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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 646 KB, 1156x899, fuccboi_general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7836647 No.7836647 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is almost 300.

>> No.7836654
File: 88 KB, 800x741, eww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c waterproof black leather chelsea for russian climate and roads?
pls minimalistic design.

>> No.7836655

Can someone define fuccboi

is it just a person who wants to be fa but wears breddy gay shit and looks like a dementor fell into a clothing bin?

>> No.7836658

No, it is a way of life.

>> No.7836659

/fa/ did not make it - it means punk bitch

Incorporate that + à misunderstanding of fashion / being an inconvenience bécause of it for /fa/'s def.

>> No.7836660

fuccboi = fuuu rage comic + cc (custom content) b (like bitch) combined with the power of selling out like the oi movement did

>> No.7836725

What to wear with brown jeans? Inb4 anything will go.

>> No.7836732

it cannot be defined, it just is

>> No.7837130

effay, pls.

>> No.7837229

I need to update my wardrobe
please give me a list of basics that I should get, I need a pair or two of jeans, black and blue, new boots, and a shitload of tops, but I'm pretty clueless in the tops department

>> No.7837284

Would sizing down half a size on Geobaskets be a good idea? Need an answer really fucking fast!

>> No.7837295

Am I the only one here that browses /fa/ for ideas, tips, discussion, etc, but doesn't really dress like much of a /fa/ggot or fuccboi?

I kind of just wear what I like, however the more time I spend here the more I start looking like you guys, which isn't necessarily bad.

>> No.7837303

Greens nigga

>> No.7837314

I don't rock too much fuckboi, gothninja, or straight fag attire celebrated here but effay is good for a tip or two every now n then

>> No.7837473
File: 64 KB, 738x960, 7765482-image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want some beaters for summer, should I cop converse x cdg or af1's (low or mids?)

>> No.7837485

Another anon here, are the cdg play converse better quality than regular converse?

>> No.7837490

Are there any better jeans than Rouge Territory for the $250 dollar range?

>> No.7837491

not necessarily /fa/ related but

I used to drink quite a lot of milk each day and had cyst like balls appearing on my nipples/around that area
I stopped drinking milk and it subsided in part but I'm wondering if this is actually a normal response to dairy or what? and what are some alternatives if so because I love milk.

>> No.7837505

you could try soya milk. It's not as good as milk but better than nothing.

>> No.7837509

Have you tried Cambodian breastmilk? It's supposedly the best.

>> No.7837659

How do I lose cheekfat? My body is slim but my cheeks are fat.
6ft0 73kg

>> No.7837685
File: 128 KB, 500x333, tumblr_myuw8aVOjT1qzu8bxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can somebody ID the tan parka/jacket on the guy one over from the far right?

>> No.7837707

I'm looking at this tank top online and it has sizing options 46 48 50 52.
Wtf size do I get?

>> No.7837711

There are exercises against chubby cheeks.
Just google it, shouldn't be hard to find.
Do you lift? if not losing weight could still help.

>> No.7837857

I've started lifting recently, but how would that help against fat cheeks?

>> No.7837880

Fifferent guy here, but this was the first result on google man, please check there first before asking any future questions.


>> No.7837908

Not him, not /fit/, but a man with rather cubby cheeks.
Entire article is bullshit. I am vegetarian, I do sports.
Local fat burning is bullshit.
Healthy food (or no food at all) and going into lifting heavily (or playing football in a minefield) - that's what helps against fat in general, cheeks included. Tons of examples (6.000.000, actually, lel). Also, Zyzz and that actor that is famous for staring with different body types and getting in proper shape rather quickly.

>> No.7837920
File: 1.14 MB, 1246x580, BLJ1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what these are? I need them in my life.
Hope they're not too much in price cause they're pretty gorgeous, and no I'm not black.

>> No.7837925

Christian Bale is born with amazing aesthetic genetics though, and of course he's using steroids and other illegal supplements to gain large amounts of muscle quickly, and Zyzz bought plastic surgery and abused anabolic steroids and other drugs

>> No.7837956
File: 284 KB, 472x477, 1393176093001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7837991
File: 165 KB, 700x924, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify this? I thing the guy said it was COS but I've never seen it on there.

>> No.7837996


>> No.7838013

Air Jordan Retro VI's

>> No.7838020
File: 284 KB, 469x475, 1393176941917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7838117
File: 110 KB, 900x569, aleksandrmanamis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get a long drapey scarve like this?
The one in pic is old collection and sold out everywhere.

