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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 125 KB, 494x369, queen-street-mall1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7850542 No.7850542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Brisbane meetup is commencing tomorrow in the CBD/Valley 3pm onwards for drinks,eats and hanging out.

5 people incl me so far.

The more fuccbois, the merrier.
Email in field or tumblr for more details and interest.


>> No.7850548

2014 is the yr. of the meetups

>> No.7850596

/fa/ is friendlier now!
Thanks to you banana

>> No.7850621


>> No.7851075

Shit, I was going there tomorrow anyway, but I can't be fucked dressing to impress a bunch of anonymous internet users and possibly waste money downing as many drinks as possible to not feel awkward with them. Look forward to hearing how it goes though. Will be probably yell like a retard if I spot anyone who looks obvious.

>> No.7851131

>tfw no meetups for me because I'm probably the only Mexican that browses /fa/

i feel so alone

>> No.7851441

how many memes should i memorise

>> No.7851497

You don't know them all already?

>> No.7851510

theres a few on ohinternet that i have to update myself on

>> No.7851525

How the fuck are you going to have a meetup in Brisbane? I live there and you cant even wear jeans with this heat atm. Gonna look so tryhard wearing jeans and a coat in the city sweating like a pig lol

>> No.7851519


>> No.7851583

wish i could come but im afraid someone would beat me up

>> No.7851603

m8,wearing jeans isnt even bad in this weather, harden up.

stance pls come ;_;

>> No.7851615

>tfw just moved here
>tfw don't yet own any clothes anywhere near good enough to fit in at an /fa/ meetup.

To jump on this opportunity though, are there any /fa/ bars/clubs in Brisbane?

>> No.7851731

lol no. brisbane is pleb as it gets for a metropolitan aus city. only perth is worse

i might come, nice weather for pod shorts and geos

>> No.7851867

>meeting up with people from 4chan


>> No.7851878

>meeting friendly people with similar interests
how dare they

>> No.7852042


>> No.7852138

Would not recommend meetup in this heat
Yesterday I wore my it's really fucking hot collection by Factorie

>> No.7852194

Who fucking cares if it's hot? Are you not capable of looking good in summer wear?

>> No.7852212

>having summer in february

australia makes me want to puke

>> No.7852275

Whoa all you guys complaining about not being able to dress because of the whether is crazy. Like why would you wear a coat out to meet with 4channers when you could dress appropriately and then meet with 4channers.

And putting so Much emphasis on the fact you'll be dressing to the nines is clearly putting people off.

Bris meet up confirmed Sweaty cockeral parade

>> No.7852287

flat broke + social anxiety,
take some pics guys and have fun,
interested in who's going

>> No.7852530

i know. lots of opportunities to wear cool singlets and drop crotch shorts with fa sandals. come on guys and gals

>> No.7852539

33 degrees tommorow

w-we are all going to making it brahs

but nah its not going to be that hot later in the afteroon/night when the meet is held

come on guys, make some new friends and get drunk

>> No.7852559

Please take lots of photos and videos and show us

>> No.7852565

whats the age range?

>> No.7852567

i'm a manlet so i probably won't go

>> No.7852588

ima gonna hide and videotape this joke with my fedora

>> No.7852620

i remember eating from the pizza place on the balcony at that jo-jo's in brisbane and making fun of all the plebs we saw

are you guys gonna eat there

>> No.7852905

feel ya ranga mate. im prolly the only murican who browses fa, reckin
heeyah scalawags

>> No.7852932

I might have come but 3pm is too early for me and tomorrow is my bday so I'm gonna be out drinking with friends and shit later anyway. That next bar up the alley there from super what not is pretty nice too, I forget what it's called though.

If I was to come I'd probably just wear some black jeans, my cons x cdg and a plain as colour shirt anyway.

>> No.7852934

im flying up for this

>> No.7852967

perth fam where you at

>> No.7852984

i could go

but i guess i won't

>> No.7852985

u cant afford the $120 plane fair u pov cunt

>> No.7853001


>> No.7853014

here nigga

>> No.7853029

>there will never be a meetup in Geneva, CH
Even Australians are meeting up now. Fuck this country

>> No.7853035

>implying id pay the fare

fuck off cunt, never paid a fare in my life n not about 2 for some dumb fuckin plane

>> No.7853089


>> No.7853117

>tfw uni

I doubt I'd have gone anyway. Whats the average age of the people going?

