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/fa/ - Fashion

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7832444 No.7832444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the 10 commandments of fashion.

>> No.7832450

1. be super fucking critical

>> No.7832454


Well I guess the number one rule is to make sure everything fits.

>> No.7832458

1.) Avoid bold and loud colours.
2.) Don't be fat.
3.) Don't have acne.
4.) Stay healthy and athletic.
5.) If you'd laugh at someone else for wearing it, don't wear it.
6.) Make sure it fits.
7.) Don't buy it just because it's from a designer.
8.) Try to develop your own style.
9.) Accept constructive criticism.
10.) Stay healthy.

>> No.7832460

2. thou shalt be skinny

>> No.7832478

Thou shalt not be edgy.

>> No.7832489

Thou shall be stoic in nature and accepting in behavior

>> No.7832493

>5.) If you'd laugh at someone else for wearing it, don't wear it.
>5.) Be a basic bitch at all times

I see your point, but it's important to recognize when you can pull off things that other people can't. Most young guys would look ridiculous wearing scarves, but that doesn't mean that no guy should ever wear one.

>> No.7832495

>1.) Avoid bold and loud colours.
Nope! that's the typical /fa/ way of thinking. Loud colors are not impossible to pull off, just a bit more difficult
>2.) Don't be fat.
>3.) Don't have acne.
Acne scars can be dope if you got the style. But yeah.
>4.) Stay healthy and athletic.
just try and look good naked, like most male models
>5.) If you'd laugh at someone else for wearing it, don't wear it.
I'd laugh at people for wearing things I wear. This doesn't make any sense.
>6.) Make sure it fits.
The most glorious rule of all, unless you want it to don't fit on purpose.
>7.) Don't buy it just because it's from a designer.
Buy it so you can brag about it.
>8.) Try to develop your own style.
>9.) Accept constructive criticism.
Don't fucking let any piece of shit tell you how to improve unless they are fucking Rick Owens himself.
>10.) Stay healthy.
>implying muddles are healthy
>implying a healthy life style will ever be fashionable

>> No.7832500

>just try and look good naked, like most male models
>>>implying male models look good naked

They look good because they can wear anything. When they're wearing nothing they just look like scrawny pieces of shit. Even the "muscular" ones with abs have shit proportions.

>> No.7832502


>> No.7832508

1. Thou
2. Shalt
3. Not
4. Listen
5. To
6. Any
7. Thing
8. That
9. /fa/
10. Says

>> No.7832510

Your post defeats itself.

>> No.7832590


>> No.7832596

>there are people who actually believe this

>> No.7832920

nice trips
1. Well-considers fits are your lord thy god
2. You shall not have no other fits before them
3. Thou shall not make unto me any black maniquin images
4.Thou shall not take shitrips advice (see "Sieg")
5. Remember your physique and keep it sexy
6. Honour thy shoes and thy hair
7. Thou shall not commit fuccboiery
8. Thou shall not purchase from Yesstyle
9. Thou shalt covert thy grail
10.Buy what you need and what you love - buy sparingly and save

>> No.7833819

I support this post being stickied.

>> No.7834093

1. Make sure the clothes fit
2. Have a good physique
3. Experiment!
4. Have a personal sense of style
5. Fashion is set. Style is flexible.
6. Shoes are pivotal in a fit's success
7. Accentuate your positive aspects
8. Don't trend hop, but don't wear dated shit
9. Colors/patterns are not your enemies, but don't go crazy
10. Enjoy yourself. Fashion is for personal satisfaction and should not be used as a method for fulfilling what other people want out of you. (Unless you're a model)

>> No.7834119


>> No.7834141


this is ok but i'd take our "dont wear dated shit" and "don't go crazy on colors"

>> No.7834153

One is, don't wear brown with black

>> No.7834152

Yes it does.

>> No.7834169

I'm not good at subtlety. If you're not going to be discreet and quiet, then just go all the way and have the balls to shave off your eyebrows, bleach your hair, and put on some big bracelets.

Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.

I've lived in Paris for six years, and I'm sorry to say that the Ugly American syndrome still exists. Sometimes you just want to say "Stop destroying the landscape with your outfit." Still, from a design standpoint, I'm tempted to redo the fanny pack. I look at it as a challenge—it's something to react against.

