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/fa/ - Fashion

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7818211 No.7818211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

taken my trip off.

I love what I wear. from all of my rick pieces to damir doma to givenchy to yohji.

but still, few friends irl and kinda seeing a malaysian chick but she'll flake on me in a few weeks. havent shown her any of my fashion interest because im pretty sure she'll think it's weird/gay/unusual/whatever.

i suspect people think im gay or weird, and maybe ill never find anyone. i made a few /fa/ friends and thats nice, but i dont know.

im getting really depressed about this, ive had treatment before for it, but fuck, when does it end really. i regret not going to university. work has bought me everything i could want at this age, but fuck, i just want friends, and someone to love me.

bleh, im glad i vented.

>> No.7818218


sure, rick fits blah blah arent super usual etc. but do i really have to dress pleb to get friends and a girl?

what is fashion

>> No.7818466

You've reinforced my belief that being /fa/ is not a healthy lifestyle.

What would be best for you is to step away from the internet for some period of time. Try 10 days away. You'll notice your happiness levels go up.

>> No.7818503

never knew how serious you guys took fashion

my dress sense is already good and I just come here for some inspo. sometimes fa really is ahead of the game.

but seriously your clothes are not that important.
feeling good about who you are and the message you convey is.

the best advice /fa/ could give anyone is the fit

1. health and fitness. you should look good in meh clothes.
2. you should feel comfortable in a neutral state. don't let your clothes define you. they are fucking clothes.

my weight is always changing so I've never been too serious about clothes. I've given so much away I don't even care.

in fact and this is the complete truth this girl at college told me she didn't wanna go out with her. I lost weight got handsome as fuck and I purposefully dressed like shit on days we had classes. why ? didn't want that shallow bitch to see how handsome I became till graduation.

>> No.7818508

What work do you do?

>> No.7818513

not saying, it's a pretty specific job

>> No.7818518

ok I was gonna say because if your job is good then you dont have to worry about college considering that the entire point of college is to get a career.

>> No.7818523
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wich trip r u :)

>> No.7818527

I feel you OP, I don't actually know who you are or what your trips is but I'm sure if you said it I'd know, but still.

I'm buying some pieces like a black bomber, purchased some 'crazy' shoes like a pair of palladiums (to people around here in the UK, they are very eccentric), some other stuff that's just streetwear/monochrome.

It's hard for people to wrap their head around the concept of fashion or dressing well in general, and it kind of winds me up when I'm called gay or when I'm told I'm 'wasting money'.

I'd maybe just take a break from 4chan or something.
Either that and/or try to not bring attention to your clothes too much. I dunno really, but I wish you well.
Unless this is trunks maybe. :^)

>> No.7818530

its obviously mifune

>> No.7818532


>> No.7818545

tbh this is honestly trunks rn think about it it has to be

>> No.7818547


>> No.7818560


I know he took a year off uni and I think he's working as a paralegal, which is specific enough to hide

also he's dating a Malaysian girl which likely places him in Australia.

>> No.7818563

show her that you are intrested in something because if you have no drive towards anything she will think you are boring

>> No.7818565

trunks doesn't think thoughts m8

>> No.7818571

wear your "weird" stuff. it's what makes you you. don't try to be someone you're not, guy.

if they're worth it they won't give a shit what clothes you wear.

>> No.7818572

its not strawtengu but it might as well be
maybe nikolay8000

>> No.7818580

Live authentically my nigga.

>> No.7818584

i spent 5 yrs in university and it fucking sucked. i only have one person that i continue to be friends with that i met at school. the rest of my friends i met elsewhere, and i've met a ton of cool people since i started working,

>> No.7818594

if fashion is one of the biggest things in your life, you need to reevaluate things.

and I would rather be stylish than fashionable every fucking day.

fashion changes style doesn't.

this doesn't even mean being fedora core. it means you see a trend and you wonder whether its something that you will be wearing in a few years. whether you can wear it with a few outfits etc.

I like to look good. I'm at Uni and I work. I like a strong first impression. I like it. I don't obsess over making my clothes the centre of who I am.

your hair. your clothes. your skin. your piercings. your tats. your looks. fuck all of that. none of it should define you.

your personality and the things you do with your life should.

