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/fa/ - Fashion

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7807382 No.7807382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/?
First time posting here, started a thread on /b/ >>>/b/533089440 and someone linked me here.

Long story short, just bought a pair of sneaks, anon said the downside is I might look like a tryhard..

I need to buy some jeans, currently have one black and light blue slim fitted J&J jeans, what should I buy.

>pic related, bought them yesterday
>70$ -bargain
Are they good?

>> No.7807395

Don't need fashinable shit, looking for something that looks good and is not overpriced.

>> No.7807419

>Don't need fashinable shit
>/fa/ - Fashion


>> No.7807426

The shoes are bad.

>> No.7807431

As in, don't need /fa/ggy trends, like man-pure tier shit. That's what I tried to imply, I like something clean looking.


>> No.7807448

They're Lacoste. They're $70. They have obnoxious branding.

>> No.7807459

So what else would you suggest.. still don't get it though. Got them from an outled store, they were on sale..

>> No.7807469

Low top shoes look shit with jeans. Get some high tops.

>> No.7807501

How much are you willing to spend and what type of shoe are you looking for?

>> No.7807498

noticed that but meh.. think i have one high tops pair of chucks at home but that's about it...

what should I wear with these? Any critique/advice and such is welcomed... I'll look for a photo so you can assault me on my bad choices in clothing.

>> No.7807526

If you have the reciet then just return them. Nothing is gonna look good with those man.

>> No.7807524
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I'm a bit on a tight budget.. looking for a good pair of geans, in Bucharest atm so I can get shit pretty cheap. Basically looking for some jeans now..

>pic related, what I usually wear bottom half

>> No.7807544

have it, basically bought them because they were 50% off.. woman like logic, I know.. but didn't really find anything else remotely good in that price range..

>> No.7807552

Those shoes are really terrible OP, I'm sorry.
The fact is, you will keep buying terrible items unless you really want to spend a bit of time thinking about the way clothes look.
You'll also need to remove words like "faggy" and "manly" from your vocabulary, these are blocks to really thinking about the way things look in a pure way. Spend time looking at outfits on the internet and look at everyone in real life. What do you like? What don't you like? Why?

There's no shortcut to "a good pair of shoes". This is like getting your mum to shop for you, it's never going to look right. That being said, there are some pairs that are generally accepted to be simple, clean, tasteful and versatile. Check out Common Projects, Nike Air Force 1, Dr Martens 1461, German Army Trainers, Adidas Samba, Clarks Desert Boots...

How do you want to look? It would really help if you posted a full-body outfit shot. People might rip you apart but if you can deal with that you might be able to improve yourself a lot, if you want.

>> No.7807607

shit, don't know if have any full body shots.. wait a sec.
Well bought them mostly because of the brand and because they were on sale... looked relatively appealing... clean and all that...

>> No.7807618
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old pic, like 2-3 years back.. you can't really tell much.

>> No.7807625

Don't you have a camera on you? or a phone? or a webcam?

>> No.7807634

>Well bought them mostly because of the brand and because they were on sale... looked relatively appealing... clean and all that...
You shouldn't ever buy anything for the brand. Especially cheap brands like Lacoste/Polo where the quality and design is very poor. I know to you it might look slightly upmarket, but the logo makes you look poorer than if you were wearing vans or converse. They aren't clean either, they have very loud branding and details that they don't need.

Can't see how anything fits here

>> No.7807665
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I'm on a shit connection atm.. can't use dropbox .. and it's around 2AM here..
Going through my old pics and shameless selfies... Would derail the thread but I'd post one of my face

I see, but ran out of ideas...

here's a pic related if we're at it, what would the best haircut be for me and whatnot.. Usually wear simple fit shit like that.. just recently started wearing brighter colors.

>> No.7807675

second reply was for you.

>> No.7807700

Your hair doesn't look too bad.
If you wanna look decent asap buy some black skinny jeans, nice sneakers and wear plain tops in tasteful colours. That red looks pretty whack. Just spend a lot of time on /fa/ looking at clothes. It will take time to really start "seeing".

>> No.7807706

Adding on to this, don't look only on /fa/.

>> No.7807720

Yeah obviously he should look everywhere he can, but /fa/ is so fast-paced that it's a good place to get to grips with the way clothes look.

>> No.7807727

post face qt :(

>> No.7807731

thanks, the colors are a bit off though..

