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7827272 No.7827272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Manlet here. What does /fa/ think about these?
>Pic obviously related

>> No.7827276

What are they and how do they work. Not a manlet but they look like I could use them for squats instead of buy oly shoes.

>> No.7827280


>2-Layer Height Increase Elevator Shoes Insole for Men 2 inches


>> No.7827282

Not OP, but they look like height insoles.
Personally I don't get the whole height craze.
Most of the guys I fancy are below average height, and I'm 190cm.

>> No.7827297

Starting from which height can you be considered objectively tall in the USA? Or at least have your height be attractive?

>> No.7827315

assuming you have friends, people are going to know you shot up 2 inches or so

>> No.7827316

I guess 180cm

>> No.7827324

I have close friends that know I have issues with my height, I would tell them about those insoles.

>> No.7827333

OP, how tall are you?

>> No.7827339


5'5" don't know how many centimeters that is.

>> No.7827342
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>> No.7827351

So what happens when you take of your shoes?

>> No.7827363

That's 165.

How old are you? Old enough that you won't grow at all anymore (>20)?

If so, you'll be living with that height for the rest of your life unless you save up 70k and can afford to stay in a wheelchair for a year.
You don't need to be 5'8''. A lot of girls are your height, a few will be shorter than you. If you're really self conscious which I can understand, buy Nike AF1s, Air Max 1/90s, Timberland six inch boots, any kind of dressy boot like Alden's Indy, or even simple cuban heel derbies or chelsea boots (check out SLP's)... That alone can give you a few centimeters.

I'm not trying to dissuade you to buy inserts if they can make you feel much better, but know that:
>if you get a girl while wearing them, you'll have to deal with the fact that you'll likely be shorter than her when comes the time to undress (and she'll have to deal with it too)
>you'll have to eventually put up with your height or save up enough to change it permanently, because inserts are one temporary solution but don't actually fix anything.

I'm 180 cm which is objectively in the average to tall range, but that doesn't actually mean shit because the girl I've been dating for two years now is like 178 cm lol
When we go out and she wears heels I'm somewhat noticeably shorter unless I wear chelseas, but I don't give a shit because 180 is enough for me and for her. So just deal with it.

>or shell out 70k to get your legs broken and an extremely painful recovery

>> No.7827364

Would I get shorter?
I though that after some time using those insoles I would eventually grow up.

>> No.7827370

Probably the same way you feel when you take off the chicks shirt for the first time and realize those "curves" came from 2-3 push up bras;dissapointment I'd imagine. Fuck you're still taller than most females. Guess its just easier to try to fix the outside though huh?

>> No.7827376

Thanks for the answer anon.
I thought about these surgeries but they're impossible for me

>> No.7827381

>grow up
how old are you anon

>> No.7827382

after some time using those insoles your leg tendons will shrink and you'll never be able to walk without lifts again.

>> No.7827384
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>> No.7827385

They'd make you look fucking lanky anyway.
Don't go out of your way to be taller. You can try to "look" taller with your outfits (just google it there's a bunch of methods), if that makes you feel better than why not, but inserts will make you even sadder when you take them off.

So I advise you avoid it and spend time to think about the importance of your issue.

Btw if you're underage (which 50% of /fa/ is I guess), don't stress it because I grew a bit less than 4 inches over a year when I was sixteen.

>> No.7827394

pick one

>> No.7827393

I mean, if you're out clubbing and going home with some girl, she'll just laugh at you unless you keep the shoes on all night.

>> No.7827404

it's dif. if ur gay tho

>> No.7827415

i bought insoles. I'm 5'9 already. Wear sneakers with 1 inch sole. Add 2.5 in insole. become 6'0 fucking master race top kek

>> No.7827448

So how's for comfort?
And which insole did you buy?

>> No.7827457

5'8" here. I would never wear these.
Why are you people so sensitive about your height?

>> No.7828083

Because of women, mostly.

>> No.7828138

Money over bitches... Don't you fags ever learn? Stop wasting time on bitches, just focus on stacking paper. When all is said in done, pussy will be so easy and you can wear all your favorite designers. Would you rather be doing coke with Ricky in an abandoned warehouse?

>> No.7828164

I'm 5'10' and taller than most people except for the occasional tallfag. So you guys are about average, don't sweat it.

>> No.7828189

5'6" here
do not buy that shit.
stop living in denial
why are you letting the opinions of others affect you this deeply?

don't let these fuckniggas on /fa/ hurt you to the point that you waste your money on stuff like this, most people on /fa/ are tall, ugly white kids that try to trend hop and fail hard.

>> No.7828209

So you're either a short wigger or a short nigger, is that correct?

>> No.7828243

short or not
its better than being a bitch

>> No.7828270

>Be fun sized man
>Get girls taller than me
>Heighters gon height

Don't get these and deal with your height OP.

>> No.7828351
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thanks you guys

>> No.7828539

will it look dumb if i wear these but am 6'1"? All my friends are taller then me and I feel unsecure being the short one around them.

>> No.7829246
File: 239 KB, 800x600, 1388722057668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to be something you're not. people will notice and they'll laugh behind your back.

count your blessings bb

>> No.7829342

185cm here. I can tell you there's nothing exceptionally cool being "tall" (imo). You will find another shitty feature to worry about lol.

Someone said he feels insecure when his friends are taller than him. I'm occasionally doing some modeling where nearly everyone is at least 5cm taller than me and the girls are fucking tower-height with their heels n shit - I wouldn't want to be that fucking tall. If I had to, I would go 5cm down to 180 rather than up by 5 to 190.