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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.12 MB, 3000x4000, trunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7778183 No.7778183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's time we stood up for Trunks (our most active poster of all time). He sees enough hate as it is.

Let's share what we like about him

>> No.7778199
File: 621 KB, 542x805, 1392241900295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good Tronks

>> No.7778195

ok well, i love almost all of his fits. seriously we seem to have a pretty similar sense of style. I like his shoe collection, his jokes/ethers are hit or miss but when theyre funny theyre funny af

>> No.7778196

trunks is een flikker

>> No.7778203

Yeah, to be honest he's the best dressed person on /fa/. The only fit I didnt like was the diaper but that obviously was just a joke.

>> No.7778209

I used to hate trunks when he was a massive shitposter but recently i've grown to like him. His fits are pretty objectively bad but at least he has a no fucks given attitude about it.

>> No.7778206

Ew. He should either shave or bulk up, that body hair really doesn't suit him.

>> No.7778211

His fits are nice but he's a dick.

>> No.7778221

samefag is the year award goes to trunks


>> No.7778226
File: 14 KB, 370x209, 1392242188773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice 1

>> No.7778234

why do people still call this?

>> No.7778229

i like his evil dh hardtail

only a cool guy would own one of those

he dresses pretty well too and doesnt follow everything strictly

and he works as a gardener or something which is pretty cool

>> No.7778232
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>> No.7778244

agree. everyone knows trunks is a great guy, no need to troll these threads

>> No.7778263

>herhalen wat iedereen hier zegt

everyone just hates on trunks because they're pretty much told to do so.

When I first came to /fa/ people were hating on trunks and I just thought that was the way things are around here. Until I started thinking for myself and learned that he's actually pretty chill.

>> No.7778266

Okay this IS trunks for sure.

OP listen, trunks isn't the worst trip by any means, there's way worse.
He's just not the best, he just has a large ego when he doesn't deserve it.

He's brought almost every meme shoe out there, the Y3's and everything, he's been sporting blue supras and pink designer coats and it's just an inside joke to him, but to us he's wasting money and making an ass out of himself.

He's spent a serious amount of money (to me and others at least) on making great fits, and most of 'em are just awful and end up making him look like a Dementor.

I've spoke to him before, asking for advice and stuff, but most of the time he starts the conversation with an insult right off the bat.
He's just a bit of a twat, though I can tell he's nice deep down.

>> No.7778268

trunks's fits are pretty great and his posts aren't obnoxious like sieg, but damn those fits with the boots...

you guys know the boots i'm talking about...

>> No.7778270

not gonna start an argument here but wouldnt this be paint teir editing to fix ?

>> No.7778275

Also, the whole "le leejun hacker army!!xD" mentality isn't funny.

He's just some random dude who decided to give himself an alias on an anime imageboard, we shouldn't be trying to find reasons to hate him.

Like we found out he's got Jewish parents, lives in the middle of the forest and has a possibly disabled brother (or something like that?).
How's that got anything to do with fashion?

>> No.7778282

sometimes i think people care about 4chan 2 much

>> No.7778286

the boris bidjan saberi boots?

>> No.7778287

are you forgetting what 4chan is

half of the users on this board are high schoolers or shit-flinging neanderthals that want to understand how to dress when you're 150 lb. overweight

im pretty sure that the trunks hate is just a circlejerk. it's pretty hilarious though, ngl, whenever trunks posts someone is like "fuck you trunks im hiding all ur posts and fits"

>> No.7778299

Yeah I figured as much, I just kinda feel bad for him when people bring personal shit into it.

>> No.7778317

>all this hate for trunks
Your jealousy is showing, people.

>> No.7778322

Stop sucking his dick flikker

>> No.7778324
File: 8 KB, 339x192, funnyjoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after three days in paint

>> No.7778330

not this shit again

>> No.7778329

i appreciate trunks's presence on this board. dude seems decent

>> No.7778332

That's not the real pepyn

>> No.7778334

Why the fuck do you trip and how new are you?

>> No.7778340

That's kind of what you should expect if you establish a continuity on 4chan. People are going to fuck with you.

>> No.7778341

trips dont need to justify themselves to you, its not some super secret fucking club. go away, pepyn has been here some time

>> No.7778347
File: 121 KB, 499x470, me4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trip because I am pic related so fuck you

>> No.7778361

this. just a well dressed guy with a 'tude

>> No.7778373
File: 19 KB, 450x300, cigarrrman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you're beautiful....

