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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 73 KB, 631x370, Beurself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7791004 No.7791004[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everyone here tries to be perfect. Just except your faults already and go be a model. Nothing is holding you back but yourself.


>> No.7791028

> Nothing is holding you back but yourself.

And these terrible acne scars

>t-thanks Gene

>> No.7791071

there was a quote on /fit/ about if you're not striving to improve yourself everyday then your no different than the fat slob on the couch
quite you're hippy "everyone is beautiful" bullshit, it doesn't matter what what you make of yourself but what others make of you

>> No.7791086


Photoshop it

>> No.7791094

You can't improve your looks, you can just dress them up. When you take your borrowed plumage off, you'll still be ugly. Muscles and beauty are nothing alike.
That's okay though, pretty people are forgettable.

>> No.7791115

I think that's true to an extent, you should always strive to improve yourself, but you should also be happy with yourself simultaneously and accept the things you can't change.

Often times people don't even notice the things you're insecure about and as a result when you try to change them you risk looking worse, or more noticeably bad, as a result. Like poor Michael

He always thought he was so ugly, it got so bad the point his Mother told the surgeon to put him under when he would go in for surgery and not do anything but ruse Michael into believing he had operated on him. Poor MJ :/

>> No.7791135

facial aesthetics are improved by lifting, faggot

>> No.7791149

Yeah I'm defiantly gonna except my faults, sure OP

>> No.7791157

You shouldn't be accepting your faults when it involves shit spelling and retarded beliefs.

>> No.7791181


>> No.7791187

>taking cues from a board that could be utilized as case study in body dysmorphia

tip lul

>> No.7792127
File: 91 KB, 677x782, 107 - Abdnz5u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you dense m8?

You can't do much to change how you look in terms of facial aesthetics. Whatever you read from /fit/ only applies to the body, not the face.

>> No.7792317


>> No.7792333

You would have to be stupid to honestly believe that lifting does not improve facial aesthetics.
If you don't believe me, go lift something.

You'll feel it in your chin, neck and jaws.

>> No.7792340

Kill yourself.

Bone structure doesn't change from lifting.

>> No.7792409

if you're not fat lifting is going to do literally nothing to your face
lifting doesnt change bone structure

>> No.7792423

True. Bone structure won't change from lifting, but it will help you bring out the full potential of your bone structure.
You don't have to be fat to notice the effects. it will make things, for lack of a better word, "tighter".
It will also positively affect your posture, which affects your facial features as well.
You will notice it most underneath your jaws, at the back of your neck.

>> No.7792431

No it won't. Kill yourself.

>> No.7792434

That seems like a dumb response.
Are you one of those guys who is anti-muscle, anti-food, or something?

Even if you are going the anorexic route, your entire form will massively improve simply by lifting. I'm not saying pursue it as a daily activity - as a skeleton you'll notice positive results lifting just once a week. Even doing pull-ups is enough.

>> No.7792442

Pls b troll
Not even that guy, I do s&c consulting and you can seriously be this thick.
Look at literally nearly every person who has put on some decent mass.

>> No.7792447

Lifting is not going to improve your facial aesthetics in any way if your bone structure is shit. Period.

>> No.7792464

If you just look like a heroin addicted weirdo can you model?

I see fucked up ugly people model all the time

I really just need a job

>> No.7792465

You can't. Others might, but not you.

>> No.7792469


>> No.7792470

You are dumb homie.
Nobody is saying it will improve your bone structure, but it WILL improve your facial aesthetics.
If you have BAD facial aesthetics it will make it better.
If you have GOOD facial aesthetics it will it better.

don't be such a stupid little skeleton bitch.

>> No.7792473

lol dude are you fucking retarded

"oh ya bro i did 500 squats and my face totally went from 2/10 to 7/10!!!!"

>> No.7792476

If you are fat and have a double chin, lifting and losing weight will give you a slimmer face and might also give you the chance to be better looking.

But if you ugly to begin with, all the lifting in the world ain't going to help that anus face of yours. Sorry just look at that trip tiny at /fit, nice body... but god that face, the poor thing.

>> No.7792489

If you have good facial aesthetics you don't need to lift to look better you fucking retard.

The amoung lifting changes when it comes to your face is so miniscule you will never notice anything.

Again: Kill yourself.

>> No.7792507

>nothing is holding you back but yourself
You know, it's really cool that this board is really ethnically blinded but I can't accept the fact that the "anyone can model and beauty only lies in confidence" applies to strictly Caucasians. I only come to this board to improve my sense of fashion to compensate for my imperfections which just so happens to be my ethnic background.

>> No.7792514

Yea... lifting is squats....

>> No.7792516

lol ok sorry bro what exercises would u recommend that work out ur "face muscles"???

>> No.7792524

you must be quite the champ in that regard I bet your face is already a 10/10

>> No.7792519

suck cock

>> No.7792526
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 1392455682087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did I just read...?

