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7766480 No.7766480 [Reply] [Original]

I need help fixing up my basement.

I've been living here for almost a year now with my girlfriend. We've been way too busy with school and work to give a damn, but now it's getting to the point where we don't even want to be in our room.

We have a little bit of money set aside for decorating and I'd like to know if you guys could recommend some (relatively) cheap ways to make my place more /fa/.

>> No.7766491
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>> No.7766509
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I have no ideas why these aren't rotated correctly.

>> No.7766515
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Fuckkkkk iiiiit

>> No.7766529

New floor. Light is wayyyyy too bright and cold for a room thats supposed to be your epitome of comfort. Im surprised you arent depressive by now with that lighting

>> No.7766537

Use lots of mirrors to amplify all the natural light and open up more perceived space
Clean and tidy everything, especially the salt stains on your couch and the mess on your coffee table
Layer a couple of rugs on the floor, it feels too cold now. Oriental rugs if you can afford/source them
Figure out a shoe storage solution for that shelf under the window. Right now it's wasted space and you can't afford to be wasting space.

>> No.7766548


Yeah, I hate the floot. I'm not sure what to do with it though. Either I could paint or carpet it completely, or, I could lay down a cool area rug and leave the rest of the floor as-is (it kind of has a neat, grungy look. Even if it isn't comfortable.)

And yeah, those are the overhead lights. I rarely use them. I'm thinking lamps instead.

>> No.7766549

Do something about the floor bruh that's going to lift the place up quite a bit, I'd get a bunch of wood textured click floor tiles.
I'd also get rid of that yellow sofa if I were you.

>> No.7766559


Thanks for the suggestions.

It's normally not cluttered. We've just had a busy week.

Also, suggestions on color scheme/furniture? I'm thinking of painting the walls.

>> No.7766577

What kind of a budget are we lookin at here broseph?

>> No.7766588
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Forgot pic, I was thinking something like this.

>> No.7766594


Shiiit. I'm not too sure. I'm splitting my money between new wardrobe/new basement.

Let's just say I can afford IKEA-tier shit.

>> No.7766603

this is nice bro
but the roof on that pic is something to keep in mind
might not look as pretty as you'd expect without the roof

>> No.7766647


Yeah, I like that. I don't know though. It seems like snap-together wood tiles would be tacky. Are they generally nice looking in person?

>> No.7766665

Whats the purpose of the space? Is it living space? Entertaining space? There to look pretty?

Do you rent or own? Whats the aesthetic of the rest of the house?

>> No.7766770


I rent. Well, technically my mother is renting. We moved in because she's been sick for the past year and we're helping her out. The entire basement is ours.

That would be our living room. There's a wash room, bedroom, and little side room as well (for storage.)

The rest of the house is decorated by my mom (mix of 60's/70's vintage stuff and antiques. Really cluttered, but in a homey/comfy way.) Needless to say, it doesn:t really matter to me if the styles match up.

>> No.7766779

This is my basement! No wonder I keep hearing noises down there, get the fuck out of my house OP, I like it the way it is.

>> No.7766809


Nugga fuck you
clean your basement

>> No.7766900


1) what do with walls?
2) what do with floor?
3) what do with colors?
4) cool pieces

Ty ty ty

>> No.7766927

>Living in your mothers basement with your tween gf

Shit nigga, get out of here.

>> No.7766950


My qt is 22.
and I'm a full time grad student with a job.
i basically pay the majority of the rent and help take care of my momma
because she's sick and can't work as much and I don't want her to get evicted

Wut do u do fagoo?

>> No.7766979

Get rugs or area carpets
Donate yellow couch and replace it
Get a disco ball

>> No.7766998

that's a pretty un/fa/ way to live
buying a new couch isn't going to make your basement nice

>> No.7767004

yo where do i cop a good I WANT TO BELIEVE poster like from the x files

>> No.7767022


Spencer's gifts

>> No.7767045

You could either get the floors polished or maybe put in a wood like tile. If you like the white walls put in dry-wall and you could put in a proper accenting wood trim to break it up some to make it less overwhelming.

