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/fa/ - Fashion

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7783753 No.7783753[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't lie, we all wish we were as /fa/ as Yung Lean//.

>> No.7783761

people only like yung lean because they're lonely and desperate for some human interaction so they latch onto this sense of community yung lean puts forth in his meme rap with his hashtag bullshit so these lonely fucks feel like they belong to something and find comfort in the hivemind

>> No.7783768

and because he's a fucking baller and more /fa/ than any of us will ever be.

>> No.7783776

Kyoto has a dope beat you can't deny that.

>> No.7783777
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>> No.7783778

omg you're so introspective and unique i bet you pull mad chicks

>> No.7783779


>> No.7783794


sorry im not a sheep hypebeast trend follower

>> No.7783800

Do I wish I was a chubby middle-upper class urban intelligence-feigning talentless piece of shit with a following of "sad boy" sheep?

No, not really.
Fuck off.

>> No.7783805

yeah it would sound better without that guy rapping over the top

>> No.7783802
File: 161 KB, 421x420, tumblr_mrk8naU4fp1rs9vnco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaah shit. I was just about to make a Yung Lean General lmao

sadboizcliq holdin down

>> No.7783803

lmao you care too much

>> No.7783814


>> No.7783808

yung lean is a terrible rapper. He probably lives a pretty cool life though.

>> No.7783809

samefag & bitchboi the adventures

>> No.7783810
File: 154 KB, 926x482, yunglean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone gets made in YL threads cuz they're team will never be as /fa/ as them sad boys

>> No.7783812

He's a teenager who dresses like white trash from 2002 and the only reason you obsess over him is because other people do.

>> No.7783823
File: 188 KB, 337x340, yl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yung lean thread on /fa/

oooooh shit. what? I didn't know he was cool here, his rhymes are based af

and peep this dudes swag game. zero effort and he looks like a cool motherfucker in his bob burnquist hat. this is how you be /fa/, by dressing how you want and wearing it with confidence.

>> No.7783824
File: 79 KB, 309x348, 1368157250973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i always hear this in retaliation whenever someone says something bad about YL. one of his fuccbois comes out of the woodwork and says something along the lines of "dont take it so seriously!!" sorry i have taste and am picky when it comes to a medium i'm v passionate about


no shit the last two quotes are the same person(i.e. me), learn to read please

>> No.7783829

we talk about yung lean all the time here

>> No.7783830
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yung lean inspo thread?

w2c sweater?

>> No.7783840
File: 174 KB, 380x320, Yung+Lean+yl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting mad at yung lean
>mfw he's just some dude havin a good time and making music

idgi. what is wrong with your life that you have to hate something for no reason?

>> No.7783843

SPC > Sadboys
prove me wrong

>> No.7783847


idgi. what is wrong with your life that you have to willingly swallow garbage just to fit in with trends?

>> No.7783848

It's the retards that obsess over him.

>> No.7783851

What is this the YLIDF? He's not hear you know? You're not scoring brownie points or getting in his circlejerk good-book for defending his e-peen on a Japanese imageboard.

Somebody disagrees > must be samefag.
You can tell by the typing style it wasn't.

>> No.7783852

welcome to 4chan!

>> No.7783854

Is there anyone born earlier than 97 in here?

>> No.7783855

Not any of the other guys, but really, you have taste? What can you even tell me about taste? I have a minor in criticism.

Can you articulate to me why you think yung lean is bad?

>> No.7783860
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No need for lying

I'm pretty sure we ALL wish we could rock our fits as confidently as yung lean does

>> No.7783862

Dude not all people listen to stuff because it's "cool".
I like his music and think that Gud does some sick ass beats.

>> No.7783865

nothing. I'm a happy person and I don't see any negativity in his work! Why do you exude such an air of unwarranted elitism on an anonymous image board? Maybe because your life is empty and all you have to hold onto is some abstract idea of being "better" then others.

>> No.7783868
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>> No.7783875


>> No.7783871

sorry retarded, taking some GEs in a psych class doesn't mean you know shit.

>minoring in "criticism"
lmao, how many accredited universities have a major for "criticism"

>> No.7783876
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Literally all he is: a fat white kid with some circlejerk "sadboiz" wearing bucket hats, and they look awful almost 90% of the time.

Just look.

>> No.7783877

what is sarcasm? shit i don't know
englishes r hard, i know.
don't you have some comp I homework to be working on?

>> No.7783878
File: 96 KB, 240x240, 1392316443385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets ignore all the shitposters and post some YL inspo.