>> No.7792530
File: 157 KB, 629x466, 1381380140864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: skellys lie to themselves and get super butthurt when theyre told the truth.
>All dis confirmation bias

>> No.7792537

yeah it is thanks
and i have a wardrobe worth more than ur moms mortgage

>> No.7792546

itt: /fit/ is either fucked in the head or terrible at b8ing (probably both)

>> No.7792573

Don't kid yourself, plastic surgery is the only way. We all know that *wink*

>> No.7792581

pic related looks lean in both pics but his face looks much bigger in the second

>> No.7792583

Would link to proper study but Im guessing by how fuckin stupid you are you dont go to university.
Obviously isnt direct correlation but if you spent literally two minutes on google you would be aware of how lifting improves facial aaesthetics.

I dont even know why this is up for debate. You look like shit, its pretty apparent even if youve touched a weight you have no idea how anything exercise physiology operates.

>> No.7792587
File: 50 KB, 960x573, Transform_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7792594

does pic related have the same face when he's thin/built?

>> No.7792602

looks fucking ugly in both

I like how that link doesn't have anything to do with "lifting improves your facial aesthetics"

>> No.7792603
File: 65 KB, 720x500, 1392456643203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god fucking damnit keep forgetting

>> No.7792611

lol lifting sure helped that guy... not

>> No.7792612

you're mentally deficient i was pointing out how he looks different in both pics u fucking inbred country town hick

>> No.7792613

Are you people saying that someone's face would look better if they lost weight through squats?

It doesn't make sense otherwise.

>> No.7792618

lol no shit

this has everything to do with age neck & bodyfat%
yes? besides lighting and angle

body looks like shit in the second pic tho, michelin man with tribal tattoos lmfao

>> No.7792622
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7792619

That doesn't change anything about what I said. He's still ugly in both.

>> No.7792620


>> No.7792627

>lifting improves facial aesthetics


>> No.7792626

wow, he looks like a totally different person.

I really don't get the obsession with gaining so much muscle like that. I'm gay and I don't find this attractive, in fact its a bit too much.

>> No.7792630

but that's not the fucking point, the point is lifting does change your facial aesthetics i swear man the retards are out in full force today

>> No.7792631

her bodyfat is waaaaay lower in the second pic so ofc her face will look different. but the muscle mass makes no difference

>> No.7792636

>Everyone here tries to be perfect.

Trying to be aesthetically perfect, for a male, is very faggy.

So, trying to be a perfect girly-man is not perfect at all.

The perfect male forms are Clint Eastwood, James Bond, Marlon Brando and maybe Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling today. They are rugged (or try to be), not girly.

>> No.7792634

>the point is lifting does change your facial aesthetics

i thought it was "lifting improves your facial aesthetics"

all these people get uglier the more they lift, if they change at all

>> No.7792635

But it didn't change his facial aesthetics to the better he still looks like shit in both pictures just with a disgusting roid body now

>> No.7792640

Its 2:30 and I honestly cant be bothered to sift through academia or direct y'all to the thousands of anecdotal cases on the internet.
Strength was shown to have a correlation with percieved ability to fight. Percieved ability to fight apparent from hyper/masculine features. Features like protruding brow, square jaw, thick cheek bones, etc.
Its in the study, you have to use your brain when looking at the article, sorry.

>> No.7792638

just so you know i'm not the guy who said it improved facial aesthetics i'm showing that it does change them, and generally lifting will improve your facial aesthetics i'm using the most extreme examples so the difference is easier to see, you must be a special kind of fucking stupid buddy i mean seriously.

>> No.7792639


>> No.7792645

fucking disgusting.

Women are not suppose to lift waits at all, only us men are meant to be strong.
This is proven when women lift waits and get ugly faces and deformed vaginas. When us men lift we get sexy jaw/facial muscles bigger dicks.

>> No.7792644

None of that has anything to do with "lifting improves your facial aesthetics"

get some sleep roid fag

>> No.7792649

just makes his phone look tiny and retarded like doll furniture

>> No.7792655

lol does fit rlly live in this fucked up fantasy world where more muscles = more attractive

>> No.7792657
File: 481 KB, 499x315, 1392457289954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I knew you were insecure about your body, but I didnt know it was so bad you feel the need to put others down and misconstrue reality.

But I suppose suck is 4chan

>> No.7792660
File: 93 KB, 600x660, 129089784915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the best example it's hard to find a pic of before and after where zyzz is using the same facial expression but there was a huge difference in his face.

>> No.7792666

>Fuck I knew you were insecure about your body, but I didnt know it was so bad you feel the need to put others down and misconstrue reality.

thats what uve been doing this entire thread

thats the entire reason ur on this board


>> No.7792667

No not at all, but youre daft if you think changing your body composition ends at the base of the neck.

Im not going to waste my time explaining this to a bunch of kids too busy protecting their egos. If youre curious the information is very readily available

>> No.7792661


>inb4 put your trip back on

I think trunks is a fucking retard but you're far worse

>> No.7792663


>> No.7792670

heres one from before he got SUPER swole u can see the difference in his face.

>> No.7792668

You do realise zyzz had cosmetic surgery, right? Not to mention his face is totally disproportional.

>> No.7792673
File: 26 KB, 443x837, 2j67jq0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7792671


It didn't make him better looking.

>> No.7792679

You're too daft to get "change in facial fat =/= better looking face from lifting"

>> No.7792683

I think youre getting posters mixed up.
I can see where youre coming from because it seems like Im arguing people who are built just automatically have better facial aesthetics, but thats obviously not the case. All Im saying is that its very possible and even common for them to improve (by normative standards of male beauty) by doing it.

