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File: 300 KB, 1524x1025, acne-scars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7758472 No.7758472 [Reply] [Original]

Are acne-scars /fa/?

>> No.7758477
File: 48 KB, 535x577, tfw crying-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7758493


ew, fuck, kill yourself monstrosity

>> No.7758499
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 1374822367034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never get acne
>see this thread
It's like looking at gore.

>> No.7758517


>my lips look like that

are lips meant to be all wrinkly like that? i lip balm & moisturise loads it's so distressing oh god i don't know what to do fuckfuckfuckfuck help

>> No.7758535

I wore one of their jackets and one of the zips cut into my skin, if thats what you mean?

>> No.7758560

get a doctor, get a laser treatment, or use dermaroll/dermapen

>> No.7758594

Have you used any of that yourself? Have you had success with it? Or is it just something you've read or heard somewhere?

>> No.7758628


>> No.7758637

Which have you tried? Could you go a little more into detail?

>> No.7758903

just go to a doctor
mine said microneedling was better right now because it's summer here, but laser co2 was good too, same price. I went with microneedling, 250$ and got good results.

>> No.7758955

I have been derma rolling for a few months, and i'm noticing my complextion looks a LOT more even, colour wise(Though i have *very* pale skin, so its pretty easy to see contrast in my troubled spots, so it might not be as effective on someone with darker skin)

As for the actual texture of my skin, it feels softer, but i'm thinking it would be negligible if your scars were too bad. I'm lucky in that i dont have any real acne scars, just enlarged pores(That occasionally grow dark facial hair, so they really stand out, again, with the really pale skin)

I'm more interested in a way to deal with large pores. Was hoping the dermaroller would help them shrink, but no luck.

I'm using a 1.5mm roller, and do it every time i shave(so 4x a month)

>> No.7759105

I heard dermapen is better, I'm thinking about buying one

>> No.7759131

Oh yeah, it would be. The mechanism of the roller means the longer the needles get, the more damage you're doing to the skin(Since its not a straight pierce, but rather waving the needle in, leaving semi-circle cuts, rather than straight pricks)

The problem is, the pen's start at $50. The rollers are around $20. Also, the rollers have 500+ needles and can do your face in around 5-10 minutes. The pens have around 50 needles and will take atleast 30 minutes.

>> No.7759138

so what? it's totally worth it
I actually tought it would be a lot more expensive lol

>> No.7759148

what is microneedling

>> No.7759162

Not to me. Id rather get the treatment over in 10 minutes.
Also, the point of dermarolling is to damage the skin... So the 'waving' thing with the roller isnt necessarily bad. It might even be beneficial.

>> No.7759176
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Depends on if you can make it look good

>> No.7759290

You can do that at home? Can you do anything wrong that damages the skin permanently? I get the idea that it's supposed to damage the skin to make it heal/even out the skin