I need to learn where to cop this dudes swaq

more specifically, w2c his watch

>> No.7783879


>> No.7783881

He's, fucking, chubby.
He's not /fa/.

>> No.7783880

you have a hard time understanding sarcasm.

>> No.7783882

>sarcasm conveyed through text

no, my friend, you are the one with cognitive issues.

>> No.7783884

True story, I went to a cafe the other day and yung lean was sitting at the table next to me with his boys. Not sad boys but more like school mates.

>> No.7783886

>implying fat people can't be /fa/

>> No.7783891

Prove it?

They fucking can't. Show me one /fa/t person.

>> No.7783888

It's funny because I'm almost certain I go to a better school than you do (hint: if your school isn't in the top 10, fuck off).

Are you going to answer my question? If you don't understand the concept of taste, stop pretending like you do.

>> No.7783893

run along now and get back to your community college studies instead of trying to be smart on the internet.

>> No.7783901
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>> No.7783906

is that you?
ur not /fa/ boi

>> No.7783911
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I can't really. They were getting up and leaving when I came. I met him on the street another time and talked to him though.

>> No.7783912

not me, but he's more /fa/ than you could dream to be.

>> No.7783914

>sarcasm is conveyed through tone and facial cues
>thinks anyone can recognize that shit online without having it be extremely obvious
double delusion!

and as it turns out, he wasn't being sarcastic at all lmao >>7783888

"hurr durr I go to a top 10 univeristy majoring in ciriticism! you better believe me! my dad works for the CIA and he'll break your legs if you don't!" lmaoooo

>> No.7783917
File: 79 KB, 837x617, 1392317106492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fatboi

>> No.7783921

i like the way those frames highlight his droopy, porcine eyes.
great example you got there, bruh.

>> No.7783936
File: 88 KB, 272x280, 1392317275755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>r/mfa buys a snapback for the first time

lmao shut up fat fuck.

>> No.7783930

ain't even fat, i just think that fatbois can be /fa/

>> No.7783940

that guy isnt tho

>> No.7783944

no one believes you aren't fat, and no one agrees with you except for other fat people looking for a champion hahahaha

gooo! gooo anon! save the whales! hahahahahaha

>> No.7783951

>shut up fat fuck
YL would be upset with you

>> No.7783954

How do these kiddos have money

>> No.7783955
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>thinks dadcore with a snapback is /fa/

mexican hypebeast detected

>> No.7783958

I'm trying to save them homie, I'm trying.

>> No.7783960

I just like his songs and think he's a bit funny.

Not everyone who listens to him is obsessed with him or the whole sadboys thing. He's just a good time.

>> No.7783969

speak fo yoself ngga SadBoiZGanG4LyFE

>> No.7783975
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>> No.7783993

Haha, okay retard- cool argument. Way to back the fuck down. Would you like a copy of my acceptance letter?

>> No.7784018

this board is so gay holy shit i hate all of you faggots

>> No.7784045
File: 703 KB, 1672x2206, letter_blacked_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahahahahahahaha you're literally the most pathetic angry person on the internet

>> No.7784052
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>> No.7784064


what does it feel like going to this kind of school?

I know normal fags do not show emotions, but really, what did it feel like reading this? Describe the feeling.

>> No.7784069
File: 616 KB, 1220x1240, blackedout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwh babbee get rejected?

>> No.7784078

yung lean doesn't dress himself
ecco2k makes him look /fa/

>> No.7784080

also faggot, way to play pretend again

> http://www.howigotintomit.com/

How sad that I actually go to a reputable school and you.

>> No.7784075

lmao, you guys are just like fit, but instead of talking about your heights and penis sizes you talk about the tuition your dads pay for

>> No.7784085

*don't :^)

>> No.7784093
File: 2.85 MB, 1920x1200, 1392177935463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two retards googling acceptance letters, trying to have a education dick measuring contest on 4chan

You're literally both pathetic. And its kind of sad that you have to lie and make up stories on the internet, and try your absolute hardest to support your lies, just to prove to some faceless individual you don't know that you're "better" than them.

>inb4 you both get ass pained and indignant for getting called out on your bullshit
its 4chan. Get a fucking grip on reality. What exactly do you have to prove here lmao.

