent of having hyperthyroidism
Same with having less thyroid hormone

>> No.7852263

I have a tuna mayo sandwich for lunch, lite mayo wholegrain bread. then whatever my father makes for dinner but he is a gym junkie so its usually healthy. i'll have a banana if i'm hungry at night. That's in the week while i'm working on weekends i go nuts, booze, takeaways whatever.

>> No.7852291

oh my god that pic

>> No.7852360

Use ur brain. Shit burns more calories than exercise.

>> No.7852410

Give me some brain exercises.

>> No.7852495
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>> No.7852500

that's my high
you have no idea how excited when I have them
I become a little girl :3

>> No.7852518

>wholegrain bread
despite stigma/common myth and shitter taste, white bread tends to be lower cal.
don't mean to suggest that wholegrain is bad. it's just not an objectively better alternative for weight loss.

>> No.7852533

cheers for the heads up, its my preferred bread though. what about mixed grain? same shit?

>> No.7852541

>not leaving humanity behind

shiggy effay

>> No.7852546

the second part is more dependent on the persons body/structure..
for me..
take your numbers and add 1k calories
6 foot, semi bulking /fit at 200 lb.
tryng to get down in weight, so its like 2200 calories to lose like 2-3lb a week. lol

>> No.7852555

eat high protein, low carb. exercise 30 minutes a day doing whatever you want. avoid salty and fried foods. no snacks whatsoever, but eat 3 times a day in small meals. keep these habits and ull be slim til ur 50+

>> No.7852562

I have wheatmeal usually. It's cheap and a kind of light brown colour. It almost definitely won't make enough difference to bother changing. With the brands I buy it's like 20-30 cal difference between varieties, with white being the lowest cause I guess it contains no added seeds and stuff.
Just thought i'd say that while processed white bread is shitty, it isn't necessarily health wise. Baguette, sour dough and ciabatta are bretty guuuud but those are probably higher cal.

>> No.7852571

Today i actually ate well.

For breakfast just coffee and cigarettes and toast

For lunch an italian sandwich from the local deli

For dinner a crag ravioli from the cool new restaurant in town plus a bunch of beer

still 6'2" at 29 waist

>> No.7852580

I actually seem to have lost a lot more recently from making efforts to eat more..
Usually around 1700 in, 2500-3000 out per day. Youngish lanklet plus I walk everywhere, have a non sedentary job and do a bit of moderate-high intensity daily exercise.

>> No.7852632

>go to doctor
>say you have ADD symptoms
>get perscribed pills
>every check up say "they don't seem to last long enough"
>get script for vyvance
>speed all day
>tons of motivation
>chain smoke
>never eat
>become gloriously thin coathanger
>wear anything
>get lusted after by gay dudes and fatties
>get blown off by hotties that think they can do better
>accend to totally fucking effay irritable chainsmoker status

You're gonna make it bro.

just like, you know, make sure you eat enough so you don't die and shit.

>> No.7852635

I work out and have decent genetics.

People with shittier genetics have to work out more, people with better genetics have to work out less.

Anything worth having requires effort - a decent body included.

>> No.7852637

> dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, confusion, chest pain, shortness of breath, seizure)

>> No.7852642

restrict your eating to a 4-6 hour window each day and just have water/green tea/black coffee outside that window
you'll probably eat larger meals inside the window because hunger but i used to be a chronic snacker/grazer so this is the best way to be strict with myself
and exercise
and don't eat junk

>> No.7852646

I lost 50 pounds over a few months just by cutting down what I eat, unless I actually exercise or do a lot during the day I just eat one small meal, but I still make sure to get plenty of liquids.

>> No.7852647

All you anons who pride yourselves on your avoidance of fat and your meager meals of toast, sandwiches, and bread have it completely backwards.

You want to know what makes you fat? Insulin resistance. And what gives you insulin resistance? Grains. Even "whole grains". There is absolutely nothing in grains that you could not gain from eating vegetables, not even fiber. You're basically giving yourself a tolerance to a hormone that's supposed to regulate your energy levels and keep you from getting fat while blithely avoiding what is supposed to be giving you sustenance: fat.
Fat keeps you full, fat regulates your energy level (i.e. no sugar highs), and it tastes a hell of a lot better than ground-up seedloaf. Now, that doesn't mean you ought to pour canola/vegetable oil over everything; instead, try cooking with olive or coconut oil, or eating avacodos more often.

