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7754302 No.7754302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>walking down your hall at your school campus

>see this

What do you do?

You can't say any buzzwords like fuccboi.

>> No.7754308

Nice shoes!

>> No.7754315

Nothing, I probably wouldn't even notice his sneakers or him to begin with. On the off chance that I did I most certainly wouldn't snap a photo of him nor approach him, in fact I wouldn't even post a horrible thread on /fa/ about it.

>> No.7754309

Say "nice Ricks" and continue on my way.

>> No.7754313


I would say nice dream boxes, but that is a buzzword I suppose.

>> No.7754318

fuccboi isn't a buzzword
maybe it is if you've lived in the suburbs your entire life

>> No.7754319

are those real? those look goofy as fuck to me

>> No.7754321

nice clownshoes, faggot

>> No.7754322

Those look shit with most outfits and they def look shit on him.

>> No.7754326

>t-tryhard f-f-fagggitt

>> No.7754330


Just jealous because he talks to girls.

>> No.7754328

those are definitely dreamboxes

>> No.7754332

I don't know, I think he's cute.

>> No.7754339


buzzword = meme or useless word

a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context.

tl;dr you can't use a catch phrase

>> No.7754340

>long toebox
Lmao nice dream boxes fag

>> No.7754343


>> No.7754344

Smile and go on with my day, hoping that some time in the future I have an opportunity to make friends with the dude.

>> No.7754350

w-w-wanna be my friend

>> No.7754358

>What do you do?
nothing bc hes cute and i think its a fine outfit

>> No.7754353

Wow those shoes look fancy, how much were they?
You spent how much?!

>> No.7754356

Fuccboi (Fuckboy) has been around for years.

Go out in the real world, honkey.

>> No.7754365


He never said anything about it being a /fa/ meme you massive faggot

>a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context.

a.k.a the context of making fun of someones clothes

>> No.7754369

I genuinely just dont care what other people do with there lives

>> No.7754371
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>> No.7754378

Nice shoes

>> No.7754392

">muh monochrome"

>> No.7754401

lol emo faggot why are you wearing all black? are you depressed?

>> No.7754407


this is how i expect everyone that posts those 'mirin' stories to look like

>> No.7754412

walk past him until i'm just outside his field of vision, then whisper in his ear:

"tricksssy ricksssy... trickssssssy ricksssssy"

then continue on

>> No.7754413


Well he is talking to a qt 3.14 girl, what are you doing faggot?

He also have $1000 + worth of clothes on him.

>> No.7754420


>Walk past kid
>"Excuse me, mind if I cut in? Sorry to interupt, but I've got to ask, where did you get those sneakers?"
>"Uh...ummm...they're r-r-ri"
>"Excuse me, what?"
>"They're Rick Owens."
>Stand and stare at the kid for five seconds before a smile tears across my face.
>"Cool...thanks. Have a nice day."
>"Hehe...you too stranger."
>Continue walking until I'm several yards away.
>Reach into pockets, feeling around the clutter of sandwiches and passports to produce a satellite phone with a direct link to RO's parisian home.
>"We've got a fuccboi here, I repeat, fuccboi wearing Dreamboxes"
>Satellite triangulates on our position
>Aerial photos are taken of the kid
>CIA gives clearance to eliminate target
>Apache helicopters materialize in the distance
>Wagner symphony playing over helicopter's PA system
>Kid looks up, frozen in terror and overwhelmed by the sublime
>Gunner takes out the bitch, her body collapses into a mound of botched flesh
>RO's step crew rapel down from the Apache
>Kid tries to run, but one of the amazonians stomp down on his foot with their Ramones
>The dreamboxes disintigrate as every bone in his foot breaks
>The stench of cheap burned rubber fills the air
>Kid tries to grab hold of the woman, but can only manage a handful of drapped layers
>The entire step group begins to stomp and kick him
>Spaghetti sauce oozing from every cut
>One of the women grabs the kid by his hair and drags him over to the curb
>"Bite the curb! Fucking bite it!"
>"Kid relunctly opens his mouth, snot and sauce bubbling around the edges of his mouth. Tears stream down his face"
>The woman lifts her foot above his head and begins to count.
>Suddenly I wake up
>eBay auction for Dreamboxes ends in 8 minutes.
>Close out of the window
>Burn all of my clothes
<Live a hermatic life for the next year while I save up for Geos

>> No.7754424

If I saw this kid on campus, the only thing I would notice is his obnoxious face (and probably voice too, cause you know this kid probably talks really loud in public).