>> No.7784101

Lmao you didn't get into any school with that lack of common sense. Of course that isn't my acceptance letter. Its to show you how retarded it is to think posting an acceptance letter would prove anything. You can google them for any school and take a screen cap of it in 2 seconds with your computer and no one would be able to reverse image search it. you're dumb as fuck if you think I give a shit about some stupid acceptance letter you found online lmao

>> No.7784103

> implying that's not mine

Please provide source. Also, I didn't namedrop until he forced me to. Log off and go fuck with your coloring books.

>> No.7784113

kid stop

>> No.7784184

like you can do better

>> No.7784258

> gets caught
> "I was m-making a p-point!!"

Do better

>> No.7784371

Have you head the shit that Yung Gud and Yung Sherman make? Also Lean's rapping pretty chill

>> No.7784391

if yung lean wasn't "famous" and posted a fit pic in one of the threads u ppl would shit all over him

>> No.7784425


after finding YL on /fa/ I was wondering if it was ironic but then I listened kyoto and I want just the track, I hope his producer puts out just an instrumental

>> No.7784432

I didn't even know people were obsessed with him until recently. Still like his music, but I guess /fa/ probably doesn't listen to very much music so you probably wouldn't have the same level of appreciation as someone who listens to a lot of vaporwave trying to find something interesting and stumbles upon him.

I just got back into his music after having not listened for a long time and really liking it more than I did before even.

>> No.7784437

Yung Sherman and Yung Gud make the beats.

>> No.7784450
File: 23 KB, 767x495, yungleanexplains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder yl is not being ironic

>> No.7784458

I like Yung Lean. But why does he wear shitty windbreakers and bucket hats? That shit is nerd clothing.

>> No.7784462

he obviously is and is just funmemeing

>> No.7784494
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>white rap
>white teen rap

>> No.7784536

i bet u listen to ""real hip hop""

thank god for white kids revitalising a stagnant genre

>> No.7784585

This. I don't get everyone is so asspained about it; If you don't like it, Don't listen to it. Obsessively hating something is just as bad if not worse than being obsessed with it to begin with.

>> No.7784633

I despise the rap genre, but this is pretty damn sicc. Like deep trap with vocals.

>> No.7784648

did anybody see AntFant's new video

>> No.7784651
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>This goy

no, just no.

>> No.7784658


>> No.7785962
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>tfw I copped those nikes

A little closer everyday

>> No.7785988

idk if im doing it wrong but i dont rlly pay attention to his "deep lyrics". it sounds gud and thats all that matters2 3636525

>> No.7786006
File: 553 KB, 848x466, afa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew u browsed here bro

>> No.7786038


>> No.7786077

Its weird. The production in his songs are on point, his music videos are excellently directed and taped, he dresses well and not like mainstream rap-nig.

But then his rhymes are fucking garbage. I want to like him, but I can't.

>> No.7786100

same thing with lil b and viper. The only good semi meme rapper is lil ugly mane

>> No.7786114

>tfw lil ugly mane quit

>> No.7786155

so bad
wtf is this shit

>> No.7786156

is this guide legit?

>> No.7786208

trying to look gangsta but their village is so safe you can walk around with a katana............ OK

>> No.7786214

They're in Japan in the photo.

>> No.7786221


no they are not Lol

>> No.7786225

It's from the Kyoto video

>> No.7786223

yung lean looks the best in greygoose


>> No.7786239

they went to china town for the video, seriously

>> No.7786241


they didnt film kyoto in tokyo u mug hahaha

it was amsterdam or some shit

>> No.7786245

>calling it rap

>> No.7786253

Nah, if you believe in the name of the song, it's obviously Kyoto. I'm on some real metaphysical shit.

>> No.7786259

what would if yung lean traveled back in time 20 years and spit some shit in the ghetto?

>> No.7788950

he looks 13

how old are you people fanboying this kid?

>> No.7788966

Well that's obvious why would they film it in Tokyo when it's call Kyoto?

>> No.7789000

Roughly the same

>> No.7789003

i'm 23 and hip hop is the future

>> No.7789786

>he's never heard of New Sincerity
It's not hip to be ironic anymore dude. People have moved on, get with the times grandpa

>> No.7790026

it's casio, i'm pretty sure.........

>> No.7790031

ya he's chubby but he's still /fa/
yung lean isn't fat though he's just slightly chubby
horrible example though wtf

>> No.7790040

this is true, but he stills looks /fa/ and he likes his clothing, so it's just as good

>> No.7790079

he's not /fa/
he is /tumblr/ though
maybe you should stay there

>> No.7790808

>YL fa

>> No.7790894

walmart, seriously. it's a gold casio