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/fa/ - Fashion

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7827722 No.7827722[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you like/dislike about yourself?

Got blue eyes, blonde hair but have shit-tier skin, thin as fuck hair a bad nose.

>> No.7827734

Amazing jawline. Cheekbones. Eyebrows. Bone structure. Thick hair.

Cow's lick. Complexion. Facial hair growth. Used to be fat so stretch marks. My smile+teeth combo, I need to invest in whitening.

>> No.7827749

Feel ya bro, iv got a horrible cowlick on the back of my head.

>> No.7827778


>> No.7827834

My one eye is a little bit bigger than the other

>> No.7827841

my eyes seem slightly too close together, as in 1/2mm :(
so close and yet so far

>> No.7827868

Like the whole eye or the iris/pupil?

>> No.7827900


>> No.7827907
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I'm happy with my eyes atleast, could be a brighter blue but hey it's good. Dat acne an Jew nose tho.

>> No.7827914

wtf go shave
and stop doing that jaden face

>> No.7827926

Why do you think I'm in the bathroom?! An haha I know man, my smiles kinda shit so I avoid it. Got those bad teeth bro.

>> No.7827939

>good things

good skin, good thick hair, good hair color, nice grey blueish eyes.

>bad things

bad jaw , bad smile/teeth ( can barely open my mouth for a smile , always smile with mouth closed ), Reducing hair line

>> No.7827979

Blue eyes are really common though.

>Green eyes
>Nice eyes in general
>Strong jaw
>Thick dark brown hair

>Small ears
>Bad skin

>> No.7828010

yung putin

>> No.7828026
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Sensitive ass skin, really round nose, sensitive eyes, fat cheeks, babyface/little facial hair, short 5'10-11ish, dark black eyes

Curly coarse hair for black guy, chink eyes, dimples, good teeth, skinny build, easily can build visible muscle, little to no acne

>> No.7828046

Never heard that one before, idk I don't see it. No Russian in me, atleast that I know of.

>> No.7828097

black people with facial hair look like 9th wonder

>> No.7828129
File: 68 KB, 500x334, tumblr_m8mg6fTRXU1rniqm2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go for more of the scruffy look. My brother had to wait till his mid twenties to really get facial hair. I'm 22 and still can only get light mustache and chin fuzz.

>> No.7828135

You look better than anybody who is non-white

brown eyes = nigger

>> No.7828137

peach fuzz peach fuuzz do do dododoo

>> No.7828140

green eyes, good face, fairly attractive overall

fairly wide hips, acne on chest, love handles, teeth.

>> No.7828141

I honestly dislike everything about me.
Well, maybe except my height.

>> No.7828146

I look like a deer with downs syndrome.

Also big nose and shit smile.

>> No.7828147

>wide hips

>> No.7828162

musculature, hair, hands, teeth, cock

cheeks, eyes, face shape

>> No.7828173

jesus man your acne is so fukin bad m8 in person it must look worse

Clean that shit up you mongol

>> No.7828184

>blue eyes
>dark brown hair
>clearing up acne (I like that)
>confident in clothing and myself

>cow lick
>bit of a lazy left eye

>> No.7828204

skinny/very low bf%, fairly fit and healthy(not predisposed)
cool eyes
nice smile
okish natural hair
hairy enough to look grown up and shit without being wookie
can look kind of scary when i want to. though i'm skinny it's pretty much all lack of fat rather than muscle.
no genetic features so bad that they get me down/i give a fuck
weird ears
redish cheeks, though i know some people like this
a few facial moles, but nothing major/bad really
i think i might have weird walking posture but idk
monotone accent/deep voice combo

so fuckin vain
would have more to say about psychological/personality shit

>> No.7828203

I'm a guy, so that's bad, yes.

>> No.7828224

It's only really bad on that one side if my face, not as bad looking in person. Gotta work on it though, gonna try proactive or somthin.

>> No.7828227

Hey you can talk about personality an shit too, say whatever you want man.

