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7750640 No.7750640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

facial care general?

what facial products do you use?

what's good for acne scars?

>> No.7750646

vitamin E cream is good for acne scars

>> No.7750650

I know

but any good recs for products that use it?

see, pure vit E is too oily

prly break me out or?

>> No.7750668
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- I use an alcohol-free toner before moisturizing

- Emu Oil moisturizing cream, once daily, sometimes twice.

- Exfoliate 2x weekly

- Once a week I will apply a Honey/Egg/Olive oil face mask for one hour before showering.

- Internally, I take MSM, Biotin, Zinc, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, and Vitamin C. I take a bunch of other vitamins but their effect on skin is negligible.

- When i can be bothered, i use the peptide CJC-1295 to boost growth hormone dramatically. Of everything ive tried this has the most noticable effect on my skin, but it's a bitch to inject 3x daily and is expensive.

>> No.7750678

great regime!

but you don't have a scarring problem do you?

>peptide CJC-1295

why would you want to boost growth hormone? won't that cause acne?

>> No.7750701


Emu Oil should help with scarring

growth hormone should have zero effect on acne. it stimulates collagen synthesis and firms up your skin.

>> No.7750708


haahah this whiteboy saw the acne.org exclusive markting videos and bought all the products hahaha he wanna get rid of his pizza face nigga hahaahhaa

>> No.7750738

you inject this into your face?


what difference do you notice?

>> No.7750768
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I use Bulldog products.
They're simple, dirt cheap and its all natural shit so thats a good thing i suppose.

>> No.7750795

I use a pretty harsh cleanser and rinse off straight away.

Then i apply a harsh benzoyl cream and leave it on for ~10 minutes and then rinse it off.

Then i use a natural moisturiser.

Once in the morning and once at night.

It's important to make sure your face/neck is COMPLETELY dry between each step. A little bit of moisture often stick around hair follicles and causes acne.

I still get noticeable acne but this is the best it's ever been.

>> No.7750829

This is what i used to do, I actually slowed way down on the harsh stuff and started using Ivory anti bacteriical hand soap. It made my skin a lot healthier by taking away the chemicals that made my skin dry. As far as leaving stuff in to "zap" zits, i find that its actually better to just let the thing run its course, then pop it

tl;dr acne sucks, use ivory antibacterial hand soap

>> No.7750901

My routine is typically:

>Salicyclic-acid facial cleanser
>Witch hazel as toner
>Almond oil as moisturizer
>Salicylic-acid facial cleanser
>Tea tree oil

But when I start to break out, it becomes

>Benzoyl-peroxide facial cleanser
>Witch hazel as toner
>Almond oil as moisturizer, but do not apply to T-zone
>Benzoyle-peroxide creame

>Benzoyle-peroxide facial cleanser
>Tea-tree oil
>Homemade lemon juice, green tea and red wine vinegar toner on acne hyper-pigmentation
>Benzoyle-peroxide cream

I also exfoliate with a salicylic-acid micro-bead scrub cream when my skin starts to feel a little scaly or crusty. It's good for getting pimples before they start. I do this maybe three times a week.

I used to do a whole lot more, like making periodic honey masks and steaming my face and shit, but ain't no one got time for that these days.

>> No.7750987

i use laneige.

>> No.7751688


funniest comment ive read all week

>> No.7751696

paula's choice is actually great

why does nobody else know about these products


for example^ is amazing

>> No.7751723

On my Proactiv shit, pop that pussy like a zit

>> No.7751772
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what to use at night while sleeping for zits?

>> No.7751786

put toothpaste on them

>> No.7751788


>> No.7751792


didnt ur mum ever tell u that??

>> No.7751812


>> No.7751815

but yeah other thing that i can use
gona check that

>> No.7751842
File: 96 KB, 500x623, 1332976687877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have near clear skin with only the few in-grown hairs in my beard every now and then, but i also have oily skin and touch my face A LOT

>wake up hungover
>scramble to bathroom
>brush teeth + rinse face with water

>rinse face with water or wet paper towels and lightly moisten, then dry face
>every time i go to bathroom i do this

>rinse face w/ water
>if its a sunday or im really dirty take shower
>no poo, unscented bar soap on body
>exfoliate face w/ sugar
>oil-free cetaphil moisturizer afterwards

and thats how you do it, you pizza-faced fucks

>> No.7751850
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My routine

>vichy exfoliating gel
>Clearasil Ultra Acne + Marks Wash
>Queen Helene Masque, Mint Julep
>nivea toner

>Benzoyle-peroxide 10%
>vichy exfoliating gel
>Clearasil Ultra Acne + Marks Wash
>Queen Helene mask or mud mask
>nivea toner

that shit minimize every pimple or zit but still i need to work on something for the redness

>> No.7751857

>wake up hungover
>follow a skincare regimen whilst drunk as shit


>> No.7751862

>putting all that shit on your face
this is why you people have acne

>> No.7751870

nope i have 10/10 face skin with pimples
i know it sound stupid but my skin is like silk but with pimples

>> No.7751891

you shouldn't be exfoliating more than 1-2 times a week dude

>> No.7751899
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daily this shit is fantastic but expensive

>> No.7751962

>MSM, Biotin, Zinc, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, and Vitamin C, tea tree oil

man i use cleanser, toner and moisturizer but what is all this hooplah?

and what the fuck is cjc 1295? i looked it up and apparently its some illegal thing bodybuilders look after? its a steroid?

>> No.7751999

stupid faggot, never had to deal with severe cystic acne. Washing your face with this condition barely improves the situation.

>> No.7752016

your redness could probably be solved by exfoliating less, moisturizing at night, and using sunblock during the day. it says right on the labels of your products that you should be using spf 15 or higher within a week of using them. especially the benzol.

>> No.7752020


>> No.7752022

Neutrogena for men face wash before shaving

stridex if I need it. Sorry for CVS tier

>> No.7752026

i mean redness on the pimples not on the skin i know that some product irritate and i often use moisturizing

>> No.7752066

anyone have success using a dermaroller to treat acne scars. mine aren't too bad so i was thinking of getting a 0.5mm one

>> No.7752069

alright dude i have right a lot of this stuff before the only thing to work for me is this pill called doxycycline http://www.drugs.com/doxycycline.html

>> No.7752098
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>> No.7752145

My regime i extremely simple.

Rinse face with a non-oily face wash, I think it's from Kiehls
Dry off WITHOUT rubbing your face
Benzoyl peroxide cream, 5% masterrace
Let that dry while i do other stuff
Moisturize with a face cream that has the removal of impurities and such "in mind"

Rinse once before bed

Exfoliate twice a week

I've been around the acne block, and tried different medical products as well as natural products, but this is the only regime I have found that really works for me. I guess less is more.

>> No.7752163

>less is more
>benzoyl peroxide

>> No.7752167

Anyone use Retin-A? I got some from abroad and it's meant to be good but I'm a bit hesitant to use it

>> No.7752185
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In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.7752191

stfu bateman

>> No.7752196

Can't believe it took almost 40 replies

>> No.7752233

same here

>> No.7752242

>ex-foliating every day

>> No.7752251

>Not knowing where that's from

>> No.7752254

doesn't work fuck this

>> No.7752267
File: 20 KB, 460x288, blaircore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just activated my trap card :)

>> No.7752295

epc 4chan memebro

>> No.7752831

Can you buy this online?

>> No.7752864
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pic related
every evening when I remove my makeup
fantastic stuff, cheap and versatile