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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 202 KB, 451x680, 1392615480524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7803039 No.7803039 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most /fa/ cigarettes?

Currently smoking 1-3 of these a day.

>> No.7803054

smoking is bad for you, here at /fa/ we like to look after our health

>> No.7803068
File: 45 KB, 360x391, LSMFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends, I mean I smoke Lucky's normally, but they're pretty pricey (especially for a poor college kid) and /fa/ will probably shit on you for being a "try hard." Other than Lucky's, I'd say Parliament's or Turkish Royal's

>> No.7803074

Roll your own using the leftover tobacco of other cigarettes you find in ash trays.

>> No.7803080

>smoking the cancerous jew

>> No.7803089
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Nat Sherman mcd

>> No.7803437

Any other suggestions?
I'm in CT for reference, so taxes are pretty high. I'm willing to go up to $10 per pack because I only smoke 1-3 a day.

>> No.7803468
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that is pretty /fa/

>> No.7803537

i smoke nas also but i roll my own. call me a hipster faggot if you want but i picked it up in germany where everyone does it and it's actually cheaper

i usually get regular blue, but if im feeling adventurous i get perique blend

>> No.7803559

The glamour street trash lyfe

>> No.7804203
File: 64 KB, 670x502, 1392632417298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't think it is /fa/ but i smoke Marlboro

>> No.7804222

are viceroys any good? does mac have a good taste?

>> No.7804257

ahahahahahahahahaha holy shit

>> No.7804266

if you smoke 1-3 american spirits a day you could quit as well since it's equal to smoke air

>> No.7804686
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>> No.7804726
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I smoke around 4 to 5 luckies a day

>> No.7804733
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I currently smoke these with menthol switch because they are cheap and taste good

>> No.7804739

Currently smoke pot royals, would post image but plain packaging laws in Asutralia

>> No.7804741

What is the price for a pack of cigarettes in Dollars in your country?
It's $8.22 here in the Netherlands I am am considering either buying an e-cig or import them from Germany.

>> No.7804747

cigarette prices are so fucking ridiculous in the uk now. Most expensive ones are verging on £9 for 20.
on my last pack of the 400 i got from duty free as well.

>> No.7804771

11-12 USD

>> No.7804778

~$20 Au for a pack of 25

>> No.7805211
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>Johnny Depp started to smoke marlboro cigarettes at 12, and played guitar in a rock band called The Flame. He lost his virginity to a groupie at 13, in the band’s van.

>> No.7805227

you smoke 1-3 american spirits per day
u r confirmed for giga fuccboi
either don't smoke at all or smoke 3 1/2 packs a day like fukin sotomayor

>> No.7805260

CT? Same, where you at?

>> No.7805264

I can't think of any other cigarette less /fa/ than American Spirits

>> No.7805268
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also Southerns are /fa/

>> No.7805276

what alternative do you propose then?

I wish they didn't stop selling luckies in the US.

>> No.7805279

>not 27s


>> No.7805289


>> No.7805306

most expensive ones are about $2.5, average $1-1.5
eastern europe

>> No.7805309

besides lucky im kinda a marlboro fan so

marlboro reds/27/lights
remember, never heavy menthol

>> No.7805316


being a slav is cheap

>> No.7805358
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>> No.7805368


los angeles

i get my american spirits for about 5 dollars a pack at smoke shops

theyre more at gas stations

>> No.7805378

i smoke winston reds
nobody smokes winston reds

i actually might end up quitting because i don't like marb reds and i'm starting to dislike winston reds and every other cigarette tastes like shit
i just want a good cigarette, why is that so hard

>> No.7805389

New Jersey, american spirits are about $12 a pack.

>> No.7805422

This is the least /fa/ thing ever

>> No.7805450

Only if you get the real ones imported.
The shit they sell in America ain't Djarums.

>> No.7805625
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>smoking cigarettes for taste

>> No.7805627

Smoke weed 420 blzit&przit.

>> No.7805651

there's somebody famous who used to do this, is this a reference? Einstein I believe did this, with cigs he found on the ground

>> No.7805686

i just like them because they burn longer than my beloved camels

>> No.7805703

those hands made me cringe

>> No.7805718

it's the hands of tumblr

>> No.7805819
File: 34 KB, 296x383, Sobranie Black Russian Open.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you can get these in America... but they look awsome and taste even better. In Czech they cost like 5-6 euro ( Marlboro cost like 3-4)

>> No.7806114

Smelling like open ass is definitely, not /fa/

>> No.7806418

lots of famous people would smoke leftover cigs when they could, it's really not an uncommon idea

keroac wrote about it

>> No.7806467

i've done it haha. we had a dude at our house once that smoked a ton but he'd leave pretty sizeable reburns on the porch and one time when i was off a bean i smoked all of them in one sitting

>> No.7806488
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I know they're lame but i love the pastel ones

>> No.7806494

I bet you don't like pussy very much

>> No.7806499


>> No.7806505

nigga whatever they fly as fuck

>> No.7806532
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>smoking cigarettes

>> No.7806538


>> No.7806558

What the fuck? This is common practice among many smokers. How the fuck is this new to you?

