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/fa/ - Fashion

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7838310 No.7838310 [Reply] [Original]

why is /fa/ so mean?

>> No.7838327

So you learn not to dress like shit.

>> No.7838319

/fa/ is one of the less mean boards.

We just want what's best for you.

You come with a shit fit you get shitted on so that you wouldn't go outside and embarrass yourself with it.

>> No.7838346
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I'm so glad /fa is mean. When I first posted fits everyone said "kill yourself". As I continued I slowly progressed to "lol" and "pls don't be serious". Now I am at a "meh" or "it would look better is so and so" level. I'm on my way to posting a good fit. i love you guys.

>> No.7838353

Because if we babied people and told them that they're perfect the way they are then they would never improve.

We're mean because we care.

>> No.7838354

What happened OP? I'm sure it wasn't that bad.

/fa/ has never been mean to me besides trunks cause he was having a tantrum.
/fa/ isn't mean compared to other boards, and we're only mean if you don't take advice or blatntly be stupid.

Like that Stephen Merchant looking guy in the WAYWT wearing geos, we were mean to him, cause he's thick.

>> No.7838361
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We're all gonna make it, brah.

>> No.7838392

It's like how /fit/ is mean to fatties and skeletons and /cgl/ is mean to uglies and lardasses who wear sonic cosplay out in public, we're just trying to motivate you to be the best person you can be. So when you see some kid get #Gassedup in a waywt thread,join in, because rember we're being mean to help him,not just for entertainment.

>> No.7838407

>stephen merchant guy


>> No.7838409

people like saying nasty things anonymously, it gives a bit of a rush

also, the more time you spend on a fashion image board, the more certain things start to get on your nerves -- some common mistakes in fits, the refusal of most newcomers to see the point in spending real money, certain trending products that you don't care for, etc

I'm sure that it's innocent enough that some guy wants to find some cp achilles low lookalikes to fit his $150 budget, but you just get so tired of people asking the same question and buying the same shitty shoes, so you start to get nastier.

and there's the fact that we want to be heard. if some guy is about to buy some ugly cheap boots with contrast stitching all over, I feel like I have one last chance to save him from a mistake that he'll regret later. I remember some horrible purchases I made or narrowly avoided when I was new to fashion, and I want to help others avoid making the same mistakes. So I tend to say "those are fucking hideous, what the fuck is wrong with you".

lastly, since so many people are anonymous, one starts to feel that new-to-fashion fuccbois are the ones ripping on our own posts in certain threads, posting bad inspo, shitting up the board in general. We have no idea who you are, so sometimes we treat you like you're a representative of a dimly perceived group of posters that we don't like.

It's very easy to get used to nastiness, though. It's not that bad.

>> No.7838419


Here he is.

>> No.7838433

I'm sure that Trunks isn't that much nastier than other trips. He just doesn't take his trip off when he's being nasty.

>> No.7838449

/fa/ is mean sometimes but usually when it's vitriol for no reason it's newbabies trying to fit in. Usually, /fa/ is mean because you are wrong or you look like shit. Be grateful, you won't make that mistake again. if they were nice, you might be inclined to politely disagree, ignore them, and go out looking like shit.

That being said, a lot of times they are over picky and have unrealistic standards. Know yourself and be sure to understand where /fa/ is coming from in deciding how valuable the criticism is. Is is, from my experience though, more often than not valuable feedback.

>> No.7840871

/fa/ is mean because they have hunger pains

>> No.7841159
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I think you hit the nail on the head m8

>> No.7841174

I don't mind the meanness, I actually find it endearing.

The one thing that grabs my goat is the insistent shitposting of namefags and tripfags.

>> No.7841187

insecure anonymous hiding behind a shield of insincerity

>> No.7841220

You think fa is mean? Go to sufu, ask lovely and genghis how bad they treat them over there

>> No.7841225

Because outside of somewhere like /p/, this is the most subjective of all the interest boards and it swallows us whole.

That being said, /fa/ is deathly afraid of becoming MFA, and allowing basic ass fuccbois to receive compliments when they post their Banana Republic fits is a slippery slope.

