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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 108 KB, 640x640, 1393368034271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7851562 No.7851562 [Reply] [Original]

>getting fit
>love squats
>now have huge thighs and bubbly round butt
>can't wear slims

Can a strongman be /fa/ in this world?

>> No.7851570

no now go away.

>> No.7851587

big ppl cant look good no matter whether theyre fat or swole

>> No.7851586

we have this thread 5x every day

if you actually cared youd use the archive, but nooooooooo, fatty mcfaggot needs to show off his fatty fat legs

>> No.7851625

god made elastic stretch jeans for a reason. rock those low rise skinnies boy. mmmmmm love to see that bubble butt strutting around, just asking to be fucked and pumped with cum

>> No.7851619
File: 9 KB, 250x250, sad_kitten_anonib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have the same problem
>mfw athletic legs with slightly bigger thighs
>mfw all my old pants start to get tight up there
>mfw /fa/ hates me for being fit
>mfw I don't want to spend money on buying new pants

>> No.7851634

No, they can't. That doesn't mean women, or men in OP's case, won't be attracted to you though.

If you want the best of both worlds, you'll want to be "ottermode".

>> No.7851658

no we hate you for being a fucking shitposting welfare faggot that expects us to magically enlarge your pants

>> No.7851824
File: 65 KB, 500x700, ryan-gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you can only either look good naked or look good in clothes according to the people here. You could always move somewhere warm and wear nothing but short shorts and boots like Tim Sharky. I am going for a physique a bit swoler than ryan gosling so I can still be /fa/ without being dyel, seems like the best of both worlds. I'm already pretty close to achieving, but who knows my goal body may change I certainly don't intend to stop lifting.

>> No.7851846

>those legs
>fatty fat

Lol are you actually mentally handicapped? You know what fat is, right?

>> No.7851851

big thighs are fucking gross even if they're all muscle

why do lifters always seem to lose all perspective and keep making their legs bigger and bigger?

>> No.7851852

Ryan gosling's body is like 1 year of strength training with accessories. It's not really impressive, so yeah, it's probably best that you shoot for better than him.

>> No.7851855

Because they want to get stronger? Why do you keep buying expensive designer crap and never eat? Because you want to be effay. Is it really that difficult to comprehend?

>> No.7851869

then they always wind up here fretting about fitting into regular pants.

>> No.7851871

I know this, I've been strength training with accessories for 1 year now and know that's close to how I would look after I finish my cut. Like I said though if you look a bit swoler than gosling you can still be fa without being a weakling. I'll probably switch to a pure strength routine after getting as big as I want, doing a lot of hypertrophy stuff right now.

>> No.7851882
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1383238749752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because squats and deadlifts feel amazing and once you start lifting you don't see yourself getting bigger you just see other people get smaller.

>> No.7851894


>> No.7851911

that's kinda weird bro

>> No.7851919

i couldn't agree with this more

>> No.7851958

Oh so muscle is fat now? Hmm didn't know better alert the nutritionists, I'm sure they'd like to know that the mighty trunks now deemed muscle fat, so that is what it shall be called from now on.

>> No.7852074

well i feel pretty awesome looking fa and maybe less than twice a year i might wish i was a little stronger. whereas fat fit bros constantly worry they are too small, are getting too fat on their bulk and get disappointed in the mirror because their clothes look like shit. and guess what? thats what 95% if the time you will look like to others that actually matter, not half naked at the gym with a bunch of other sweaty fat "im on dat dream bulk bro" lifters no one cares about. and the 1% of those that actually make it are on drugs that not only cost a lot but seriously fuck with your long term physical and sexual health. so yea, i think being fa is the more practical vanity pursuit in this case, bro

>> No.7852086


>> No.7852085

itt: buttmad skinnyfat fugly fuck faces

>> No.7852118

/fit/ here, first time lurking, this is fucking hilarious.

how about you buy a new pair thats not in a slim fit? every thought of that fuck face?

