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/fa/ - Fashion

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7798449 No.7798449 [Reply] [Original]

anyone have any experience on starting a clothing brand? how do i start one, its like my life dream

>> No.7798453

give up

>> No.7798468

Pick one.
>be a rapper
>be an attractive female celebrity

>> No.7798501

being able to design nice clothes or knowing someone who does and are willing to work with you is a good start

>> No.7798511


>> No.7798529

do you buy all your clothes from brands started by rappers and celebrities?

>> No.7798540

>being such a whore your last name is literally ho


>> No.7798542
File: 348 KB, 818x1200, 1379802477663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend a while a day thinking of the name, if you think of a good one pretty fast don't stick with it because its not good. If you can't think of one at all then just use your name; for the love of god don't use some edgy word followed by 'clothing' like some faggot.

>Make your initial clothe designs a mix of original and unoriginal, people will slam you if your content looks like its copied and if your content looks like its too original and doesn't fit anywhere, might as well please both parties.

>You're no doubt going to begin with a website, keep that shit minimal and white with a fucking huge hero picture on the first page to suck people in

>Find a model who fits your clothes really well to pose for product pictures. Even your most shitty items of clothing will look good if they fit the model well.

>Use Photoshop to raise the brightness and reduce the contrast on every product photo.

>Make a brand twitter and follow everything related to fashion, use it to talk to customers people love that shit

>get your shit on ebay to get your brand known

>get your shit on amazon to get your brand known

>get your shit on etsy to get your brand known

>make more than graphic tshirts

>make more than graphic tshirts

>make more than graphic tshirts

>make more than graphic tshirts

>> No.7798577

holy fuck thankyou

>> No.7798580

do you think it's easy for anyone else to start a clothing brand?

>> No.7798590

itt teenagers who think they can be the next big streetwear brand

>> No.7798591

im not saying its worth it for OP, im saying itd be worth it

>> No.7798593

Of course it isn't easy, but the majority of clothing brands are not started by rappers and celebrities, and it's definitely possible

>> No.7798594

go to school for fashion design
learn how to market clothing
make clothing
good job ur a brand now


>> No.7798595

why can i be?

>> No.7798604

we /biz/ now

>> No.7798608

Look OP

You're obviously very young / naive / inexperienced. You are not going to "start your own clothing brand". It isn't your "life dream", you just like the idea of being a "brand" but not the actual process of creating clothing. You like the idea of fame and fortune, not actual design.

In this era of globalization, the title of a "brand" doesn't mean shit. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, can screen print some shit onto a t shirt and start calling themselves a "brand" or a "designer" or a "creative director". It's all bullshit, and hype with no substance.

If you were really passionate about this you would get off your ass and go do your own research. What kind of clothing do you want to make? What is the market like? What is today's zeitgeist like?

I'm heading into design and pretty much all I've done for the past year is work, make shit, and research for hours and hours. I've read through hundreds of articles and threads on forums and I still am not even close to being sure on what I'd like my "brand" identity to be like, how I would market it, who the customer is, or even if I want to have my own brand in the future.

There is no single answer.

Do. Your. Own. Research.

>> No.7798612


>"Streetwear and street culture has many grandparents: Hip-hop. Punk. Graffiti. Skateboarding. et al. Each subculture was anti something. There was an angst. A misunderstanding. An oppression. An enemy. And the creative expression of that angst was their contribution to this world. It was their art.

>Let’s face it, street culture today has very little to be angry about. Kids create new clothing brands on the subway ride to work. Post it to their followers on lunch break. And by the time dinner rolls around, they’ve gone IPO. Fans sit in their mom’s basements. One-Pay Click with free shipping on their Amazon Prime account gets them anything they want in the world. They anonymously talk shit on a comment board about stuff they hate with no repercussions then move on. Struggle is really non-existent.

>But struggle makes for a good story doesn’t it? So nowadays, we just say ‘FUCK IT,’ ‘FUCK THEM,’ ‘FUCK ‘EM.’ or, (in order to save on our 140 character limit,) we just say ‘FUCK.’ But what exactly are we ‘fucking?’ WHO are we flipping the bird to? A trend I hate? How about random acts of complaining.