Also, sugar is the devil, even if it's cane/agave/honey/maple/all-natural/whole foods certified sugar. Don't add it if it wasn't there to begin with.

>> No.7852657

okay cool, thanks man

>> No.7852667
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>1 cup no fat yogurt

Which will be full of sugar

>> No.7852671

I'd like to weigh more, but it's very hard for me to gain weight without comitting to an extreme diet.

I've tried pretty much doubling the amount of food I ate while switching to whole grain bread, drinking lots of milk etc, but in the end I gained 3 kilos and couldn't get more.
currently 1,93m and 68kg

>> No.7852679

Don't eat much, drink caffeine (energy drinks, coke, coffee) and walk a little, before I moved in with my gf I was a fucking twig (about 60kg) from nothing but a couple pizzas a week and heaps of caffeine, now 6'2" and near on 90kg, shit sucks.

>> No.7852700

I know it's degeneracy but: I love that beautiful women take off their clothes in front of the camera for money. I might not be able to appreciate their bodies otherwise

>> No.7852783

Just count calories, i personally like using
Eating 500 calories under maintenance currently without much stress and losing weight at a steady pace.
My tips are keep some good snacks available. My favorites are cans of vegetable juice for salty cravings and soya milk packages for sweet cravings. They aren't too much calories, but they fill me up and can be grabbed along and are always at hand.
Drink enough water, being thirsty can cause you to eat more. Eat a lot of vegetables thorough the day, it will make you less likely to binge on high calorie foods.
Always write EVERYTHING down, even if you know you ate too much that day if you are prone to binging. Just seeing what you eat everyday laid out in front of you in plain letters and numbers will make you eat better and less.
I find that a larger breakfast and/or exercising in the morning makes the day easier becaus ei don't want to ruin the good effort i have already put in.

>> No.7852797

Also this, while you should keep your fat consumption within reasonable levels, fat isn't so bad. I like full fat plain yogurts and enjoy some bacon and fatty fish and nuts and some oil dressing on my salad. Fatty foods tend to keep you full for longer, just keep it within your calorie allowance.

>> No.7852810

>how to not get bloaty face :0

regiment? foods? tips? etc?

>> No.7852824

Tried eating less salt and drinking about 2 liters water to avoid water retention already right?

>> No.7852825


water and less sodium

>> No.7852863

I do eat less sodium nowadays but maybe I should up the water intake.

"and then i'll pee all day."

>> No.7852886

Peeing removes extra waste as well as extra fluid.
Not drinking enough means not peeing enough means more waste stays in your body.

>> No.7853036

Smoke a lot and also drink brain fluid on the regular. Dont feel hungry ever, probably gonna die soon

>> No.7853049

I do this

>> No.7853204
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>drink (energy drinks, coke)

>> No.7853280

eat as little as possible, go running and do pushups

6'1 and 128 lbs


>> No.7853345

I have fast metabolism so I eat pizza once a week, a bag of chips once a week, drink soda 4/7 days a week.

I do however keep my protein intake high, so I don't look like a saggy bag of shit.

Gotta keep them mirin.

>> No.7853357

Dont' eat
Do drugs

That heroin chic

>> No.7853388

workout, eat regulary.
I used to be a skinny dude (186cm, 60kg then, 186cm 79kg now), and I can go back there because eating less is no problem. Just get a little discipline, that's all you need. If you want to be fat and eat much, do it, no problem. But don't complain.

>> No.7853393

You trick yourself by believing you ate SOOO much, but you just had about one big meal, like a meal a fat person eats. But the fat person eats 3 meals of that size, a day, and you just one. That's why you are skinny and he's fat.
Also, do sport. You will get way more hungry, even if you just run 30min.

>> No.7853469

Don't drink any calories (no milk, juice, fizzy drinks etc.)
Lean meat and lots of broccoli
Count calories

Then on weekends I drink lots and eat pretty badly. Balances out okay.

>> No.7853494

>wake up
>4-5 cups of coffee
>get to work
>work for seven hours running around a 60c hot kitchen
>eat like a plate full of pasta
>work for five more hours
>drink 4-6 beers
>go home

cigarettes i smoke whenever i have time for it

>> No.7853528

>become gloriously thin coathanger