>> No.7828231

I hope you already saw a doctor and haven't just been taking advices on /fa/ cause for the most of people here shit acne skin is two pimples on their forehead

>> No.7828238

>head shape
>defined jawline
>nice eyelashes
>very few and small moles in whole body
>good smile and teeth (i'd like them to be a lil bit more white though)

>eyebrows because hairy
>been gaining weight slowly for the last 2 years cause im a lazy fuck
>fat is starting to get on my jawline making it rounder

>> No.7828249

>literally everything
I hate every single feature of myself when I think about it, every little one, yet overall I don't think I look too bad. It's weird.

>> No.7828251

Like: Eye shape, jawline, cheekbones, thick brown hair, skin color, chin brow/eyebrows, mouth, skinny with no work, hairline

Dislike: Jew nose, probably from muh Sicilian ancestry, got dad's brown eyes and not my mom's blue eyes, still get pimples, skin on cheek is fucked up from skateboarding accident when I was a kid, 5'9 manlet

Overall bretty good.

>> No.7828252

big eyes, nice face, slim, petite and gamine. Great hair quality, excellent metabolism, okay skin.

Jew nose
tiny tits
being short and a wimmin means not being taken seriously and everyone is always mansplaining everything to you unless they know you.
Getting skinnyfat.
Sensitive skin so I can't use half of the shit everyone else can.
Weak as fuck.
Nearly blind, with astigmatism too.
Thick, calloused, leathery feet from figure skating, with my dark body hair and short stature I'm practically a Hobbit.

>> No.7828264

You should probably get some help about your self image.

>> No.7828266

i look like a young male out of a neoclassical painting tbh

my hairline and smile are total shit though

>> No.7828283

I like:
Nice hair and nice eyes

I'm fat but trying to lose weight. I'm 200 pounds and I try to look good in clothes, only like 45% of the time do I actually look okay. fuck

>> No.7828287

> Long, thick hair
> Eyebrow shape
> Eyes
> Small feet
> Sometimes my butt

> Chubby
> Square face
> Bump on nose
> Slightly gap toothed

Think i could look okay if i started working out

>> No.7828289

protip: smile anyway
I used to hate my smile and thus hate smiling, but then I got over myself and soon realized it makes a huge difference to how you're treated
also forcing yourself to smile will make you at least comfortable with it

>> No.7828292

some primer and concealer could do you wonders, ur not that bad. fake it to make it.

>> No.7828299

Yeah, mayb ;__;
Though I'm not sure what could be done to help

>> No.7828317

Basically hate everything about my appearance. The only good thing is that i'm fairly photogenic, and everyone always tells me I look prettier without makeup.

I used to like my ass, but now it's covered in cellulite no matter how much I work out so fuck this gay earth.

>> No.7828328 [DELETED] 

Good body (hips, boobs, butt, legs), thin with no effort, eyes, face kind of mostly, pretty alright skin

Curly hair that always looks messy, don't like my smile, midget height

>> No.7828345

Good body (hips, boobs, butt, legs), thin with no effort, eyes, face kind of mostly, pretty alright skin

Chubby toes, curly hair that always looks messy, don't like my smile, midget height, always look bad on pictures

>> No.7828365
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Shit complexion. Short. Never pleased with how I'm dresses. Don't think I can pull off shaved down hair. Have a hard time spending money on stuff. Below average dick. There's more but I would be here all day if I where to list them


>> No.7828377

Tighten up your skin then

>> No.7828396


Height (6'1), build (athletic, suit size, everything fits awesome), jawline, eyes (green/ hazel), hair (thick, "interesting texture")

Collar bone (mine seems big), hair (people complement it, but the texture is difficult to manage), facial hair (just leaves more to be desired).

>> No.7828400

You look like some faggot I saw at school today

>> No.7828403

collar bones are great tho, i love em

>> No.7828412

hair, shape of eyes, jawline, eyebrows, body, skin

nose, color of eyes, teeth, body hair fucking everywhere

>> No.7828435


I've been dermarolling my ass for a year now. It's getting slightly better, but still not enough. I hope there will be a better solution one day ;_;

>> No.7828436

What colour eyes anon?