>> No.7806589

$6.50 for Marlboro Reds in SE US. Like $13 in NY

>> No.7806596

how are swishers and such compared to cigarettes ??

like I've only ever really used them for rolling before but never actually smoked them, and I'm curious

>> No.7806641

swishers are cheap cigars. shittily rolled, shit filler, etc. there's a reason people use them for smoking weed

>> No.7806673


Ha my hometown is next to a phillip-morris plant. Marlboros are cheap as fuck and every white person there smoked them. Then I moved away and they were as much as camels. Quit smoking anyway though

>> No.7806682

oh god these are amazing! I don't even feel hunger after a few of these

>> No.7806693
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smoke about 1 of these a day
pairs great with a hot latte or something with steamed milk

for drinking i roll my own drums, or smoke reds / menthol

>> No.7806694


/fa/ af

>> No.7806699
File: 46 KB, 600x600, Dunhill-Original-Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunhills are also a great everyday cig but more on the expensive side

>> No.7806713


It really isn't when the average monthly pay in my country is around 500$

>> No.7806719

I'm currently trying all of the brands, could someone please recommend some?

The ones I already did:
Chesterfield blue/red
Marlboro red/white(gold)/menthol
Pall Mall blue/red
Davidoff black
Walter Wolf blue/white
Sobraine black
Lucky strike red/blue
Paramount red
Rothamns blue
Winston blue
Philip Moris blue
Camel blue/yellow/black

Been going back and forth with these, since I'm not sure what to try next. Recommendations?

>> No.7806741

Got a carton of these for like $40 at a duty free store on my way to mexico. They're pretty gud.

were the same price for a carton but I didn't want to be smoking rainbows.

>> No.7806768

Give it time. Soon he will hate the taste and smell of all cigarettes and do it to feed his addiction.

>> No.7806778


>> No.7806804

projecting plebs. Some people smoke because they genuinely enjoy it, including me. Patches don't help because I don't smoke to feed nicotene withdrawals.

>> No.7806848

> I don't smoke to feed nicotine withdrawals.

Actually you do. It's a fucking drug. Just because you smoke occasionally/socially doesn't change this.

>> No.7806856

try american spirits man, honestly they are the best tasting cigarette that is widely available. unless you can get nat sherman naturals or davidoff or dunhill cigs

>> No.7806863

marbs taste like complete ass

i can always smell who has marbs because they smell so bad

>> No.7806896


I travelled to Bolivia last month. They sell these tasty fuckers (the Indonesian ones).
Also tried cherry and vanilla djarums, all of them are fucking delicious. Blacks still win.

>> No.7806918

i smoked them exclusively for a while, and after a while they started tasting like shit, all i could taste was the chemicals. now the smell of them makes me a little nauseous.

keep them to an 'every once in a while' thing or else they'll be ruined for you

>> No.7806925

developing a smoking habit has really made me realise what a stupid habit it is. i get annoying tickly coughs when i smoke more, and start coughing up small bits of phlegm that tastes like it's been microwaved

>> No.7806988

roll my own, golden virginia or amber leaf, go through one pack a week, end up spending less than a fiver, broke sixth form student reporting in:|

>> No.7807008


mate i've been looking at rolling my own but, as your typical sperglord, have no idea what stuff i need to buy

rizzla, filter etc, what ones do you recommend?

>> No.7807027

GV Smooth 8g for £2.75 comes with five sticks of filters and a pack of rizla green short skins, basically all you need, but I prefer rolling with Swans extra slim as my filter tips.

Use a moist tobacco like GV or Amber Leaf rather than a dry one like American Spirit though. Your first roll ups will look like shit and will take a couple of minutes to do, but after a few weeks it'll be alright.

>> No.7807030

I smoke Canadian classic silvers, belmonts, or camel crush if I go to the states.
Thinking about going to those e-cigs. Do they smell and shit like that?

>> No.7807049


did you get yous from newsagents or from supermarkets and that? sorry for proper retarded questions but I'm completely fresh to this sort of shit

>> No.7807060


ayite man thanks a lot

>> No.7807061

i meant smell like the flavours they're in

>> No.7807056

lol it's cool, and just my local newsagents, they sell it behind the counter like normal grettes.

>> No.7807065

yeah, anywhere that sells cigs dude

>> No.7807076

canadafag here, that's literally exactly what I smoke. you in ontario?

>> No.7807091


>> No.7807209
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What I'm smoking right now, felt like trying something new.