>> No.7767054

slap some paint on wall panels dont use dark colours
lay some wooden tiles and rug or cover the whole thing in a carpet
get rid of your yellow couch, and all that weird art
pieces of furniture is up to what you like and buy a lamp

build something to cover those pipes

>> No.7767060


I don't really care for the walls tbh.

How much do wood tiles cost and are they a decent fix or will it look tacky as fuck?

>> No.7767280


I mean obviously it depends on the area you have and how nice of stuff. I think wood floor tile looks fine as long as you don't track a bunch of mud on it because the dirtier it is the more obvious it's fake and then it looks tacky.

You'd probably spend $1.50-$2.50 a square foot

>> No.7767289


Also I forgot to mention tile is nice because it's easier to replace individual sections in case of water damage seeing as you are in a basement.

>> No.7767543
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Sorry for the late reply m8

>I rent.
So this seriously limits what youll be able to do, but thats aight since it makes it waay cheaper for you.
>That would be our living room.
Essentially youll want a mix of warmth/ambience and functionality, then.
Craiglist/kijiji will be your best friend here.
Essentially the style youll be creating is enviromentally friendly minimalism.

Find some couches that tote a minimalist design, are fairly low to the ground but arent stiff or thin. Get heavy materials, but look out for poor construction and wear.
Reality is tho, if you get quality furniture thats a little rough around the edges, getting it cleaned up and restuffing/finishing the cushions and upholstery will be totally worth it.

Once youve patiently waited for some excellent furniture to pop up is when you want to start picking other things out. These pieces for you will be secondary as their price is secondary to your furniture.

>> No.7767564
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Get a couple simple area rugs. One for the sitting area, one for the common paths. Im very fond of persian or wool rugs and would be hard pressed to put anything else in my home. Good news is these are easy to find second hand and you can find some wicked ones if you know what youre looking for.
Dry cleaning here can be a little expensive,but its not something you would want to try yourself.
You could also call up places that clean them and ask them if they have any abandoned rugs theyd like you to take off their hands/buy from them. Its crazy how many people just forget about them.

Lighting wont be permanent, so my advice would be to either find some really cool standing lamps that work on dimmer switches from antique stores or kijiji or whatever, or get creative and make your own from recycled material. It depends on the time and aesthetic you wanna achieve. Remember to make it appropriate to the furniture and rugs.

>> No.7767593
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Coffee tables are kind of a toss away since its easy to find ones that match with most room aesthetics.
If you have the skill set, I would highly recommend making your own to better fit your needs.
Im designing one for my space that is fairly compact and low profile, but contains a neat little intricate slide storage system.

For the walls, keep them white and accent with the appropriate palette of your space. Dark colours on white panel looks fantastic. The key to doing it well is keeping it very minimal and non kitschy.

I think that about cover it m8.
Ill be lurkin if you check back in on your thread

>> No.7767621

Forgot to mention, sand and repaint your floor with a (you guessed it) appropriate neutral tone.
There are paints out there (usually used in garages) that work well on beat up floors and have a half decent colour selection.

>> No.7767660

repaint walls something darker
area rugs
patterned throw blankets covering couches
chest full of fuzzy blankets
ditch fluorescent lights, get lamps
maybe rope lights for that tumblr-swag
old furniture
big paintings from estate sales, toss tiny piss-poor paintings
table and chairs and liquor cabinet
shelves of books
rolltop desk in corner where you tinker with stuff and pretend to be mature

Engaging comfy core
your goal should be to make this a spot where you can enjoy drinking coffee and reading but can also easily transition to fucking sensually on the floor
Basically take what is to the left of the couch in this pic >>7766491
and spread it everywhere

>> No.7767738


Holy shit. Thank you,,/fa/ brah.

>> No.7767757
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You can make cool stuff out of pallets

>> No.7767763
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Here's some inspo

>> No.7767792
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No worries m8.
Im no professional but Ill field questions if you have em.

>> No.7767800
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