>> No.7838125

quit the dadcore

>> No.7838133
File: 49 KB, 480x359, do_you_even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, then there is only one way - Auschwitz.

>> No.7838208

epic memeage

>> No.7838203

If I wanted to change the color of a shoes sole permanently, how would I go about doing so?

>> No.7838219
File: 296 KB, 1600x1268, Beatles1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how many inches DO Cuban heels add?

>> No.7838236
File: 54 KB, 432x369, muh_muscles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use my OC wisely.

>> No.7838305


Have them resoled in desired color. Dont see any other way, m80.

>> No.7838369
File: 35 KB, 476x427, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not "fatzi"

>> No.7838367
File: 47 KB, 825x792, lehoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I order this 6 weeks ago before I knew anything about /fa/. It arrived, now I'm conflicted on whether I should burn it.

>> No.7838378
File: 138 KB, 768x1024, 2.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How it looks

>> No.7838422

I have this. It's alright. Quality isn't the greatest, but that's expected with that price. I'd suggest only wearing it at night and keeping it buttoned because the inside exposes the cheap quality.

>> No.7838435

If you think it looks good then why burn it?
>but /fa/ said-
People talk shit about the quality of fabrixquare, if you are unhappy with the quality then sure get rid, but don't do it just because some guy in the Internet told you to.

>> No.7838442

I think it looks okay but kindy edgy, was just looking for second opinions.

>> No.7838443
File: 61 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n1ghc5sKFc1rue6z0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where could i cop this shirt? Like one that actually has a good fit, not some Fruit of the Loom shit fitting piece of shit?:D

>> No.7838468

I think it looks okay, but only wear it in cold weather, or at night like that other guy said.
Fifth result on google images, fucking apply yourself.

>> No.7838477

looks p bad qualitywise, wouldn't recommend wearing out

>> No.7838484


Seems to fit you allright, imo.
The quality is prolly shit, but I can see someone using it for layering.

>> No.7838487

Where can I buy hemp clothing in sick fits? I really love the feel of hemp over cotton but nobody makes clothing in hemp except for extreme basics.

>> No.7838489

the poser store

>> No.7838522

Are Uniqlo button downs decent enough? Was gonna buy 3 or 4 in solid colors and wear with dark jeans and CDB's.

>> No.7838528
File: 35 KB, 682x614, 1391567214969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ny one ever bid/purchase items from yahoo jp? How did you do it, did you use a proxy service? If so can I get a brief explanation on how to use a proxy service/suggestion on a good one. This is my first time trying to buy stuff off yahoo.jp so I am kinda lost.

>> No.7838537


e-mail them, tell them what you want to bid on and how much and go from there.

>> No.7838546

they are really solid, good quality
wrinkle pretty easily though

>> No.7838545

Alright, I am sort of retarded though so by how much just how much to put down initially or like how much you are willing to bid up to?

>> No.7838548

>that image
I love /co/.

>> No.7838552

your bid...

>> No.7838551

/co/ can be really great in between all the shitty generals.

>> No.7838556

Alright, thank you for spelling it out for me. I am really a dummo

>> No.7838561

Thanks for the random ass site that i will never buy from. I meant an actual fucking web store where i wont have to pay much for shipping.

>> No.7838590

Sole is glued but thicker, canvas is definitely more quality.

>> No.7838611

You could have just said the shipping was a lot.
How's this ya rude faggot?

>> No.7838658

Not sure. I'm not going to buy it right now anyway. Thanks for the effort tho. I live in Estonia btw so a USA web store is probably gonna have mad shipping fees. Any other sites like ASOS that have worldwide free shipping or at least really cheap fees?

>> No.7838663

>no contrast laces
>no racing stripe
>no contrast stitching
>long laces meant to be wrap-tied
>much more attractive logo that can be scrubbed off if desired
>as close to a minimalistic chuck Taylor logo as we'll ever get
>bragging rights

also the soles seem to be of sterner stuff than the normal converse, as they have less malleability. This can make the shoe uncomfortable at first but with socks it doesn't really matter. They're worth the dough.

This is pasted from an old archive about this type of matter.

>> No.7838670


>> No.7838698

w2c black jacket but im conflicted I dont just wanna go nike or northface...

>> No.7838736

River Island ships to Estonia, and is about equal with asos quality-wise. May still be expensive tho.

>> No.7838746


>> No.7838795

Thank you very much <3

>> No.7838807

looking for a VERY roomy backpack, preferably <$80

can anyone recommend me some good ones? Is milsurp worth a shot?