>> No.7792688

his face looks exactly the fucking same

maybe less tanned
>No not at all, but youre daft if you think changing your body composition ends at the base of the neck.

are u doing workouts above the neck?

if not ur body will probably not change above the neck

do u think doing bicep curls "improves your calf aesthetics" too? lmao

>> No.7792696

Pretty plain Im not saying that at all. Youre misconstruing a small detail in what Im saying in an attempt to invalidate my point

>> No.7792695

if ur fat as fuck cutting will make ur face look less fat

if ur already not fat bulking will just make ur face look worse and then cutting again will put ur face back where it was before

so ya basically if ur fat (ugly) it can help but if ur not it wont do anything

like everyone has been saying this entire thread

>> No.7792702

Your point is: Lifting changes your facial aesthetics.

That's true. But not for the better.

The amount of body fat lost to make your face look a little bit better can easily be achieved by cardio and is so miniscule that you shouldn't bother.

>> No.7792715

Sorry bro, I didnt notice your degree in exercise physiology, endocrinology or your bangin body that disprove what ive suggested.
Thinking that your forearms from their secondary activation and a training effect encouraging hormonal responses is retarded.

I dont know why you insist on shitposting about things you know very little about.

>> No.7792716

lift heavy weights and keep a strait emotionless face the entire time, like seriously it seems like you're just being dense cuz u wanna prove you're right, zyzzs most def looks diff in each pic skinniest he had a skinnier face and his jawline was getting wider over time you've obviously never lifted, nor know anyone who does (anyone who's actually made any improvement at least lol) otherwise you'd know whatever though i'll leave you with this pic as you've been talking about bone structure this whole time as if there are no muscles in the face.

>> No.7792719


>> No.7792723
File: 25 KB, 400x290, 9300W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every fucking time lmao

>> No.7792730

lol so youre telling me doing bench presses will somehow magically pull my jawbones away from each other? if i lift too much will they seperate and bust out the sides of my face?

>> No.7792732

>his jawline was getting wider
that's because he was 16 when he was skinny and over 20 in the other picture.

your jaw doesn't get wider from lifting...

>> No.7792740
File: 6 KB, 150x200, IMG_2665696201175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jump rope kills fat lika mo foka

>> No.7792755

So youre suggesting a change in body fat improves facial aesthetics? Why?
Because it makes the cheek bones and jawline more pronounced while making skin more taught?
Over time, lifting just changes facial composition in much the same way mate.
Which by normative beauty standards is attractive.
Is it always going to be the case? God no. Should we discourage people from lifting and improving their body composition because it wont carry over to their face? Absolutely not

>> No.7792760

thats from roids

>> No.7792761
File: 22 KB, 400x300, 1392458785023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not bone stucture changing..... dude

>> No.7792764

I give up. You're just delusional.

have fun

>> No.7792770

start of the thread:
>facial aesthetics are improved by lifting, faggot
end of the thread:
>Should we discourage people from lifting and improving their body composition because it wont carry over to their face? Absolutely not

lol, /fit/ are such victims

>> No.7792774

>I really dont understand what youre saying
>heres an asinine comment that has absolutely nothing to do with what you said
>im saying it in the hopes that it makes sense to other people who dont understand what you said.

What I am saying is that if you did something as simple as reg park's beginner routine with some heavy weight and stopped eating like a tool youd probably like the way you looked a lot better.

I could even take you on as a client in my co sulting business bb

>> No.7792775

trunks you would look like absolute shit anyway. calm down ugly

>> No.7792779
File: 10 KB, 224x225, ae7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you realize that facial beauty comes from facial symmetry

>> No.7792785
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 777179917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like i said, you're ignoring things i post and picking and choosing to try and prove yourself right you're being dumb as fuck, as you lift, assuming you're not a pussy and lifting as much as you can, you will be struggling, now LIKE I SAID BEFORE try keeping a straight face while lifting heavy weights after you go ahead and do that and realize how difficult it is (and how stupid you'd look) refer to >>7792723
again LIKE I SAID BEFORE their are muscles in your face, do you see where i'm getting at with this trunks? if i'm going too fast just let me know and i'll slow down.

refer to the second pic i posted LIKE I SAID BEFORE his facial aesthetics were changing all throughout his time lifting, and if i remember correctly he made all his gains in a fairly short amount of time so there's not that much time lapse.

and now i'm fucking done you idiots can go on screaming about how lifting doesn't improve facial aesthetics and how it makes you look big and ugly and brutal and whatever while you file your nails drink your little martini and get ready for bed cuz you've got a pedicure scheduled tomorrow. I think you've got a liftphobia and try to denounce it cuz you're too pussy/lazy to workout.

also i'm pretty sure this is like the ideal runway fashion model body not the whole hungry skeleton looks you see SOME MODELS get away with, and beiber works out.

>> No.7792794

>that comment
>negating/changing anything I first suggested
>victimizing anyone

Funny, was going to say the same thing about you. Brains being stubborn cunts and all, thinking its too hard to reprogram.