Didn't come here before because when the word fashion sprang to mind I'd picture the fags I see at my uni, wearing all pink with incredibly tight jeans and LV 'man-purse'...

I'm not a fashion kinda guy, I like to dress casually and good, not to be up-to-date with trends..

As a rather offtopic question, I use paco rabanne 1 million, is that off by /fa/ standards aswell?

My first time here, so any advice and critique is welcomed...

>> No.7807742

don't call people fags that's really rude
at least they aren't asking how to dress on a cartoon forum you feel
dont judge dude

>> No.7807769
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>> No.7807783

I don''t mean gays, they're okay, I mean obnoxious people that deserve a punch in the face.. If you saw them you'd call them too.

>> No.7807790

i know that you silly sausage
but it's offensive to gay people to use a word that primarily means gay to describe someone you feel hatred for, especially when it's due to them having perceived feminine characteristics so it's not even fully removed from any relation to being gay
why do you say stuff that doesn't make sense, are you just pretending to be dumb

>> No.7807794

For real man? Go back to /b/ and stay in your little fantasy land where anything can be said with no consequences.

>> No.7807797

Why on earth would you want to punch someone for wearing clothes you don't like? You sound like you have an actual problem if that's the way you feel. You know you don't have to pretend to be angry with everything right?

>> No.7807811

Most autistic post in the thread

>> No.7807817

man you don goofed hard

>> No.7807818

Sheeeit.. obviously spent a bit too much time on /b/ if I rustled jimmies that easily without even intending so..

>> No.7807826

i 4give u

>> No.7807823

>rustled jimmies
epic memeage

>> No.7807834

yeah man, been there, /b/ desensetizes you pretty hard. /b/ basically makes you constantly mean/rude in every wrong way without realising

>> No.7807839

The shoes you bought are shit no one wants to give you advice. You can leave and just shitpost on /b/ where no one cares.

>> No.7807845

those shoes look better than 98% of the shit posted here
especially those disgusting shoes with that heart looking shit on the side

>> No.7807854

I should also put on a /pol/ filter before i piss off more of /fa/..

>> No.7807867


>> No.7807875

>implying /fa/ isn't just as mean
/fa/ does just as much shitposting as /b/ but because they don't say fag/gay/nigger they are saints
it's ridiculous

>> No.7807896
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OP here, think I came here a few months ago, can't recall if it was /fa/ or /fit/ saw 3 threads about dick ratings

Honestly doesn't seem that bad, still it's basically my 1st time posting..

>> No.7807904

We don't shitpost as much, although still alot, but when we are "mean" it is usually constructive and rarely just because of how someone was born.

>> No.7807906

deffo was /fit/

>> No.7807936

no they aren't

>> No.7807937

that's why people come here, right? Being mean/criticizing can be perceived as helping, advising.. that if you're not being a dick about it..

Unless you're just shiposting/attention whoring.

Some of these boards really have no meaning behind their name..

>> No.7807947

except they are
gats look like payless shit
those heart things are just fucking hideous
I could keep going

>> No.7808045

Just saw a thread about all blacks...
Used to dress that way.. dark colors as I said I recently picked on more colors.. is it goth-like or relatively okay? Like most of my shirts/polos/hoodies etc. are black or close to black, logos as small as possible if not nonexistant. What's your take on this, /fa/? Thought it was too depressing..

I.e. wearing some black/blue jeans, a pair of chucks and a simple ironed v-neck (the lowest kind of one, not deep ones, not even remotely deep) and maybe a watch. Is that too much of a 'dark' image?

>> No.7808054

le funny man from super edgy and random board XD

>> No.7808056

dont wear v necks
dont wear polos
don't wear logos
black is fine as long as you are skinny and cool

>> No.7808068

>those heart things are just fucking hideous
You're literally calling one of the most timeless shoes with a minor modification "hideous". Whatever dude I have my opinions you have yours

>> No.7808065
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I'm the anon that sent you here OP. Don't think it's the worst thing in he world to say fag, and and these people are being rude because of your "I'm new here" kind of tone and oversimplification of things. Listen to the people that are giving advice and lurk some more. Also don't think you need to buy $400 plain white shoes to look nice.
Basically, lurk more.

>> No.7808075

its wrong to say fag

>> No.7808110

Sorry we try to treat people better than some of the other boards...

