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File: 72 KB, 400x301, aussie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7717318 No.7717318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Australia so behind on everything? Absolutely no progression in almost every aspect. No wonder you see all kids following the same trend, take a look at our clothes stores. No difference. Thank goodness for the internet, at least we have that (which came much later than others) I'm moving out. I will give my spot to some foreigner trying to find a better place to live for his family.

>> No.7717328

i feel you brah
gonna move to europe next year

i have a love hate relationship with australia

>> No.7717329

I used to like you, Australia is the best place on Earth. Don't think that because you don't like your suburb in Canberra that you don't like Australia.

>> No.7717332

so you don't like me anymore because i don't like australia? you serious lol

>> No.7717339

because they didnt have electricity until 1980 they are still behind

>> No.7717340

I can always come back for a holiday.

>> No.7717342

Australia isn't the best place on earth for the exact reason people here think that the country is the best in the world and don't strive to make it better. You get called un-australian if you criticize any aspect of the country, even if its constructive.

>> No.7717346

like sure, australia has some great aspects. there is amazing underground music coming out of every city and the diversity of cultures here is outstanding. BUT i feel like there are few people who appreciate these things in our country

>> No.7717355

Nah I'm kidding man. But Australia is the best place on Earth. Trust me
Nah there is a lot to be done. But on the whole we ROMP Europe in terms of living standards, income potential etc etc. It's also got fairly grim weather apparently.

>> No.7717358

The best thing that came out of Australia is me.

>> No.7717362

australias good but i dont hold any ties to this country, countries should be eliminated cause they just limit your life, i wanna be able to live in any part of the world i choose whenever i want and work wherever i feel like it, thats why i support the new world order

>> No.7717363

idk brah. maybe you're right, i just need to go and experience other places i guess because australia is getting stale as fuck for me

>> No.7717366

and patriotisms for faggots

>> No.7717365

>Australia is the best place on Earth.

>> No.7717372

australia is way too hot

i'll take rainy and cold over this shit

>> No.7717375

Yeah go on holiday come back refreshed. I grew up in Canberra. Felt the same way. Went away, realised how good Australia is. Canberra is always good.
Thats just, like, your opinion man.

>> No.7717377

god you say some stupid things

>> No.7717420

what jeans do you australians wear and where do you get them

>> No.7717424

got some assembly jeans today. They're not really thick and hot, and they are so fucking comfy

>> No.7717428

i live in melbourne and it's pretty fa

qt (dumb) bois everywhere

>> No.7717429

Fucking this.

>> No.7717436

>mfw im an amerikunt and everyone who studies abroad in syd or melb raves about out OMG IM MOVING THERE

>> No.7717437

nice mate, how much did they cost and where did you get them from?

i think i either need to get a new pair of black jeans or get my levi 510s tailored

>> No.7717443


>> No.7717452

$50 reduced from $90, so i'm pretty stoked. I got them from myer lol, I usually don't shop there that much, its just they stock some pretty good jeans.

>> No.7717459

Oi anyone in the city or inner west of Sydney (I'm in Newtown) wanna swap some Gore-tex, Nike, Ralph Lauren etc for some billys? Full fiending ay and I've been bored all day. Come for a spray/sesh

>> No.7717460

Julius 'twist' or knit denim; the internet
>It's been so long since I've worn 'regular' denim ;_;

>> No.7717466

Sydney and Melbourne are pretty amazing cities, and - I imagine - would seem pretty different from most American cities in culture and such

>> No.7717468

who /southwesternsuburbs/ here

>> No.7717472

Currently some Ksubi, Levis and Topman.

>> No.7717474

probably because there is about 99% less niggers and jews here.

>> No.7717479

Make a tiny chat for aussies

>> No.7717495


>> No.7717500

(change spelling to tinychat)

>> No.7717537

this chat is fucked, a lad just smashed a record and then started smoking meth

>> No.7717543

and somehow manages to still be boring

>> No.7717550

nice hairline, adolf.

