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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 35 KB, 722x500, 1391153027603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7822875 No.7822875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I want a man bun. I can't decide if I want to shave the back/sides and go for a pic related, or just keep it all long.

Dump inspo

>> No.7822877
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>> No.7822886
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>> No.7822892

ew. i don't see any bun, jigga

>> No.7822890
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>> No.7822897
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>> No.7822902
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I say keep it all long, as it'll look a lot better in the long run. Get ready for an awkward phase every few weeks if your hair grows fast, though.

>> No.7822906

full bun mode is best mode.

>tfw my hair looks better than any sidecut fancy shit when it's in a bun

>tfw my hair turns people on when I release the bun

>tfw qt3.14 buries their face in my hair

>> No.7822905
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>> No.7822917
File: 81 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mxruc7U2lw1qzi6z7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would it look like if someone had a mohawk grown out into a bun?

Similar to OP's picture but with the back too.

>> No.7822925
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>> No.7822937
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>> No.7822941

I have this same exact haircut. I wear it slicked back sometimes, mostly when I go in office.

>> No.7822946

>tfw not manly and bun makes me look like a bitch

>> No.7822949
File: 181 KB, 620x345, get-the-gloss-man-buns-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7822954

>not wanting to be a long-haired qt bitch boy


>> No.7822958
File: 118 KB, 442x700, tumblr_lhdwj8CvUK1qafo1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7822962

I'm most of that already, except not qt. I'll eventually get some facial hair transplants or something.

>> No.7822968
File: 234 KB, 650x433, GlamourOT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7822976
File: 84 KB, 600x450, jake-gyllenhaal-1-600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7822985
File: 239 KB, 912x1330, alex-ebert.nocrop.w1800.h1330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread pops up weekly but this is the best collection of pictures I've seen so far.

I'll try to contribute.

>> No.7822989
File: 251 KB, 500x562, afdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in the same boat OP

i think im gonna shave mine though


>> No.7822991
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>> No.7822993
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>> No.7822995
File: 127 KB, 345x337, 1380158471597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pics or ur a liar

>pic related is your man bun

>> No.7822998

season 2 starting soon
hope it gets as good as first few eps of the 1st season

>> No.7822999
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>> No.7823003
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>> No.7823010

he looks KKK as fuck

>> No.7823016
File: 193 KB, 433x650, GlamourOT6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ragnar's hair, but that would take years to grow. I mean, his is just extensions.

I think your best bet is to grow it long and bun it, or shave the sides and go exactly for what you already posted.

I think that Rathbone has the best top knot out there, and it wouldn't take very long to grow.

>> No.7823287
File: 233 KB, 979x1330, 1392930824125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't work for everyone

>> No.7823291

Probably would look weird. And it would look absolutely awful in the months it took to grow the length required to bun it all.

>> No.7825198

I have one. It used to be a mohawk.
I'm planning on cutting off the back, but, then I might just cut the whole thing off, lol.

>> No.7825345

jewish lawyer core

>> No.7825353

the shaven bag and sides is just people that have grown out a hy.

>> No.7825357

>tfw growing it out
>tfw it takes fucking forever

It's not even falling off my head yet and it's been months

>> No.7825379

the bun is too low.
its what makes chris hemsworth's bun also shit tier.

>> No.7825389 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 960x887, 1390891938745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7825403

at the end of this month i'll be hitting my six month mark and holy fuck it's been a real pain wearing beanies for three months especially since i looked like complete shit whenever i had to go somewhere i couldnt wear a hat.

it's starting to look decent where i can start being more confident leaving the beanie at home but i'm probably three months away from being able to bun.

>> No.7825402

putting your hair in a bun causes you to go bald faster


>> No.7825420
File: 188 KB, 466x700, tumblr_mnff7zyYCE1qh53vso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went in to my barber to do some maintenance on the sides and back and p much lost about a years worth of progress. I specifically told her to leave the top and front at its current length but she cut it anyway.

>> No.7825431
File: 57 KB, 468x512, croydon facelift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man buns look like shit when they're tight.

every good man bun in this thread is worn loosely and that article is going on about people that pretty much rock a croydon facelift.

also just seems to be discussing the myth without actually saying if its bullshit or not which makes me think you didnt even read it.

>> No.7825444

How much hair did she cut off/how slow does your hair grow?

My hair grows about an inch a month, it's annoying how often it needs to be cut.

>> No.7825455

I went to almost all of the hair salon near me (because fuck barbers all they can do is shave head for cheap) and none of them seem to know how to tie my hair like that and I know my hair is long enough too...

>> No.7825474


>putting your hair in a bun causes you to go bald faster

Did you even read the article? The bun has to be extremely tight and be worn constantly to cause hair loss. Such as the professional ballerina and black women who wear tight braids their whole life, which were both given as examples.

