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7841676 No.7841676[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are models skinny? Even the male ones? Do clothes look good on skinny people?

Pic related needs to eat

>> No.7841690 [DELETED] 

It looks better than it does on overweight people. And most male models are somewhat fit. Skeletons are the best.

>> No.7841698
File: 33 KB, 238x220, le_merchant_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7841700

I'm a trap btw

>> No.7841715

skinny is objectively better than fat. any other body type requires some amount of effort.
imo nomuscle auschwitz looks genuinely disgusting. not eating for no reason is not admirable or attractive either.

>> No.7841724

Most male models aren't that skinny, females sort of are, but that's the model industry as a whole. Clothes do look better on skinny people compared to chubby.

>> No.7841730

>fasting is a thing

>> No.7841741

IF is good if you actually need to lose weight yeah. It's retarded if you're fine as you are and just want to be an edgy skeleton.

>> No.7841749

i ponder this alot, the most glaring conclusion being that by having more defined bodies, the clothes over them are granted greater significance. of course this is subject to the intent of the designer, as illustrated by the occasional use of average or even plus size models. precedents include the gritty advertising campaign american apparel is currently using, and more recently the rick owens spring 14 show.

>> No.7841764

Because this:

>> No.7841778
File: 313 KB, 1016x1508, 1278091569645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a skinny asian dude today
He looks ugly as fuck
I also saw a skinny white guy
Holy fuck ugly
I also saw a skinny indian girl
Wanted to burn her

Guess looking handsome/pretty in the facial area outweighs skinniness

>> No.7841855
File: 53 KB, 498x642, 1390209275307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatties need to stop shaming good looking people into thinking they are not perfect the way they are.

>> No.7842022
File: 222 KB, 1400x2065, karlie kloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no tall thin gf

>> No.7842028

>tfw tall thin gf

>> No.7842026


>> No.7842032

i think it depends on your bone structure/genetics and shit
some people pull off skinny really well, while some people just plain look better with more weight to fill them out.

>> No.7842044

Lagerfeld once told that he needed his model to be skinny because he wanted people to look at the clothes and not at the girls.
so basically they had to be no more than coat hangers with legs.

at least the guy is honest!

>> No.7842058

a lot of people refer to mannequins/hangers. its not that crazy really. modeling takes absolutely no skill at all. you just have to be tall skinny and goood looking or have an obscure/artsy face.

>> No.7842062

post gf

>> No.7842069

Relatively athletic > Skinny/skinnyfat > Auschwitz > fat

>> No.7842076

it's been explained multiple times why it's more practical for models to be skinny
why do people even care

>> No.7842075


auschwitz is definitely better than skinnyfat

>> No.7842078

>tfw i had a 6' skinny as fuck girlfriend and i stopped talking to her because i got bored with her

every time man. i just use women like toys, not even on purpose. she was really cool. i fucked up

>> No.7842083

Ya I bet you model for living handsome fuckin all these 9's

>> No.7842094


i didnt say she was a 9, more like a 7.5.

>> No.7842092

ive come to accept the fact that at this point in my life, my attention span with women is 3 weeks, after which i just dgaf. if i can fuck em within that time, good job, if not i just wait it out. its nice having this predictability, but sucks knowing i might be missing out on a good relationship.

>> No.7842133

>you will never have a blue is the warmest colour relationship

>> No.7842138
File: 24 KB, 637x960, feelschart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


every time man. i crush hard for a couple weeks and then i'm over it. pic related

>> No.7842147
File: 58 KB, 1000x563, 1393227109241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never fuck for years and break up and miss fuckin each other
oh ho
your life suxs

>> No.7842155


isnt that a good thing or are you being sarcastic?

>> No.7842175
File: 287 KB, 750x500, blue_warmest_color2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not meeting you ex in a restaurant after years of not talking
>not sucking her hand while you place her other on your massive boner
>not finger banger her there while people are watching
>not getting rejected at the last moment because she's with someone now with a smaller dick
>not crying yourself to sleep
what a pleb

>> No.7842211

uhhh no? ive already had serious relationships, im just trynna fuck around a bit. im sure later in my life ill have another serious feel-fest.