>I understand our pedigree as a culture almost requires us to be anti something. Our forefathers made their living ‘fighting the system,’ ‘fucking the police’ and asking ‘God to save the Queen.’ So we feel inclined to do the same. But I have an idea. Let’s either celebrate the incredible time we live in. OR, let’s really find something to bitch about. Life is good. But it can’t be THAT good. And if you can’t find anything, the least you can do is go fuck yourself." - Jeff Staple

He's talking about you, OP.

>> No.7798614

That was all kind of obvious, man. If any of it was a revelation to you then you are probably woefully underprepared for this.

>> No.7798619


And this

>> No.7798625

You're quoting a self-absorbed douchebag and you should feel bad.
Also, my "I'm above this" comment is better than yours.

>> No.7798624


>How to make $20 pocket money a month 101

>> No.7798628


You're ignoring a completely true and valid point because you think the person is a "self absorbed douchebag".

Your loss, really.

>> No.7798640

youre so quick to judge my dream, my idea, my vision of what i want in life man

so quick to assume this stuff over the internet.

Yes im young, but i'm driven, i know hard work pays off, i know i can set out to achieve what i want and i do my own research every day. Im not blinded by the idea of just a brand, i like the idea of having quality clothing, exclusive clothing, clothing that appeals to my fashion sense and taste

>> No.7798642

I think you have to have a high degree of hero worship to think these ennui-drenched rantings of an attention whore qualify as "a completely true and valid point". What he's saying is irrelevant to 90+% of clothing entrepreneurship and you have to reason to think OP is the kind of strawman that jeffstaple has thrown up in order to knock down. It might be relevant to his corner of the world but it is a load of crap in mine.

tl;dr: clothing doesn't have to be for or against anything.

>> No.7798644
File: 16 KB, 335x363, shirtmockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do. Your. Own. Research.
you're kinda right imo, no need to be so cocky though
what point?

*** also hijacking thread since it's mildly related***
shuold i print pic related? :^)

>> No.7798645

yeah most of it was pretty obvious however it was the first constructive comment on here

>> No.7798654


Ok then tell us a little about it and maybe we can give you some advice

Just making an extremely vague thread like "How 2 start clothing brand" is really going to get you helpful replies

Want an answer? Put some pictures and words on a Hanes tee, take a picture of it and put it on bigcartel. Congratulations, you are now a "brand".

I remember there was a similar thread a while ago with an anon asking the exact same thing in the exact same manner, people were real and told him he was naive and wasn't going to go anywhere and all he did was get all defensive and block it out

Hoping that's not u


>I'm driven
>Know hard work pays off
>Set out to achieve what I want to do
>Like the idea of quality
>Clothing that appeals to my taste


This really doesn't mean anything

>> No.7798656

Your subjective likes and dislikes dont make an information worthless to you

If you cant even read something without dismissing something on something so shallow then uh

>> No.7798660

OP, I am a little over a year into this myself. I don't know if this is relevant to you or not (I really hope you aren't planning on making graphic t-shirts) but I am starting out with accessories as not having to worry about sizing makes everything easier: manufacturing, design and of course inventory.

Also I have local makers to start so that I can produce on-demand if I need to should orders suddenly pile up... it's more expensive, but if the brand takes off I'll of course be more interested in investing in inventory and can go to cheaper offshore manufacturing.

>> No.7798667

I see my comments are not appreciated by the functionally illiterate.

>> No.7798670

>There is no single answer.

>Do. Your. Own. Research.

fucken hell I'm still in the research phase and I've given us a good year or so for a proper launch and everything
take attention to detail and be 70% decided on what you want to do because the other 10% is other ideas another 10% tears and another 10% procrastination

>> No.7798673

nar not me but i can understand how im coming of naive.

okay, how do i achieve more than just placing logos or words on shirts cause thats really not what i want. theres 10000+ other people doing the exact same thing yet they still make loads of money, so how do i break away from that

>> No.7798681

troal what the fuck you're starting up?