>> No.7841293

if /fa/ were truly mean tinfoil woulda killed himself already

>> No.7841297

>Because outside of somewhere like /p/, this is the most subjective of all the interest boards
I am actually having a tricky time understanding what you are getting at here. the vast majority of criticism on /p/ is based on technical faculty and fundamental theories of composition (that is, not subjective). I see a bit more disparity in WAYWT threads than recent photo threads with regards to how the submissions of a single user are rated

I really am interested in what you are saying here, mind

>> No.7841313
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because I just woke up from a dream where eyebrows was my gf.

>> No.7841332


Everyone here is pretty insecure in one way or another, and the userbase is relatively young.

Fashion and dress are personal things, and when we see others freely expressing themselves through these mediums it tends to trigger our inner insecurities.

I think we should

1. Think before you post, do you really need to be that much of an asshole to get your point across?
2. Remember that people are going to be haters no matter what, so try not to let it bother you so much.
3. Collectively work as a board to help improve each other

Tldr stop being assholes u fagiets

>> No.7841335


>lastly, since so many people are anonymous, one starts to feel that new-to-fashion fuccbois are the ones ripping on our own posts in certain threads, posting bad inspo, shitting up the board in general. We have no idea who you are, so sometimes we treat you like you're a representative of a dimly perceived group of posters that we don't like.

This so fucking much x 100

>> No.7841344

mfa pls go

>> No.7841342

shut up you fuckin nerrd

>> No.7841348

I don't think meanness is the chief problem with /fa/. Sure people will denigrate you for your taste, but that's true of all the interest boards. I see a lot of really sincere compliments on this board too, sometimes for fits that are rather risky. That sort of thing is good, it prevents stagnancy.

If you were wondering, the chief problem with /fa/ is a hilarious lack of self-awareness.

>> No.7841350

woah dude you are a fucking geek

>> No.7841352

I think we should
1. sage autistic posts
2. block autistics posters
3. report autistic posters.

>> No.7841360


And these anons have kindly taken their time to demonstrate this type of behaviour.

So yeah OP, don't worry about it too much. I know it bothers you, it bothers everyone when people take pussy / unhelpful shots at you from the dark as anon, but just focus on improving yourself and soon these types of people will become a joke to you.

>> No.7841521

*tips fedodo*

>> No.7841650

Scary wary of the dangers of the fairy

>> No.7841767

Not him but I used to be a frequent poster on /p/ months ago and at the time thre was this irrational hate that was board wide. Especially trip hate, on both sides. Anons were trying to get rid of all the trips and there were a few trips that were shit themselves, once fun photo challenges became all out shitfests in a couple of posts, and criticism barely passed "shitsux".
It's pretty much blown over it seems but damn it was some bad shit, it was /v/ levels of bad.

>> No.7841785

okay, i'll start with you

>> No.7842184

this post feels like a breakthrough

>> No.7842201

word dude

>> No.7842309
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Spidey said it best

>> No.7842369

These posts touch on a few truths, but after a couple years on here I really think it comes down to the simple fact that it's easier to make snarky comments than it is to be helpful. I don't want to generalize too heavily, but I assume that /fa/ has a pretty high turnover rate as far as new posters go (I think this also leads to the boards' own general lack of self awareness, but that's another thread). I feel like there's a lot of people on here who don't quite know enough to articulate why they dislike something, only that they do. So for every 10 newfriends asking rookie questions, you may only have 3 people able to offer an opinion, and within that only one of those opinions will be expressed in a well thought out and reasoned manner.

tl; dr userbase cycle creates a gap in the board's knowledge economy. Not enough people know how to be helpful, and the ones that do leave because the board ceases to be engaging; leaving novice /fa/ posters to fill in the gap, only they don't know how.

>> No.7842411

My experience with /p/ was idiots worshipping a few good photographers and yelling "lrn2compose" at anyone who posted anything not in strict thirds or another art 101 stock composition.

So, a lot like /fa/, with a hint of mfa.