>> No.7792795

>ive given up on my original argument but i know whats best for you better than you do why wont you listen to me why doesnt everyone share the exact same viewpoints as me fucking idiots what do they think theyre doing trying to post fashion on /fa/ instead of listen to me talk about how much better their lives would be if they lifted heavy things up and down god what uneducated plebes

>> No.7792796

lol you're the pic you posted (he plays a retard in that movie)

>> No.7792799

>his time lifting
you mean, him growing up? lifting didn't change his bone structure

>> No.7792801

bodybuilding insecurities shining through

>> No.7792802


>> No.7792808

>and now i'm fucking done

thank fucking god, we can go back to the thread without your off topic /fit/ shitposting. bye.

>> No.7792809
File: 84 KB, 400x400, 1379384929598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly has a large part to play, yes. But its naive to think it's the only thing that affects our concept of facial aesthetics, or even that living a healthier lifestyle has no bearing on face symmetry

>> No.7792818
File: 30 KB, 650x415, hormones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell dude

did you not read the previous posts? There's muscles in your damn face. that swell. Not your bone, the muscle.

Just like hormones meant for a mtf make your face rounder and jaw less protuberant, testosterone and/or androgens give it more definition (making it masculine).

My best guess is that some of the performance enhancing drugs those body builders use have contributed to the swollen-jaws they appear to have.

>pic related, the sharper woman's face has less "estrogen"

Enough of your goddamn tirades. You know how to google, don't you?

>> No.7792822

>its naive to think that living a healthier lifestyle has no bearing on face symmetry



>> No.7792823

I dont know why you think contorting my words into something theyre obviously not is an effective, let alone appropriate way of discussing something. Any normal human being would be hella embarassed by saying what you just did

>> No.7792824

How was he shit posting, you retard?
He was merely adding a different perspective to the conversation on appearance. You don't add anything of value to the board and all you do is shit on everybody else day in day out. Just fuck off back to sufu you ugly cunt.

>> No.7792831

nobody's saying anything about changing bone structure but your dumbass and he looked very effemanite before he started LIKE I SAID BEFORE he made all his gains in a very short amount of time so there's not much room for the time lapse required for the growing up you keep talking about to take place you guys are fucking retarded pussies lol, like seriously i can't believe how stupid some of you are, i'm half hoping you guys are trolling, but probably not lmao

>> No.7792830

so lifting weights doesnt change your face shape

taking steroids does

alright buddy ill remember that if i ever decide i dont need to use my dick ever again

>> No.7792832
File: 471 KB, 500x250, coldstarezack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trunks shut up.

Just shut up, It's painful to read your posts You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7792833
File: 61 KB, 450x600, 1390721534554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly don't use your dick now.

>> No.7792839

You got me trunks, I just said that lifting weights and eating healthy is like a magic pill that once you stard doing JUST BOOM INSTANTLY CHANGES YOUR FACE.
Genetics is definitely the only precursor in determining facial symmetry.
Seriously who lets you near a computer?

>> No.7792841

is it weird that i think the guy looks better pre-photoshop?

>> No.7792847

ok dude

let me know how "living a healthy lifestyle" will somehow meld the structure of ur face like some sort of play dough into a perfect mirror image

>> No.7792856

Is everything you learned about anabolics and lifting from an after school program done in the 80s?

Its amazing, you have the wealth of all human knowledge at your finger tips, and instead of looking it up, you do contrarian shitposting because youre so starved for attention.
You cant even hide behind the veil of 'lulimtrollinu' anymore

>> No.7792863

>My best guess is that some of the performance enhancing drugs those body builders use have contributed to the swollen-jaws they appear to have.
>My best guess is that some of the performance enhancing drugs those body builders use have contributed to the swollen-jaws they appear to have.
>My best guess is that some of the performance enhancing drugs those body builders use have contributed to the swollen-jaws they appear to have.


jsut give up dude ur pathetic

>> No.7792867

trunks you don't know shit about the body and shit about lifting you're a dyel educating lifters on how lifting will affect their body when u workout even some muscles that you don't work get bigger,it's just the way it is for some reason, there are muscles in your face.

Btw testosterone isn't a steroid your body produces it, think about this for a second trunks imagine how stupid this scenario looks you're shirtless on the beach and for whatever reason you're in conversation with a built/ottermode guy who lifts regularly so seems to know what he's on about now you start telling him what his lifts will/won't do for him, now remember trunks you're shirtless right now and this guy's in pretty good shape.

just picture that trunks.

>> No.7792869

Nah, lots of legit reasons why you find the first pic better.

>> No.7792874
File: 839 KB, 245x245, 1392460133389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7792876

how the fuck did anyone fall for this

>> No.7792879

>when u workout even some muscles that you don't work get bigger,it's just the way it is for some reason, there are muscles in your face.

looooooool this broscience

if u went back to /fit/ telling them the garbage ur spewing in this thread theyd fucking laugh at u

if u wanna picture shirtless men go ahead dude, its not my thing tho

>> No.7792881

>my best guess is that the only way to achieve even a milder offshoot of said effect is with the use of steroids
>my best guess is that your dick just stops working when you take steroids.

C'mon, man.