>> No.7828447

dark brown

>> No.7828549



>> No.7828555

Oh, sorry for your loss. Brown eyes can look nice. They make your eyes look larger. What colour is your hair? Are you white?

Can't empathise with you cause I have bright green eye master race.

>> No.7828611

hehehe prettyboi

>> No.7828650

I'm short (5'9")
complexion (I'm dark skinned Mexican)
thin hair (not thinning, I've had thin hair all my life. been hearing "you're going bald" for over 15 years now, still not bald)
super long torso
short legs
short arms
bulbous nose
thick ass hair where I don't want it
can't grow a mustache for shit (even though all my uncles go around looking like Freddie Mercury and my dad's looks like Hulk Hogan's)

I can pretty much lose/gain weight at will
straight almost perfect teeth
apparently I have a big penis

>> No.7828669

No jawline, acne everywhere, dumb as a rock, broke as shit, shit-tier facial hair, weird ears, poor taste in fashion and music, can't style my hair well, quit lifting just as i started noticing gains because I'm terrible, no ass, bad smile, giraffe neck, ugly voice, not talented at anything, terrible posture, virgin, no friends, and I'm just a bad person.
Tall, thin, well proportioned for the most part, high self esteem

>> No.7828673

Like :
>Left handed
>Nice hair

>Bones are too thin
>Thorax is too fucking thin
>I'm ethiopian like skinny (105 lbs)
>Shit face
>Weird ass feet, going on the outside
>Head is way too small

>> No.7828693

attention whores thread

a bit slanty and not bright eyes
nice penis but quite short
hair too thin
no jawline
face too round

nice nose
nice mouth
symetric face
no acne (or really few sometimes)
not hairy
nice body
cute face overall

>> No.7828722

- Strong Jawline
- Facial features in proportion
- Reasonably muscular with broad shoulders
- Toned back
- Excluding face, clear skin
- Tan easily
- No chest hair
- White
- Dick in good condition
- Green eyes
- Fingernails are perfectly preserved
- Deep voice. Get complemented on it a lot
- Despite being half Jewish, I have no trace of the dreaded Jew nose.

- High hairline (Do a good job at hiding it though)
- No facial hair
- Acne
- Hair gets curly if it gets too long
- Feet look weird
- Leg hair is wiry and curly. Would rather if it was darker and straighter
- Dick is only 6 inches and has a slight curve to the left
- Eyelids are puffy when I wake up
- 5'10" which isn't terrible but wouldn't mind being a little bit taller especially as I've got a bigger chest and so have to but tops that are a bit to long to compensate.
- The odd hair grows on the shaft of my dick

Some things could be better but all in all, I think I'll be okay.

>> No.7828750


>> No.7828788

Blond wavy hair that sort of curls, blue eyes
6 feet tall
8 inches dick

Jew nose
Neanderthal forehead
Receding chin
High hairline
Slight gynecomastia (man-boobs)
Forward head posture

>> No.7828793

I'm Asian and I hate myself for it. I should just kill myself because an anonymous white girl on /fa/ said that she wouldn't date Asian guys.

>> No.7828796
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tell me

ignore clothing

>> No.7828806

>green eyes, pretty good facial structure genetics, good metabolism, I put on muscle very easily

>shitty ass smile (cannot smile for the life of me), thick, dry, hair, shit tier skin

>> No.7828811

As a white girl I would never date an Asian guy. I've always found them unattractive.

>> No.7828827

as a white guy i would date an asian girl. I've always found them attractive.

>> No.7828839


>> No.7828861

as a white girl, ive always liked asian guys. I mean, if an asian is hot, he is really hot.

>> No.7828867

You have absolutely no standards.

>> No.7828882

actually im quite picky

>> No.7828904

What are you?

Pretty gud aesthetics 8/10

ugly ears tho+eyebags

>> No.7828927

I can do better than that. Asian guys aren't really attractive, so I try to do better than that.

>> No.7828934


>> No.7828956

>I can do better
Not really relevant, i didnt say im only into asian guys, i just said some of them can be attractive
calm yo tits

>> No.7828985

Just white as far as i know. Eyebags suck but the lighting doesnt help either.