>> No.7842480

who is even mean to him lol

>> No.7842484

Here's a pasta containing the objective truth about /fa/ (I edited out the crap about /mu/)

'the issue with /fa/ is and has always been that the people that know nothing about fashion outnumber those that do

on /fa/, 5% of the users actually watch fashion shows. imagine if on /mu/, only 5% of posters actually listened to albums. this board is not for style advice, or haircut help, or for getting nerds started on a basic wardrobe. the sticky contains basic crap like that so the rest of us (the 5%) don't have to look at neophytes asking endless questions about the foundations. check through the /fa/ catalogue; maybe there's a single runway thread or a single thread dedicated to the discussion of a particular designer if tinfoil is awake yet. right now, considering the state of /fa/, we either need aggressive, stringent moderation or a separate board; /personalstyle/ or something to that effect. this is a fashion board where tiny amounts of actual fashion discussion take place.

i ask the posters of /fa/ -
watch some fashion shows. read about some designers. lurk on stylezeitgeist and build a couple of small folders containing runway looks or designer pieces that you enjoy or think are interesting. that's literally all it takes for us to have some actual discussion- a few benevolent, open minded posters dumping some images and chatting about what they like and dislike, what the designs evoke to them, what they think the designer might be saying or not be saying. talking about fit, and texture, and silhouette and all the other interesting facets of what is a truly fascinating art form.

next time you want to ask the /fa/ hive 'should i buy dreamboxes?' search 'dreamboxes' on fuuka and look at the pros and cons.
next time you want to find out if a pair of jeans fit you, post that question in the fuccboi general. containment threads are there for containment.'

I personally think /fa/ is beyond saving though.

>> No.7842493

Equating listening to music to watching fashion shows makes no sense. Fashion isn't simply fashion shows, fashion is simply clothing. The same way that /mu/ listens to an album, we were a certain outfit. People on /mu/ aren't watching documentaries, watching how music is made, or their artist displaying their stuff live on TV and neither are the majority of us.

>> No.7842507


another problem is cross board shitposters
cmon dude, this board is shit enough as it is, we really dont need more people shitting it up

>> No.7842510

Because /fa/ is cripplingly insecure and needs to reassert the idea that what they are wearing is better, because in the end the style that people have internalized from /fa/ is almost always derived from something that was originally tongue in cheek or a troll, partly because at one point /fa/ was making fun of up and coming shit that they at one point hated and started trolling people into buying (same shit with the manbun).

A lot of /fa/s views on style is confirmation bias (these models look good, i want to look like that, ignore the plethora of people wearing the same shit and looking fucking awful and the fact that the people who cant pull it off well just dont post) and then eventually the hivemind shifts because new people don't understand the context of the trolls, they start to internalize what was orignally an inside joke etc. However there's always a degree of uncertainty ("HY is a joke" "no it's not.... it looks good" "it will only look good on models" insecurity) because of that crossover.

I mean it's an evolution and generally goes some way to explaining why there's a style shift as each new rotation of users comes and goes. However because of the origins, the insecurity stays (am i really being trolled, does this really look good?) so people try to assert the idea that what they are wearing looks good by trying to push the hivemind in a certain direction by using sockpuppets and anon posting to assert and validate the looks they have internalized and to stroke their own egos.

of course this is all bullshit why the fuck did you read it?

>> No.7842521

i thought /fa/ was nice. it's one of the nicest boards where you're likely to be posting about yourself. /fit/ is pretty harsh, and /mu/ can be cool but is elitist af.

>> No.7842532

/fa/ is a pretty nice & helpful board as long as your questions are actually good, and you gain even some basic information (from lurking & reading the wiki).

>> No.7842542
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i like appropriating our bitchy emaciated chain smoking all black wearing w/ herion addict eyebags board tan

im sick of lame ass geeks posting here in roshe runs and h&m rags

>> No.7842543

another thing is that trips don't get ripped on as much here. on /fit/, posting with a trip is like walking through a minefield.

>> No.7842579

it's not mean enough, that 16 y/o streetstyle skater look is warshiped on /fa/, maybe because most guys on here are still in high school. Where is the business casual oder even casual wardrobe? Only white beat up sneakers, tight black jenas, sloppy 3 year old white tee with a black cardigan. Seriously?

>> No.7842586

Just wait 6 months and it'll be something else, just like always.

>> No.7844465

/fa/ is mean because they do not give omanko

>> No.7844887


you are such a flamboyant retard. either contribute something interesting or thought-provoking or go jerk off elsewhere. Skelespook has a good point.

>le edgy meanness without contributing anything ;o)

>> No.7844911

/mu/ is good as long as you don't start posting in the first 30 minutes of being there and refusing to listen to new music

>> No.7844931


is it 2007 again?

>> No.7844976

2007 was a good year

>> No.7845295
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because the board consists of insecure people that would probably get laughed at if they brought up "muh fuckboy" in real life

>> No.7846434

It's full of pretentious losers