>> No.7852123

many imblications were imblying in that 4chan posting

>> No.7852145

Implying and generalizing you know how every fit or fa guy feels. Yes your right your opinion is the only that matters and since in your opinion you feel that way and you know for a fact after a lot of research youve accumulated throughout the years, how all fit guys feel, your opinion is the only viable correct option.
Inb4 meat head. Cardio bunny here, just arguing for the sake of arguing.

>> No.7852152

You're not a /fit/ guy so why are you rustled

>> No.7852191

cardio fags worst of all. fucked skin from the sun, big ass quads, trex upper body, sometimes even a little gut from all the carbs needed to sustain long distance cardio. even less people care about u than they do gym rats. not saying most of /fit are gym rats, sadly they are no where near that aesthetic. mostly fat manlets who think squat and deadlift will make them hot

>> No.7852198

#rekt again
muh fucking sides lmao

>> No.7852230

I do cardio to stay fa, and as I stated I did it for the argument, I actually am not cut at all nor do I exercise in the sun.,you see people invented this little thing called the gym, I don't know if you have heard about them but they are actually quite popular seeing as they revenue around 1 billion dollars(Inc "healthly" related stuff) maybe you should look into it.

>> No.7852242

Actually most guys on fa either do cardio or don't eat to stay fit.

>> No.7852236

>have squat legs
>never buy slims unless they're stretchy
>otherwise buy tapered

haven't really had a problem, and no one one /fa/ has ever commented on them, so it can't be that hard.

>> No.7852238

you sound insufferable. go take your delicate sensibilities elsewhere

>> No.7852247

I used to train pretty hardcore and wanted to be as big and manly as possible. Then I found /fa/ and started to go to the gym less but I still maintain a good diet with high protein and low carb. My body isn't as big as I were before but I managed to get a nice balanced, proportional body.

Now it's all about being /fa/ for me but having a nice, fit body is definitely a great perk. Clothes look better on me than ever and I dont have to be a roided out meat head.

>> No.7852258

>thinking you get big quads from jogging

I was going to ask if you even lift but now I'm wondering if you even exercise at all?

Having a bit of muscle actually helps keep the fat off since muscle is so expensive to maintain extra calories go to to maintaining it.

>> No.7852270

Probably skinny fat,which is the worst of all flabby skin, shit metabolism, gets nasty gut when older.

>> No.7852274

same. i think being in shape and fa is the best way. who cares if some meat head can bench press or squat more than me? i look a lot better. being fa > fit for sure

>> No.7852343

the amount of /fit/ butthurt in this thread is actually alarming

>> No.7852404

talk shit post pic fag. protip: you won't because you're probably a fat squatlord whose dyel and dresses even worse than ur body

>> No.7852443

pants that aren't slim are generally baggy and ill-fitting. not a good idea if you care about how you look

>> No.7852450

yeah dude, I wear a pair of tapered chinos which look great. OP just hasn't looked far enough

>> No.7852513

"getting fit" fat retard with huge lower body detected. kill urself

>> No.7852698

just get a tapered raw denim http://www.rawrdenim.com/2013/01/5-pairs-of-raw-denim-for-bodybuilders/

>> No.7852714

>trunks calling someone else fat

>> No.7852757
File: 164 KB, 531x734, 1393399996627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to these guys. Having a thick, solid and tight legs is /fa/.

>> No.7852786
File: 327 KB, 1280x1650, raf crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he real

>> No.7852796
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>> No.7852802

Hey Mayn? U Wanna build sum MUSCLE mayn?


Doing dem squats on a daileee bazesss. I salute you wherever you are.