>> No.7838815

>Bragging rights

>> No.7838839

please god don't become a namfag or a trip your fits are so shit

>> No.7838878
File: 59 KB, 500x418, tumblr_lqes4xLDX71qbxpujo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As i have been unable to get my hands on a Raf x Eastpak SS08 backpack, I'm contemplating going the DIY Route, however first i want a large baggy backpack like the Raf x Eastpak is without the straps. Does anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.7838988
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, 1393189695344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of this colour? what would go with it? it's called oil green

>> No.7839012
File: 17 KB, 282x506, fff_1_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any other types of sweat pants like the Zespy I Love Ugly pants. Thinking off getting a few tech fleeces that I can cop cheap.

>> No.7839019


basically anything, it's very neutral

>> No.7839024

How do I go about clearing blackheads? Tried using strips on my nose but they're pretty shit.

>> No.7839030

cheers m8

>> No.7839035


standard exfoliation, but they could be sebaceous filaments and those don't go away

>> No.7839036


id on jacket?

>> No.7839050

dont buy zespys, esp with your measurements.

i have a pair of tan zespy pants, i'm 6'3 and they make me look like a midget. dnc.

look into y-3 sweats

>> No.7839067

fug, thanks.

>> No.7839076

Pweaaaase ;___;

>> No.7839079

Newfag male here. I want to buy a pair of probably black cowboy boots for casual and formal wear. Do they go with black metal shirts/hoodies or is it a no go?

>> No.7839110
File: 8 KB, 376x260, reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope you don't do that.

>> No.7839116
File: 18 KB, 400x289, Bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7839162
File: 29 KB, 575x575, 81nMKlonhbS._SY575_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pair of black "leather" pf flyers. What can I wear with them? Can black shoes only go with black bottoms?

>> No.7839178

All right, other kind of boots that might go better? I've had standard caterpiller boots for the last 5 years and I've grown tired of them. So I was thinking of something more "formal/classy" as I also like to wear a blazer.

>> No.7839188
File: 76 KB, 750x750, f1r10008bt-darky-grey-139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any experience with these Rogue Boots? I dont normally come here but Ive been looking for boots to go with my black 510s and KillCities. Will these work?

>> No.7839185
File: 16 KB, 226x400, The_Rich_Texan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine yourself in "casual" "classy" cowboy boots with a navy blazer.

>> No.7839225

Are grey painted rooms /fa/

>> No.7839233

Are you serious or joking?
Because, the thing is. My dad also has some of those boots and wears them daily with jeans and blazers. But he is built rather big while I am skinny. He looks rather classy/modern with it.

>> No.7839290
File: 60 KB, 335x425, 0889456001392064627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I noticed when I looked at the size chart. But how about this? I thought this would be interesting for a pallete choice for pants. Also I w2ced it from a picture of an Asian that looked like me. I then checked out the size and the xs-s could fit me I think. Should cop?

>> No.7839295
File: 470 KB, 1086x550, 1339959475531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do Doc Marten lows fit? TTS?

>> No.7839395

is it a good idea to blind buy Creed colognes?

i never see them in stores and i dont think anybody sells them around here but i always hear great things about them. should i get a tiny bottle just to try?

>> No.7839480
File: 38 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mpiwelfoad1r92k5yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna get Janoski maxes soon and i want a pair of pants like on the picture. I don't want to wear my jeans with them because it might look weird. And wearing them with sweatpants would be kinda toolish(Even tho im still gonna do it). Can yall recommend me some nice chinos that are a tapered and a bit baggy.

>> No.7839486

A lil big, actually. Wear thick socks and you should be fine.

>> No.7839508
File: 102 KB, 862x1099, Roaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I want these or white shoes with my Zespy's?

>> No.7839516


>> No.7839867

Any suggestions for something similar if nobody knows it?

>> No.7839883

the 484s?

>> No.7840300
File: 43 KB, 1000x1000, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you tailor a jacket like this down a whole size? Wanted to cop in a S but everyone beat me to the punch i suppose

>> No.7840343
File: 215 KB, 475x871, BRhuehuehue..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a BR gift card for Christmas that i'm trying to use
can get a couple of these, and the button down's probably going to be one of them

>> No.7840363
File: 103 KB, 768x1184, Snapchat-20140223081708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be /fa/ and have acne. I regularly wash my face with medication and change my pillow sheets and that shit.
From far away it's not too noticeable.

>> No.7840416


What kind of question is that.

Just stay on top of it as best you can and get mad fits.