>> No.7792885

You're pathetic. You look like a giant skinny-fat baby, if you ever worked out your disgusting body you would see improvement in your face and body altogether. Common knowledge

not even that guy

>> No.7792894

u still have 0 evidence that lifting improves let alone changes ur face

have fun with the hgh kiddo, u prob arent using ur cock for much anyways lmao

>> No.7792899
File: 214 KB, 1027x1234, Eye color and sex linkage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your body produces them naturally.

Remember that fat is essentially estrogenic guys, meaning that being fat means you might have more estrogen in your bodies than relatively fit males (generally more characteristic of male children).

Do you follow thus far? Your bodies can also produce excess androgen and testosterone on their own do to a variety of factors. And yes, hormones contribute to those gender-specific traits.

They're also men with genetically feminine faces, such as this.

>brown-eyed males have statistically broader and rather massive chins, broader (laterally prolonged) mouths, larger noses, and eyes that are closer together with larger eyebrows. In contrast, blue-eyed males show smaller and sharper chins, mouths that are laterally narrower, noses smaller, and a greater span between the eyes.

(from evoandproud)

I'm not an expert on this, so there's only so take that into account before asking anything specific.

>> No.7792908

Its like Ive just told you how the sun rises and invited you to go read the plethora of sources out there and all you can say is

This is lleit mimd boggling how you think that is appropriate or funny.

>> No.7792918

Exercise would only help you keep symmetry if you started as a child and managed to avoid parasites, too many sicknesses and had a great diet.

>> No.7792917

>Remember that fat is essentially estrogenic guys, meaning that being fat means you might have more estrogen in your bodies than relatively fit males (generally more characteristic of male children).

so fat ppl look like shit

congrats dude uve finally caught up to the shit everyone else was aware of 100 posts ao

>> No.7792925

arian race all the way

>> No.7792930

Just try it.

i can't speak for everyone, but i don't give a shit about making you feel bad. I'm not trying to prove you wrong. I don't have an "agenda"
I don't even have a good body, but I work out.
and i know that it is undeniable lifting will bring out your facial features, for better or worse.

You have a bad body tool

>> No.7792931

Thats fair, this entire time I couldve been looking up some sources for you, but instead I got tangled up responding to your bullshit posts. So instead of wanting to do the leg work for a stupid ungrateful cunt, I told him to do it himself.

Legit, my bad. Shouldve known better on the chins

>> No.7792932

except the sun rising is a proven fact and not shitty broscience that you thought up 10 minutes ago and are desperately coming up with ad hominem attacks to defend instead of actually proving it

>> No.7792939

and you have 0 evidence that it doesn't.

>> No.7792944

in other words: all my shitty rambling and insults have finally run out and im finally admitting that i cant prove shit and am wrong about all the things i claimed earlier
>i KNOW lifting makes ur face look good
>but i cant prove it
>btw you look like shit xDDD

alright buddy u got me good with that one

>> No.7792949

du really thinks lifting weights is gonna fix his ugly face

>> No.7792950

Youre right it is predominantly in youth when youre doing most of your growing, but it still has a bearing on you in adulthood

>> No.7792951

im not the one pulling wild claims out of my ass

u began the argument u have the burden of proof

>20 replies 0 evidence

well done /fit/

>> No.7792957

it's the exact same thing as when you sprout 'post a fittttttttttttttt' it's 'post evidence'
dude, if you want proof go and buy a barbell or join a gym you dumb fucker, you will see the improvement for yourself and maybe your second hand rick won't look so terrible on your little boy body.

>> No.7792963

>makes claims
>cant back them up
>"go and buy a barbell or join a gym you dumb fucker, you will see the improvement for yourself and maybe your second hand rick won't look so terrible on your little boy body"


>> No.7792965
File: 34 KB, 520x466, 6842810_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao trunks you've been proven wrong and you know it, now you're just being a desperate troll, you're not even adding anything you're just trying to make fun of any little line from someones post that you can to feel better about yourself. Don't worry trunks, i still like you :) and you've got nice clothes, you're a pretty cool guy.

>> No.7792969

This was me, not the other post. We should really have thread vins...
Just really couldnt be bothered to sift through academia to get it for you since you probably wouldnt read it anyways. Pulling sources can be a huge time and brainpower drain. Youd know that if you weren't still being useless at your parent's place.

I certainly wouldnt have invited you to look it up if it wasnt the case, though.

>> No.7792971

I'm not a dude, brosef.

But losing weight would definitely masculine give it more definition not only from having lost the excess weight (which is obvious) but from exercising the muscles in that general area. Being a man with plenty of testosterone in their body is a bonus. It all goes hand in hand, you can't isolate any specific factor without taking the others in account.

being a man=easier to gain muscle=broader face from testosterone = more testosterone produced b/c of rigorous exercise routine (?)

I am so proud of you not even bothering to read the article.

>ne outcome may be a polymorphism of brightly colored phenotypes, due to selection shifting to scarcer and more novel hues whenever a color variant becomes too common (Endler, 1980; Frost, 2006; Hughes et al., 1999; Hughes et al., 2005; Olendorf et al., 2006). This frequency dependence has been shown in humans. Thelen (1983) presented male participants with slides showing attractive brunettes and blondes and asked them to choose, for each series, the woman they would most like to marry. One series had equal numbers of brunettes and blondes, a second 1 brunette for every 5 blondes, and a third 1 brunette for every 11 blondes. Result: the rarer the brunettes were in a series, the likelier any one of them would be chosen.

