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File: 102 KB, 400x600, cetaphil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7731917 No.7731917 [Reply] [Original]

So is this a miracle cleanser that works on ALL skin types?
Everyone says to use cetaphil so i assume it's a miracle product and won't make my face red with even more filaments and acne... right?

>> No.7732003

you'll just have to try it, it works for most people, but not everybody. don't start using anything new at that time and see how it works.

you can also try Avene cleansers, they are really mild, but more expensive, though.

>> No.7732021

I've been using it for awhile and it hasn't made anything too much better but it hasn't gotten worse so that's a good sign

>> No.7732025
File: 51 KB, 432x463, emmascared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's what I masturbate with

>> No.7732031

I use the oily skin cleaner followed the the gentle moisturizer. Along with drink a decent amount of water each day my skin is very clear.

>> No.7732036

I used to use that but since then I've just gone dry.

>> No.7732206

I use both those products in your picture. They're pretty good; better than anything else I've tried to far. I have pretty oily skin that used to get a tonne of breakouts and would get flaky and dryasfuck / red in the winter. I still get a bit of acne, but not as much as before.

>> No.7732260
File: 4 KB, 119x128, 1391556271438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking Americunts why don't you :
>stop eating fast food and chocolate bars
>stop drinking sodas
>start exercising
>stop destroying your poor skin with products that are made to buy even more products

>> No.7732263

same :3

It's pretty slippery!

>> No.7732279


dear ignorant faggot - none of that has any effect on acne whatsoever. kill yourself.

>> No.7732322

>since then I've just gone dry.
welcome to the master race my son.

>> No.7732365

not the guy you're responding to, but any dermatologist will tell you it has an effect on acne, especially diet (lots of dairy products, chocolate unless it's very dark etc)

I mean why ignore it ?

>> No.7732366

greasy foods increase acne issues, which is pretty much what fast food consists of
soda/exercising won't do anything particularly relevant against acne, I think, but they're denying soda and exercising do influence you towards a system where you naturally avoid the actually problematic things
and the last point is somewhat true, there are numerous products out there that serve to keep your skin healthy in general, which includes acne, and doesn't pull nonsense like drying out your skin as a side-effect due to the over-aggressive highly-targetted skin problem solution (which the anon was implying to be an intended by-product of the solution, as it forces you to buy their other aggressive problem-specific products, which may in turn lead you to their other products)

so there's that

>> No.7732376

This, Avene is a really good brand, and any skin type can benefit from it because it's only a cleanser. Unless you're still in high school and/or have very oily skin, the cleanser isn't the biggest of your concerns.

What you use to moisturize your face after applying it, washing it and drying your face is already a tad trickier as you should avoid picking the wrong moisturizer for your skin type.

>> No.7732386


Every dermatologist i've ever gone to has said it has no effect. They've said it's caused by hormones and genetics.

I am the healthiest person I know. I don't drink, don't smoke, never done drugs. I eat healthy, tons of veggies, exercise everyday, drink a fuckton of water and I still have skin issues.

I eventually had to take accutane which was the ONLY thing after years of suffering and trying everything.

>> No.7732388

literally all of it affects your skin.

>>>/other neckbeard boards/

>> No.7732404

have they said that these factors have no effect on acne at all
have they said that these factors are not the only cause of acne
that your acne is caused by an unlucky combination of two other factors
and maybe
that are have greater relevancy to acne in your specific case, compared to the average

>> No.7732412

sleep on a fresh towel every night
don't eat greasy foods
don't consume dairy.
cut back meat intake
get some sun exposure, go outside
eat more leafy vegetables
don't eat greasy foods
don't touch your face
don't let your hair touch your face
don't touch your hair
exfoliate weekly
wash face often with less harsh soaps
take lots of vitamin A, D and C
don't eat greasy foods.

cetaphil will only keep working if you keep buying more. not worth it in the long run.

>> No.7732421

>get some sun exposure, go outside
is this for real? i always thought the other way

>> No.7732427

you ever see high school jocks with acne

>> No.7732434

yes. the sun is a natural source of vitamin D
vitamin D is good for the skin.

just don't tan for hours a day and wear a small amount of sun screen.

>> No.7732443


>> No.7732448


>> No.7732449

what do you mean it will only keep working if you buy more
obviously you have to keep washing ur face for ur skin to stay good

>> No.7732450

and how often do you see neckbeards/fedoras/neets with acne?

>> No.7732451

>don't consume dairy

I've been on a nothing but porridge and fruit diet for a few weeks and wondered why I was getting so spotty

>> No.7732452

oh ok

>> No.7732460

you got me

>> No.7732459

with prescription acne treatments like accutane, you take it for a few months and it works forever.

cetaphil, proactiv, etc are designed to stop working if you don't use it daily.

>> No.7732462

cetaphil moreso than neutrogena or something?

>> No.7732474

i'm not sure, but I haven't heard any long-term success stories from over-the-counter acne treatments.

>> No.7732489


That's because cetaphil etc just washes away the things you don't want, whereas accutane reduces the production entirely.

>> No.7732788

yeah but it's just supposed to be a cleanser not a treatment i though

>> No.7733195

gee man that was really edgy