>> No.7717563

You guys that say you would rather live in Europe are full of shit and need to actually spend a lengthy period there. Yes, we are embarrassing in regards to fashion and some aspects of our 'patriotic' culture but it is one of the best places to live in the world. I lived there for years and consider myself a well dressed person, I also worked in the fashion industry in London. Trust me, Australia isn't as bad as you think it is.

>> No.7717566

To add to this, sometimes you need to actually leave something for some time to appreciate how good it really is.

>> No.7717568

>Same thing with the UK
>moved from Norway to the UK
>most people dress in ugly clothes: ASOS and Primark everything
>'the fashionable people' wear creepers, vintage denim jackets, stone washed jeans and parka

>> No.7717570


i've got a pair of black monday black skinnies and some a pair of blue levi 510s

planning on picking up some skinny guy naked and famous jeans or acne maxes once either of my two jeans start dying. they're in okay condition now, so I don't see a point in changing.

>> No.7717574

>moving from a superior country to an inferior one.

That's what all the idiots in here are talking about doing.

>> No.7717579

move to london

>> No.7717585
File: 45 KB, 271x720, 626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superior country has shit universities
>inferior country has good universities
i went for the latter

i miss the qt grills in black waxed jeans, wool coat with leather sleeves, SLP pieces, wool/silk scarves wrapped beautifully and those Celine handbags, doe.

>> No.7717586


This, best thing I've read on the Internet all year

captcha: this

>> No.7717597

it sorta is

>> No.7717601

I used to think the same until I actually went overseas. I got dual Australian-Italian citizenship in my late teens and started backpacking around Europe after school. The real shock was when I met my Italian relatives and their friends. The culture was completely different to what I'd seen in the internet or what I was raised to believe by my parents. You find yourself separated because the culture you grew up in is so different from what theirs is. I didn't let it bother me and I continued around the EU but it never left me. They can smell it on you, they know you're just, and always will be a tourist.

However, it is an eye opening experience and I recommend everyone go witness another culture first hand, especially one that you find fascinating. I ended up with the conclusion that Australia probably isn't the best place in the world, but it's the one I know. It's better to stay and try to improve then to run away to some dream land I've been sold only to find out it isn't perfect. However this is the experience of a immigrant's offspring and your mileage will most likely vary.

Also asokone, you're a sick cunt and I wish you well on your European endeavours. Guess that extents to any Anons who aren't total shitcunts.

>> No.7717604

ALL of the english plebs i know have moved to australia 'for a better start in life', enjoy your english plebs aus

>> No.7717607

>asokone, you're a sick cunt
>sick cunt

>> No.7717614

italian culture was exactly how I expected it wtf were u raised to believe

>> No.7717626

aussies are faggots, that's why

>> No.7717631

don't you live in canberra? move to a cool suburb in sydney or melbourne and then tell me you want to move to europe (where the weather sucks and most people are racist, unprogressive and unwelcoming to foreigners).

>> No.7717637

Well my parents are quite old, so I was expecting something more traditional. Because they never really bothered to consider that time progresses the same as it does here and it's not the 1960's anymore. I also expected the people to be more warm. Don't get me wrong, the people are very friendly but it's nothing compared to a close-kint Italian immigrant community. I lost count the amount of times I was called 'Americano', usually after someone asked me about my accent. I was also surprised at the amount of smokers, and people who couldn't drive to save their lives but somehow managed not to kill themselves and everyone else on the road.

>> No.7717661

I live in a good suburb in sydney and I want to move eventually

>> No.7717688

>>fuck we're full on their stomachs
>>fucking shame on those cunts

>> No.7717692

yeah clearly, everyone should live in another country for at least some time during their life. i just think asokone should try living in a city that isn't canberra before talking shit about australia

>> No.7717693

Oi bruz got any bud?

>> No.7717704

I'm going to bed but quickly australian produce suxxx
>no game allowed to be sold
>good beef is expensive as fuck
>most fruit is picked too early
>excessive amounts of nitrites used in meat

>> No.7717711

I've lived in a fair few countries.