The rarer your genetic variant/coloring is, the more attractive your are, it seems.

>> No.7792972

>you've been proven wrong and you know it

by what

still waiting on that evidence

>> No.7792975

lmao you've been shown picture evidence and still deny shit lmfao, we've explained it to you etc. i'm not even the one who started the argument but i know lifting will change your facial features.

>> No.7792983

>But losing weight would definitely give it (the face) more definition

can't rephrase the sentences properly to save my life

Also, Trunks, buddy, please do some research before going into an angry spiel. Please.

>> No.7792984

Go and see the improvements for yourself you donkey. There's your much needed evidence.

>> No.7792981

ok thanks for the science lesson but im not seeing how this relates to the original argument in any way

>> No.7792987

Im this guy.
And trunks is correct that the onus is on us to provide evidence to support our claim. He just isnt accepting anything other than spoonfed sources because he knows we dont have the time or energy to pull them up so he can make strawmen out of them again.

Like I said,the information is out there, and Ive provided you with a lot of ideas that can be investigated.

>> No.7792991

>i cant find any evidence
>but its not because im completely wrong and none exists, i just am doing more important things like having a threesome with 10/10s and counting my millions of dollars, i really dont have time, even though im currently posting on 4chan
>btw you live with ur mum xD


>> No.7792998

>lmao you've been shown picture evidence


point it out pls

>inb4 "omg trunks ur so dumb find it urself idiot its totally there"
>why wont trunks accept my shitty broscience as fact? i have time to make baseless arguments for 5 hours on 4chan but taking 5 mins to look up a scientific study to back up my claims is just a big waste of time, i could do it if i wanted to tho

>> No.7793008
File: 68 KB, 337x507, 1370606077108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've been shown PICTURE EVIDENCE and you're STILL denying that there's no evidence oh my god lmao

>> No.7793012

I'm not the guy you are arguing with, but are you trying to dispute that lower body fat percentage acquired through lifting doesn't accentuate facial features? The face is all muscle, fat, cartilidge and bone and like any other similarly structured area, the overall shape and sharpness become more rigid and defined when fat percentage is reduced. I don't see why this wouldn't be obvious nor logical

>> No.7793014

>picture evidence

a picture of zyzz that looks exactly like another picture of zyzz

yeah nice bro you totally got me, who needs research articles when you have 2 pictures of zyzz

>> No.7793024

>I'm not the guy you are arguing with, but are you trying to dispute that lower body fat percentage acquired through lifting doesn't accentuate facial features?

not at all. the original guy said "lifting improves facial aesthetics". i said that was only true if you were fat and that cardio would do the exact same thing. if you already have a low bodyfat% bulking & lifting will make your face look worse.

>> No.7793032
File: 473 KB, 400x227, warai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys guys

I've figured it out

Trunks is the only enlightened one here

we can only dream of someday attaining entering such a profound state of non-thinking

all hail trunks, he will lead us into the new dawn our civilization has been searching for

>> No.7793038

good evidence

>> No.7793044

you know what, you're right trunks there's only one pic of proof posted and it doesn't show any difference in face/jaw shape, you have won the argument you are the supreme knowledge source on how liftings effect on facial aesthetics, i can only one day hope to achieve an accomplishment or level of social status that you have. Congratulations trunks.

>> No.7793048


>> No.7793049

>if you already have a low bodyfat% bulking & lifting will make your face look worse.
but that's completely subjective.

>> No.7793054

you literally just said lowering your bodyfat% would make your face look better

but bulking (raising bodyfat%) will not make your face look worse?

killer logic

>> No.7793062

Same could be said about you, really.

Youre right, I really just can't be bothered and thats strange. I just really hate research and dont feel like digging my laptop out and accessing a journal bank, sifting through intros then reading appropriate texts. Especially since I get nothing out of it except self validation, and I dont really operate like that. I really have no reason to lie to you and I dont know why you think I would. I have no face to save on this anonymous image board.

Wow you totally proved your point there by emphasizing a redundant point and burning the fuck out of that strawman.

The more I read this shit and the general attitude on this board, I dont really understand why Im here. I mean- no one in there right mind would willingly subject themselves to such shitty attitudes irl (probs why you only have the internet). All the cool people and cool ideas are really ruined by shitheads like you, but there isnt really a good way to excommunicate you.

>> No.7793057

^ That guy isn't me >>7793012

>> No.7793067
File: 74 KB, 500x667, whiskas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7793076

>He just isnt accepting anything other than spoonfed sources because he knows we dont have the time or energy to pull them up so he can make strawmen out of them again.

trunks is annoying to me but what the fuck, when I last posted in this thread it was like 10pm. That's like 8 hours of people supporting your side of the argument "not having the time or energy to find a reputable source" and just insulting the guy who disagrees with you.

Could you imagine this entire thread on any other board?
>trust me dude, I can't prove it other than some images that show that the more fat you lose the more prominent your facial features become, but if you took your fat ugly ass to the gym you'd see I'm right. Probably

In the time it took you to reiterate the same already refuted points repeatedly you could have found some sources and constructed a valid argument supporting your position. This is just shit posting/name calling at this point, erks

>> No.7793081

ok everything is subjective

in that case i was right

lifting doesnt improve facial aesthetics

because they are subjective and cant be quantified

>more exuses
>still no evidence

just accept defeat and move on, youre emberassing yourself

>> No.7793091

Sorry for the rant btw.... I actually think Im done with 4chan.

