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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 291 KB, 1082x601, 1389383665609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7795539 No.7795539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does a short back and sides/hitler youth look decent on everyone? I've been struggling to find a haircut that fits me, and I want to find something that doesn't need too much time to shape (I have to spend ten minutes in front of the mirror with combs and pomade for my hair to not look too shitty).

Is pic related an universal reference that I can show my barber? Every time I ask for an HY, I get a short back and sides with a long top, but no taper or anything so it looks awkward.

Please post hitler youth inspo too.

>> No.7795545

Can a hy look good on someone with big ears and nose? They're not big enough to make me look deformed but they're still noticeably bigger than average and I'm trying to find a haircut which doesn't put too much emphasis on my ears essentially and my nose somewhat (although the latter has little to do with my hair I guess)

>> No.7795604


>> No.7795614

Anymore useful pics like this for self cutting?

>> No.7795618

tfw when big nose and not a jew.

I used to still have some luck with ladies when i was in my early twenties. Now at 26 i havent gotten laid in a year or two without paying a hooker. Shit sucks man. Nothing i can do except get a good job and let the money hungry ladies latch on.

I remember one GF took me to meet her parents. Afterwards i asked her what they thought of me. All she said was they thought i had a big nose.

One other time i was at a friends party. Everything was going normal when his little 3 year old walks into the room and gives me a hug. Then asks her dad why my nose is so big. Everyone just turned and stared. Dropped my spagetti everywhere and took off when no one was paying attention.

>> No.7795624

I feel you man

Save up for a rhino if it makes you insecure

I know it sucks but you either live with it or change it

>> No.7795647

fuck, I always wanted to know this

>> No.7795648
File: 494 KB, 953x3169, billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe man. Im too scared to go under the knife. Im halfway through getting /fit/ and toned, so we will see how that works out for me first. Im just afraid ill be that one guy who gets a botched job or some shit. Life usually is good at throwing me curve balls

>> No.7795650

can you post a pic of it

>> No.7795651
File: 331 KB, 1200x1131, 1388592416705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol thats not the pic i selected.

>> No.7795654

W-w'ere gonna make it, right anon?

I don't think there's any risk if you see a talented surgeon
The rhino will cost like 5k to 6k

I'd like to know though, if anyone's knowledgeable about that, is it possible to reduce your ear size with surgery? If so how much does it run for?

>> No.7795658
File: 479 KB, 908x616, 1383967194537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gorgeous nose job doctor is an artist

>> No.7795660

Wow, she went from 4/10 to a solid 7


>> No.7795673

>is it possible to reduce your ear size with surgery?
I think it is, last year or so on the news there was a big report about a little kid who was made fun of so badly at school for having large ears that his family decided to let him have surgery to get their size reduced.

>> No.7795728
File: 205 KB, 273x420, thenoseknows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a very clear photo and i was drinking at the time but its the only one i got at the moment. this was 2011 i think

>> No.7795741
File: 89 KB, 700x466, 1386460483102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post nose.

>does this haircut work on any hairline?

>> No.7795746

that's not even that bad, wtf.
was expecting Pinocchio.
I don't know why people say anything about it, it's not large enough to merit those type of reactions

>> No.7795748
File: 474 KB, 480x640, mee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could mt face pull off a hy?

>> No.7795750

ill see if i have a 'better' picture. that one is more flattering that others i guess.

>> No.7795787
File: 62 KB, 516x432, Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this work?

>> No.7795804

Supposing you get the surgery done and your nose is smaller and more attractive...

what the fuck do you then tell your friends and family?

You would probably get the piss taken a lot more where I'm from tbh

>> No.7795826

>mfw this turns into a surgery thread and noone answers op question

>> No.7795829

If it's that attention whoring brandon faggot again; you look fine m8.
You need to do layer as in OP pic, experiment with a fringe if you'd like, and your hair will look ok.

You won't be able to pull off hitler youth if you're insecure like this, but I think it would look good on you.

Next step is becoming a mentally sane person.

>> No.7795842
File: 149 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not HY but similar it seems like.
Is this cut ok for people with THis type of hair?

>> No.7795852

Yes. It looks very good.

>> No.7795860

Very much so.

>> No.7795937

>Marry it.
>Get it pregnant.
>Ugly kids.

>> No.7795958
File: 263 KB, 1098x601, 1390974944103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7795980

It looks good.
Where did you get it cut, and what did you ask for?

>> No.7796000

He had such a tiny forehead that he looks normal now that he's balding

>> No.7796009

You don't have a big nose... Your only problem is your (what some would consider) inferior genes.

Another not so liberal board may call you a sandnigger or such but no worries old sport were much more civilized here

>> No.7796035

I don't think the problem is your nose, you look alright

>> No.7798063

How much would it cost?

>> No.7798362

When does a hitler youth look bad? I'm contemplating getting one but my hair is slightly wavy so I don't know

>> No.7798394

>beat the kids faces during development in order to create them god tier facial aesthetics

>"Your kid is so cute, Anon!"
>Thanks, I made the face myself actually.

>> No.7798402


>> No.7798420

>mfw in china you can actually sue your wife for giving you ugly kids if she didn't tell you about her plastic surgery

>> No.7798425

wouldnt you be kinda pissed too in a way its cheating nature and one of our core drives to procreate

>> No.7798435
File: 128 KB, 472x356, 1392275633498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every time i visited my pop during my long hair phase he joked about cutting my hair with short back and sides
>wtf no that looks terrible, why would i listen to him all he cares about is war and guns
>7 years later
>put two and two together
>grandfather is a pro-nazi
>mfw he wanted his grandson to be his nostalgic Aryan warrior
>mfw i am the /fit/, /fa/ Aryan he wanted me to be

>> No.7798743


>> No.7798951

do you still visit him

>> No.7798985
File: 59 KB, 640x480, image201402160001_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how /fa/ is my cut?