When a suit gets middle-of-the-road it kind of loses me—it has to be sharp and classic and almost forties.

Hair and shoes say it all. Everything in between is forgivable as long as you keep it simple. Trying to talk with your clothes is passive-aggressive.

There's something a little too chatterboxy about color. Right now I want black, for its sharpness and punctuation.

Jean-Michel Frank, the thirties interior and furniture designer, supposedly had 40 identical double-breasted gray flannel suits. He knew himself and is a wonderful example of restraint and extravagance.

I hate rings and bracelets on men. I'm not a fan of man bags, or girl bags either—or even sunglasses. I don't like fussy accessories. Isn't it more chic to be free? Every jacket I make has interior pockets big enough to store a book and a sandwich and a passport.

With layering, sometimes the more the better. When you layer a lot of black you're like a walking Louise Nevelson sculpture, and that's pretty attractive. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is also one of the most attractive things you can do.

It's funny—whenever someone talks about rules, I just want to break them. I recoil from the whole idea of rules.

>> No.7834184
File: 79 KB, 620x450, mannekillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate rings and bracelets on men.


>> No.7834266

1 / Don't listen to /fa/
2 / If you ever think about taking any advice from /fa/, take a look at the waywt thread. If you're still considering /fa/ could be right about anything, please die.
3 / Don't ever buy any "trendy" piece. Chances it'll end in the darkest deep place of your wardrobe after you realise it's actually shit and every douche out there wears it are pretty high
4 / For similar reasons, wait a while before you buy anything you just found. Let the "new stuff aura" fall and see the piece for what it actually is.
5 / Don't copy. Take ideas from here and there and develope your own style or you'll look like a clown
6 / No clothes will ever make you look good if you look bad without any clothes over you
7 / You should take this as a hobby. If you're doing it merely for looks or getting laid there's something wrong with you.

I'm getting bored so that's all.

>> No.7834278

>No clothes will ever make you look good if you look bad without any clothes over you

Im gonna have to disagree, when most guys take off their shirts they look fucking gross, but if they put on a slim fitting oxford shirt they look great if kind of faggy

>> No.7834303

>don't listen to /fa/
So should I listen to you, or not?

>don't take advice, look at WAYWT
So where'd you learn how to be fashionable?

>no buying trendy stuff
That's just plain fucking stupid.

>don't copy
Not direct copying, but implementing certain parts of fits into your own isn't bad. Copying trunks isn't recommended, for example.

>make sure your body is good
Somewhat true I guess, most bodies are pretty ugly in general, skin is just weird.

>> No.7834335

1. Don't be fat
2. Don't be ugly
3. Don't be a fuccboi
4. In doubt, black
5. Man bun only with a beard
6. In doubt, Hitler Youth
7. You are not a Final Fantasy character
8. Drop crotch pants, not even once
9. Dress for the occasion
10. Be unique but not too much

>> No.7834380

/fa/ is shit for everything except selling your stuff

>> No.7834501

When I said don't wear dated shit I meant stuff that's super played out. Like kind of how roshes are still good looking but everyone and their streetwear wearing grandma has them. And you don't really want to go CRAZY with colors. Like you can incorporate some bright shit but I was talking like extremes. As in no fuckin rainbow shit all over the place. There needs to be thought behind colors because they often create focal points in a fit.

>> No.7834519

>You are not a Final Fantasy character
D-Demo anon chan...

>> No.7834758


>> No.7835146

hi bone fag

>> No.7835164

Anything that is even remotely popular in the consumer market is complete shit regardless of its price to look and quality ratio
Ex: Ray bans are relatively cheap designer glasses adn are an American classic but anyone on /fa/ will shit on them

>> No.7835169

i would laugh at a fat person with acne for wearing what i wear because it most certainly doesn't fit them and they just bought it because it's from a designer

>> No.7835572

b-but muh aesthetic

>> No.7836178

1. Make sure it fits
2. Wear something simple
3. Wear something clean
4. Don't try too hard
5. Try a little
6. Stay away from reddit
7. Stay away from 4chan
8. Watch entire fashion shows
9. No copying
10. Fashion is a hobby. Not something that can get you laid. Treat fashion as a hobby