>> No.7853138

there was a perth meetup a few weeks back
I didn't go because why would I
but it happened

>> No.7853244

Honestly, who the fuck cares what you wear?Really. We're literally just meeting people who share an interest.
Really not going to judge you.

Unless you have a fedora & neck-beard. Then we'd judge (but still be nice).

Seems about 19/20yrs old, mate

>> No.7853257


>> No.7853263

god damn i start work at 4


>> No.7853272

agree, take pics, i need some inspo

>> No.7853284

>not going to judge you.

The second you see a person from /fa/ you are going to judge them instantaneously. You're just not going to say anything.

>> No.7853291

oh wow man YOU'RE COOL im so bummed i will never get to hang out with u because ur 2 cool for 4chan

>> No.7853307

i don't think i would even tell my closest friends that i occasionally browse 4chan

>> No.7853308

I don't understand what you're insinuating? I've seen pics and heard stories from other various board meetups and they didn't go well.

>> No.7853316

>i've heard stories about slaves trying to escape and it didn't go well lets not end slavery
cool logic nerdoizd

>> No.7853459

yo guys im back,

bio pls, come after uni ?we are all about 19-20, we plan to stay out for a bit

We'd love it if you'd share your designs with us!

>> No.7853628

Idk man, thinking about maybe coming for a few hours.

>> No.7853635

sounds good!
email me for deets bro :)

>> No.7853644

l o l

brisbane of all places.

>> No.7853654


>> No.7853659

i didn't even see this thread oop
>tfw 21

should be cool to hang out tho
i vouch for madtongsan korean
if any of you hungry skeletons plan on eating that is

>> No.7853661

LA meetup /fa/cilitator here. Be sure to post pics.

>> No.7853665

>tfw 18

>> No.7853668

I'm 38
Is it okay if i hang out with you youngsters?

>> No.7853667

Vasi gro c kan tu veux

>> No.7853674

post a fit

>> No.7853675


>> No.7853678

aslong as you are over 18+ and not a negative fuccboi, all cool bros are welcome

>> No.7853689


take nother picture of your rafidas man lmao

>> No.7853697

holy dick for a shitty backward city theres a lot of fay browsers

>> No.7853700

Yea definitely. I'd much rather you there than a bunch of 18 y/os.

>> No.7853703

As soon as u take a picture of a relevant fashion store in queensland

>> No.7853705


dude you live in perth

take the L u ugly nerd

>> No.7853706

hey guy have u heard of the internet whats your deal guy

>> No.7853707

I would go, however I suspect you'd all be statists and most of you wouldn't even lift.

Am I right here? Or would you prove me wrong?

>> No.7853709
File: 54 KB, 480x319, fallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh fallows or apartment?

>> No.7853716

>most of you wouldn't even lift
this is an /fa/ meet up fuck head not /fit/

>> No.7853717


>> No.7853720

tbh thats tru, we used 2 be great.... Wasteland/Dilettante/Zekka/Gingers, now its pretty shit :/

lemme take the L from u

whats internet?

lol redacting hate now / have fun guys

>> No.7853719

to look good in clothes you gotta lift though, faggot

I suppose I won't even go, fucking skinny cunts all of you, probably statists too

>> No.7853724

what do they stock at those places?

>> No.7853729


>> No.7853727

shut up meat head nobody cares

>> No.7853728


ilu gas

>> No.7853730

ok that does it mate, I'm coming down there and beating all you skinny fucks up

look for the guy with the chainsaw

>> No.7853734


>> No.7853735

silent,bbs11, stftm and obscur to name a few

apartment; http://aptmnt.myshopify.com/
neighbourhood,carhartt,cdgplay,wtaps , headporter etc

>> No.7853738

bbs/obscur/song for the mute/silent etc
pretty sure they got rid of their womenswear tho? is that right? after dirbox & bessie head closed

>> No.7853736

cubic collective

>> No.7853739

you bought cp's just because they were /fa/ meme shoes

you'll be fine fuccboi

>> No.7853744

Thats pretty great actually.

It doesn't actually make sense that no one stocks CDG Play in Perth, that'd sell like hotcakes.. Usually so well that it never goes on sale.

>> No.7853750

why are u telling me my reasons for buying shoes when u obviously DONT know the TRUTH?


