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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 241 KB, 1024x1024, 1392384584972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7788572 No.7788572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/.

I have a question about facial structure.

See how this girl has a large over lapping top lip? Like it's protruding far out and seems to be attached to the nose at a point further out?

Do you know what actually causes that? Is it due to a weak jawline or is it something else? I have the same type of thing going for me, and I've wondering if there's a surgical way to fix that.

>> No.7788580

she's so fucking gorgeous

>> No.7788583

dem superior English genes

>> No.7788598

yeah, but what's up with that bald side

and it's either because your jaw is too far back or you have too little skin between your nose and lips. both could probably be surgically fixed.

>> No.7788602

It's for her role in the next The Hunger Games movie.

>> No.7788604


Do you think for her case it's because her jaw is too far back?

>> No.7788605

That's the placebo effect
She's actually under average
Look harder

>> No.7788615

>Do you know what actually causes that?

Something to do with inbreeding.

Long faces, best faces.

>> No.7788617

>those cheekbones
>that jaw

Her chin is a little masculine, but she's far above "average" unless you live in a supermodel village.

>> No.7788627

You can hardly see her cheekbones from the side
And why should her jaw be so large and defined? It looks gross
It's like a hackneyed characteristic, all the pleb lines emphasize larger jaws on both sexes cause that's what simple people like
Because it's what's already accepted by followers

>> No.7788648

not at all

you're crazy, she's stunning

>> No.7788652

It's usually caused by an overbite, I have something like that going on too and I'm gonna talk to an orthodontist about options other than braces. Apparently twin block retainers help and I'm pretty sure jaw surgery is an option too.

>> No.7788655

Oh I should add that if you go with jaw surgery you'll probably need braces afterwards because the surgery fucks up your bite

>> No.7788657

I bet you think that kike Olivia wilde is hot too

Blue pill sheep

>> No.7788680
File: 26 KB, 319x402, audrey-hepburn-20070612-269023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See how this girl has a large over lapping top lip?
Yeah, that's pretty normal for women.

>Do you know what actually causes that? Is it due to a weak jawline or is it something else?
Her jaw obviously isn't weak. If you have this problem, then maybe you have an overbite?

You're actually deluded.

>And why should her jaw be so large and defined?
Her jaw isn't large at all. It is defined though, and it looks good. Undefined jaws look blobby and ugly.

>It's like a hackneyed characteristic, all the pleb lines emphasize larger jaws on both sexes cause that's what simple people like
Defined jaws have always been seen as regal and anything but pleb-like. Do you have a shitty jaw and chin or something? Simple people also prefer weaker jaws on women, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to /pol/ and reading drivel like femininebeauty.info They love women with shitty jaws there.

Olivia Wilde's jaw is nowhere near the jaw of the person in OP. Her jaw is actually square and large whereas OP's is simply defined.

>> No.7788694

Well it's too defined if you ask me
More so than most men
But if you wanna be a pleb , that's cool

Ima do me and you can do you

>> No.7788698

long faces look crappy on chicks

>> No.7788714
File: 422 KB, 1188x1800, gracekelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More so than most men
Most men are ugly and don't have attractive nor masculine features that are seen as standard in the media. Most people in general are not attractive let alone anywhere near the masculine or feminine ideal.

So you're basically admitting the chick in OP has a better jaw than you do even though you're a dude? Even though her jaw would look girly on a dude? Sorry for your unfortunate circumstances.

>But if you wanna be a pleb , that's cool
No John, you are the plebs.

>Ima do me and you can do you
Do you on /pol/, not /fa/. We don't want ugly people with unsophisticated taste here.

>> No.7788719

>anyone who i dont wanna fuck is a jew
stop pol crossposting in 2014

>> No.7788727
File: 251 KB, 1536x2048, 1392325355146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his jaw looks big enough, just really round with 0 definition
he looks and suffers from noshoulders
actually tbh i think he's just manlet cuz his head looks way too small for the rest of him

it's funny though because he's a shitskin and wears OBEY lol

>> No.7788732

">tfw strongly curved unprotruded jaw, large cheekbones, large lips, strong nose, luscious eyebrows, and pretty eyes

>tfw I was meant to be a girl"
admitting he's emasculated

>> No.7788741

Lel my shoulders are raised right there
I'm 6'0
The hoodie makes me look bigger
That was an ironic pic, I actually deleted after about 1 minute, why'd you save it?
And yes my cheeks are very bloated right now for some reason

>> No.7788743

>>tfw strongly curved unprotruded jaw
..lol. That's the most pathetic way of admitting one has a shitty jaw I've ever seen. GJ stalkeranon.

>> No.7788747

>why'd you save it?
the archive saves everything newshit
that's what happens when you decide to post your dumb ideas under a trip

man it's just STRONGLY CURVED okay

>> No.7788749

>pulling this outta your ass

>> No.7788752

give up

>> No.7788758

gawt damn this bread has molded

>> No.7788754

Like Ryan gosling's lel

You know how his kind hooks up towards his ears?

>> No.7788764


>> No.7788768

goslings jaw isn't the best but at least he has a lean look and doesn't resemble a bobblehead
breh u aren't gosling u aren't even a poor mans gosling

>> No.7788778

Lel :)