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/fa/ - Fashion

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7846219 No.7846219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1. Smarts
2. Social Skills
3. Fitness
4. Fashion

These are the skills you should be working on, in order, to become a truly interesting and alpha person. Nobody cares about your fit if you can't hold a conversation.

>> No.7846240

Pretty good, I'd put social skills over smarts though.

You can fake being smart, but you can't fake charisma.

>> No.7846253



>> No.7846278

>implying alphas post on 4chan

>> No.7846291

>critical thinking

>> No.7846294

being smart is never fa, you turbo nerd

>> No.7846301

>truly interesting and alpha person
whos gonna break him the bad news

>> No.7846299

Smarts are genetic

>> No.7846303
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1. Health
2. Social/Style
3. Life Goal

>> No.7846307

Haha you're a retard

>> No.7846308

In theory, sure, something along those lines - but this is a fashion board, not a self-help board.

>> No.7846311

Good thing OP is here to tell us what to do with our lives in his free time, instead of worrying about himself.

Thanks for liberating the fashion board on this anonymous anime website friend! :)

>> No.7846334
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>> No.7846361

it should be social skills first, but otherwise its a good list. Also I think the people that dress for other people are missing the point

>> No.7846371

Because all the best designers in the world are retarded like you. Kek, all good artists are intelligent on some level. Fuck off neanderthal.

>> No.7846403

It's reasonable to question the validity of the "alpha male" in today's society, especially the specific meaning or associated traits, but to boldly deny the existence of an "alpha male" is irrational.

This video gives an interesting look into what defines an alpha male - and most importantly how other men react to the "dominant alpha":

To claim yourself as an alpha is useless, because it would depend on the group of people you are surrounded with. Believing that being "alpha" is a requirement for success is a common misconception, and not being "alpha" is also not a bad thing.

>> No.7846442

if you want to win at life

>> No.7846448

w2c social skills? ;_;

>> No.7846491

he just rephrased what OP said

>> No.7846501

2>1 almost always, even professionally.
Other than that yeah you're right. Above 20 or so successful vanity is worth fuck all compared to wealth and charisma.

>> No.7846525

College edition:

8 sets of Social (add at least 8 more people into your social web every 3-4 months/ make 8 more good friends)
4 Sets of Smarts (at least 4 classes a semester)
2 Sets of Fitness (work out at least 2 times a week)
and 1 Set of Fashion (buy something new fashion wise every 1-2 weeks)

Work Part time for Social, Smarts, and money gains

Get it done fitness.

>> No.7846532

no sir I am afraid that you are stupid. you see, critical thinking has nothing to do with knowledge, which is implied in smarts. Social skills implies an ability to get along with people; charisma is a zest for success and a caring for others. Style, /fa/ of all places should know, is different from fashion. Style is all about solidifying someone else's impression of you in a sense much larger than fashion, which is usually a style of clothing that goes in an out of style blah blah bah...
and u dont need to be fit.

>> No.7846538

get it into a daily routine as well
1 set of social x talk to/ have a conversation with 8 new people
1 set of smarts x go to class
1 set of fitness x hit cardio, pushups, situps, whatever at least once a day
1 set of fashion x read up on the latest trends (that aren't autistic)

>> No.7846534
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>> No.7846570

swap 1 and 2

>> No.7846583

kek I bet Rick Owens' IQ is like sixty.

Ever heard of Marilyn Manson? Sure you have. Watch one of his interviews, he was probably a great philosophe of the renaissance in a past life; you know, before he made edgy teen music.

>> No.7846729

>to become a truly interesting and alpha person

kill yourself

>> No.7846891

>to become a truly interesting and alpha person

Man, it's like I'm on /b/ in 2009.

>> No.7846903

ATTN: everyone crying because someone said the word alpha:

you should watch this

i'm curious what you think

>> No.7846912

all you need to do is be funny

no one cares about anything else, they just want to be entertained

>> No.7846913

hey i asked you how to not be a pussy bitch in a thread that just got pruned, did you have any tips?

>> No.7846939

ask yourself what could possibly go wrong?
now post results

>> No.7846957

ty ill get back 2 u

>> No.7847012

it was basically a rhetorical question. nothing can go wrong.

know why?
because you either find out she likes you, or you find out she doesn't like you.

both of those are better than wondering.

>> No.7847044

what is this /b/?
1. social skills
2. smarts
3. fitness
4. fashion
i believe social skills are absolutely crucial, but smarts come very close to it. fitness is essential for myself and i like fashion but its a hobby for me

>> No.7847150
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Around less intelligent people, sure.
Using bigger words or talking about "intellectual" subjects just makes you
seem like a tool if you don't actually understand what you are talking about.

"Smarts" (Intelligence?) =/= Knowledge

You always learn more, but intelligence is pretty fixed after childhood.

Social Skills on the other hand, can be learned, and one can certainly become more
charismatic. Try an improv class for starters.

If you want to impress people you meet by "dressing better" go to r/MFA. Most people you meet,
girls included, know nothing, and probably care nothing, about your sick Rick and Julius fit, that cool tech jacket, or your
perfectly rolled unfused collar.

This whole thread is on the wrong board. This board is for people who are interested in fashion
as a hobby, for it's own sake, not to impress others or get girls as your use of "Alpha" suggests.

Finally, this whole "alpha" thing is just silly. We are not tribal in social structure, our patterns
of behavior may derive form those ancient behaviors in some fashion, but you don't need to be the
"top dog" to get people to like you. Be confident, have things you are interested in, and go do stuff with people, that's really it.

>> No.7847289

fashion...lol...if you're a guy, a chick is not going to care about what your fashion is.

Replace "Style" with "fashion" and you're golden.

>> No.7847616

1. fat dick