Fite me

>> No.7829002

Gonna list my bad

>overbite (getting braces)
>gyno (getting surgery)
>acne (very slowly clearing up)

>tfw your not gonna get surgery for months and you'll have to wear braces for 3 years
>tfw you'll be ugly for at least another 1-2 years

>> No.7829187

well, at least you wont be ugly for all of your life.

>> No.7829564

Good jawline
Good facial bone structure
Strong chin (with a small cleft)
Hazel-Green eyes (with a blue limbal ring when i wear contacts)

Ginger hair
Fair white skin
thin (though I've been going to the gym to add muscle)

deep bags under eyes
large forehead
don't like my eyebrows
can't grow facial hair very well

>> No.7829708

slavic potato face/permascowl, sperg voice, bad posture, murky eye colour, not as tall as I could have been

sharp nose, strong eyebrows, ramones hair, pale

thin, defined jawline, decent skin

meh/10 overall

>> No.7830046

Green eyes, amazing eyebrows, dat stare and mouth shape, good jawline, always slim, good smile

Shitty hair, shitty skin, shity teeth, 5'9, when I laugh out loud I look like a witch

>> No.7830054

u sound hot though shut the fuck up

>> No.7830065

sage for vanity threak

>> No.7830081

My nose is big and wide, but tbh it suits me. Either way, can't really change it.

>> No.7830191

I have bad skin also... I'm so jealous of girls with great skin. :( I also dislike my eyebrows; they're very sparse so I have to fill them in. But I love that I'm super thin due to genetics and I love my small tits also.

>> No.7831678

>Ginger hair

Being ginger is quite possibly the worst thing you can be. Enjoy no one finding you attractive for the rest of your life.

>> No.7831683

Fuck off you retarded trip.

>> No.7831698

Good - classically handsome, great jawline etc
bad - 5 inch dick, hella eye bags from staying up and weed.

>> No.7831703

>happy smile ^_^
>cute mouth
>5'11 for an asian
>pretty nice profile
>fairly nice skin
>curly (but short) eyelashes

>small penis
>kinda chubby cheeks
>chinese puff hair
>egg shaped head, kinda big
>thighs are disproportionate
>slightly too much thigh hair/ass hair
>nose is a little bulbous/large
>eyes are a little asymmetrical
>acne scarring on my ass and back
>whitish chicken pox scars on my torso

I've had self-image body issues since I was in high school. I've never really admitted it to anyone, but I realize how apparent and accredited it is to my diagnosed depression

>> No.7831728

Low brow.

>> No.7831779

like danny dyer but sexy

>> No.7832038

nah mang get on accutane
I was on that shit for 6 months, was clear for about a year then I started getting pimples again, worked out it was a hormonal thing so I'm going back to my derm to get some androgen suppressors so my sebum glands won't be producing as near as much oil

>> No.7832165

shave more often my acne gets worse if i have hair like that in the face

>> No.7832177

that pic looks like it would hurt shaving

>> No.7832179


>6'5, proportional, bitches always break the ice with me and talk about my height and shit
>Great beard genetics, full beard at 17
>Thick dark eyebrows
>strong jawline


>6'5, hit my head off fucking everything all the time, my bae is 5'0 so the height difference gets in the way a little bit and we look kinda weird in public together

>> No.7832180
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>nice lips
>nice butt
>two eyelashes (good thing for asians)
>non-asianish face and hair
>always happy or non-depressed
>not flat nose

>short 5'7''
>small penis
>not good at talking with new people
>not good at taking the initiative to do stuff
>skinny (i lost 22 pounds on 5 months while studying at uni, even though i ate fast food and unhealthy food literally 3-4 times a week)

>> No.7832191

-"Puppy dog" eyes (I've heard)
-White/blonde/blue eyes
-Face with character, not in a bad way
-Thick eyebrows
-Full lips

-Nose too small
-Wide hips
-Eyes too deep set
-Thin hair
-Overall "puffy"