If I noticed the shoes at all, I'd assume they were dreamboxes.

>> No.7754428


i was reading this then halfway my face had a disgusted expression because i have no idea how much of a dull cunt you have to be to think this is funny

>> No.7754433

Punch dat frail nigga & steal his shoes

>> No.7754462
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>Troops being dropped off from Apaches

>> No.7754463

Yea I agree, its his face

Not intentionally trying to call people out, but Teddy sometimes posts the same fit as this guy.

>> No.7754470
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>> No.7754471

and he stands like a woman. Actually, it might be a woman for all we know.

>> No.7754488
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>> No.7754494

is that matt edminson

>> No.7754496


>> No.7754505

This was terribly unfunny.

>> No.7754513

Just call him a dumb goof ninja motherfucker
Can't say I'm a homophobe for saying that

>> No.7754514

Think to myself why can't I have that confidence and create a passive aggressive thread on /fa/ later on to backup my distorted selfperception

>> No.7754524


more like delusion

>> No.7754536

this is what 99.9% of /fa/ looks like
raf X eastpack messenger bag because somesaid they were cool once

VTB tee and acne skinnys with rick sneaks

>> No.7754532
File: 57 KB, 640x480, vibevixen-jourdan-dunn-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like 100% what I imagine most of the nerds that comes here looks like
Wearing geos with such a boring outfit aint ballin

>> No.7754533

Dude's about to swim in some pussy. Chick doesn't look too hot, but passable. Probably got talked to many more bitches that day.

You can tell /fa/ doesn't have the balls to dress how they want outside the net, because it doesn't matter if he looks like a fag. Girls like guys who have the balls to walk outside and risk getting their asses kicked because it shows you have some kind of nuttsack. So he can look like the biggest faggot out, dude has the confidence of a real man while you have the confidence of school age bitch.

>> No.7754542

I would socially engineer him, starting by our shared "interest" in Rick Owens shoes.
FIrst I would start out by asking him about Rick Owens, and, under the fair assumption his are fake, I'd say "ha some people actually buy fake Rick Owen's shoes"
Now that he thinks I believe they are real, he will consider me of lower intelligence than him, making it very easy for me to get much more info out of him, which I can use to my benefit in a number of ways, the first would be using his Amazon account to order books for myself, and have them shipped to a different location that couldn't be traced back to me. Eventually I will find ways to sabotage practically every element of his life, and use it to my personal gain, including girls, money and, if anything good is coming out, video games.

>> No.7754552

You sound like a piece of shit, and you must be a real shitbird in real life.

>> No.7754561

damn sieg this is like one of the first time we have the same opinion

>> No.7754562

fake as fucking fuck shoes

>> No.7754574

im not though.
how can i be a shitbird if i typed that post?

>> No.7754577

>I would socially engineer him, starting by our shared "interest" in Rick Owens shoes.
>FIrst I would start out by asking him about Rick Owens, and, under the fair assumption his are fake, I'd say "ha some people actually buy fake Rick Owen's shoes"
>Now that he thinks I believe they are real, he will consider me of lower intelligence than him, making it very easy for me to get much more info out of him, which I can use to my benefit in a number of ways
>You sound like a piece of shit, and you must be a real shitbird in real life.
this is just how life work m8

>> No.7754589

I would pass by and think "what a faggot".

Yep, that's it.

>> No.7754612

to be fair it wouldnt be bad if he got rid of his glasses and did something to his hair

>> No.7754611
File: 231 KB, 1296x864, 1369256357698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you even bother with fake rick shoes?

Most of the fits are just regular black skinnies, with regular black crew neck.

Would much rather own a pair of van sk8 hi's

at least it makes it less obvious that you browse these sorts of boards

>> No.7754629

>white tee
>blue jeans

>black tee
>black jeans
10/10 W2C??


>> No.7755706

armpit hair

>> No.7755724

beat his ass and leave him with cold feet
or hire some niggers to do it for me

>> No.7755757


>> No.7755759
File: 62 KB, 480x480, 1327952231506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7755762

Where did you get this pic of me?