>> No.7778365

I liked those

>> No.7778366

I really like the fit he has in your pic, OP. The boring belt combined with the distressingly skinny pants and almost non-existent bulge make for a completely nextlvl fit that surpasses such plebian concepts as "fashion" and "style".

Also, I love the cheap floral shower curtains and dirty mirror; they reflect the aesthetic of the fit in a way that most designers and photographers could only dream of achieving.

>> No.7778401

pepyn u always inspire me
not cuz that picture lol
but cuz u had nice fits and improved and shit
side note what size are the shoes you are selling if you have any

>> No.7778407
File: 59 KB, 480x640, jccs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx m8

I'm glad,
Not selling any shoes currently, I am size 42,5 EU btw.

>> No.7778410

i've always liked trunks. his fits are usually pretty good, if a little goofy.


>> No.7778414
File: 2.11 MB, 3000x4000, 1385590215403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind Trunks and I really like pic related.
Trunks, you should make a firefightercore a thing.

>> No.7778417

>tfw no trunks to be /fa/ with

>> No.7778424

i miss poet

>> No.7778431

This club is SHIT

>> No.7778436

u look like uve grown up since i last saw u

>> No.7778437


>> No.7778443

Trunks is one of my favorite posters, he's seems pretty knowledgeable despite acting like a shithead 95% of the time. Also recently he's been on a really funny streak.

>> No.7778444

im actually impressed u know my shoe size
the nike dynasty im selling are size us 10
all my other shoes fell apart lmao
i have to buy some new clubbing shoes

>> No.7778455

have u been getting much pussy

>> No.7778463

Obviously he's been wrecking dat pussay on a daily basis ever since he entered university

amirite pip

>> No.7778469

I think that is a STRONG fit
inspo inspo inspo

>> No.7778474

ya thats what im wonderin pep

give us some stories

>> No.7778475

welke uni zit je

>> No.7778483

h-h-h-hehe y-yes of course..
i have some great stories
on a side note im sort of dating a qt blonde girl
im not sure tho

>> No.7778490

Yeah there's a reason trunks gets it worse than other tripfags

>> No.7778493

>i have some great stories
Let's hear them m8

>> No.7778503
File: 126 KB, 750x1000, 1385591213410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also like this one. He looks more human here than any human I know. Just look at this half-smile. Nice job, Trunks.

>> No.7778504

stop ignoring me im the oldest oldfag here validate me

>> No.7778508

only if you post more pictures of yourself

>> No.7778510

Trunks, how tall are you?

>> No.7778514

stop making these stupid fucking threads
love u

>> No.7778524

not gonna give the best ones cause friends of me browse but this one is pretty funny:
>go to a pub crawl with a friend of me
>get grouped with 2 french qts, both 3 years older than me and studying medicine
>start flirting and talking with the hottest one
>after a while we are dancing and i start kissing her
>she kisses back but after 5 minutes makes up an excuse and quickly leaves with her friend
>when she comes back with her friend I ask her what's wrong?
> ''you kissed with my best friend, i dont want to talk to u anymore''
>taken by suprise i have no idea what she is saying so i just reply 'it wasnt me' 'what the hell are you talking about'
>go back to friends and they confirm that i accidentally made out with the wrong french girl
i swear i didnt know and i wasnt even that drunk
>say sorry to the right french girl and at first she doesnt accept it
>okay time to move on then
>suddenly the right french qt starts flirting with me again and we make out for the rest of the night
>they have to leave and take a nighttrain back to nancy on 4 am

everything went better than expected
carebear dw you are still okay in my book

>> No.7778525


calm down romford boy

saw u this week, thought of punching u

>> No.7778539

>Not sealing the deal with the D
Pepyn I am disappoint

>> No.7778542

No you didnt, I wasnt even in romford. Stop trying to seem relevant you desperate little faggot.

I'm better than ok bby


>> No.7778555

>trying to seem relevant

tripfags actually believe anons participate in their sick attention fetishes

>> No.7778556

I don't necessarily hate trunks but is the long gray shirt the only one he has?

>> No.7778566
File: 1.31 MB, 1766x1282, 1391405083667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite thing about trunks is knowing where he lives.

