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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 84 KB, 500x635, 1379118653476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7772678 No.7772678 [Reply] [Original]

buzzcut is going to be the haircut of 2014

>> No.7772696

>tfw having a buzzcut for 22 years might finally pay off

>> No.7772694

Fuck he makes that look effay as fuark

>> No.7772701

man i wish i looked that good with a shaved head. i look like an alien unfortunately

>> No.7772705

Fuck no... Why? I look terrible with a buzzcut.

>> No.7772728
File: 52 KB, 700x513, riddick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sanding down your head to remove imperfections
>not looking badass like riddick/walter white

get a load of this faggot

>> No.7772738

i'm not a bad enough dude

>> No.7772912

pls post buzzcut inspo

>> No.7772933

Fuck I wish I would look good with a buzzcut

>> No.7772939

>buzzcut inspo


>> No.7772981
File: 9 KB, 186x271, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard bowl cuts were coming in? haha...wew

>> No.7773011

when i lose weight i am going to get a buzzcut, i cant fucking weight. even though i am a loser who dropped out and lost friends/put on weight, at least i will finally be able to be /fa/ and look cool.
cant wait to buy clothes and have some form of life.
is it /fa/ to be a dj? i think ill try this

>> No.7773014

buzzcuts have been the haircut of forever

that's a shitty example but yeah.

>> No.7773019

came and left.
>just like your dad

>> No.7773035

>came and left
i haven't seen one person on fa with a bowl cut yet. it's still fresh.

>> No.7773056

Of course it's fucking effay to be a dj. Depends on the music though, and you gotta be good. But honestly you're a cunt if you're gonna try to deejay just because you think it's effay. Where do you live? Do you know anything about djing? I could give you some tips.

>> No.7773072

Lorde called it first

>> No.7773075

Wp, jagwarr. I think just the speculation of them came and left...
>just like me and your mum, m8

>> No.7773087

I gave myself one a few months back
I you have to have a somewhat chiseled face to pull it off imo, which I don't have.

>> No.7773102

I see a few a day, they burned bright for a couple of months for the edginess of it has worn off.

>> No.7773116

I don't mean to sound like i'm challenging you or anything, but could you please post one? I'm curious to see how it was executed.

>> No.7773130

I shaved my head for no shave november and then heard the lorde song and fell in love with it. not saying because of the hair cut but yea damn I actually could agree with buzzcuts being the new cut.

too bad i look like shit with one

>> No.7773141

i dont want to do it for that alone, more like to give meaning to my life.
i'm into labels like hessle audio, night slugs, aus, rinse. i live in Ireland. I know a little bit, at the moment i'm just trying to get my head around the concept of eq mixing, phrasing and stuff. prolly gonna buy a controller for traktor.
tips would be greatly appreciated

>> No.7773155

what are effay hair cut for black males ?

i see some good one posted often but haven seen them in a while. can someone dump some hair inspo

>> No.7773157

pretty much like the hitleryouth stuff, but with a round top instead of it being tapered.

ive seen longer ones but for the life of me i cannot find one.

>> No.7773173

Mandark, go back to your lab

>> No.7773167
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forgot image.

>> No.7773175
File: 124 KB, 500x627, 1392167831930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this too

>> No.7773186

it is a very 1990's haircut

>> No.7773194

Lets be realistic, you probably look terrible regardless

>> No.7773198

2013-15 is just a repeat of the 90's

I'm expecting punk to come back in honestly.
it already kind of is, but with a modern twist.

>> No.7773202

are we ever going to progress? seriously fuck this world.

>> No.7773204
File: 54 KB, 500x650, christopher-abbott-shaved-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7773228

Aye that's cool, I dig your taste. Don't really know much about the scene in Ireland. I grew up in Berlin and live here. Just know 1 thing for now; decide wether you wanna mix vinyl or mp3's right now. Switching from traktor to vinyl can be really difficult for many people and some will only respect you if you're able to spin some records. I think that's garbage though, there's certainly things that traktor allows you to do which you simply cant do with vinyl. plus vinyl is expensive as fuuuuck. heres a fantastic controller to start with: Vestax TR-1 DJ Midi Controller

just try to stand out. dont just be another dj. take an example of this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZIipSC0dAU

>> No.7773239

3 steps forward, two steps back.
we will progress, just slowly.

>> No.7773255

What's wrong? The nineties were great! At least where I was at the time.

>> No.7773264

does a buzz cut only work if your chin is super pronounced?

>> No.7773277

I liked the 90s too don't get me wrong, but when we keep going back and forth and back and forth it's just going to put us in this endless loop where we keep wearing the same shit. Soon we'll have people in 2020 wearing the same shit we did this year which was the same shit we wore in the 90s and etc etc. Not to mention that everyone's made it a lame trend so it's not cool even cool to like it anymore.