>> No.7853759
File: 16 KB, 475x263, hahaok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rofl owned

who are you post a fit

>> No.7853762

dw mang, im 21 this year.
pls respon, korean w/ beer sounds lovely

>> No.7853768

ur from bris?????

>> No.7853773

yea im gonna bring a concealed knife and stab the biggest faggot there on vid so i can show the rest of fa how im gonna merk thm if they talk shit like that loser above

>> No.7853778

would u beat me up if i went

>> No.7853789

i dislocated some cunt's jaw in surfers few nights ago. im ready to brawl bitch

>> No.7853790

only if u were the biggest fag there

maybe u should have warned him that u dont have proper control over ur hips when gettitng ur dick sucked u faggot

>> No.7853791

i would oyu chump

saw u near central other week was bout to flex

>> No.7853795

lol i was in surfers sat night for some1s 18th

>> No.7853798

who /wollongong/ here?

>> No.7853799

try hard little cunts like u end up in hospital mate. better watch it

>> No.7853801

yeah bringing flowers to ur family and apologising for ruining their sons life come the fuck at me u wetback troglodyte

>> No.7853805

soju is also a recommended and viable option

nobody ask me where my clothes are from tho pls

>> No.7853807

ur like one of those little chihuahuas. so noisy and angry but clearly just a tiny thing. would be funny to see u chimp out

>> No.7853812


>> No.7853814

i was the wrestling champion in my high school
what accolades do u have??

thats what i thought go punch another brick wall u pillow fighter

>> No.7853810

>tfw grill

>> No.7853817

There is no longer any specific womenswear at Fallow, instead we try to stock a few labels that are more unisex in nature. This season, the most notable label of this nature is First Aid to the Injured.

>> No.7853820

>beat up
drop tha chainsaw m8 im keen for a rumble 1v1 no chainsaws

>> No.7853821

golden gloves usmc u little woofter. hope ur ready to die

>> No.7853822

coem pls i am grill too

>> No.7853826

why are they gold did u piss all over ur hands trying to hold ur small dick while u were pissin

haha get toasted poof

>> No.7853831

Why do girls browse /fa/ there is nothing hère 4 u 90%+ of the time

>> No.7853835

crikey this kind of impotent rage online can only come from someone molested as a child. poor little bugger. struth

>> No.7853838

That's because there's so many guys, so maybe if they keep posting that will change eventually.

>> No.7853841

I wanna come too (gril here) but some of these boys seem so violent. That clerisy kid in particular is nuts. He isn't coming is he?

>> No.7853845

what part of my post made u think im angry and how would u know rage of the sort u were projecting can only stem from child molestation unless u were a victim of it urself lolmao ur getting pounded just stop replying

>> No.7853852

if u got a tight ass u can be sure im coming at it strong so u better stretch it out before bed tonight

>> No.7853859

Grills are more than welcome , we have one confirmed coming. Dun b scared sis :^) don't let these shitposters throw you off.

Anyways got a job interview tommorow morning . I"ll send deets to other people interested tommorow . Peace

>> No.7853863

ur a retard who can't even help making about 3 speling mistakes per post on average. see what u can do with that m9

>> No.7853870

I'd come but I have a lecture at 5.
Best of luck to y'all anyway.

>> No.7853867

Gross, fuck off you feral little cunt. You sound like you're in year 8.

>> No.7853872

what did people in 8 AD sound like?

>> No.7853895
File: 158 KB, 441x525, 1391479571356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wher u liv u litl cunt faggot, suburb of your choice cunt pic a time

>> No.7853897
File: 31 KB, 500x374, 1380124805085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7853906

I'd really like to go to an /fa/ meetup but not sure about tomorrow, I'd be keen in the future when I don't have shit cunt fits

>> No.7853913
File: 286 KB, 631x720, 1523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7853914

nice samefag u autist

>> No.7853926
File: 172 KB, 950x831, 1393423109020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try again

the meetup tomorrow

>> No.7853927

lmao i wouldnt mind chilling w clerisy

sup with these testosterone /fit/ squares itt they wanna fuck

>> No.7853935

hey wanna meet up are you hot

>> No.7853953
File: 196 KB, 500x478, 1390298548443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not rly a grill :3
but they might be

>> No.7853963

take pics of meetup and post tmr

>> No.7853965

kek ausfailians are so horrible they even destroy their own meet threads. stay pleb ozzys

