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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 42 KB, 540x960, 1388342597506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7728994 No.7728994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the worst fits you have seen?
Post them here. I'll start. This one is from /mfa/

>> No.7728998

looks like every teenager in australia

>> No.7729004

i'd proly say this one as well. his fat looks like it's going to rip open that shirt in any minute. that bottom button could kill if it gives out and it hits somebody.

>> No.7729006

Ausfag here. You're so right. Tan chino shorts/ pants are so played out.

>> No.7729009

Something about the shoes is really off-putting. It's like his fat feet are taking up all the available room in them making it seem like they're part of his body, like he has hooves or something

>> No.7729017

It's called cankles.
Where there is no definition between the calf and the ankle.
This poor beta suffers from them badly.

>> No.7729018

Another example of how fat people can never dress well.

>> No.7729025

You should leave canberra m8. This was briefly a thing in Syd in like 2010 but I don't see it anymore

>> No.7729029

his feet are tiny compared to his monstrous ankles

>> No.7729038
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Here's what he looks like with hooves in case anyone was wondering

>> No.7729042

>casually looking at the phone
10/10 top lol every time

>> No.7729047
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my degree goes for 5 years

>> No.7729049


>> No.7729053

Come to melb bruh, we could use you down here

>> No.7729061
File: 27 KB, 604x453, tears drip like rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off. im sick of being called a toy on here. just seriously, fuck off dude.

this was the result of last night's mission

>> No.7729064

do you write, cunt?

>> No.7729065

Reminds me of n(n)

>> No.7729069

yes... who do you think did that piece?

>> No.7729073

this disgust me


>> No.7729074

ay you're a cheeky cunt aren't ya! if you don't settle yaself bloods gonna be dripping like rain soon too

Sorry, I don't even know why I'm shitposting. just bored I guess. Goodnight.

>> No.7729081

where you going after that?

>> No.7729086
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kid from my high school

>> No.7729093

dunno dude
im actually planning to defer my course soon, like maybe next year and travel for a year

i was originally going to move to melbourne when i finished school but the dude who i was meant to move with bailed on me with his girlfriend lmao

>> No.7729096

Dude you can get a one year working visa for the US since you're studying. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.7729100

that's awesome dude, what are you going to do in the US? i was going to try go to somewhere central in europe

>> No.7729111

I'm moving to New York this month and then trying to head to Canada and/or Mexico to visit.

Here's the link if you're at all considering the US:

>> No.7729109

he looks truly sickening

>> No.7729113

Melbourne's sick, I would totally move there if I wasn't so afraid of leaving my mates

>> No.7729124

thanks dude, bookmarking that for when the time comes. looks rad

so lucky to be moving to new york as well dude, ive always wanted to go there

>> No.7729145

do you study at the ANU or UC? we should go to questacon

>> No.7729167


come to melbourne mane

as far as cities go, it's pretty /fa/

>> No.7729182

probably gonna try come down for Obscene Extreme Festival actually
it'll only be for a weekend but it will still be cool

UC m8

>> No.7729192

same. what course m80?

>> No.7729200

bachelor of arts/science in psych, wbu?

>> No.7729202

media arts and production. really hoping to transfer to RMIT second semester. didn't think anyone here would go to UC.

>> No.7729209

you ride a bike don't you? we should ride around somewhere one day
i'm the cant get into uc bro btw

>> No.7729214

oh god, I bet the comments on facebook are like "looking good anon" & "le classy" by his fucktard friends. The suit jacket with jeans look is a real bugbear of mine

>> No.7729213

nah i think there's actually a few of us here. i know there's another dude who lives on res who lurks here. there's also a few guys from ANU who post on here, e.g., leisuresuitlamy

what kind of stuff do you wear? it's not a very effay uni haha

>> No.7729255

you can say that again. so much swag. it legitimately gets me down just walking around campus.

mostly basics and sneakers. i wouldn't consider myself very /fa/, i just come to get ideas of goods places to shop/wear to buy shoes, and what not to wear. probably not someone that you'd spot and think "that guy is pretty effay". wbu?

>> No.7729296
File: 962 KB, 1273x3017, avg fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah pretty much the same, i dont have a lot of money so i usually try keep things pretty simple. it's probably going to take me this whole semester to save up for a good parka for winter lol

this is my kind of average fit, so if you see me in the library or something yell my trip out infront of everyone or something

summer in canberra right now is fucked though hey

>> No.7729307


cheekbone game stronk

>> No.7729310

jesus christ those cheekbones

>> No.7729316

>that intense cheek sucking
why do u dress so boringggggg???