Honestly, we have it really good in Australia in terms of lifestyle.

Well... in the major cities anyway. Sydney and Melbourne are well and truly world class.

Canberra ain't too bad if you have a good circle.

>> No.7717760

Perth rep looking for qt Boiz like asokone

>> No.7717764

Fuck off riley

>> No.7717765

Sydney is nice. Lots to do, some opportunities to make money, good variety of cultures and people. QLD, ACT, NT, WA, SA, Tas and all regional NSW and VIC towns/cities can get fucked though. My condolences to anyone living there...

>> No.7717831

where are u moving tu asokonu?

>> No.7717861

lol first world problems

>> No.7717935

i think australia has a lot of problems, mainly overvalued property and a terrible education system. However i disagree that we are behind everyone, you may be in an isolated area in which case i feel bad 4 u bud, but where I am and speaking from experience where I've traveled, we are pretty much on par with most 1st world countries. I know there's not a lot of rich culture and history here but we get a lot of people who's families have come from all over the world and we have a lot of city development and some good universities and scientific institutions.

On a more fashion related note, you only see the good parts of other countries in the media but trust me there are just as many bogans every where else in the world as there are in australia. there are tonnes of good fashion designers emerging from the cities too, i try to support up and coming designers and its easy to do so because purely australian fashion boutiques are popping up everywhere these days.

sorry for my uncomprehensible writing im pretty tired and its dark, but instead of being all mopey about australia maybe you should have some pride and try to do your part in making it a better place instead of just fucking off and piggy backing some other country.

>> No.7717960

I feel like there are too many ethnic minorities moving into Australia. My predominantly white neighborhood is now mixed in with Africans and Asians. Fuck, there is this mixed Abo / white family that lives next door to me. I'm not racist, but I find it totally gross to be surrounded by nonwhites.

>> No.7717991

The only thing that peeves me about Ausland is how we try so hard to be relevant.

>Australian actor/actress makes it to Bollywood
>Look! Look! We created them and got them where they are.

>The recent explosion in la la land claimed the life of 120.. and two Australians. OOOH!

Not to mention the blatant nationalism in the tennis with the flags next to the Aussie players. Fuck off, we don't have to take pride in sucking at every sport we participate in.

>> No.7718008

why is australia so irrelevant anyway? you have like 20m people and never produce any good movies or tv shows or anything

>> No.7718006

I also find it gross to see a lot of Filipino, Vietnamese, and Indonesian immigrants moving into Australia. They all smell, they're all dumb, and they all do drugs. They are basically chimps with yellow skin. I fear that Australia is slowly turning into a shit hole. I just might have to move to New Zealand.

>> No.7718038

I live in Toronto, Canada & I cry erryday cuz I want to live in Australia you ungrateful FUCKboi

>> No.7718043

You see kids following the same trend in every other country, you just happen to look at the well dressed people of other countries and remember them moreso than the average guy in jeans and tee in the background.

For those complaining about too many "ethnic minorities" in a single country, you've got to be shitting yourself. You should enjoy not having to travel to the CBD to get a certain minorities food and culture, your average minority just wants to make a living and have a good time, not roll around in their Triple S car bumping 2pac. Plus making friends who are heavily connected with their overseas friends and family only leads to more international relations for you, there's been countless times where I've gotten a place to stay overseas simply because their friends were allowing me to stay overseas and even show me around.

Most dead end communities are also situated in areas that are out of the way where you will never even have to make contact with them, unlike in major cities around the world where they're littered everywhere because of population density.

I admit education may be a little lacking, I'd say we have to put our focus on STEM majors because of Australia's available natural resources for the future, which will only boost our economy

Sure Australia may be half of the worlds bitch but in doing so we're on good terms with most countries and will most likely never be less than a top 15 country during your lifetime.