>> No.7853973

>not appreciating the shitposting


>> No.7853976

clerisy you stupid fucking wog western sydney cunt

meet me anywhere in sydney and i will get mates to film me kicking the fucking life out of your stupid fucking leb skull and fucking your useless gossiping fucking mouth

i know you wont because you're a tinychat 'hardchatter' but irl fucking pussy

>> No.7853988

sorry 2 inform u chestbrah but i live in brisbane now if u would like to consult me about future managerial decisions concerning the coordinates where you should situate your pack of iranians to swing their limbs at me ill be monitoring this thread for suggestions

>> No.7853990

aka your job at woolies and shitty degree at uws wasnt enough so you transferred to griffith

congrats on being a drop kick not even worthy of the dole

>> No.7853992

learn english or go home ugly nigger

>> No.7853998

still got my job at woolies not sure why ud think i went to uws or griffith thoug very odd

>> No.7854006

obviously this cunt didn't even finish year 12. dumb, ugly nigger like the rest of the worthless leb race

>> No.7854005

i know you went to uws and i can only assume no where else would accept such a miserable transfer

inb4 you lie to people on the internet and tell them you got in to unsw

>> No.7854013

i actually have a 4.0 gpa lol bet u feel dumb now strawmanning loser hows ur economics degree going so u can calculate how many dicks u should suck to pay off ur rick owens piece

>> No.7854026

4.0 gpa in aus is a pass average you stupid fucking nigga

cant even manage a credit average fuck off back to the middle east

abbott is right about you

>> No.7854030

thats actually not true at all none of that post so

>> No.7854035

>unable to work out a gpa but thinks he is intelligent
>further believes he is intelligent because he outwits retards on tinychat

truly the best of retarded autists

>> No.7854039

ur not telepathic i know that because there was a segment on hbo about telepathia so dont try to read my thoughts thanks

>> No.7854043

enjoy your lies faggot

>> No.7854055

u didnt read it did u

>> No.7854059

please feel free to post a screenshot of your academic record to prove otherwise

or your uac results page to prove you got into a decent uni

don't worry, we know you won't. are you driving your uncles trucks this year?

>> No.7854065

stop trying to dox me im not dumb i was in the habbo raids and have longstanding friends in anonymous

>> No.7854069

i'm actually from /v/ can i still come

>> No.7854068

aka youre a dumb muslim who goes to a bad uni on welfare grounds

>> No.7854072

false dichotomy qed loser

>> No.7854080

you could prove any of this wrong by simply posting your enrolments page

you wont

>> No.7854082

as long as ur not a leb. no one likes them, even their own "people" (lmao)

>> No.7854083
File: 27 KB, 361x299, capture_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking hypocrite m8

>> No.7854097

gross of course not

>> No.7854096

my opinions have changed theres nothing hypocritical about that

theres nothing to prove wrong because uve proven nothing right ur just throwing random accusations at me because ur a scared little boy

>> No.7854105

being a violent degenerate is master race now?

>> No.7854109

ur getting rekt u ugly nigger. just get on over to /hm/ and rub ur ugly little brown dick and go to sleep

>> No.7854106

when did i call being violent master race

>> No.7854107

>i am a wog faggot with no friends irl
>i spend all my time on tinychat and chatting to a fob in brisbane who i want to move in with to be bff's
>i couldnt get in to a real degree via atar so i am trying to transfer but failing
>my waifu is joanna newsom but i was too much of a pussy to go see her or talk to her when she toured
>i can only get a job on minimum wage at australias walmart

>> No.7854112

u might have me mixed up with someone else im not sure what ur saying

anaface gave me lik an 8.5 if i remember correctly so u have no grounds calling me ugly

>> No.7854113

#REKT this dude must be a masochist (whoever called molested as a child was spot fuckin on)

>> No.7854119

clerisy everyone knows your pathetic game

>> No.7854122

also johanna newsom is not my waifu but i would probably see her if she toured gain and wouldnt be scared or a pussy contrary to popular belief

>> No.7854126

You didn't but you are threatening that other anon like an internet tough guy

whatever happen to being a pacifist master race?