>> No.7818617

who are you op

i'll defenf you i swear

>> No.7818646

lol trunks doesn't own any givenchy or yohji. Whoever it is, the fact that they removed their trip and still felt the need to mention that they trip shows just how pathetic and attention seeking tripfags can be. I'm not at all surprised that they're unhappy.

>> No.7818682


you aren't sad because you're /fa/. you're complaining to /fa/ because you're a human being and /fa/ is your go-to place to complain.

humans get sad and regretful. you're one.

if you want to change everything, change something with purpose.

>> No.7818690

If you love clothes so much, start to design. Pursue a goal rather than work some job you hate. Good things will come your way.

>> No.7818696

hello alex

>> No.7818858

I wear nice clothes for reasons other than filling some void or to make friends

Do you think people perceive you as gay/weird because you wear these things? Or is it because you're socially uncomfortable and your clothes act as a flag of insecurity?

I have a feeling that you, and many others on this forum, use fashion as a means to mask your lack of confidence (which works in some cases). Try and realize the amount of confidence you need to really pull off the brands you named. An aesthetic needs to be convincing - you're not convincing anybody. Again, I'm assuming these things based on your post, forgive me if I'm wrong about any of this.

>> No.7818880

I ooze confidence in the clothes, I'm generally a very confident/unshy guy, just felt like shit last few days

>> No.7818919

wear what the fuck you like and be interested in whatever the fuck you like. if they find it weird/peculiar then they don't deserve your time

>> No.7818938

I never understood the "don't be someone you're not".
I mean I get that it works with your personality, if you're shy you shouldn't try to be obnoxious.

But with clothes? Doesn't make sense to me.
What you wear IS you, as soon as you put clothes on they're a part of you.
The clothes YOU put on dictate the way YOU dress and how YOU look.

Idk it's late here.

>> No.7818947

do you actively communicate you interest in fashion to others?

>> No.7818963

I generally don't talk about it because I dont like people asking about it because 'plebs' will want to know what it cost, etc , so no, I dont discuss it. I just tell them I have an interest in it and move on

>> No.7818970

(i dont like the term plebs but 'unfashionables' sounds pretentious. then again, so does plebs.)

>> No.7818971

I think he's referring to wearing things that you don't like just to fit in and also wearing things that you are uncomfortable in

>> No.7818990

I see. I guess this is the price you pay for being enlightened. You can try dressing normally to satisfy the lowest common denominator, if you're lonely as a result of your clothes.

>> No.7819007

I would never wear high fashion. I come here for streetwear inspo and just to find out what's hot. What's hot on here is hipster in the real world for like half a year, then it becomes hot in the real world. Then I'm always ahead of the mainstream curve and look good while doing so.

>> No.7819051

does Rick really count as high fashion?

>> No.7819053


Yes, insofar as it's real ready-to-wear and it's shown during the seasonal calendar. I think that Rick wouldn't say it's high fashion because he really intends for everything to be rooted in wearability, but I think to the average person, it has a certain avant garde, aggressive edge that takes some getting used to.

>> No.7819096
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start running or lifting and train hard.

If you work hard at this for a year and are still having problems I would honestly be surprised.

You probably won't do this because you like the idea of being a troubled person, but at least that gives you something to think about.

>> No.7819363

this was pretty poorly articulated but I know what you mean
totally feel the same

>> No.7821143


>malaysian gf


>> No.7821155

I knew you'd never leave us, lamy!

>> No.7821272 [DELETED] 



>> No.7821275

why would someone be so cynical?

>> No.7821304
File: 110 KB, 500x385, 1381006506974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: lemons realizes nobody in real life cares about clothing and he's ultimately dived headfirst into a worthless hobby

>> No.7821310

I like you and I like the way you think.

>> No.7821312

I like knowledge for knowledges sake. I hope to find a job in the branch of science i am pursuing, but if not i will work as a janitor and do science in my free time.

>> No.7821329

/fa/ is my only life, thats why it will never be a worthless hobby.(this isnt lemons btw)

>> No.7821341
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>/fa/ is my only life, thats why it will never be a worthless hobby