>> No.7729323


>> No.7729319

yeah, i'm broke as a joke too. my goal is a nice pair of boots, a nice pair of shoes and a nice parka in time for winter. that's more or less something you'd see me in.

i'll set up a booth for you at o-week or something.

fuck it's been a brutal summer. and how about that random rain the other day? also, where do you buy your clothes? canberra is such a shit place for buying anything. i've bought a lot of my basics from asos because cheap and free shipping.

>> No.7729348

that's pretty much what i'm going for as well dude. i want to have a wardrobe of like 15 pieces or something, gonna try keep it pretty minimalist

i usually cop basics from myer/david jones and jeans from DJs or general pants, the rest i just get online. someone was saying there was a cool effay shop in braddon or something a little while ago but i'm yet to check it out. i need to check out fyshwick salvos as well

why would i bother sucking in my cheekbones for a pic like that dude, i didnt even realise it was good enough quality to zoom in that far
and i pretty clearly stated why i dress simple or 'boringggggg'

>> No.7729372

same. i'm trying to either very little, or a lot on clothes, not just sort of in between.

general pants has some alright stuff. i have a nice pair of shorts from there, can't vouch for their pants. a lot of entry-level hipster shit there. might have to visit the salvos too. i'm pretty close to fyshwick

>> No.7729386

yeah i think some of the stuff from general pants can be alright but generally ive found the people who work there are insufferable haha. that goes for all GPs though, not just canberra
my friend was telling me how he went into civic GP recently and asked if they had any selvage denim and the dude pointed to a stack of prewashed wrangler jeans and was like 'yeah dude, just over there', and then tried to argue with my friend about what selvage was

>> No.7729392

It looks like he's about to explode.

>> No.7729397

stuff from anywhere can be alright a lot of the time. i don't see the point in brand-snobbing. i've been in there a few times and they always seem to be a little too intrusive or something? i enjoy country road. my friend works there and can get me discounts. the clothes are fine too, but a little over priced. copped a nice pair of linen shorts in the christmas sales there. the staff leave you alone too.

>> No.7729398
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Taken from /v/.
Look at those champs.

>> No.7729410


can they not afford three piece suits or something?

>> No.7729416

games will never be art cause the ppl making them are so oblivious to any kind of expression beyond their industry
that's why they can't dress or make good game soundtracks or interesting visual direction most of the time

>> No.7729418

>W-what am i supposed to do with my arms?

>> No.7729420


jesus fucking christ

>> No.7729444
File: 86 KB, 617x1484, faasfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nice jacket, Łukasz. Didn't they have one for men?

>> No.7729449

To be fair, the guy on the bottom is probably the best dressed peasant in his village and as such has become an egomaniac.

>> No.7729466
File: 104 KB, 303x289, 1297245765982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The guy on the left is Marten O'Donnel, he may not dress well, but he has written some of the best music in video games ever.

>> No.7729475

This image is fake. The guy on the picture is not polish, he's a Russian.

>> No.7729478

the only good game soundtrack is earthbound imo
i've never heard anything else that hasn't been gash

please link me something good

>> No.7729491



This is a personal favourite of his doing.

The soundtrack for Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is brilliant also, because it was written by Amon Tobin (a fucking genius) I am also quite partial to the TES:Morrowind soundtrack.

>> No.7729498

MGR actually has a really fantastic soundtrack if you like metal.

Erryone says the Bastion soundtrack is good but I only like a few songs from it myself.

Platinum games sponsors some fucking fantastic music for their games.

A lot of games, including the final fantasy series and a hell of a lot of shooters, have very well done orchestral soundtracks.

A lot of indie or small studio games have a more modern take on older styles for game OSTs, Risk of Rain comes to mind.

Many games have excellent ambient soundtracks that you probably don't notice, meaning they do their job well. But for obvious reasons they may not stand up so well on their own.

I can't really speak for much else.

>> No.7729514

this is awful mane sorry

almost everything i've heard in my life has either sounded like ultra-dull orchestral background music or lame imitations of popular music genres

>> No.7729518


guilty gear

>> No.7729527


and everything else in chrono cross.

>> No.7729538

this is actually embarrassing dude
its a caricature of already boring music

bare boring

>> No.7729544


I suppose the orchestral thing isn't everyone's cup of tea, try this, the whole soundtrack can stand on it's own merit.