>> No.7854127

Don't forget
>i only lost my virginity a year ago at 18 to a 30 year old woman at a music festival

>> No.7854134

i told u my opinions changed i hat e repeating myself but u seem like a nice gy

not sure why ud think that theres lots of false accusations going around here u might all have me mixed up with someone else to be quite frank

what makes u think that

>> No.7854131

you were too afraid to see her first tour

what a fucking faggot

>> No.7854154

lmao rekt

>> No.7854156
File: 240 KB, 450x677, joanna_newsom-hiro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people find this attractive lol

>> No.7854172

You changed alright...you're a fucking pleb now

look at you getting rekt left and right..embarrassing

Also, me and you have some unfinished business

lets me up somewhere and lets finish what we started 2 years ago faggot

>> No.7854174

i am legit in love with her

>> No.7854179

wats a pleb

>> No.7854184

clerisy fell off

>> No.7854187

anyone who wishes to insult me feel free to come to the brisbane jam tomorrow and see what u say then

>> No.7854188


Can't wait to bash your head in you manlet bitch.

>> No.7854191

enough SAID

C man out c u tomorrow deeadbeats

>> No.7854194

when you are next visiting your parents lets do a sydney jam

i will jam my cock into your ass and kick the shit out of you

>> No.7854198

He trolled you pretty hard.

>> No.7854205

>i will jam my cock into your ass and kick the shit out of you

wow i've seen/read some gay shit on /fa/ but this takes the cake

>> No.7854203


>> No.7854210

anyone wanna fight me in sydney
arched up for a fight tbh

>> No.7854207

running away like the cowardly leb dog he is

>> No.7854217

grats on literally the worst thread i've ever seen on 4chan. quite an accomplishment ausfailians. enjoy your meet, very excited to see pics

>> No.7854216

>fucking a man in the ass is gay
who woulda thought

>> No.7854221

lets roll midget

>> No.7854222

record it

>> No.7854224

That ugly faggot always runs away when I show up. I practically scared him off /fit/ like 2-3 years ago. (lol sorry /fa/)

basically he's afraid of me because he lives near me but the problem is I don't know his exact location...if I ever find out he's a fucking dead man.

>> No.7854235

Fighting people from the internet? Get your life together. Wouldn't expect more from a /fit/ user

>> No.7854241

dang i really wanna come but i cant for obvious reasons

>> No.7854245

is clerisy actually 5'6" or is that just a /fa/ lie?

>> No.7854253

5'5 to be precise

>> No.7854259

lol u could tell the little bitch was getting shit scared when u knew so much shit about him. what a cancerous little faggot. small man syndrome illustrated perfectly

>> No.7854269


>> No.7854302

He's not just some guy on the internet he's some lil punk ass faggot in my home town i just can't allow his presence there anymore

I got to kill him now before he can procreate

>> No.7854306

What makes u think he's from your 'home town'?

>> No.7854326

Would love to hear it

>> No.7854321

It's a long story, anon

>> No.7854335

please tell

>> No.7854349
File: 26 KB, 503x489, 1331170203968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7854357

this thread reminds me why i fucking hate aussies

>> No.7854361

Thank god I was born in freedomland

>> No.7854395

>aus thread

fucken degenerates.

>> No.7854519
File: 39 KB, 375x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>australian meetup thread
>nothing but shitposters shitposting and faggots acting tough online
Lmao, thanks for proving once again that aus is truely the most un/fa/ country in the universe, forever.

>> No.7855303

This thread...

I hope everyone has fun today :^)

>> No.7855332

Unfortunately, it's really just the vocal minority.
Somebody throught giving them access to a computer was a good idea.

>> No.7855337

take pics ;3

>> No.7855503

>tfw when thread derailed
t-thanks m8s

>> No.7857347

alright, guys meet is in 2 hours, im going to start heading down now.
>tfw 1 hour commute

hope to see you fellas there

>> No.7857356

r u nervous

>> No.7857391

nah mang, got no reason 2 b :^)

>> No.7857409

yep see u soon cunt

>> No.7857424

pls take pics brisbros

>> No.7857431

do i even fuckin kno u ?

>> No.7857434
File: 89 KB, 704x933, fuk uuu lovely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 frosted flakes

>> No.7857443

take a pic out the front of hungry jacks thats my favourite hang out place

>> No.7857450

oi man nah, in the alley way behind it, is that ok

>> No.7857465

>aus meetup thread
>shit posters shitposting shitposters


>> No.7857467

why arent you going stance?