Id say thanks Trunks, but thats like saying thanks for burning down my bouncy castle.
See you never ya fuckin cunt.

>> No.7793095

But that would make everybody else right too.

>> No.7793099


>> No.7793107

>except self validation

implying you wouldn't love to prove Trunks wrong. come on, bro, enough of this false humility. If you can prove him wrong, do it. How can you hate research when it's such a critical part of the learning process???
>All the cool people and cool ideas are really ruined by shitheads like you, but there isnt really a good way to excommunicate you.
>All the cool people and cool ideas are really ruined by shitheads like you, but there isnt really a good way to excommunicate you.

You're echoing many an anon here but I thin you'll find ganging up on bullies is not a viable alternative at all imho. It's...It's rather corny but the only way to "beat" them is to not sink to their level, which is not easy to do might i add.

All in all I concur with most of what you've said and find it comforting to know someone else feels that way too. Thanks.

>> No.7793113
File: 1010 KB, 500x283, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls stay, I like you. I'm not being sarcastic at all. I swear.

>> No.7793135

>I just really hate research and dont feel like digging my laptop out and accessing a journal bank, sifting through intros then reading appropriate texts.

there's actually a really simple remedy for that situation: don't make claims you're not prepared to back up

>> No.7793145


trunks isn't even the bully in this scenario let alone in general. this shit is so lame lmao

>> No.7793157

Reading this thread i saw that trunks didn't have anything useful to add at all, yet decided to derail it by shitting on other people's ideas and suggestions. Never change mcdiapy.

>> No.7793162

what's that Trunks?

Sure you're not. Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.7793176


lol man

>> No.7793184

Trunks presented the same counter argument consistently throughout the thread, basically "Your claims are pseudoscience, if you can prove me wrong do so."

The response was just ad hominem, note how none of the Anonymous posters who agreed with Trunks or made similar retorts were responded to because those arguing the pseudoscientific position had no ammunition. Well besides "if you don't agree with my views not entirely rooted in reality then you're also Trunks."

I actually don't have any idea why Trunks hate seems to be board culture here, sure some of us his post here are shitposting but how the hell do you respond to any of the arguments in this thread? Why is he any worse for saying you have no evidence condescendingly than Anons are for just personally attacking him?
>inb4 I'm trunks as well

>> No.7793188

Man you're spot on.

I hate trunks just as much as the next fuccboi but god damn he stood his ground and kept his cool in this thread. Admirable stuff. For once he was completely 100% correct.

You're still a faggot though trunks.

>> No.7793192


people on the weaker end of a ~debate~ tend to focus more on tonality and miss manners bullshit than actual substance despite the fact it has nothing to do with the merits of an argument

>> No.7793215


You know that not every claim has to be backed by a study/scientific journal for it to be within the realms of reason, right?

Let's see what Trunks has done so far besides being stubborn and refusing to provide any kind of plausible reasoning to back up his own claim:

a) reiterate the same drivel repeatedly, refusing to attempt any worthwhile refutations.

Wow, he's so consistent! Is not tantamount to being "right".

> just personally attacking him?

Some comments might not have been the most tactful but still. I don't think it was anyone's intention to "ad-hominem" him into constructing a solid argument. That and it's not wise to argue subjects you're not familiar with, whether your're Trunks or not.

As for what's pseudoscience and what's not, it seemed to be that he was throwing the term around without really understanding it's application. To his credit, more data does need to be presented but as it is, he didn't help his case by presenting virtually no counter evidence other than his opinion.

>> No.7793230

I think the overall issue with this "debate" is the tripcode rather than what was being discussed. For whatever reason Trunks is deemed the bully or the villain on this board, perhaps because he uses some semblance of logic in his arguments sometimes in order to refute the wishful thinking of those who aren't very fortunate when it comes to looks. That being said as a result he's judged for his "image board personality" rather than for the individual merit of his post.

I doubt many people would have participated on the pseudo-scientific side of the argument where it not for the chance to finally 'defeat' the nefarious white suburbanite early 20s man posting on the anime fashion board
Post like these specifically erk
>You've been proven wrong with no proof, you're obviously insecure to be asking for sources.
Ironically despite the fact Trunks' detractors claim that "cool ideas" are ruined by shitheads such as him and that he's an overall pox on the board they' shit post quite a bit to be taking the moral high ground.

>> No.7793226


you're pretty good at completely missing the point

>> No.7793227

lmao at all the retarded faggots claiming lifting improves facial aesthetics.

You know zyzz had numerous cosmetic surgeries and wore makeup right?

>> No.7793232

Robert Pirsig's said much of the same:
"“We find many ways to avoid substantive discussion—discussion of the issue raised—instead, we find ways to divert discussion onto metaissues of procedure, precedence, phrasing, place, and politeness. As a last resort, we say that we—whoever we are—simply know better than anyone else.”

4chan or not, being mindful of your tone is necessary in maintaining a neutral or impartial viewpoint, isn't it? Many of us are used to writing in that tone for school and whatnot, so it comes naturally.