>> No.7807275
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Marlboro reds because I'd like to die as soon as possible

>> No.7807525

stop that ! this is a gentlemans club

>> No.7808080
File: 30 KB, 240x220, 1392685381638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like shit with it, but you can easily cover it up with portion and shit. Nice to have while gaming and shit

>> No.7809691


>Implying /fa/ is /fit/
>implying the best figure isn't achieved from a diet of oranges, cigarettes and black coffee

>> No.7809706

>implying anyone will appreciate your figure when your fit reeks of tobacco

>> No.7809719


>implying I care what pleb fuccbois think of my smoked out clothes

>> No.7809811

>ciggarete meme threads
enjoy them while you can degenerates, when i become janitor im going to clean the fuck out of tihs board.

i like shitposting and smoking as much as you do but these lead to nothing and take away from discussion.

>> No.7809875

nigga, winston blue >>winston red bby

>> No.7809975

I switch between parlies and turkish golds

>> No.7810487

For the last few months I've been chuffing down Turkish Royals. Only cig that gives me a proper buzz. Plus Turkish Royals are about as effay as you get really. Everything is is cancerous shit. At least I can get cancer with style.

>> No.7810524
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>> No.7810651

that can't be common practice... i've done it a few times when i was dirt broke but i felt really guilty, i'd only ever admit it on 4chan

>> No.7810702
File: 744 KB, 2048x1536, Chesterfield_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking plebeians, try smoking Chesterfield's. They are the best.

>> No.7810708

chesterfield king

>> No.7810710
File: 225 KB, 1280x988, 1392720931242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think i could smoke a whole chesterfield

>> No.7810741

a proper buzz? are you like 12 yrs old

>> No.7810748


Only reason I smoke is for the buzz. I'll gap about 10-12 hours before smoking just so I can consistently get the buzz every time. If I begin to stop getting the buzz i'll stop for a few days.

>> No.7810754

what do you smoke asokone? im smoking peter stuyvesants atm. jps tastes like shit

>> No.7810781


>> No.7810788

only time i smoke is if someone lets me roll one one from a pouch so i dont really take notice of what im smoking

i only really do it as a social thing occasionally these days, used to smoke drum bright blue but i quit coz no money for tobacco

>> No.7810793

Smoked chesterfield for ~10 years, best brand EU
Quit almost 1yr ago, still thinking about them
>smoking 1-3 a day
How the fuck people manage to do this, I was in the 30 range.

>> No.7810809

u in aus bro?

>> No.7810815

Yeah how do people not smoke hourly, like for réal

>> No.7811066

>tfw all other cigarettes taste like shit to me now
I roll Malbos too tho. Also chewing tobacco, which has a really nice taste and feel, even in it doesn't look cool. Since I started smoking people have been calling me lanky and skinny, whereas before I was fat.
But Im suprised how little most people here smoke, I smoke about six a day and feel like Im a lightweight, all the comments about smoking one or three or something strikes me as sort of odd, why even smoke?

>> No.7811071

If by tasty you mean it tastes like shit and chemicals.

>> No.7812075

What's the most /fa/ way to light cigarettes?

Currently using matches.

>> No.7812409

james bond camel

>> No.7812436
File: 317 KB, 590x743, lucky-strike-wwii-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've smoked Luckies probably on my second year in the military...

it's pretty good, never tried the filtered ones, usually smoked the most while inbetween games of paintball

>> No.7812439

lighting it with your previous smoke

>> No.7812448

>marlboro reds/27/lights
I love how in every /fa/ smoking thread you can easily tell the real smokers from the posers.

>> No.7812447


>> No.7812452
File: 269 KB, 655x400, black lagoon cig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.7812466

belmonts is the only correct answer

>> No.7812475


>> No.7812477

Are you faggots serious?
You guys literally smoke for fashion reasons and you all support this shit habit.
Never taking your faggots advice

>> No.7812480

gta fag

>> No.7812485

awful. came turkish golds are the only ones i touch.

>> No.7812498




buy a good zippo

>> No.7812532

anyone got that image that talks about "smoking being fashionable," something about mocking death or whatever...

>> No.7812563



>> No.7812637
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1000 dollar DuPont or davidoff lighter

>> No.7812639
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>smoking cigarettes

>> No.7812650
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>> No.7812656
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>> No.7812661


Nice, plain silver zippo, or if you have the cash (like, ballpark $1000), a dupont lighter

>> No.7812662


old mate bryan!

>> No.7812675
File: 6 KB, 225x225, dupont lighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot image. Going to make a suggestion for this as my grad gift from the parents.

>> No.7812681

I live in Jersey and only pay $8.60 for a pack. You're getting burned m8.

>> No.7812969

its dyin' bryan

>> No.7812994

I wish I smoked so I could learn to do tricks with a zippo. Zippos are just so cool to have.