>> No.7857469

do a gang hand sign that'd b p. funny

>> No.7857470

hes a big fat baaaabyyy

>> No.7857475

>aus meetup
>mad cunts meeting mad cunts
>neckin beers
>pullin buges
>hecklin fuccboiis

fuck brah, go back 2 whichever shithole quarantine of a country you came from

>> No.7857479
File: 80 KB, 750x500, 1388992357573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really considering going to this, what are you all wearing? ha ha

>> No.7857481


oi you bring the goon ill bring the longnecks itll be swoit

>> No.7857484

why can't euros handle some jokes

>> No.7857486

coz im not a fuken gronk thats y,
nah im flat broke + i dont like meeting new people if im sober
i'll fuk u roooiiiite up m8

>> No.7857488


dat social anxiety

>> No.7857497

: ^ (

>> No.7857495

u pieeeeece of shitttttt

>> No.7857500

Nervous af.

>> No.7857507

uuuuu pieeeeeeeeceee of shiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.7857530

Wh-what if you guys tease my fit though....?

>> No.7857531


>> No.7857536


>> No.7857538
File: 324 KB, 1430x1483, Brisbonercore_final2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't make it to this but are any of you fags going to the toptier wankfest that will be the Triple J party tonight? I'll be the piece of shit in the Shrek shirt cool ok.

>> No.7857540

r u decked head to toe in cotton on/jay jays?,
no1 is going to tease ur fit irl but they will 100% online

>> No.7857558

fuck i love that pic,
>having a gig without Jeremy Neale supporting
top funny

>> No.7857561

wow i dont get this at ALL what kidn of backwards upside down crazy land is australia.

>> No.7857568

That's just Brisbane, I'm from Sydney and I only get half of it

>> No.7857586

it's 50% australian in-jokes and 50% brisbane in-jokes

>> No.7857589

tesse what u wearin

>> No.7857590

ty. I'mthepiceofshitwhomadeit.

Yeah it is pretty Briscore.

>> No.7857621

literal laughter came out of my mouth,
should add a reference to a mass of underage girls walking around the valley in connection with a jungle giants gig

>> No.7857653

You even seen a under 18s crowd for Cub Sport/Scout though oh man

not saying I still wouldn't punch through a crowd of 15yos to touch Zoe Davis' hair tho

>> No.7857705

>mfw i went to an underage Cub Scouts gig
tim nelson was autistic as fuck when i met him
keep in mind this pic is super old

>> No.7857713
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>> No.7857717

1 hour to go. so excited. we'll definitely be the best dressed group in the city (not that that's hard! lol)

>> No.7857727

no I was just in the valley when I got hit by a fucking deluge of them.

I think Tim just likes dogs more than he likes people

>> No.7857731

fuck mate ur pretty fuckin tall
is that ur gf

>> No.7857746

i-it'll be okay
i promise not to judge anyone
it is pretty darn warm rn

>> No.7857747
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old also

He didn't fucking talk the entire time we gosh darn tried

>> No.7857756

nah dude that pic is over over a year old,
bitch was almost my gf but i could never seal the seal and she lost interest ,
she was a solid 8/10 qt azn

>> No.7857759

wtf do u work out

>> No.7857760

so you're not the qt girl in the """"cool beanie"""" damn damn

>> No.7857765

im the one in the beanie

>> No.7857774

>social anxiety
you are look like you're straight up normie qt this shouldn't be a thing

>> No.7857768

is goon sack like a bag of weed?

>> No.7857770
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Probs the only one wearing shorts tbh

>> No.7857771

I bet Clerisy would've turned that slut inside out m8

>> No.7857781

a goon sack is like cask (box) wine
very cheap
very awful

4 litres for $10

>> No.7857791
File: 13 KB, 200x200, Unknown-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cannot tell if bait
but no.

>> No.7857798

I'm learning so much about Australian culture in this thread. Also it seems like half of you guys are totally chill and normal but the other half are pin-dicked rage monsters with Napoleon complex. Is that how it is in real life in Oz as well?

>> No.7857808

wtf ikr i look huge in that pic ~vaguely ottermode~
i was legit embarrassed to be seen with that bitch she is so gross
he had some fuken weird twitch thing
nah it's not really that bad, most of the time i can be le alpha xD and my confidence intimidates people

>> No.7857809

all the people i hang out with in canberra are 10/10 dudes
then all the normies are like total fucking wankers

intimacy isnt australian bruhz

>> No.7857810

Fucken ty 4 the Kek brah

>> No.7857846

no we're all the same, just a bunch of keyboard warriors but IRL we are chill and at least we all have good taste in SHORTS


>> No.7857869

>click on tumblr link
>black as my soul, edgy as fuck outfits
>one qt3.14 in a raincoat

>> No.7857918

Sick brah, me too. Wearing my Billabong boardies signed by Kelly Slater to the meet. Surf culture is /fa/ right?