>> No.7729553

I like The Elderscrolls: Oblivion myself

>inb4 pleb

>> No.7729554
File: 31 KB, 638x638, u wot m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>melodic orchestral pieces
I just want to know, what kind of music do you listen to?

>> No.7729559

Eh. I prefer Morrowind's OST as a whole, though the main theme for Oblivion is pretty fucking great.

>> No.7729584

wow you might actually be a piece of shit.

but here


>> No.7729590

i remember thinking this game had a killer soundtrack, looked it up and the dude won a shitload of awards for it.
start at 1:02:12

>> No.7729607
File: 24 KB, 480x721, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7729613

to me this just seems like a heartless amalgam of elements taken from popular music without any of the subtlety or tact of the original works

btw im not saying all melodic orchestral pieces are boring, just that most of the pieces composed for game soundtracks are uninspired and unadventurous

the last albums i listened to were
Joanna Newsom - Have One on Me
Joanna Newsom - Ys
Grimes - Visions
Wu-Tang - Enter the Wu-Tang
Kanye West - Graduation

i think
so that gives u an idea

lame hip-hop meets prog rock synths /w a 4 on the floor beat, this is shit to me too
why am i a piece of shit?

i feel like i can hear a bunch of guys in dad jeans saying words like "emotive" and "epic" and "brooding"

thanks for the suggestions tho but im not convinced dudes, sorry :(

>> No.7729620

I never really played it, when it came out those kinda games weren't my scene did try it a year ago but feels dated. Got the soundtrack up on youtube, is indeed good.

>> No.7729641


>> No.7729648

"a fight for the world"
the music is so patronising, like they are trying to portray emotions and scenarios in the most simplistic and shallow way possible so there's no possible room for interpretation

strange journey is one of my favourite games btw and i love smt but the music is gash

>> No.7729657

>no one posting the best vidya OST of the last 5 years


If you don't like this, then I don't know.

>> No.7729665

>not listening to FlyLo, Radio Los Santos, or Westside Classics

>> No.7729671

Why the fuck are aussies so fucking good looking

>> No.7729678

who told u that

>> No.7729677

cause they are bad at everything else lol

>> No.7729681

they all get kicked in the face by kangaroos while in the womb, fixing the otherwise horrid british genetics

>> No.7729683


>> No.7729688

well hes a fucking liar

>> No.7729691

Well yeah, FlyLo is amazing, also you can't really hear the song I linked during the actual game, only certain parts of it. 23 hours of original music were recorded for the game, the soundtrack that was officially released was mixed by motherfucking DJ Shadow.

>> No.7729702

Ausfag here, confirming

>> No.7729707
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>> No.7729713

you better not be calling amon tobin awful you shitlord

>> No.7729714

confirming too, except dudes at my uni still dress like this.

>> No.7729723

that could be cool with different boots, slimmer pants, and someone attractive under everything.

>> No.7729728

As someone who used to love video games it really does bum me out that they've stagnated so badly. Musically, visually, gameplay-ally, it's all so stale, on purpose. Any time I try and go on /v/ to ask for some decent video games they just keep giving me gray survivalist military FPSes that are apparently way better than the gray survivalist military FPSes you can buy for your Playstation at Walmart, and then call me a "hipster".

>> No.7729731

why would you go on /v/ lol

i guess i did

>> No.7729733

SC3 had such a great fucking OST because they didn't get a normal video game dude to compose it, but you're saying he just categorically sucks by association? Lick every sweaty pube on my taint.

>> No.7729738


learn to write first before you pass judgment you mong

>> No.7729739

>but you're saying he just categorically sucks by association
uh no i just listened to what i was shown mate and didn't like it
why are you getting so irate about it
im glad you find joy in it even tho i dont think it's any good :)

>> No.7729740

/v/ detected

>> No.7729744

more like /lit/, post-elitism and all

>> No.7729867

It's probably the best TES game (in my opinion)
World's really huge and the story is even larger. Combat is a complete bitch though, everything doesn't really become effective until they reach 50.

>> No.7729875


OpenMW is coming out soon to fix that

>> No.7729887

That fit isn't even that bad...

>> No.7729996

When you genuinely enjoy something you're more able to pick apart the bits and pieces of it and separate elements to enjoy apart from one another. Likewise, when disillusioned as you are, you'll be liable to have little patience for such things. Not that that's a bad thing, because were I to say that, I'd be an enormous fucking hypocrite.