>> No.7773293

Let's not force progress onto ourselves.. Let the kids wear what they want in 2020 I say. You don't always have to go with some trend

>> No.7773294
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>> No.7773308

id be into it
the dudes who look good with buzzcuts look sooooooooooo fucking good oh my god

especially super bony dudes who look like theyre on heroin and/or are unhinged fuuuuuuuck

>> No.7773377

thanks. dublin has a pretty cool scene. i think mp3, i definitely don't have the money for vinyl.
that controller looks sweet but isn't a bit redundant without a crossfader and jog wheel?
this boiler room is tasty shit btw. jealous of berlin lifestyle

>> No.7773456

jog wheels can be handy, but are definately not necessary let alone the point of a controller. crossfader really isn't needed unless you wanna scratch. just use the EQs and each channel's specific fader. if you want a CF and jog wheels check out the Vestax VCI 100.

>> No.7773510

>square-ish face
>don't look as good with a buzzcut as I do without
>it's so practical, and I'm not feeling confident when pulling it off ;_;

>> No.7773513


>> No.7773535
File: 77 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_2014209 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ rate my hair.

>> No.7773567

>tfw already sporting a buzz cut
>people love it and always want me to cut their hair

Guess ill be able to afford more clothes in 2014 then, about to set up my barber shop right now.

>> No.7773607

pruane is that u

>> No.7773612

god awful
terrible face too

>> No.7773613

please be in Toronto

>> No.7774117
File: 709 KB, 1662x2046, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me /fa/

>> No.7774139

You should lift.

>> No.7774134


>> No.7774152

I have a pretty good head shape for a buzzcut and decent hairline. Im just worried im going to look like a skinhead

>> No.7774289

well i am enlisting in the army soon
will probably get some muscle at ft benning

>> No.7774309

I feel like this has been posted somewhere before.

>> No.7774316

>well i am enlisting in the army soon
good goy, good

>> No.7774317


>> No.7774330


2/10 (i'm being 100% serious) but you probably knew this already

>> No.7774348

everyone says that when they called out for being a twink looking faggot queer nigger

>> No.7774353

don't ever make that face again and you'll be an 8. buzzcuts give you a good look if you're serious at all times but you look like a retard if you smile.

>> No.7774360

first time posting on here
:( nah i didnt

>> No.7774366


lol @ people giving this an 8

>> No.7774384

thanks for the advice
im a person, jackass

>> No.7774396

I've been looking for a new cut but I have thin hair, What do you guys rec?

>> No.7774405


also youve posted this before

>> No.7774432

thanks but no i havent

>> No.7774444

I want to shave my head really bad but it exposes my protruding ears. Feels bad.

>> No.7774457


yes you have. maybe not on /fa/ and maybe not by you but this is a picture that has been posted on 4chan before

>> No.7774467

Hello, I am wearing a buzzcut since 2012, and what is this?

>> No.7774489

well unless you have some proof which im assuming you dont, no it hasnt.

>> No.7774508


lol it's weird that you would lie about it

>> No.7774517
File: 29 KB, 345x408, 1389153879726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i can't pull off a buzzcut

>> No.7774523

it's more weird a stranger would make up seeing a picture of me online on an image board

>> No.7774567

>tfw fivehead

>> No.7774562


i wouldn't say that's more weird in a general sense but it doesn't apply in this case because it has been posted before

>> No.7774574

Buzzbut will never be trendy because it doesn't look good on everyone. Unlike popular cuts like the Undercut or Modern Quiff which suit nearly all face types.

>> No.7774586

actually it does since it hasn't because you have no evidence backing up your claim

>> No.7774612


>> No.7774619
File: 17 KB, 320x240, goldenmonkey_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7774628


can you back up your definite/asserted claim that it hasn't with any proof? (don't worry that's rhetorical)

i mean i'm just telling you you're wrong because it has been if you want to take comfort in your weird deception by crying for proof that's fine with me lol

>> No.7774683

it's just that the burden of proof is on you and you have yet to provide any so if you want to go on go right ahead buddy.
tell me im wrong all you want it won't make what you say true. sorry.

>> No.7774688

rude bitch

>> No.7774692


that would be valid if you didn't also assert a claim (you might want to learn about rhetoric before mentioning burden of proof)

and also i don't think that telling you you're right will make what i say true i just know it to be true so

>> No.7776233

What I have to work with.
>5'9 manlet
>receding hairline
>a little skinnyfat but nothing big, I can fix this
>rather nice face
what I want

>> No.7776242

that is the most /fa/ show

>> No.7776250

baldchan pls go

>> No.7778378

This isn't true. We aren't wearing Roman tunics or even stuff from the first half of the 20th century.

>> No.7778385

Buzzcut fucking represent.

>> No.7781113


>> No.7781116

pig disgusting

>> No.7781412

dude, do an eraser and rock a repertoire of gaudily colored NBA team windbreakers from the nineties

>> No.7783083

I'm seriously considering on a buzzcut or a crew cut. Which one do you recommend?

>> No.7783097
File: 42 KB, 453x340, 08_trainspotting-pg-horizontal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the look of 2014

>> No.7783102

I'm seriously considering on a buzzcut or a crew cut. Which one do you recommend?

>> No.7784261

I have chubby round face, buzz cut would work for me?