>> No.7778571

pls sell bayani parka

>> No.7778583

thats what happens when u never post anymore

>> No.7778584

i would sell mine but its pretty shit tbh
pocket seems got loose, zipper got stuck so i had to rip it out once, + i lost the bottom drawstrings
dont think u would want to buy it m9

same, a bit
still proud of myself tho B)

>> No.7778601

fuck, shame it isnt durable, i really liked the design of it
would you not reccomend it then

>> No.7778625

>mfw some psycho fuccboi will get buttmad when he posts a shitty fit and murder trunks who criticizes it

>> No.7778630

#team trunks

>> No.7778638

>not looking forward to it

>> No.7778649

you are 6'3" tall, trunks

- regards, basedprophet

>> No.7778645

mfw i gave out my address to a tumblr girl and she sent me some books for x-mas
would not recommend it for its retail price
(i bought it a bit cheaper B))
also size down!! I have a size S and its still long af
lots of comments on it but also some positive ones

>> No.7778654

thanks for the info

>> No.7778656


watch next time i see you

>> No.7778658

>lots of comments on it but also some positive ones
lol this made me laugh

>> No.7778675

mostly my friends
one said it was a pedo jacket lmao

>> No.7778689

good luck, you're probably an ugly little shitter

>> No.7778681


ur life make me laugh you strangled maggot

>> No.7778683

hi trunks

>> No.7778684
File: 46 KB, 400x533, basediaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesnt live in a po box idiot

>> No.7778694


just watch

>> No.7778711
File: 565 KB, 147x154, fucks sake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only reason someone could ever dislike someone else is jealousy

>> No.7778715

it makes me laugh too hahhahahaha fml!!

>> No.7778731

your on the internet though poin dexter

>> No.7778725

Fucker, the island is great.
What he wears is embarrassingly out of place there, tho.
Like, not in a cool fuck yall kind of way, but in a tryhard faggot kind of way

>> No.7778737

i'm not for sucking any tripfags dick, but it's pretty clear that all the "haters", for the lack of a better word, are simply envious. they don't even know him personally. case closed.

wow dude that's pretty creepy

>> No.7778747

No-one is jealous of trunks

>> No.7778743

you have enough autism to make a whole thread about this? lel

>> No.7778756

you faggots bitch about all the most interesting trips, you're the reason poet and lelders and dan don't post here more often.

>> No.7778752


>> No.7778761

God I miss that fat manlet faggot

>> No.7778767


>> No.7778769

I don't think you understand how tragic and amusing you are. Now get the fuck off my board and let the big boys talk.

>> No.7778775


ur a skinny twink, im gonna fuck u up so badly boy

>> No.7778780

im still here dude, no need to be nasty

>> No.7778781

Has trunks fucked any of the female trips?

>> No.7778785

Hey man me too :^)

>> No.7778794

lol its really me!!

>> No.7778795

then why do you hate him? you've never engaged in an active conversation with him. who knows if you wouldn't be good friends had you grown up together or met before

>> No.7778810

wow man after reading that i had some wierd epiphany concerning art and potography.

thanks m8

>> No.7778811

If you think that then you clearly haven't seen me recently, but if you use that language then that's probably not what you have in mind you thirsty little whore

you are not the next supreme

>> No.7778812

>my board

>> No.7778805

Do you have nothing better to do? Go get your degree online or something if you're bored enough to make threads like this.

>> No.7778815


I wouldn't say I hate him but his obnoxious attitude and general confrontational posts all of which are linked to a name

>> No.7778825

ty boys ily all as well (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.7778822

dang did u get swole

>> No.7778827


ur fucking dead man, im not even joking, you best not leave the house boy

>> No.7778837

Have my children pls

>> No.7778845

whats your top 5/top 3 tripfags?

>> No.7778840

I say we put both of you in the Colosseum and you can have a massive autism battle. Start your betting everyone.

>> No.7778861

i literally dont like any of the recent ones,
none of them dress particularly well or have an interesting personality

>> No.7778870

My money's on angry anon

>> No.7778872

i have an interestingf personality

>> No.7778875

Rei, Lelders, SQUIDS, Euro Fag, PRODIGY

>> No.7778877

Let me lick ur ball sweat bb

>> No.7778884


>> No.7778885

Damn. You got me.