>> No.7840473

Ask a tailor
Also, what is your chest size and height? Thinking of copping one myself but unsure of sizing

>> No.7840478

Only if without the acne you would have top notch facial aesthetics, which lets face it, nobody on this board has.

>> No.7840491

is that acne or post-acne red marks? I've got a bunch of red marks on my face that have been fading recently, we're gonna make it bro

>> No.7840512

Check out 80's Purple, they have some chino's (yeah I know you said sweats but fuck you) that look almost identical to these in red, navy and black.

>> No.7840548
File: 247 KB, 500x377, 1393207343542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I've had minor acne since I was 14 and then shit just got worse. dw we'll both make it

>> No.7840765

Can anyone point me to any place where I can learn more about skin and hair care products? I've only ever put minimal effort into my hygiene but I don't know where to start to improve.

>> No.7840986

Do silent tees drape? It's hard to tell from their pics. Some look really long, some not, and they don't really say whether they're made for a longer fit, but it looks like it's just implied in every shirt.

>> No.7841012

What kind of jacket is this? Can anyone offer some recommendations for identical jackets?

>> No.7841016
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, stripey crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c reasonably priced yet nice stripey long sleeve/short sleeve tees

>> No.7841018
File: 234 KB, 717x1024, 1386054729583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c Antii's pants or similar


>> No.7841036
File: 261 KB, 1050x1867, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of the collar button thing? And can anyone recommend a good jacket with one that isn't $5000?

>> No.7841043


>> No.7841049



>> No.7841065


>> No.7841076
File: 17 KB, 180x223, 180px-Dennis_Ritchie_1593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for the type of glasses this man is wearing?

>> No.7841088

zara has a bunch of jackets with those collar buttons

>> No.7841123

desert boots
red wing iron rangers

>> No.7841270

w2c tees for that drapey look that aren't rick? Silent? VTB?

>> No.7841499

not sure if this is the right place for this, but has anyone had any experience with chinos from Bonobos? i really like the way they look/seem to fit but don't want to drop $100 without knowing if they're worth it or not

>> No.7841507

pls respond

>> No.7841531
File: 611 KB, 1200x1600, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you guys wear this shirt? I found it in my closet.

>> No.7841553


>> No.7841554

Do you skate?

If yes, then yes.

If no, then no.

It's bretty simple. Don't be a poser. Nobody likes a poser.

>> No.7841597

Yea, but those shorts are fucking hideous

>> No.7841621


they're flannel pants. I don't wear them outside the house.

>> No.7841782

>found it in my closet

dont fucking lie you actually payed money for that kek

>> No.7841807


well at some point I guess.

>> No.7841808

w2c slim fit, under $100 harrington/bomber jacket

>> No.7841812


>> No.7841830

ilu lel

>> No.7842011

w2c jackeg?

>> No.7842031
File: 58 KB, 645x773, 1364355254613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I randomly get really happy when I read my gfs tumblr because I think its so hot that she thinks some cool stuff is cool. I just want to fuck her so bad rn. Random feels.

>> No.7842161

If I have wide hips should I avoid skinny fits on pants?

>> No.7842196

I was gonna suggest reddits skin care addiction subreddit but they fucked me up hard because I let myself think I could fix my problems in a minute where their heavy ass regimen. id say if you're looking to help acne, check out acne.org and focus on routine and gentleness then on the chemicals themselves. I've been taking better care of my face for around two months and my acne has severely decreased, from really terrible acne.

>> No.7842202

w2c trousers with cool prints
>tfw all my theories about true detective were right

>> No.7842206

helmut lang iirc

>> No.7842213

Read the Sticky.

>> No.7842217

link her tumblr

>> No.7842299

hi /fa/ i want to cop some dr denim skinnies. http://www.drdenimjeans.com/uk/shop/where/categories/jeans/fit/skinny-fit/gender/male_unisex.html
can anyone recommend me a wash? i dress in a thrifty/grunge sort of style. lots of earthy/dark tones. i've already got a black pair. thx!

>> No.7842355

where/how3cop dreamboxes?
I need them for a project of mine.

>> No.7842383



>> No.7842573

>fuccboi - noun

A pussy ass nigga with no common sense that laccs good judgement and is constantly coming incorrect at REAL NIGGAS who will whoop them at a moments notice at any time and any place. Is also known to call the laws on a nigga therefore endowing them to a status of life long whoredom.

from urban dic.