>> No.7825531

>being too aspie to stop her when she started going for the top

>> No.7827235
File: 172 KB, 450x302, cheveux_fa_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping inspo


>> No.7827242
File: 159 KB, 617x768, cheveux_fa_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7827246
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>> No.7827251
File: 43 KB, 800x530, cheveuxswag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7827256
File: 299 KB, 720x764, topknot00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is me three or four weeks ago


>> No.7827260
File: 38 KB, 229x400, lourdes_shaven_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7827321

I hope to grow this within a month or two..

>tfw in the awkward mid state of growing

>> No.7827346


but that's a grill

>> No.7827357

>tfw wearing alice band whilst growing hair out

I think I'm at 6 month mark too. About 6 inches on the top.

Maximum 6 months to go, but I should be able to make a small bun by July.

My hair grows p. quick but it's thick and wavy

>> No.7827375

>Tfw full head of long thick hair
>tfw no jawline and fat face
>not enough confidence anyway

>> No.7827699

it's what I'm growing right now to remedy that shit
except i don't have a fat face
just a lil' feminine

>> No.7827762
File: 347 KB, 605x608, 1393006537030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying out man bun secretly under my toque.
this pic was about a week ago.

not sure how to go about it because i need a haircut now and i'm not sure what to ask to get the haircut that will grow into it.

>> No.7827836

It's >>7827256 hère.
>>7827699 same problem : kinda lacked the jaw, got beard, profited
>>7827762 just ask for an HY, but tell the barber not to touch the hair on the top, scream if it needs

>> No.7827887

How to tie that shit boo
Pls respond

>> No.7828125

Use pic related to prevent your hair from breaking.
Take your hair and put it un the bond. (I'm notre native english so this part might be hard to explain)
Then do a 8 with the bond, pass the hair in the second circle. Hold tight and do another 8, put your hair in the second circle but not all the way, then let it like this.
Or just google bun tutorial

>> No.7828134
File: 114 KB, 393x459, 2014-02-21 20.28.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops forgot pic

>> No.7828192

keep growing for a month and then get a hair cut breh, thats what I would do, looks good to

are you Asian, look like it

>> No.7828235

I want this. Or him.

Are topknots going to be the new hitler youth then?

>> No.7828291

what's the perfect length for a bun?

>> No.7828320
File: 13 KB, 480x358, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a serious post. I am in no way /fa/ as my daily outfit consists of jeans, white ankle high socks, black jockey t-shirt from a six pack, and a flannel shirt, sweater or sweatshirt. The only reason I wear the outer layer is because I started wearing through the undershirts and did not want to buy more. I do have some decent looking shoes. And I don't look like shit.
My bangs are about 4.5 inches and already 2.5 longer than my hair has ever been before. It is beginning to piss me off but I want to get to a topknot just so I never have to get a haircut again. It is a pain and I refuse to wear a beanie in public. Should I give up (which I won't do, I have come this far) or should I go for it.
I am already outside of my comfort zone with this shit and the end product just seems weird. I am used to going to the barber's once a month and asking for a 1.5 on the sides and a 2 on top and getting the hell out of there 15 dollars poorer. How much maintenance does this take, because in my mind it is just a put it up in the morning, let it down at night, once a month pull it all back tight and take a half inch off out in the street.

>> No.7828348 [DELETED] 




>> No.7828360

Same hair type. I'll be ready by summer too, though realistically I'm thinking more mid-May. I'm at 6 1/2 inches on top and boy am I swinging through another awkward phase, the sides just explode outward and hang there because of how thick my hair is. Beanies and hats almost

>> No.7828364

Don't do it just because you don't want to get your haircut anymore... When people question the style you can't just be like "I was sick of leaving my house and paying a barber". Fucksake.
Do it cause it looks fucking cool.

>> No.7828394

I wish I could pull this shit off.
The only issue is that I have a fivehead and pulling back my fringe looks fucking awful. I usually keep some sort of fringe there to hide it.
So has this ever been pulled off with some loose hair in the front or does it just look laughably effeminate?

>> No.7828402
File: 191 KB, 392x336, stares at you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is just it. I know I have a jaw and face to pull it off, but my self confidence is so low that I can't see others finding me attractive. That is as good as I can put it into words. I have taken pride in how forgettable I can make myself in crowds and how quiet I can move around and shit. In my senior yearbook there was only the one photo of me. Even my friend who was a looser and didn't come to school half the year had more photos. The weird thing is I am proud of it. But now I figure it is time to actually get a girlfriend or some shit because I am 21 now and have kissed and shit, but never had a relationship with anyone else. Fuck, I haven't had a friend in over 3 years now. All I have done is workout, read and study and that is fine and all, but I felt lonely for the first time in my life 2 months ago and it actually did not feel too great.
I am not looking for validation, it is just nice to put it out there sometimes. I am trying to change, but it fucking slow going, I just hope I haven't fucked up my social skills too much by being so incredibly antisocial.