I enjoy Dayz because there are a lot of situations that I can just immerse myself in and let the tense atmosphere that it provides take me. I enjoy the gunplay, the presence of risk and reward, the chaotic nature of a player driven game, and the pacing.

Similarly, I think the original metro 2033 as flawed as it was, was fantastic in it's own way. It created a very different kind of atmosphere even when on rails. Though I couldn't be bothered to try and find any merit and difference between any actiony twitch shooters.

And keep in mind, the indie crowd is -thriving- and on occasion innovating or reinventing a lot of genres that don't require a lot of production costs. Meanwhile many larger companies that abuse franchises struggle to keep up with the increasing production costs that their business models entail.

>> No.7730002

If he swtiched from jeans to some chinos or gray pants, got rid of the shitty tie, and had a less faggy haircut the fit would look decent.

>> No.7730006

What is CHIM?

>> No.7730012

I'm not feeling the boots, but otherwise, it's okay.

Fucker needs to lose some weight, tho

>> No.7730031

Jesus christ, those cheekbones could cut a diamond

>> No.7730046


Yes, but they're marketers who think they have to look casual to make kids listen to them. So they dress like that.

>> No.7730044

the ability to realize you are just a character in the imagination of an inconceivable (for the characters) godhead, thus breaking you free from your reality and realizing you can thus bend the world to your will by making use of special powers that come from this realization (cheating, save scumming, and the console, among others)

>> No.7730050

it's the fat asian manlet that is wearing the fit that makes it bad

>> No.7730071

>implying CHIM isn't the realization that you are the godhead

Do you even walk the ways

>> No.7730077

I feel quite the same. I haven't really played a game that I truly, truly loved since halo 2/3, WoW, BF3. I wasn't even that into BF3. Maybe I should try out BF4, but that is just money taking away from future cops.

I have been playing Chivalry and Mount and Blade a lot lately. Although they aren't really good at all in terms of storyline, immersion, music, or graphics they are quite fun to get lost in and just have a good time. They aren't extremely serious.

I need some (PC) games to get into but fuck, having a job and stuff makes it so hard to find time to game for hours.

>> No.7730080

/fa/ spends too much time worrying about other people's fits and not enough time improving their own fits

>> No.7730084

but you're not the godhead

you can be in touch with the godhead, but youre not it. although, tbh, there's an argument for it since if you die, the game doesn't progress, ergo it can be said that you are the originator of the entire world it is taking place in. kind of an "unaware god" scenario, really

still though, i feel as if the takeaway from the sermons is that you can, and should, be in touch with the godhead to win the game without needless effort

>> No.7730089


This comment made me laugh hysterically and my penis head tingled.

>> No.7730093

You're missing the point. The name of God is I. If that's not self-explanatory, I don't know what is.

>> No.7730105

i dont recall that bit

if it is true, then all the metaphysical implications developed thus far about CHIM would have been for nothing, and it would just turn out to be a bunch of solipisistic bs. most disappointing

>> No.7730108

Have you just read the Lessons, or something?

>> No.7730119

a long time ago, 4 years or so

>> No.7730134


>> No.7730153


nigger this shit is educational

>> No.7730222
File: 57 KB, 500x502, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally cringeworthy


>> No.7730250


>> No.7730267


What should they be doing with their arms?

>> No.7730369
File: 28 KB, 524x336, microexpressions-disgust[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7730420


quality work thanks based anon

>> No.7730519
File: 1.94 MB, 235x180, 1390801307653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I looking at.

>> No.7730878
File: 73 KB, 720x540, IMG_61651137818226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you know this kid irl

>> No.7730925
File: 259 KB, 717x1024, hellooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck

>> No.7730966

>"I'm feeling gay-ier today so I put on a gay outfit (an outfit that is just so gay!) which is one of my favorite styles of mine."

>> No.7730980
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>> No.7730982
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>> No.7730992

from the neck down that could be a Yung Lean fit and you guys would all love it

>> No.7731013
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>> No.7731022

i'm not sure i follow

>> No.7731042

translate: 'if he had a completely different fit and look all together, he could look decent'

>> No.7731046


>> No.7731065
File: 193 KB, 400x625, jGeVuL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7731116

this is an okay fit, he's just fat and has 0 confidence

>> No.7731152

Worst fucking fit i've ever seen

>> No.7731169
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>> No.7731190

ok thanks

>> No.7731344

I think i'm gonna throw up