>> No.7718072

Yeah, but ethnic minorities are literally shitting up the place. They will move into neighborhoods, very much like mine and start bringing in drugs and violence. I really wish they could just move out or at least contain themselves into a separate community. I once was a proud Australian, but now I can feel nothing but shame when I see blacks and Asians in the picture.

>> No.7718138

That's honestly how it will go before it gets better though. If you continue to exclude them from communities you get segregated ones where racism is everywhere and even the kids won't be assimilated.

Generally your generations will behave like this:
Immigrants/1st gens: segregated, with the occasional one going full aussie (african)
kids: A lot more identified with their culture but will begin to spread out, however you have your handful of dropkicks that will have kids at 18 and live in poverty, this is generally where Australia's main minorities are at right now (arabs, asians)
2nd gen: Usually completely assimilated by now, a lot will be earning top dollars and contributing to Australia in a positive manner(a lot of Europeans and the asians with families that came earlier than the ones from the Vietnam war)

If you want an example of a separated community, just take a look at the suburb of Cabramatta. It was essentially little Saigon with no whites, that's what you wanted right? But in doing so they kept their drugs, gangs and violence within the area, eventually it sprawled out of control but remained the capitol of asian gangs. You would have homeless people everywhere, it was the largest source of heroin in Australia, you could get heroin in the fucking station without any problems. It even had sort of it's own economy just because none of it was getting spent outside because businesses had to obey gangs (mainly 5T) and the gangs funded everything.

Even the (white) mayor was murdered because he threatened ALL of the gangs in the area, effectively that would lead to a lot of businesses shutting down. You didn't even have to learn English because you had no reason to step outside the immediate suburbs. Luckily the asians were strict on kids and raised them to do well in school and the government fixed the organized gang problem (although not necessarily gone, 5T has at least two offspring gangs now)

>> No.7718834

melbourne has the biggest jewish district lol

>> No.7718843

yeah, sometimes we'll have an ok movie

>> No.7718866

I've lived in Australia all my life and i can't wait to leave. Various reasons, not just fashion which is almost insignificant

Bogans are fucking intolerable. Government is disgusting. Nobody cares when the government is disgusting (y'know they're dumping dredge spoil into the fucking Great Barrier Reef?). Plants are shit. Everything is too flat and dry. Everything good needs to be bought from overseas and it's going to be taxed soon. So many things.

Seriously I just want fucking nicer foliage and mountains like in asia

>> No.7718893

Holy shit this.

It's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.7718919

This is a good question actually, I don't know how we manage to be so pathetic

>> No.7718968

I've been to sydney, you guys have a ton of asians that talk really loudly in their native language. the fuck is up with that?

>> No.7718980

itt: australians thinking they are actually relavant in the world

most americans couldnt even find your shit hole island on a map. no one cares about you guys. cool aussies shouldd move to the northern hemisphere

>> No.7718982

The only cool thing about Ausland is the variety of automobiles. What are gas prices like there? $10 a liter?

>> No.7718997

The problems australia has are manifold.

Several key things come to mind:
1.General apathy on behalf of the citizenry
2. Government (all their govt's, ever) pandering to the only industry there that matters - everything else is window dressing to the mining industry; always has been, but since that's a finite resource who the fuck knows what the future will hold when there's nothign left worth ripping out of the ground (and there's no build up of skills or new industries to replace it when it goes).

Brain drain is another issue.
I've noticed that perhaps the best the country has to offer has one defining characteristic, regardless of skill, occupation etc.,: they leave.

Australia is just too small a pound for these individuals; the soil is just not fertile enough to grow: this goes for pretty much all the sciences (with perhaps the singular except of a niche within the medical sciences that that's tentative at best and localised only in one particular city), and pretty much all the arts and humanities too.

Historically Australians would go to England. It's just the thing that was done. Then, America, when it was still the land of opportunity, attracted many skilled australians, and, more importatntly, *Australians that wanted to progress* - Australians with something that appears to be so rare within the country itself, Australians with *AMBITION*.