>> No.7842624
File: 769 KB, 1520x2688, 1389152691742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i wear sk8his with denim and without looking like this guy?

just pinroll above the ankle? seems like that might be too high.

>> No.7842658


kopping dilemma

Was about to buy something from a small authorised boutique stockist for a Rick piece and they asked me to send payment as a gift via PP.

Isn't this risky as fuck because I can get fucked over if something goes wrong, right?

>> No.7842676


>> No.7842685

I would never do it for a sufu transaction etc obviously but It's weird tho that it's coming from an actual business

>> No.7842693

Tell them you're gonna go with the proper route and put it as a goods-and-services transaction, and do so.
If they don't like it they can go fuck themselves, there are a retailer.

>> No.7842697

**they are
>Fuck, I'm tired

>> No.7842713

That guy just has bad posture and bad jeans

>> No.7843286

you could always just let them stack

>> No.7843351
File: 506 KB, 1600x2400, dfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about copping this pair from cos. Feedback?

>> No.7843353



Really, worst cop of my life. I'm still ashamed.

>> No.7843938 [DELETED] 

/fa/, nowadays I am into streetwear clothes. how can I step to something like casual shirts, trousers and casual shoes (sometimes layering) without looking dadcore as hell? I already wear oxford shirts and some similar stuff, but needing an improve. excuse my bad english grammar.

>> No.7844027

Nice, got link?

>> No.7844051

do I look okay for a 20 year old? or am
I cursed to forever be a babby

my hairs tied back so it looks kinda weird

>> No.7844053

no offence but why dodn't u google cos shoes

>> No.7844059
File: 331 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot pic

>> No.7844069

cause i'm currently tweeting on my iphone

>> No.7844064

these are nice but they dont deliver to murrica sadly


anyone know where i can find something similiar i really dig the wedge sole

>> No.7844082


Common Projects derby shine. More pricey though.

>> No.7844088

Requesting that party feel comic with Rick

>> No.7844090

Yes, you look fine.

Be glad that you could be considered to look younger than your age.

>> No.7844118
File: 25 KB, 620x620, 1393267432994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows sizing on Nike jackets?
I want this but it's sold out in small which i usually wear. Would medium be too big or do they run small?

>> No.7844125

that looks bad mate dont buy that

>> No.7844171

what kind of light jacket type stuff can I wear in spring/summer instead of a hoodie?

>> No.7844227

just copped a superdry one, fits perfectly

>> No.7844331
File: 259 KB, 567x522, ardvark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me the difference between ace and max Acne jeans? Also Acne or Rouge Territory?

>> No.7844335

ace are skinnier, get max. also, probably acne. rogue territory looks okay though

>> No.7844346

Thanks man

>> No.7844356

I dropped my shoe trees while traveling. What do I do until my new ones come in the mail? Can I stuff socks inside my shoes or something?

>> No.7844371

What's the deal with buying from farfetch? If I need to return stuff, will I have to pay ridiculous shipping fees? I thought it was a U.S. store, but it says their pieces come from overseas.

>> No.7844378

can i wear an ocbd with black skinnies

>> No.7844382

bumping for a response to my stupid question

>> No.7844406
File: 630 KB, 1976x1392, b_06S01DRED_large (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of shit will go with the jacket on the right? I'd be wearing it with black jeans if that helps. I think the polo does but who knows

>> No.7844417

are you cook?

>> No.7844420

depends on the colour but assuming it's white ofc

>> No.7844429

are you my dad?

>> No.7844433

For a business casual dresscode, are oxfords the best choice? Also, how necessary is a tie? How many should I own?

>> No.7844434

I don't think so? Cook?

>> No.7844440


>> No.7844449

a character from skins
lel is that a bad thing
i love how cook dressed sometimes. i'm actually planning to make a thread on /fa/ one of these days askins where to cop some of his stuff.

>> No.7844463

Just had a look and I think he dresses pretty cool, I have a thing for that chavvy kind of aesthetic in somethings

>> No.7844537

If you have wide hips, you should sit on my dick

>> No.7844553

you got some shitty ass teeth

>> No.7844658

when are the mono 1461s restocking ;__;

>> No.7844757

are flip phones /fa/

>> No.7844765

email them nerd

>> No.7844782

sorry for being rude

>> No.7844972

How large is the tongue of Geos? I'm 5' 8" so If I bought them would they just end up looking ridiculous?

>> No.7845131

they're not, I e-mailed them. Discontinued.

>> No.7845137

What are the most /fa/ colors? I like black, white, gray, navy, brown and red (specially the darker tones of red).

