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/fa/ - Fashion

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7807748 No.7807748 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /fa/ new to this board but not to 4chan.

So poorfag here and have a wedding to go to, I've been given my older brothers hand me down suit. As you can see in the pic it's a bit baggy for me. Is there anything I can do to make it better without going to a professional tailor or something.


>> No.7807756


>> No.7807758

Even a professional tailor would have trouble making it look good.

>> No.7807764

sage for le troling

>> No.7807771

>a bit baggy

No dude, there's no saving this. You'd be doing yourself a favour by using this as an opportunity to get a nice suit for yourself

>> No.7807779

Dude you cant be fuckin serious.

>> No.7807782

stop responding this is old b8

>> No.7807789

this pic is old as hell guys

sage and ignore

>> No.7807793

Why should I care?

oh man, he got me to politely tell him that he can't tailor his suit!

Fucking TROLLDD HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.7807815
File: 47 KB, 496x350, 1391172000385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriously tho
>potatoes on feet
2nxtlvl4u /fa/

>> No.7807855

>his suit
its not him. also i said this is old b8, m8; nothing about getting trolled hard. so u should prolly just keep replying anyways...

Now: sageing comment; ignoring thread; closing tab; shutting laptop; laying down; closing eyes. goodnight guys