>> No.7793239
File: 454 KB, 620x388, before-after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just start smoking meth already and go be a model. Nothing is holding you back but yourself.

>> No.7793237

>presenting no counter evidence

What does he have to counter? An assertion? You can't be serious.

The whole thread is pretty much:

>anon - lifting improves facial aesthetics
>trunks - I disagree, do you have any evidence?

>> No.7793242

>I don't think it was anyone's intention to "ad-hominem" him into constructing a solid argument.
Not at all, they were using ad hominem in order to avoid providing their own solid arguments.

>> No.7793250

How? I'm genuinely curious to discover what i'm missing here. And I mean this in the most open-minded way possible.

>> No.7793257

is it me or does he have wide hips?

>> No.7793261

>I doubt many people would have participated on the pseudo-scientific side of the argument where it not for the chance to finally 'defeat' the nefarious white suburbanite early 20s man posting on the anime fashion board

definitely/obviously this

>> No.7793265



>> No.7793267

>>anon - lifting improves facial aesthetics
>>trunks - I disagree, do you have any evidence?
I'm in tears

>I'd post evidence but I really hate doing research and I've told you time and time again over the last few hours that I simply don't have the time or energy to provide you solid evidence so I'm going to keep telling you.
>Guys like you ruin 4chan for the rest of us because you want evidence when cool ideas are brought up. I am quitting 4chan!
Absolutely awful

>> No.7793271

Then by all means, take up where he left off and floor us all with your captivating brilliance.

>> No.7793290



>> No.7793291
File: 447 KB, 447x251, tumblr_lwl1evTZw81qgqkrm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astounding, I doubt /g/ could top you guys. Brilliant. Thank you so much.

back to /g/ I go.

Wow, I was so wrong, I am so sorry.

>> No.7793293

Do you have any evidence that lifting weights augments facial aesthetics/bone structure?

Obviously losing and gaining fat will alter the appearance of your face. What, exclusive, changes are *scientifically proven* to occur in your face as a result of exclusively lifting weights?

Can you provide evidence that your assertion made
here, has any truth to it?

For the record I am not stating that losing fat as a result of lifting weights and an improved diet won't make certain features of the face more prominent, I am asking what does weight lifting (exclusively) do to improve facial "aesthetics" that can be proven with evidence?

>> No.7793297



>> No.7793306

Thank you Based Prophet, for expelling the vermin from our board.

>> No.7793329
File: 1.88 MB, 245x245, quand le.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

How could I be so presumptuous, I've disgraced myself. I'm not sure my go could ever recover, dudebros. what do?

>> No.7793325

people were arguing with the other people saying the same thing as he, what're you talking about?

>> No.7793332

I can't understand what it is you've written, are you using a translator?

>> No.7793337

cringe worthy, how many times are you going to leave?

>> No.7793347

Yep, it's sudoku time.


>> No.7793358


>> No.7793423

Why don't you prove that there's not [ any evidence that lifting weights augments facial aesthetics/bone structure].

Ok then.

>> No.7793438

it's written in perfect english lol.

>> No.7793443

When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. The fallacy of an argument from ignorance occurs if, when a claim is challenged, the burden of proof is shifted to be on the challenger.

>> No.7793450

>Ok then.
This is hilarious

>> No.7793457


>>7792660 >>7792673

idk these pics show absolutely zero change in their facial structure from transition to dyel-swole a fuarkkkk. (i'm being sarcastic)

>> No.7793479

All of those images have been refuted individually in the thread.

I'll list the respective replies here for your convenience

As for
this black male his facial structure/aesthetics is the same, he's just much more bloated.

Do you have any evidence that supports your assertion made
here? At all?

>> No.7793521

or join the army

>> No.7793530

yes you reposted trunks replies though his conclusions were wrong.

and the picture on the right seems to be of the same or very close bf% as in the center so you're wrong.

>> No.7793536

which is what's happened so far since none wants to assume the "burden" of searching through databases and/orgoogle. Substantive discussion can't be the responsibility of a single contributor, my friend.


This is what i can recall off the top of my head. You are free to debate as you see fit.

How certain are you of your own assumptions? What exactly can you back them up with?

>> No.7793689

gives me hope ~ ~<3

w2c good meth contacts? or will heroin do

>> No.7793743

The argument's all over the place, m'sorry.

and there's something wrong with this.

The only verifiably condition here is that you gain more muscle from being a male with normal testosterone, not the other way around.

I'm not trying to confuse you guy. Re-ordering all of this in my head and then typing it all out would take forever.

Just be aware of the basics.

>> No.7794079

>a single person can't be responsible for defending their own assertion! Fuck logic, why can't you or anybody else counter my invisible argument? Here are some pictures that I say, based on my medical degrees, prove my point. Don't bother contradicting me because I'll just say it's not true based on an equal amount of evidence
Never argue with a /fit/oxen

>> No.7794333

>Just except your faults

>> No.7794339

>body dysmorphia
nigga /fa/ is equally as guilty with heroin chic

>> No.7794342

>thinking that prioritising other peoples' opinions of you will make you happy or fulfilled

>> No.7796326
File: 56 KB, 500x252, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ /fit/ is embarrassing