>> No.7755772

I'd say hi, compliment him on his shoes, and see where the conversation goes

if it goes okay, invite him for coffee later, drug him, and make sweet sweet love to his virgin anus hole

>> No.7755788

fuck is this what use to look like when i wear the exact same shit as that dude

>> No.7755798

>>Walk past kid
>>"Excuse me, mind if I cut in? Sorry to interupt, but I've got to ask, where did you get those sneakers?"
>>"Uh...ummm...they're r-r-ri"
>>"Excuse me, what?"
>>"They're Rick Owens."
>>Stand and stare at the kid for five seconds before a smile tears across my face.
>>"Cool...thanks. Have a nice day."
>>"Hehe...you too stranger."
>>Continue walking until I'm several yards away.
>>Reach into pockets, feeling around the clutter of sandwiches and passports to produce a satellite phone with a direct link to RO's parisian home.
this was a good intro, the rest is unfunny af you should kill yourself

>> No.7755793

keep going about my day because I'm not on the spectrum

>> No.7755796

tweet something about seeing this freak that looks like tyler oakly then go on with my day

>> No.7755805

you're definitely on the spectrum, nerd

>> No.7755807

why do you hate dreamboxes?

>> No.7755810

he looks like that one gay kid that always hung out with the fat girls that projected way too much self esteem into social situations

>> No.7755832

nice shoes i think i saw you on 4chan with that supream shirt on

>> No.7755988

>Reach into pockets, feeling around the clutter of sandwiches and passports
I kek'd

>> No.7756132

yeah, he's p cute

>> No.7757055

everyone said the fit is boring, you fucking sperg

>> No.7757073

Dressed like that in middle of 10f weather
I think he's a fucking tool

>> No.7757111

Scuff the fuck out of those clown shoes.

>> No.7757115

that fuccboi seems relatively happy and is talking to a girl while you are here posting on 4chan

>> No.7757117

he's perfectly following the rick owens dress guide for young men

>> No.7757129

His posture, hair, and face need to be better, but the outfit itself is fine.

>> No.7757147

I regularly wear black skinnies with raf velcros and crewneck/scoopneck tee ;_;
gonna cop some light grey hoodie to spice up my colour game next week...

>> No.7757197
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holy shit that's me, who are you, op?

>> No.7757269


>> No.7757274

don't u read this thread and think "maybe I should rethink some things"

>> No.7757283

No it's not. If it is then you have no reason not to post your annoying face to prove it.

>> No.7757289

i'd believe him if he posted a pic of the glasses and messenger bag.

>> No.7757291
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>> No.7757343
File: 101 KB, 612x612, average gothninja enthusiasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats actually the best ive ever seen geobaskets used in a fit

>> No.7757353

(referring to guy in op pic not the one i posted lel)

>> No.7757361

To bad he looks completely retarded and could never pull them off.

>> No.7757388

>no ones even smoking

its like they arent even trying

>> No.7757418

show dreamboxes

>> No.7757486

>come on to him
>he's obviously a faggot so i lure him into bathroom alone
>punch him in the face
>steal his shoes
>sell them to some similar faggots from /fa/

>> No.7757682

punch him in the stomach and take his shoes. i hate these fuckin drama class nerds.

>> No.7757696

he sees your face and can id you in a lineup, lol starch white baby bottom amateurs

>> No.7757879

at least not dadcore faggots

>> No.7757900

He's very clearly homosexual at worst Friendzoned at best, he's not even trying to hide his gayness.

>> No.7757913

nice buzzword faggot

>> No.7757930

Confidence is irrelevant it's all face
He lets her cry on his shoulder whilst shebangs the hhandsome athletic football captain again.

>> No.7758012

>thinks this looks better than dadcore

>> No.7758018

tell him you like his chucks

watch him turn to stone

>> No.7758047

Change your glasses man. And do something with that hair. You could look better.

>> No.7758045

>blonde people doing monochrome fits
At least bleach it. Bleach it or dye it dark brown to black.

>> No.7758095

>At least bleach it. Bleach it or dye it dark brown to black.
what does your asshole have to do with blonde people in monochrome fits?

>> No.7758113


also guy in OP looks like a fucking woman

>> No.7758128


The person he is with will think it is a genuine compliment while he will his soul will be secretly crushed. Add a smug grin for maximum sphincter hurt.

Because seriously, those are fake as fuck.

>> No.7758246

You will walk away looking like a kind, friendly person and he will produce a weak smile while inside, his heart has stopped dead as it dawns on him that Rick will suffocate him with drapes when he sleeps.

>> No.7758505
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>> No.7758518

>confirmed for 14 year old

>> No.7758530

He bought em, he's not gonna care. His first thought is gonna be "oh that dude must waste as much of his life on /fa/ as me" and pity the both of you as you should be pitied

>> No.7758548

who cares lol
he looks happy so its fine by me

>> No.7758592