>> No.7798682

is it true this is basically 80% marketing?

>> No.7798691


>what point?

>And the creative expression of that angst was their contribution to this world. It was their art. Let’s face it, street culture today has very little to be angry about. Kids create new clothing brands on the subway ride to work. Post it to their followers on lunch break. And by the time dinner rolls around, they’ve gone IPO. Fans sit in their mom’s basements. One-Pay Click with free shipping on their Amazon Prime account gets them anything they want in the world.

He's pretty much saying that there are too many people putting out uninspired crap out there and how the meaning of a "brand" seems to have disappeared into irrelevancy.

>> No.7798700



I don't know what you're trying to ask

Tell us a bit about your ideas / vision, what kind of clothes you want to make and we can take that as a reference point and start from there.

>> No.7798707


If the product is good enough and hits all the right points in whatever you're trying to do, it will sell itself

But yes brand presentation / image is important as fuck for actually having ur stuff sell

>> No.7798716

>the means to make, market and sell new clothing are easier, therefore there is no struggle
>there is no struggle, no system, nothing to be against

Smells like a load of "in my time things were better and we had REAL struggles not like these young'uns nowadays" crap to me.

>> No.7798736

yeah well, we don't have much to be angry about but that doesn't mean that one can't be creative
i don't really see the connection there
i know very well that there are tons of people just putting their logo on wholesale shirts/hoodies/beanies and calling it a brand but i guess op doesn't want to do stuff like that

>> No.7798740


See >>7798691


>"in my time things were better and we had REAL struggles not like these young'uns nowadays"

That's exactly what he's saying and it's completely true... no idea how uninformed you must be of the world around you today but that's exactly how it is

Look at the various youth counterculture movements in the latter half of the 20th century. Today youth in western society have it relatively easy - what movements do we have today, the "post - streetwear - put - white - words - on - black - sweaters" movement? Counterculture hardly ever exists and veeeery few people are being subversive with their style or work because they don't feel like they want to. Life is good.

>> No.7798762


I posted that in response to the only input from OP we had at the time which was "how do i start a brand its like my life dream"

Take it with a grain of salt, obviously the quote was from a different context and I posted it because I felt that some parts of it were relevant.

>> No.7798760

so basically if when starting my brand i should push myself to be more than just another logo junkie company that prints images and brand logos over and over on different pieces?

>> No.7798766

>That's exactly what he's saying and it's completely true...
...and irrelevant to OP's challenge, but whatevs.

>> No.7798771

exactly! i dont, as much as i love the trends going around where i live (australia) at the moment its all the same, every guy wears the same shirt, maybe just a different colour or logo, same shirt, same shorts ,same shoes. yet its still known as "having a unique fashion sense"

>> No.7798772


Holy shit I tried to help you but you are legitimately fucking retarded or 14

Don't take it personally though just give it a few years and if it's what you really want to do you will naturally find out the steps you need to take for yourself

>> No.7798780

hahaha what the fuck

>> No.7798782


Few last notes

For some reason I knew you were going to be Australian, I don't even pay attention to the "Australian* presence / jokes on this board but some subconscious gut feeling told me you were an Aussie teen

Also Fashion is the industry, the designers, the clothing, the media, the consumers. The term "Fashion Sense" doesn't actually make sense, the proper way to say it would be "having a unique style".


>> No.7798793

thanks man

>> No.7798846

Hahaha OP got shut down

>> No.7798872

if it is your life dream you wouldn't be looking for the answers on an anime image board

>> No.7799001

Yes by all means let's not look for relevant input from people who share our interests.

>> No.7799029

interest in fashion != knowing how to start a brand
if the first place you'd look for advice for this is fa then i dunno :^)

>> No.7799161

This hoary old chestnut "it's an anime message board" continues to be retarded every time it's trotted out. If the origin of the site 4chan was originally inspired by is the deciding factor then nobody should ever seek any information on anything here.