>> No.7845136

bump for answers

>> No.7845142

might be an unpopular opinion but I'd gladly trade my iphone for a good flip phone any day. The japs make the best flip phones in the world. Something about flipping to answer the phone man, fuckin love it.

>> No.7845143

How much do washed APCs stretch out? I wear a 26 in the raw black PS and they've stretched out to a nice slouchy fit. Would I go up to a 27 for the same look in the washed?

>> No.7845192

For cheap, just for this s/s fits, are h&m pants acceptable or should I look elsewhere?

>> No.7845352

Is a medium longer (veritcally) than a small? or just wider?

>> No.7845491
File: 1.91 MB, 2592x1936, 1392580495782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can u id please

>> No.7845744

got some rick tees that shipped from italy and UPS is now charging me a $48 brokerage fee.
Is there anything I can do to get out of this or am I stuck paying this fee?

>> No.7845862

Anyone have any experience with Damir l/s sizing? I usually wear 48 in most brands, but generally 50 in Rick because they fit fairly slim. So I'm wondering if Damir is similar or more tts.

>> No.7845872

they're nike zoom air sales samples
they werent released
up for sale if u want em

>> No.7845875


How tall is you bruh?

>> No.7845886


>> No.7845976

Anyone got any good ideas for a spring jacket?

I already have a Harrington and bomber.

>> No.7845992

APC seaside coupe-vent

>> No.7846031

Good rec. Looked into it but it's sold out in the smaller sizes. Sort of similar to the duffle I use in winter, too.

>> No.7846057

i need white shoes. i want cps but i dont wanna risk buying something that expensive just yet, what are some alternatives?

>> No.7846075

How do I buy things from cos if they are European only

>> No.7846109


>> No.7846114

but will they ship it to me?

>> No.7846128
File: 106 KB, 920x1380, common_235947_3120-bl_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can I wear (black skinny or raw denim) with those? I want to avoid the match of the bottom with the top, but i dunno.

>> No.7846131

thats what a proxy is. there might be one on sufu and if not ask the uniqlo proxy guy, he might do it

>> No.7846183

Which is worse: Wearing black hi-top Chuck Taylor's once every 2 months or an inoffensive black Jansport everyday?

>> No.7846196

neither stop being an insecure faggot

>> No.7846214

w2c /fa/ patches?

>> No.7846208

alpha industries
just wanna know if anyone has tailored any jacket like this before.

>> No.7846250
File: 159 KB, 288x628, cmdroppedfilename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Cheap Monday jeans does /fa wear?
Most are out of stock in 29x30
How do the dropped new black fit/look?

>> No.7846276

W2c something like that in 34x36?
>6'4 emperor of lanklets.

>> No.7846295

I'm looking into shorts and leggings for gothninja/street goth, wanna experiment with layering and stuff.
Is it still /fa/?

If it is then w2c cheap black leggings with no logos, Nike is out of the window, same goes to shorts.

>> No.7846312

I'm asking because I can't decide which one to replace for myself not because any of insecurity. Geez

>> No.7846323

*of any
I'm tired

>> No.7846321

w2c something like this in america

>> No.7846329

Also, should've added I'm an americunt as well.

>> No.7846333
File: 184 KB, 1184x802, 1391630600698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of fits on /fa/ that involve these black crewneck sweaters/sweatshirts. Where do you guys buy them?

>> No.7846390

replace the shoes if you wear them only once every 2 months

>> No.7846406
File: 266 KB, 800x400, 1393300425561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get mine in the children's department of a discount store in my neighbourhood. Men's sizes are $5. Children's sizes are $3

>> No.7846407

its really overplayed imo, but get pods and generic jcpenny leggings if so.

>> No.7846414

Didn't they close Honest Ed's?

>> No.7846424

it's been sold but it hasn't closed yet. I was just there a few weeks ago

>> No.7846431

Wear jeans that are less awful. Buy sk8 his without contrast stitching.

>> No.7846536

some tip would be nice ;_;

>> No.7846690

asos & karmaloop both stock cm jeans, so does urban outfitters i think. dunno if they have that particular model tho

>> No.7847079

Can anyone recommend me a decent/affordable light jacket for spring/cold summer nights? Something in the style of an M65 or parka.

Somewhat similar to pic would be cool. Price range is $150-200

>> No.7847090
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Forgot pic

>> No.7847161

So apparently I need reading glasses, but am having trouble finding a pair that's properly sized for me. Round frames, 45x18x145. Seems impossible to find, even when looking at grill glasses.