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7848409 No.7848409[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I gotta go in 30 minutes.

Please give me a refilable lighter that is not a zippo, and still looks acceptable in society.

>> No.7848421
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>> No.7848425
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colt obv
oh wait you can't get them outside finland

>> No.7848433


>> No.7848434

my dad has the same one. how's it called?

>> No.7848435


>> No.7848437
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One of those blowtorch lighters they're about 3 ringgit (1 usd) here.

>> No.7848432

just buy disposable lighters

>> No.7848440

just buy a 50c bic lighter

>> No.7848443

Those usually have a stigma of drug use at least where I am.

>> No.7848451


>> No.7848458

get a st dupont

>> No.7848465
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Sure you can. They're called djeep around here though.

>> No.7848466

Get a clipper OP
google it

>> No.7848473
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these things are awesome, they sound like a mini jet engine too

>> No.7848846

use matches. swarv ass nigga

>> No.7848864

dupont maxijet

>> No.7848869

Stop being a faggot and use disposables. Someone will pocket it anyway.

>> No.7848882

I picked up one of them when I was in Amsterdam but with an invisible flame. Seems quite pointless but I like it. You can hear when there is a spark on it quite loudly too.

Would rec/10

>> No.7848982

Do these have a name other than "blowtorch lighter"? Maybe a brand name?

searching Blowtorch lighter just gives me huge ones made for cooking

>> No.7848986
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Jii lighters.
USB. Rechargeable.

>> No.7848996

most of these designs suck, but surely you'll find a /fa/ one.

>> No.7849004

>invisible flame

no flames are invisible

>> No.7849007


>> No.7849317

Obviously clipper

>> No.7849324

pink cricket, pink rolling papers
These plus earring get me called gay. Ironically I hope.

>> No.7849323
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>mfw i lost mine last week

well it was only 15 bucks, i'll just buy another one

>> No.7849339




>> No.7849363

how do i smoke weed with this

>> No.7849465
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im liking these

>> No.7849518

wtf is dis shit

>> No.7849571
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>not having a based banksy lighter

>> No.7849595

>still smoking weed
try trench lighter on ebay

>> No.7849652
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just do this and you'll give an impression that you are funny and clever

>> No.7849662

how played out

>> No.7849666

>not enhancing your artistic sense with the ganja

>> No.7849688

those are great for cigars, but total overkill for anything else

>> No.7849753
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def clipper fam
but dont get this 1
flatm8 copped 4 of these off an etiz one and theyre the only fuckin reliable lighters in the house
>effay as fuk

>> No.7849763

What if she says "ewww, no way!" and leaves the place? I will feel bad after that, I don't want to make her feel bad also.

>> No.7850734

Roll joints.

>> No.7850787

>smoking joints

>> No.7850794

same, its a meth/crack thing here.

>> No.7850806

Then she's not chill

>> No.7850830
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just get a white bic

>> No.7850867

>not using a vaporizer
lung cancer is not /fa/

>> No.7850882
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>> No.7850926

I've seen them called windproof lighters.

>> No.7850935

my god that looks uncomfortable
everyone in finland has baby hands or what?

>> No.7851026
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>not smoking oil
being poor is not /fa/

>> No.7853032

the smell tho

>> No.7853071

how has no one posted the braun mach 2 yet

>> No.7853129

you seem nice

we should hang out some time

>> No.7853165
File: 29 KB, 360x300, a_lighter_ronsonjetlite[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$4 at walmart, mines been goin strong for over a year. i use a propane adaptor to refill for much cheaper. fits perfectly in my fifth pocket. idk if ill ever go back to any other lighters cept bics/djeeps for when im not trynna kill the bowl in the first two hits

>> No.7853171

It it autistic if you don't smoke but still carry around a lighter just in case a qt ever asks you for a light?

>> No.7853173


>> No.7853182

funny story (im >>7853165)
>at yeezus concert last week or so
>lose friends, to turnt to care, just standing watching the stage
>see some little qt indian in goof (wish i was joking)
>make eye contact
>she pushes her way towards me through like 10 yards of drunk college kids
>"you have a light"
>wordlessly hand her my jetlite
>she pulls out a big ass blunt, lights it
>passes to me
>two puffs, back to her
>kawaii hi five
>she wanders back to her friends
>dance later that show
coolest part was i never said a word the entire time. thanks jetlite!

>> No.7853189

actually pretty cool
wud be cooler if u hit dat pussy wordlessly tho

>> No.7853194

yeah thats fucking weak lmao

just buy some cigs so u have something to do when ur out on the town or loitering in the city

>> No.7853199
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>> No.7853214

>bowl in 2 hits
you know you can do better than that

>> No.7853261

What if this situation ever happens to me except I decline the hit she offered

how autistic would i look?

whats the correct thing to do in this situation? and don't say take a hit because I'd probably start coughing uncontrollably and she will notice I don't smoke and immediately write me off as a fuccboi

>so u have something to do when ur out on the town or loitering in the city
I can just be on my smart phone?
It's not the 60's anymore bro you don't look cool leaned against walls smoking. Hey, might as well wear your fedora while you're at it.

>> No.7853271

"I don't smoke. Thanks though"

>> No.7853286

"haha why do you carry around a lighter for?"