>> No.7813060

they still do, they're just unfiltered only and hard to find.

>> No.7813077

A-Are little cigars effay?

>> No.7814326
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>> No.7814439

I smoke Camel.
Fuckers are expensive where I am but they're the fags I smoke and I don't want to change/can't change my habit.

>> No.7814451

I know what you mean. What I smoke costs £9.10.
I'd start with rollies but I can't stand smoking them.

>> No.7814466

A-are you me?
Though I don't really like the flavour of American Spirits as much.

>> No.7814502


>> No.7814552


>> No.7814566

Lung cancer is not effay.

>> No.7814603

holy shit there are people who still smoke this disgusting, futile shit

>> No.7814654



27s are babby's first cigarette

>> No.7814685

>Turkish Royal's

ma nigga

>> No.7814740
File: 88 KB, 424x700, 1372767355070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ne fumez Gauloises
>j'esper pas vous ne lui fairez pas.

>> No.7814745

fuuuck i messed that up

>ne fumez pas Gauloises
>j'esper vous ne lui fairez pas.

>> No.7814793
File: 14 KB, 183x276, spirits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yellow, cyan, orange, black and turquoise are the only flavors worth buying.

>> No.7814799

orange is paper, fuck off

>> No.7814812
File: 59 KB, 500x739, 1392786832275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these two look a lot alike

>> No.7814931

>having plain packaging
>not having dead babies and people with AIDS on your packets
>shige dige

>> No.7814939

What is it about smoking that is so cool?
It's retarded as fuck, but when I see a guy smoking it's really hot.

>> No.7815340



>> No.7815408

fuck thats nice, where to cop?

I live in paris but have never seen that brand before

>> No.7815414

ne parle pas le francais
j'esper tu ne faire pas ça

>> No.7815487
File: 172 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mjwlhyoYPh1rn89yao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

britfag here. smoking Amber Leaf roll-up tobacco or Marlboro menthols when I have the money

>> No.7815490

Davidoff or Dunhill.

>> No.7815506

just traded with some guy my menthol in front of 7/11 for one of his own. Should I smoke it? Looks damped as fuck

>> No.7815523
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>> No.7815600
File: 123 KB, 650x366, 166824-new-cigarette-packets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your government bans boxart

>> No.7815609

does smoking really cause your teeth to rot or will you be fine as long as you brush 2 or 3 times a day?
I kinda think your teeth will only rot if u never brush cause your like homeless or something.

>> No.7815646

nothing will rot if you clean it

they will get a yellow tint tho if you smoke alot

>> No.7815654

Smoking is trash, not /fa/.

>> No.7815656

>not buying cigs under the counter for cheaper and no shitty warnings
Its like you dont even smoke

>> No.7815846

plz explain

>> No.7815848

lmao dont even know why they bother, i dont think this would deter anyone

>> No.7815852

I thought it did, though?
Then again I import mine so idc

>> No.7815854

yooo i bought a pack today and it had that fucking eyeball one on it SMH

>> No.7815857

when i went to vietnam i bought like 2 cartons of marlboro reds, hid them in my luggage, came back to australia, sold them for at least 200% profit

>> No.7815893

what a coincidence
I bought my cigs from a vietnamese vender too

>find an Asian owned convenient store (doesn't have to be a shady one)
>be a regular
>ask for a "discount"

>> No.7815892

God I'm so glad they don't do this dumb shit in America. Everyone knows smoking is bad for you, these images are just retarded.

>> No.7816233
File: 106 KB, 800x600, gals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erryday americans dont know shit

>> No.7816243
File: 42 KB, 600x600, SebastianA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything this guy does is cool so

>> No.7816270
File: 123 KB, 878x1047, 1370669574872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me rikey

>> No.7816276

snus < cigarettes

>> No.7816281

go eat your own dickcheese and celebrate your non-existing culture, dutch homoboi

>> No.7817588

Around $3.50 for Camels and $5.20 for American Spirits here.

>> No.7818022

5 Euro 40 Cent for a 12.5 grma bag of rolling tobacco here

>> No.7818064
File: 12 KB, 255x255, 1392846086006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

je voudrais parler francais tout les jours mais ma mere ne permet pas.

>> No.7818128
File: 119 KB, 217x230, 1374371394960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw im addicted to snus but look like shit while using it

>> No.7819656

What is the consensus on cigarette holders?

>> No.7819756

very /fa/

>> No.7819806

Fuck off nerd.

>> No.7819925


>> No.7820322

I used to snus literally 24/7. I would fall asleep with that shit in my mouth and wake up with it still there. It's addictive as shit because it isn't conspicuous at all. So I switched to dip because I could only do it in private and only for 1-2 hours at a time. Honestly if you have trouble concealing snus then just switch to dip and do it when no one is watching.The buzz is so much better. Anyone else dip?