>> No.7778886

>recent ones
i think you're very interesting joe :^)

>> No.7778888


yeah angry anon's rage can't be contained, but carebear's psychology strats are far superior

>2 bucks on the tripfag

>> No.7778895



>> No.7778902

I want you to fuck my throat till I vomit all over my self bb

>> No.7778941

ya that sounds hot only if u r a girl

>> No.7778950

user, anorak, and /fa/scist
cosmic and trunks, cant think of any others, oh lovely i guess

>> No.7778943

>Jealous means "apprehensive or vengeful out of fear of being replaced by someone else.

>> No.7778956

Yeah bb you can fuck my asshole too

>> No.7778996
File: 307 KB, 1280x800, 1392249611508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs where the mods at?

>> No.7779024

I don't rly care for e drama but I repped this fit despite a sea of negs to show my luv and support for good fits

>> No.7779022
File: 22 KB, 464x574, trunks 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my dayyyssss

blokes gotta eat and lift

>> No.7779079

i <3 u matt

>> No.7779087

>five or more bowel movements a day
>how to dance like a nigger

>> No.7779143

Is trunks dutch?

>> No.7779170

Hij is Nederlands ja. Diepe schaamte voelde ik toen ik daar achter kwam.

>> No.7779188

did he fucking steal that coat

>> No.7779205

His profession is firefighting dumbnut

>> No.7779235

He's a high school graduate working as a line cook. Pathetic.

>> No.7779254

Saw this dude on omegle, from the front he looks like that kid that drinks energy drinks from wine glasses and reviews pizza and shit.

>> No.7779255

He's a landscaper.

>> No.7779264

He's an architect by day and DIY designer by night.

>> No.7779315

He has also worked as a line cook. Check the archive. Either way, two shitty jobs

>> No.7779350

He's good at MTG and has lots of rare cards :^)

>> No.7779392

His penis is gr8

>> No.7779406


landscaping can actually be a pretty good gig

>> No.7779447
File: 37 KB, 365x316, 1381372403666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that seriously Trunks?

Jesus Christ, it's like all of those "/fa/ was better in 2009" threads have been validated.

If the best tripfag on this board is an ugly, pseudo-ginge faggot like that, then my self-esteem just shot about about 20 powerlevels + infinite senzu beans.

>> No.7779490

Schaamte? Ik mag hem meer en meer. TRUNKS FOR PRESIDENT!

>> No.7779517


fuck I can't look at these without laughing, post more/

>> No.7779521

holy shit trunks is dan incarnate just goofy and pseudo avante garde.
>mfw trunks probably made this thread
>mfw thanks trunks will be a thing
>mfw any idiot that isn't trunks with his trip off who stands up for this guy is clueless.

>> No.7779530

lol what more do you need /fa/ get this guy outof here

>> No.7779579
File: 217 KB, 235x264, autism intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trunks pls go

>> No.7779600

Trunks is a fag.

>> No.7780120

doesnt trunks live in the middle of the woods
>tfw you will never have as much property value as trunks

>> No.7780155
File: 44 KB, 450x600, 1391713590180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7780824


samefag harder you faggot. also, nice receding hairline. you will never be fashionable.

>> No.7780833

>gif only loops once

fuqqen dropped

>> No.7780856
File: 87 KB, 200x199, this pleases me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suport Levi.

>> No.7780890
File: 81 KB, 287x290, turkey stronk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkey calls for beheading of Levi, Serbs are slime.

>> No.7780886
File: 23 KB, 301x258, 1389528029436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7780891

some of trunks' fits are absolute shit but at least the guy isn't afraid to experiment
and he puts up with a lot of shit here but keeps coming back

>> No.7780915
File: 184 KB, 1450x2040, 1392006321475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but keeps coming back

>> No.7780953

Auschwitz skeleton pls go

>> No.7780959

I love most of his fits, minus the tights- although at least he's trying new things

>> No.7780986

He's from Canadia.

>> No.7781000

where is her upper lip

>> No.7781008

>implying he can go anywhere else
they hate him everywhere

>> No.7781013


he's a policemans sorry

>> No.7781022

it's a shame trunks looks like redneck white trailer trash physically. some of it's fits are not bad aside from that fact

>> No.7781042

he looks better than you, guaranteed

>> No.7781049

post face nerd

>> No.7781067

you're such a faggot
you have no idea

>> No.7781098

he's right tho,
not saying he's ugly because he's not,
but he legit looks like someone you'd find in a trailer park