>> No.7828445

Changing your look could definitely give you a confidence boost, but your not even committed.
If you want to start over fresh and reinvent yourself you're in prime territory.
>no current friends or gf to judge you for mixing it up
But this edgy self loathing shit has to stop. Move past that high school bullshit.

>> No.7828465

would this be considered a man bun?

>> No.7828488

I don't want to reinvent myself, I am happy with who I am, I just realize I need to put a different face out there to the world. If that means dressing a bit nicer and a new hairstyle so be it. It isn't that I don't like myself, I just find it hard to like others, and by extension see them liking me.

>> No.7828522
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, spanish inuizitr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I do need to commit to the change. Fuck it. It just sort of sunk in that that may be the one of the problems. Whoever said 4chan is worthless, they are still mostly right, but there may be a gram of signal to the tonne of noise.

>> No.7828573


You're on /fa/ in a man bun thread.
It was implied that I meant reinvent your style, not your entire personality.

>> No.7828601

>want to cop manbun

dun no if itll b weird

>> No.7828618
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>> No.7828628
File: 93 KB, 1247x480, 12121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I'm sporting a manbun+beard combination atm, but I'm really tempted to either cut my hair into something more standard or cut both my beard and my hair. Been on the verge of calling a hair saloon a few times now, though I'm a bit reluctant about it seeing as the beard is about 6 months old and the hair is about 2 years old, so there's a lot of time invested in both. Also a bit unsure with what kind of haircut to go with if I do get one. There's some image of a before/after shaving where the guy has medium-length hair that gives him a kind of rogueish look, I'd be thankful if someone could post it here

So, I thought I'd ask you guys. And this is what a full (if somewhat wild and perhaps not optimally trimmed) beard looks with a manbun, for the guys above who were aiming for one. I like how it gives me a bit of character while I can still dress in jeans+ordinary t-shirt, kind of gives you a "I'm a future man from the future" 80s-vibe, but idk

bout shoulders, I'd say. Though its a bit tricky, you want the hair in the front to be quite a bit longer than the hair in the back

>> No.7828634
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20130921_125125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the exact same situation.

Except my hair is way too long to put into a bun and pull my hair up just focuses on my acne that still hasn't went away at 21.

I'm scared to cut it.

>> No.7828866

the man bun is way too tight and neat which makes the homeless type beard look fucking retarded.

try a more relaxed bun with that beard but even so its a bit much.

>> No.7828903
File: 479 KB, 1280x1808, 1393023937151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hair looks fine, but go to a barbers to tidy your beard and lose the sideburns. Having a beard is cool but it needs to be kept.

>> No.7828998

Looks p Amish

>> No.7829521

I just don't think that 'stache is doing anything for you, man.

>> No.7831727

Alright, ditched the beard completely yolo

prob got a too feminine jawline to pull it off without, and I exercise enough that washing my hair gets fucking tedious, so I'm going full generic dude-mode

It's gonna be pretty interesting going to class monday, none of them have seen me beardless and with short hair

>> No.7831922

post pioc

>> No.7831966
File: 93 KB, 1279x480, 121827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-alright. With manbun

>> No.7831973
File: 86 KB, 1279x480, 121212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with new haircut. Probably going to grow out a more moderate beard come spring, my jaw is a bit eh from the sides (atleast in pics, it looks alright in mirrors for some reason). I'm really new to having short hair, so I don't have a fucking clue about those. Just said something vague about wanting to have short hair and let the barber do his thing

Overall pretty satisfied with how it turned out, though

>> No.7831981

looks good, you should really work on your skin first though bro.

>> No.7831991
File: 252 KB, 418x421, 1386175906051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoulda just kept a small beard do you only do things to the extreme? jesus fuck manbuns always look better with some facial hair.

all of my why.
HY was played out two years a go why join a dying trend.

fix your skin you faggot.

>> No.7831994

Yeah, I know. Idk what I can do about that, I've tried a lot of fucking things. How my skin actually looks seems to be unrelated to what I do with it

That was a really good thing about having a big beard, covered up my skin nice

yolo, faggot. no compromises

>> No.7832178

Damn, I'd kill myself if I looked like that guy.

>> No.7832281

>played out

you don't talk like this in real life

>> No.7833150

popular hairstyles that are generally accepted by every part of society don't "die out"

>> No.7833173
File: 66 KB, 1348x894, 1346879192299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm growing my hair to do dreadlock hy man bun but shit it takes long. About 5 months in and cant even get a bun yet, let alone dreads

>> No.7833211

Time to grow enough hair: A year
Time for long hair to run out of fashion: A year


>> No.7833758
File: 22 KB, 235x341, poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to grow a man bun rn. I'm in such an awkward in between stage I have no idea what to do with my hair

>> No.7833761


>> No.7833998

W/e you do dont do that
Looks rly stupid

>> No.7834022

Pick whichever fits your face.