>> No.7853293

"to fan the flames of the discontent"

>> No.7853301

she asked me if i wanted a puff, i wordlessly took the blunt from her hand. if i didnt, i would have wordlessly waived an open palm and made a dismissive face.

the fact that you sweat this hypothetical situation already writes you off as a fuccboi tho

>> No.7853303

oh that's a good one! let me write it down

>> No.7853313

>It's not the 60's anymore bro you don't look cool leaned against walls smoking. Hey, might as well wear your fedora while you're at it.


and ur asking us how autistic ull look having a lighter but no ciggies and trying use them to talk to girls


holy fuck what a nerd

>> No.7853322
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>It's not the 60's anymore bro you don't look cool leaned against walls smoking. Hey, might as well wear your fedora while you're at it.

>> No.7853323


> nothing to actually tell size of lighter
> presumes they're small

Dude these are like double the size of a bic Not saying it's a giant lighter but a small lighter by no means.

>> No.7853496
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Just buy a Bic you stupid faggot, do you really want a refillable lighter because it's "more effay?"


>> No.7853567
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HAHAHAHA yes you fucking failure

>> No.7853582
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What are you supposed to do when somebody asks you for a light?

Do you light their cig for them or just give them the lighter?

>> No.7853588

If the lighter costs less than a dollar, hand it to them. If it's more than $5 light it for them.

>> No.7853593

it depends

>> No.7853598

you can't possibly be this clueless...

light their cig for them if you're alpha

hand them your lighter if your beta

>> No.7853611


light it for them
if you're alpha, hold the cigarette still with your other hand.

>> No.7853612


*tips m'lady*

>> No.7853613

you're supposed to toss it over your shoulder and say "fetch, you impotent corporate bitch"

>> No.7853619

Nobody lights cigs for others, are you a wizard?

>> No.7853623


>> No.7853626

no no no when she holds her hand to shield from the wind you put your cigarette into your mouth and put your own OVER hers while lighting, making eye contact

>> No.7853630

>Spilling Spaghetti : Aiouh's life

>> No.7853631

>if you're alpha, hold the cigarette still with your other hand.
I can imagine an autist believing this crap HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.7853633

It is better to have spilled spaghetti and walked out a better person than to have never

>> No.7853637

It's not against you but I can easily see how that situation could have turned to shit.

>> No.7853643

well, there's a time for everything ofc

>> No.7853666

no you got it all wrong

you take their cigarette, hold it in the air while lighting it, take a whiff, blow the smoke on their face and giggle, then pretend to hand it back and "accidentally" drop it

now THAT'S alpha

>> No.7853677


>> No.7853687

that doesn't make you alpha at all...you'll just look like a fag on his period

>> No.7853794

Guess she doesn't want to fuck and you'll probably never see her again.

>> No.7853797

I once told a pretty girl to fuck off when she asked me for a light
Literraly "no, go away"
They can't even process that shit

>> No.7853804

man can you imagine being a pretty girl
never being refused anything, ever.

holy shit.

>> No.7853819

telling self-absorbed pretty girls off is the best
sometimes i wish i was gay so my natural instincts wouldn't interfere

>> No.7853856

Yeah it just sorta happened, I was in a shit mood, nervous for a test, didn't really see who asked and just instinctively went "no, go away."
Yeah pretty horrible, I now make a point of it do be an asshole to a pretty bitch I'm not necesarily attracted to at least once a month.

Like white knighting but in reverse.

>> No.7853862

ye but sometimes they go on the "omg creep/virgin" route because they can ygm

Then u look like a right dickhead

Doesn't stop me though, the amount some girls flaunt the fact that they're attractive is frankly shameful

tips fedora etc

>> No.7853869

>ye but sometimes they go on the "omg creep/virgin" route because they can ygm
>Then u look like a right dickhead
No man just shout "AD HOMINEM AD HOMINEM"

That'll teach them

>> No.7853871

yea which is why i barely ever refuse

plus they almost always have a beta orbiter who tries to get all up your face is you say no

>> No.7853877


This "whiteknighting in reverse" shit is literally something I never realised I did until someone else on /fa/ mentioned it, nicest bloke to pretty much everyone but then I'm really cold and arsey to "pretty" girls, out of instinct almost

Guess people could say that I'm bitter but tbh growing up in a primarily female household you see the "inner thoughts" of girls and fuck me it's borderline dangerous the power some girls can put over men, and on a subconscious level I make it my goal to remind them that the world won't hand them everything if they bat their eyelashes

Doesn't help my pgame much but minor

>> No.7854088
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Too bad I am a nonsmoker.

>tfw you will never pull out your made in Germany vintage mercedes benz labeled lighter to light a qtπ's cigarette

though i could probably start smoking cigars or pipe, to match my classy fedora…

Tips all'round, me fine gentléman!

>> No.7854240

You take their cigarette and put it in their hand an light it with their lighter and then hand it back to them but then you take the lighter and smoke it while making eye contact while you smoke the cigarette that you lit using theirs because nobody had a lighter eye contact

>> No.7854846
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>> No.7854873

a nice touch - maybe tone down the "classy fedora"

>> No.7854894

which zippo would you buy

>> No.7854932
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just recently copped armor tumbled brass
really started to hate disposable lighters, cheap pieces of shit that last about for a week.

>> No.7854955

>that last about for a week.
how much do you smoke? or do you do other things?

>> No.7854988

roughly 13 cigs a day
yes, I light candles too.

>> No.7855000
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>13 cigs

let me guess: you are russian

>> No.7855003

>13 cigs
post teeth and w-what about your stamina, are you energetic at night

>> No.7855004

not entirely