>> No.7858005

Any1 k33n to see a bunch of buff manlets in togas tonight? Theres already some on my train

>> No.7858007

Gold Coast Meetup when? Fuck Brisbane

>> No.7858011

where u at brah?

>> No.7858026

God the fucking Toga party. Do people who aren't first years actually go to this.

My friends are on the unions organising and it's hilarious watching from behind the scenes all the fucking butthurt between UQ and QUT

>> No.7858041

keen for some pearl tea at Hazel Tea shop, nice Asian background to showcase our fits

>> No.7858063

Yeah first year, how is it?
And what's the shit haha, are they just competitive

>> No.7858095

I went the year it rained non stop so it was basically a full body wet-tshirt comp for everyone involved. Other than that you just get assulted by stray safety pins if you even try to touch someone.

It's not even competitive, it's a lot of self-righteous law and journo kids starting drama on the unions to keep themselves entertained. The infighting at UQ especially is insipid. There are girls on Reform getting sexually harassed by Fresh members using fake fb snapchat accounts. Yeah woo.

>> No.7858115


like 90% of law students are fucking unbearable I can't stand it

no self awareness at all

>> No.7858181

I would have gone but i got no reply from the tumblr message i sent :(

>> No.7858223



>> No.7858232


>> No.7858246


>> No.7858250


sick, went to school at trinity, how many people from the GC do you reckon browse /fa/ and would come to a meetup?

>> No.7858333

most goldcoasters who browse /fa are probably from /fit trolling to get some of their roid rage out. i swear 90% of dudes here are on roids

>> No.7858363

man down

will post stabbing vid soon.

>> No.7858654

Almost at post limit but god damn I want to see strayan meet up pics

>> No.7858671

I'm down for a Gold Coast meet-up

Also want pics of Brisbane meet up

>> No.7858681

would any canberra guys be keen for a meet up? im pretty keen to organise something, like just beers at the phoenix or something fabulous

>> No.7858695

no one wants to meet a tripfag downy cunt lmao

>> No.7858709

please post pictures of this
god damn this sounds horrible

>> No.7858718

we got a comedian over here

>> No.7858722

which comedian is it if its someone good i might catch a plane out to canberra

>> No.7858836

who here /forestlake/?

>> No.7858896

I vote we go to culture kings for lel

>> No.7858935

I wore my dunks to culture kings once and one of the dudes working there goes "sick kicks brah, what kind of Nikes are those?" fucking plebs. I totally spaghetti and just left without saying anything

>> No.7858939

There were only 4 of us. We took photos in the alley near Super What Not. You'll see them up either tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.7858944

was it awkward

>> No.7858947

did that little leb faggot show up?

>> No.7858951

Yes. It was just me, Clerisy and his two wog mates. They said they were looking for a guy called "askone" to stab him

>> No.7858954

was he 5'5" or 5'6"? its a point of contention many of us wonder about

>> No.7858956

Not really because we already knew that everyone had a shared interest.

>> No.7858965

Shared interest of what?
Little tiny Thaiboi dingdongs?

>> No.7858972


>> No.7858979


>> No.7858982

nice dubs you sand nigger fat fuck

>> No.7859008

harsh dude

>> No.7859014

i would come next time guys, i couldnt make it this thursday which is annoying. plus im fucking broke

>> No.7859327

i thought perth was meant to have a pretty good beat scene?

>> No.7859473


>> No.7859474


was just in the city, y'all niggas get any pictures?

>> No.7859550

waiting for pictures

>> No.7859737

No way

>> No.7859743

Living near IGA master race,

>> No.7859958

Meetup was successful. Pics will come tommorow. Just got home from drinking with other m8s, tired and drunk af.

>> No.7860444

The rankings are:
1. Sydney
2. Melbourne
3. Adelaide
4. Queensland
5. Canberra
-----------------POWER GAP -----------------
6. Brisbane
7. Darwin
8. Perth

>> No.7861491

Ben pls

>> No.7861884 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 1346x755, brismeet2014summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Group photo from yesterday, a meetup during winter was agreed upon. Meetup was 10/10 and we all made new friends.