>> No.7808126
File: 40 KB, 900x1200, 1392685676587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and also post a lot on /r/atheism, been on /b/ for a long time, this summer I'll be 2 summers old.
the hell's wrong with these?
>pic related

thanks for the heads up /b/ro..
basically overdoing my 4chin privilege because my home ISP is banned so yeah..

>> No.7808145

Every time timbs are posted someone calls them nigger boots. Don't speak for a whole board or violently project your sensitivities over words onto other people.

>> No.7808147

the outfit you described is fine as long as everything fits
posting pictures of yourself is the most important part of /fa/
don't be afraid to post in WAYWT when you have access to a camera etc

>> No.7808152

>the hell's wrong with these?
>>pic related
maaate that's atrocious, i can't tell if you're winding me up
firstly, polos are straight up ugly almost all of the time. there is no situation where a t-shirt or casual long-sleeve shirt wouldn't be better.
secondly, that particular polo has a bunch of really really disgusting details that make it look like you picked it up from sports direct for £3.99 in one of their endless sales.
i'm picturing you wearing that with those lacoste trainers and you'll look like an actual chav, even though i thought they had kind of stopped existing. no offence but are you very very poor?
i'm sorry to be a dick i'm just trying to be honest, it's one of the ugliest items of clothing i've seen in my life.

>> No.7808189

I posted the first result from google.
Nope I'm not a chav, but since when the fuck are polos shit? It's just new to me..
And what fucking details are you talking about, it's a polo, it's black etc.

I have a few polos because they're simple, fitting and casual.

I'm really not familiar with these but it's like fedora e-cig threads.. give me an alternative, and no 600$/shirt ones, reasonable ones.

>> No.7808205

>And what fucking details are you talking about, it's a polo, it's black etc.
fucking massive white puma logo on chest and sleeves
small logo on bottom right
white around collar

> give me an alternative

i dunno if you know but lacoste is extremely chav

>> No.7808221
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This is some good bait m80. Ill admit ya got me

>> No.7808229

>i dunno if you know but lacoste is extremely chav
not really, not a britbong but I get what you're picturing me, far off.. I have 2 polos with the smallest logos possible because I hate that too, I hate nike snickers with huge ass logos, you might say they're fine..

>> No.7808446

you dont need shoes
u need 2 lose weight

>> No.7808539
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Not necessarily. Some people will even argue high tops looks better with non jeans pants.

Lacoste shoes are bad because the branding is usually obnoxious, the quality is poor (no stitched sole, meh leather, thin soles etc) Trust me I've owned quite a few pairs of Lacoste sneakers in the past and I wish I had known they didn't look good and weren't great quality.

Browsing through this thread a lot of sensible advice has been given to you (ignore the retards who praise the low cost brands you've been telling us you're used to buying).

Don't think dressing better will cost you more, it won't : a brand like Uniqlo makes fine basic clothes for much cheaper than most lacoste/puma shit out there. Again, I know what I'm talking about, I've been there.

What you need OP is to lurk here, or any other "fashion" site and educate your taste, get a fresh look on things. After a while you won't even remember why you ever thought those lacoste shoes or that puma polo looked any good. You need to do this, to achieve a decent grasp for basics, which is easy enough to do if you keep at it.

pic related : a very, very basic fit, but everything fits, no logos everywhere, and it looks good.

>> No.7808654

Op, stop. Read the sticky. More importantly, since you're this new, read the reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice sidebar. Lurk on mfa for a bit then came back here.

>> No.7810568

Lacoste is always completely chav, there's no justification. Same with polos with logos. If you hate them why wouldn't you just buy plain ones?

Nike is good because the design is fantastic. Lacoste is just £7 plimsolls with an ugly logo stitched on.

>> No.7811721

Thanks a lot.. I'll post more later on.. It's just that, I've always bought brands because of quality this after I've bought several pieces of clothing/shoes which ended up in the bin not too long after..

Have some plain ones at home, too. But didn't find any worth buying.. those 2 with the logos were on sale or something like that..

I don't buy clothes to be/seem "chav" hence why I choose the cleanest ones/smallest logos etc.

Thanks for your replies, "chavs" here wear fake/real(doubt) D&G, LV, Armani and top brands, so Lacoste is seriously out of the question..

>> No.7811725

buy from uniqlo it'll be better quality than any of the shit brands you've bought stuff from