Keep in mind that having your hair back all of the time can damage it and hurt your hairline, especially if done improperly.

I had this for about five years and cut it off a few months ago. I realize now that five years was enough time to forget how weird my head looked without long hair. My afro isn't all that great either.

>> No.7835238


Man I think it's perfect the way it is.

So jelly of your fucking straight hair. Fuck curly hair.

>> No.7835437

How to keep your hair healthy while growing it out?

>> No.7835454

thats just a dope ass fit

>> No.7835564

How2manbun w/Claudio Sanchez-tier hair? Already been growing it out for almost 2 years now, haven't measured but it's almost shoulder length when wet. Fucking shrinkage.

>> No.7835664

is there a certain haircut needed to grow out a man bun or is it just letting your hair grow from any style?

>> No.7835671

I imagine it doesn't allow you freedom yo have your hair down.

>> No.7835695
File: 109 KB, 661x583, whutup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had this haircut like a year ago
this is what it looked like when it was down

probably wouldnt recommend doing it though because you cant really go anywhere with it. like once you've shaved the sides that's basically it, you can't really return to a normal haircut

>> No.7838246

so just put it in a bun

>> No.7838251

Fuck, you're handsome. But you are so retarded :(

>> No.7838281
File: 71 KB, 640x960, 13742317219088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can also look cool like this

>> No.7838308

lol no it doesn't look cool

>> No.7838642

so cool, how do you do this

>> No.7838661

i mean the bun like this

>> No.7840964


>> No.7840981

You have to have a stupidly manly face to pull it off or people will just keep referring to you with female pronouns when you're faced away from them.

>> No.7840991

Does being slightly tall helps?

>> No.7841011

skrong jawline is a must
long eyelashes
green eyes
able to grow stubble

if you havent ticked any of the above, do not manbun

>> No.7841022
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, 1366758542801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw tick all of these (but green eyes)
mfw dont want to manbun because it's a shitty overplayed haircut for baby faces who want to look manly yet untamed

>> No.7841023

None of the above, come at me

>> No.7841060
File: 97 KB, 500x750, 1392322904222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 2-3 weeks shy of one year since my last haircut, and I still can't bun. The length in the back isn't the problem; it's the fucking hair in front that has to reach all the way back. Will be happy if I can bun by August.

>tfw realizing bun is played out before you get a bun
>tfw avoiding this by starting a steroid cycle and getting huge as fuck with long hair

>> No.7841139

you really shouldn't leave the house with that tiny ass ponytie

>> No.7841153


>> No.7841188

he's so juicy

>> No.7841814

im currently growing my hair out long but now im having second thoughts, Im asian and all but i wear glasses, will i look stupid? I need contacts right?

>> No.7841861

>Want to grow hair out
>used to have long hair but decided to get it cut 3 or 4 years ago
>been growing it out for 6 months now
>hairline receded some since then
>I think I'm noticing a bald spot starting in the back I didn't notice before

Will this still work

>> No.7842008

Shave it all off. Receding in the temples is one thing, but if you're balding in the rear - go Jason Statham mode and never look back.

>> No.7842048

It's just long hair - Not sure if you can get it styled into one. In my opinion it would ruin the random/messy look of it.

>> No.7842143

no way to save it? Not sure how well no hair would look.

>> No.7842159

Don't do this, its looks fucking ridiculous

If you want to bun your hair, commit to the grind of growing it out, or not at all. Don't half ass it with a bitch-tail like that just because tying your hair is trendy at the moment

>> No.7842181
File: 1.77 MB, 2592x1936, Hair nikola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my current cut. some love it some hate it

>> No.7842187

Looks great dude, and your name is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7842219

greenyblue eyes
thich black beard
thick black hair
strong jaw line

I think I can do this

>> No.7842503

>tfw long eyelashes, green eyes, and able to grow stubble

Neat. I don't have a strong jawline though, but at least it's not "weak"

just average

>> No.7842537

H-hey man, f-fuck you t-too

>> No.7842590
File: 585 KB, 1280x1828, 1393236360242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7842647

post hair length or pic with your hair untied and falls over your face. Need to know at which length to pull off a good bun

>> No.7843986


that woman looks like a mom and it makes me want to fuck her

>> No.7844066

genji! fly!

>> No.7845072

listen up
trust me, they make your hair grow crazy fast. You can always get those hair growth pills as well

>> No.7845170

When doing manbun should I trim the nape of my hair? Mine is kind of long