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/fa/ - Fashion

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7768074 No.7768074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/ just got the 5 pair glasses home try out from Warby Parker. I'm going to post my 3 older glasses first and then you guys critique. Help out a fellow man here.

>inbfr shit face. I'm fixing it damn it...

>> No.7768078
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>> No.7768090
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>> No.7768097
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>> No.7768110
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Now the new 5 ones

>> No.7768120

My friend -- please eat healthier. I can tell by your skin that your diet is shit. Eat better, you will look better and feel better.

>> No.7768127

why do you go for the big frame glasses?
They don't look that good on you

>> No.7768128
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>> No.7768131

i dont know at all man, i'm not even from this board im just passing by

>> No.7768132

This reminds me of the thread with the asian dude with the funny faces

>> No.7768143
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>> No.7768154
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I know I'm trying my best to fix this face. I've been told all week that it's shit.

>> No.7768165

uh, i would say just to get contacts lol.

i got some expensive ass glasses right before i started changing my wardrobe and now they dont go with my style at all. I coulda used that money to go towards geobaskets or at least got contacts.

>> No.7768161

these are the best

>> No.7768162

the only remotely decent ones

>> No.7768168
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Also if there is a diet out there to make my skin healthier please tell me.

I promise this is the last one no more torture face. OK...

>> No.7768173

Stop eating sugars and salts. Get some sun. Drink water and cut out soda.

>> No.7768209

They all look all bad
Get wire frame

>> No.7768215

This, always drink water and cut out fried/salty snacks and fast food.

>> No.7768228


contacts will suit you best.

giant glasses on your giant face just make you look giant-ter.

>> No.7768278
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Here are full body shots

>> No.7768287
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>> No.7768295

goofy tier
Don't get big frame glasses
Wire frame can actually look pretty good

>> No.7768312

looks okay
Get ray bans tho

>> No.7768306

That looks pretty good

>> No.7768320
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And that's it. I've only been on /fa/ for at least 2 months in serious lurk/attributing mode. Problem is that my diet is lacking in my intelligence of fashion. Which personally sucks donkey dicks. Also I have very oily skin and previously I was a fast food addict with ice cream problems. Thanks for the help guys. I knew you /fa/ people are helpful!

>> No.7768339

Is there anyway for me to try on ray bans?

>> No.7768353

yeah go to a glasses store? i went to lenscrafters in my local mall to try them on.

>> No.7768356

go to a store. I liked these>>7768128 the most. I remember you posting awhile ago. You're definitely improving man. Your current fit isn't shit and I think you lost weight.

>> No.7768379

Thanks man. That really means a lot that you actually followed my fashion growth and actually noticed I lost weight.

>> No.7768474

Huh, I did this same exact thing last week. I ordered a bunch of huge glasses from WP and the only ones that didn't look goofy on me made me look like Woody Allen.

>> No.7770071
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no fucking way lol

>> No.7770112

it doesn't work like that for 80% of people with non-ideal skin

>> No.7770121

stop looking down on people for shit they can't control that easily, food literally does not impact acne
>You might have heard that eating chocolate or greasy foods can cause acne, but these are both just myths. The truth is that food has little to do with breakouts.

>> No.7770131

it's more hygiene than anything else

of course if he ate better, there's a good chance he'll sweat less, but all he has to do is wash his face and maybe take some medication for it

>> No.7770128

why is your skin so dark?

>> No.7770137

>if he ate better, there's a good chance he'll sweat less
lol what, please explain your logic here

>> No.7770141

you must be a dermatologist or somethin, thanks for fixing all the skin

>> No.7770150

The body tries to expel excess salt through sweating, certain foods(not necessarily unhealthy ones) can cause gustatory sweating, drinking lots of water can also reduce sweating.


>> No.7770152

also alcohol can make you sweat

>> No.7770163

lmao these are way too big for your face you got a laugh
these are the best of the bunch
but you would be better off with the models that are just the lenses you know the ones? without the rims in the eye part