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File: 319 KB, 650x400, wakolda04-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7736471 No.7736471 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you realized that dadcore is what women want?

Stop dressing like fucking chinks.

>> No.7736475

the girl i've been seeing likes the way i dress though and it's not dadcore

why would you want to attract girls who dont share or just appreciate your taste?

>> No.7736485
File: 332 KB, 965x1222, lolurfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7736483

>implying fashion is about dressing for the opposite sex

>> No.7736490

>implying i want a pleb girl thats attracted to dadcore

>> No.7736495

epic 4chan style homophobia post

>> No.7736497

haha yea man

wearin a sick beanie!!!1

grills don't control me!!!1

>> No.7736506

Obviously the two have vastly different styles yet they're still holding hands and looking into eachother's eyes with happiness.

>> No.7736515

Vastly different styles?

They both look like "boring shitcore" to me.

>> No.7736527

fuck off pedo

>> No.7736523

>the only reason i dress myself is for the opposite sex attention

You know, back in 44 people like you were transported into very hot ovens and transformed into powder milk. Be careful.

>> No.7736537


>> No.7736541

no they don't
they want a man who dresses in well fitting basics and height insoles

>> No.7736548

yeah then u take off the insoles an u can eat her punani standing up
no thanks
just embrace what the gods give

>> No.7736547

im interested in grills 12-30 years old

>> No.7736550
File: 300 KB, 2364x1296, 1 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously no goth ninja dresses for the opposite sex.

Goth ninjas are trying to preserve their virginity.

>> No.7736554

>well fitting basics
Yes, this is very true.

>height insoles
What? No.

>> No.7736555

>needing height insoles

>> No.7736559

How dare you post a pic of Yohji in any manner but praise.

>> No.7736562

im very christian but still every night I cry because of manlet
might be because the only grill i've been interested in 2 years towers over me and doesn't take me seriously anymore

>> No.7736568

It's the fanboy standing next to Yoshi.

>> No.7736572

aw im sorry dude
but if she's not taking you seriously that's probably more to do with the way you present yourself and not your height
if you go though life like your height isn't a problem, it won't be a problem :)

>> No.7737013
File: 61 KB, 857x386, bio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around the time I got a daughter.
Pic related by the way, it's you.

>> No.7737033

how tall is u

>> No.7737029

When did you found out that you're a massive beta and has been pussywhipped by every chick that talked to u, OP?

>> No.7737051

5'6" and I'm like the shortest guy I know

>> No.7737061

>How old were you when you realized that dadcore is what women want?
how old were you when you realized that women don't give a shit either way and you're a faggot for caring
they care about how good looking you are not how you dress

>im very christian but still every night I cry because of manlet

>might be because the only grill i've been interested in 2 years
whoa whoa
you're an ugly manlet and you're trying to be picky? you deserve all the ridicule you get


>> No.7737076

gold, saved

>> No.7737084

I'm 5'5 and a 6'0 girl asked me for my number at work once. I was behind the counter. She was an alternative lookin' teenager, skinny and breddy attractive, but it didn't really work out because she was a 16 year old. I'm 20. I guess we were both pretty odd sizes for our age, but I've never thought much of it.

>> No.7737087

My bestfriend is 5'6 and he's very insecure of his height too kek
Always telling me how he's a latebloomer and compares me with other athletes that he look up to and give me shit because I'm 5'11

>> No.7737286

when goth ninja jumped the shark (2007)

>> No.7737338


>> No.7737434
File: 26 KB, 491x464, 1256785766347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot for caring what women like

Rainbow Dash loves you for who you are!

>> No.7737442


>> No.7737450

I dress in workwear because I like it, my girlfriend doesn't seem to mind. Why are you so concerned with what women want? Most women, most people rather, don't even notice you nor care about you. The reality is you should wear the clothing that best suits you and that you feel your best in.

>> No.7737482
File: 32 KB, 615x456, 1352411323525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 5'5" stop being a bitch and work with what you got

captcha: cailyae little

>> No.7737575

w2c polygamy with feminist gothninja and monochrome dadcore-bateman? Tfw feminist submissive wannabe trophy wife