Auf Wiedersehen

>> No.7852804

straight lel use of that image

>> No.7852832
File: 40 KB, 306x404, 1393401265037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a shop, you only see this type of thigh on track cyclist, pic related Sir Chris Hoy

>> No.7852854
File: 59 KB, 630x480, thighs_oly310712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyclists legs are fuaaarrrrkkkkiiiiiinnnnn HUEG

>> No.7852866
File: 52 KB, 400x600, 1393401832866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no they arent

thighs like that are fucking useless for cycling

>> No.7852871
File: 665 KB, 1000x862, Christopher_Froome_TDF2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the cyclist, roadies don't have that type of legs, you can go skeletton mode, pic related

and yes they're useful if you're a track cyclist, god you seriously need to stay on reddit

>> No.7852873

more precisely a sprinter in track cylcing

>> No.7852875
File: 54 KB, 400x600, 1393402039241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

mr huge muscle legs that was just posted? lol

>> No.7852881

wow 1,86m for 69kg

>> No.7853007

Being /fit/ is truely a p pathetic thing to be lol

>inb4 hurr durr dyelbro zzyz

>> No.7853811

It's a photoshop. Originally from an bicycle add. There were bunch of different ones.

>> No.7853815

Sprint cyclist have comically large thighs, just like the one you quoted. Endurance cyclist have very slim legs.

>> No.7853830

God damn, trunks you may this board so much more shit it's unbelievable.

>> No.7853828

Hey Trunks,why don't you get a horse and live in the mountains so you don't have to bother anyone.
You are without a doubt the dumbest faggot to ever exist.

>> No.7853957

if you're going fit, at least lrn2proportion. your arm is falling behind.

why the fuck it's so hard for lifters to know aesthetic. all they know is lift heavy, and monday=chest day, tuesday=back day etc.

why dont you train more the part that you're lacking?? what a meathead.

>> No.7853962

so much insecurity

OP, go buy 501 and get the legs tailored to your calves

bang perfect jeans

>> No.7854003
File: 77 KB, 400x400, 46187370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


google johny skywalker. that guy has the perfect body and size. face is gay tho.

>tfw everyone says it's impossible to get without juice.

just keep grinding I guess.

THIS. I dont get it. maybe some people just dont give a fuck about proportion. all they care about is how to stick a needle and get big. that's it.

big != strong

>you don't see yourself getting bigger you just see other people get smaller.

>mostly fat manlets who think squat and deadlift will make them hot

and fuck all of you marathoners with your shitass bodies!!

>> No.7854022

So wait does cardio actually make your thighs slimmer or bigger?

I don't have op's problem, I just have excess fat on the thighs, but I don't know if running or spinning bike will make me bigger or slimmer.

I just want to fit in those SLP raws /fa/

>> No.7854033

>lifting thread on /fa/


>> No.7854057

great argument

>> No.7854176

cardio burns fat. You will see muscle growth from the introduction of actually needing to use your fucking muscles, but overall will be more slim than fatty thighs that don't do anything.

>> No.7854200

Maybe you guys can help me.
I almost everything about the way my body looks except my arms. I'm lanky as fuck so not a lot of mass has gone to my arms, especially my forearms. What exercises should I do? I was thinking about stopping by the park on my runs to do pullups and then do pushups when I get back to my place. I also have access to a rowing machine.

>> No.7854202


>> No.7854228

dips, chin ups, curls

shit, arms are probably the easiest to train

>> No.7854305

I do this for boxing.
dumbell bicep curl to lateral raise to ohp superset. for starters you should aim for just a bicep curl into ohp, then when you're comfortable with the weight, you work on the lateral raise. at a certain point, you will be able to do all of them at the same weight.
also pushups and pullups and dips.

>> No.7854367

buy straight, get tailor

now go eat some porridge you faggot

>> No.7854381
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7855927

trunks you're a fat ugly fuck just go away

>> No.7856423
File: 185 KB, 500x707, juliusdenimdarkgrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, you need to make sure you read the "thigh measure" when you buy pants online.

You also have to realise that you won't look good in most pants. The way they are cut doesn't suit you. Look for really billowy shit or things with a big carrot taper.

If you get >90 KG i don't think you can be /fa/ at all.

Pc related came to me in tyhe mail today :)))

are people this stupid real?

>> No.7857240

>claims cycling makes thighs huge
>posts pictures of someone that lifts and roids

this is why no one takes you seriously