>> No.7799049 [DELETED] 

What are you afraid of, when you censor everything?

"I posted my wall on 4chan. Anonymous will get me!"

Are you afraid of being judged?

>> No.7799255

bump until answer

>> No.7799656

#LADcore, be sure to get a topman patterned button-up and button it to the top, some carrot chinos as well
top bants

>> No.7799921

>that looks terrible

I'm wondering now, is that what plebs think? Or does short back and sides look nice to other people too?

>> No.7799961

>oval face
>long, soft and fine hair
I want a short haircut but I can't think of one that looks good and easy to maintain.

inb4 buzzcut

>> No.7800228

In france atm, how to ask for hitler youth in french?

I know "court sur le cote et derriere" but I want to be more specific, to get the exact haircut shown in >>7795539 (op pic). Like with the taper and shit. How do I ask for that?

>> No.7800254

nigga just print the image out

>> No.7800261

isn't that autistic as fuck

just going to the hairdresser and showing a picture like "yeah I want my hair like that"

>> No.7800267

Nah dude not at all. It makes it easier for them.

>> No.7800273

Oh ok
so I should go to the barber and say "I want my hair cut like this guy"?
how can I say that in french in a way that won't make me sound like a faggot

>> No.7800280

I don't know French bruh

>> No.7800287


>> No.7800288

why are you in france if you don't know french?

what are you, american?

>> No.7800304

Show them the pic.

>> No.7800305

I came to Paris with a friend who speaks french but I don't know the language myself
Yeah I'm American

I mean I know the basics like bonjour or whatever but I don't know how to ask for elaborate stuff

>> No.7800313

just ask your friend how to say "could you cut it like this?" "a little shorter/longer here" and "looks good, thanks"

>> No.7800325

yeah I'll ask him

not to derail the thread btw but if any frenchfags are here what are good places to get your hair cut in paris? Like really nice barbers

>> No.7800408
File: 56 KB, 450x590, WP_20140215_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty hair genetics here
i usually just ask for it short all the way around, but im looking to do something different. Any helpful ideas?
any chance I could straighten it

>> No.7800450


>> No.7800468 [DELETED] 


race mixing. not even once.

>> No.7800480
File: 417 KB, 525x591, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any recomendations?
planning on growing it out for a while

>> No.7800488


lose weight.

>> No.7800489
File: 26 KB, 426x475, 1392585694546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL is this real?

>> No.7800551

its the picture, i have like 13-15% body fat

>> No.7800589

i ve had that cut for a while, looks great on me. I have a big ass head, largish nose and ears

>> No.7800619

Looks like a face that could pull off a car stereo m8

>> No.7800633
File: 516 KB, 2447x1765, basedcavani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be at like ~8% to be /fa/

>> No.7800640

naa but actually back to /pol/

>> No.7800653

Any advice? Not liking this haircut I got at Fantastic Sam's

>> No.7800660
File: 986 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-02-16-16-50-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.7800662


get the sides trimmed up and let the top grow

>> No.7800683

Here's a question for you guys. I've been growing my hair out for about 6 months now. Went to barber a few times to get it cleaned up a bit, you know take a away from sides et.c I SPECIFICALLY told the barbers that I'm growing it out, I just want to get it trimmed a bit. Every single fucking time the cut boatloads away.

So what the shit am I supposed to tell them? To I need to bring a written form and make them sign it or something?

>> No.7800983
File: 850 KB, 1964x2336, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for me?!
I believe I have something between a heart-shaped or oval face shape.
I hate my long hair and need a shorter cut (especially for job appliance).
It's really hard to find a fitting short-hair cut because of my receding hairline.
(Ignore the beard, that's allready gone.)

>> No.7801000

barbers in general are idiots. try and find a smart one who is capable of comprehending several sentences' worth of information.

>> No.7802241

ya but he looks good with it

>> No.7802289

lose the beard.

>> No.7804017

do you use any skin products

>> No.7804321

>(Ignore the beard, that's allready gone.)
>the beard
>allready gone

>> No.7805234

Nope, got lucky with skin genes. I wash my face with water in the shower and that's it.

>> No.7805782
File: 95 KB, 1761x609, front-left-right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys.
I'm planning on getting my hair cut this week.
Would a HY look ok?
If not, what do you think I should get that would look good?

>> No.7806102


>> No.7806121

Sry m8. Not Toby.
Any advice though?

>> No.7806131
File: 96 KB, 579x329, 1392481516060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just realized i look awful with long hair after having long hair for 15 years

what is a short inoffensive haircut that is not a hitler youth?

>> No.7806155 [DELETED] 

>only barber around me does fades and shit
>frequently botch a tape and can't trim sides properly
>scared to go there asking for an hy because I can guarantee they will fuck up something
fucking spics can only give short haircuts

>> No.7806171

hitler youth

>> No.7806206


business up front, party in the back

>> No.7806259

Slav detected

>> No.7806266

chief keef-core or just clean shaven all the time

>> No.7806408

douchebag all around

>> No.7807533
File: 5 KB, 145x146, 1392679949256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7807585

anyone got inspo for short back and side with fades.
my damn country barber hasn't a clue