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/fa/ - Fashion

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7815986 No.7815986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ay yo lol

Is camo considered /fa?

Post camocore please

>> No.7816282


>> No.7816658
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>> No.7816664
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here's me I'm cute

>> No.7816672
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>> No.7816676
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>> No.7816678
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>> No.7816685
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>> No.7818339
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>> No.7818371

Camo = /fa/ approved

I only wear camo that I know will get comments about

>> No.7818393

people talk shit but i like it. i got a uniqlo camo flannel that i throw under a jacket and it looks nice imo

>> No.7819016

These are all fine and dandy but does anyone have more wardrobe based camocore?

I'm thinking like whole outfits centered on camo wear, not just regular clothing with a camo jacket or camo pants thrown into the mix.

>> No.7819362

Only wear camo if you're unconcerned that everyone outside of a few /fa/ggots will think you are an ignorant gun-toting redneck.

Unless you are an ignorant gun-toting redneck, in which case, carry on, you aren't relevant in 2014 anyway.

>> No.7819369

what about educated gun-toting city-slickers

>> No.7819373


Lmao projecting much?

You sound like a typical blue state fairy. Go suck some more nigger cock with your wife faggot.

>> No.7819402

This is nice

>> No.7819404

If you live in a place with a population above 10,000 or so, you shouldn't have camo. You can do just as well with black/grey/brown/olive army surplus, and look way better in it.

Thanks for demonstrating exactly what I meant.

>> No.7819419

>If you live in a place with a population above 10,000 or so, you shouldn't have camo

somehow this seems completely arbitrary.

>> No.7819431

Nope. Used my own town (Astoria/Warrenton, OR) as the barometer.

Come summer, I'm out of this place. Beautiful town, horrible small-town ignorance.

>> No.7819480

Flecktarn is the only camo pattern i like but i know if i buy one of the surplus jackets it'll probably fit they shit

>> No.7819506

so it is arbitrary, then.

i'm afraid you'll still find plenty of camo in larger population centres.

>> No.7819543
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>> No.7819550

That's because idiot kids will continue to think that wearing military designs will make them edgier or manlier.

The fact that it happens doesn't mean it's a good thing.

>> No.7819561
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Shit is hard to wear.
I kinda like letting it slouch off the back, looks sus. I actually have gotten more compliments on it than anything else I wear even though I hardly wear it.

>> No.7819596

w2c black variant of flecktarn jacket?
Could I buy a camo one and dye it black?

>> No.7819619

hows the fit on the smallest size in surplus?
i'd love it if you could get an urban flecktarn version but i haven't found any

>> No.7819658

Just buy a black parka dude
Sleeves are pretty baggy, if you're not at the very least 5'8 don't buy it.
Yeah urban would be dope.

>> No.7819675

5'9 and 55kg playa

>> No.7820258


This, w2c this >>7819561


Fuck off kid, go back to your reddit liberal circle jerk

>> No.7820299
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i used to dig camo

>> No.7821786

Its hard to find simplistic black parkas. Most of them have a generic shape and fur lined hoods.

The silhouette of the German flecktarn parka is outstanding, which is why I wish it came in other colours

>> No.7821792

cringe worthy cuteness.

>> No.7821803

Valentino says it is

>> No.7821813
File: 203 KB, 918x1467, muhgermany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually have gotten more compliments on it than anything else I wear even though I hardly wear it.

>> No.7821822

that's because camo is plebcore

>> No.7822164

what size is that it looks like it fits perfectly

>> No.7822520

Any camo short pics? saw one here a week ago but didn't save, had digital camo shorts with a light contrast

>> No.7822697

i was looking at some old family pics the other day and came across one of me wearing some vintage camo sweater and thought it looked p tite, guess my mom knew her shit after all

w2c cool camo sweatz

>> No.7822912

>insulting gun owners
faggot, you meant to say Head to toe Mossy Oak wearing fat middle aged goatee sporting raised truck driving rednecks.

Military camo is distinct from hunters camo. Hunters camo is worn because rednecks no longer have an identity

>> No.7822931
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>> No.7822973

u wan sum fuk bebe?

>> No.7822979
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>> No.7823004
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tigers grrrr

>> No.7823017

I almost thought this image was me for a moment

>> No.7823040


*puts on knight armor and pulls out katana*

dont you dare talk bad or disrupt m'lady or you'll be fuckin sorry

>> No.7823098

fokin christ m8. ur 1 bardass cunt aint ye? oy ain't gun fook with ur old lady nuh moar, ye. Swur on me mums loyf, I do.

>> No.7823206
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i got this cama shirt... thing a while back. I like it.

>> No.7823674
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>> No.7823695 [DELETED] 

would look better without the brown on your feet

>> No.7823731


>> No.7824027
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>> No.7824082


wut pants?

>> No.7825436 [DELETED] 

smallest they have, either 00 or 01, I forgot, and label's too faded/worn to read

>> No.7825443

smallest they have, either 00 or 01, I forgot, and label's too faded/worn to read

>> No.7825462

how tall are you?

>> No.7825493

really depends on how you wear the camo.

>> No.7826022

frame is skinny, not skeleton

>> No.7827100

nice purse :^)