However, since those two places are longer fertile ground for work and opportunity (except for the super singularly talented, the truly exceptional, on account of the now fierce local competition in those places), these indivuduals either have to stay in austraila, and perhaps develop the place or get sucked into the general apathy that is ingrained within the very air there, or, and I think is what will happen, they will all find opportunity in this rising Asia.

Australia really faces a hell of a lot of problems in the next 30 years.

>> No.7719003

shit, sorry for the grammar and spelling, fucking tablets fuck fucj

>> No.7719068
File: 110 KB, 497x640, laughing zebras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most americans couldnt even find your shit hole island on a map

>> No.7719079

this is well said imo

>> No.7719163

Well thank you. Sorry again for the grammar and spelling.

Another thing on the lack of ambition issue:
I have a friend who is half australian, half american, and he works in investment banking in sydney.

I've often heard him bemoaning the total lack of ambition his colleagues possess; there is no rush, no drive, and the management is totally lacking in imagination.

This he contrasted highly with what he was seeing in the US in is field. He's now looking into trying to get to HK.

This is just an example from one person, but I have encountered many more to add to my own experiences there to know that it is true.

Australians are far too comfortable, and since they are so removed geographically from other nations (NZ doesn't count in this sense that there is no will to compete off the sportsfield.

I often think that US strategic planners must be so fucking frustrated with Australian lack of preparedness, institutional ineptitude, and political shortsightedness that I don't know how they're going to rely on them in this Asia-Pacific century.
It's sad, because those few capable individuals that do not leave, they have perhaps developed some form of true patriotism, are in no position of political influence to be able to change the course of events.

At least, (at least!) Australia still have a few capable military and strategic minds left, on whom the country's usual banal party politics holds no sway.
They are few though, and they are old, and there aren't enough people of that level being produced in australia anymore to take their places when they finally expire.

It's a shame, because all the elements for success are there, it's just a supremely debilitating cultural trait that holds the place down, and that makes it all the more shameful.

>> No.7719188

>It's a shame, because all the elements for success are there,
it is a shame
greed and stupidity

>> No.7719201

they are degenerates. any other reason to explain why they voted for tony abbott?

>> No.7719218

Yeah, no, the bogans can stay where the Brits put them.

>> No.7719250

Tall poppy syndrome is literally started from childhood and throughout school, I graduated from HS two years ago and the only two people who were praised for academic performances performed well in all 4 or 5 of their subjects, getting A's in almost all their tests, everybody else simply felt that their place was among the "lets pass, and do minimal effort" group, even I was a victim of that and regret it. Everybody would ask each other "did you study?" and the main response was "no, I know enough to pass". Ambitions for the future were never "get rich" or "become a lawyer or doctor" they were along the lines of "get by".

>> No.7719350

>"lets pass, and do minimal effort"
that mentality
oh so much that
not just in academia though, in pretty much every aspect of society

"sheeel be roight m8" attitude.

how can you compare that with the anal retentive attention to detail, to doing things correctly, like the germans, swiss and japanese?

and, unlike places like india or china, there's no impetus to excel and better yourself because if you don't you're just another 1/billion shiteating plebs.

>> No.7719404

any melbournefags know of a good barber to do a HY?

>> No.7719424

Dude just buy a set to do it yourself, It's honestly not that hard, all you need is a separate mirror you can hold up

>> No.7719419

I went to a gifted/selective high school and this was still pervasive

>> No.7720204

So fuckign hot, can't make any good fits because i can only wear shorts

>> No.7720430
File: 22 KB, 308x370, LOOK8_ProductDetail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is every 16-25 Aussie male

>> No.7720457
File: 176 KB, 592x1056, IMG_3214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off man i'm wearing leather shorts no probs.
and i'm in Brisbane.

>> No.7720700

I'm just sick of them, I love the more European autumn looks
I want boots dammit

>> No.7720718


brisbane master-race too

i'm guessing online

>> No.7720752

Looking forward to the G20? Can't wait, I love the riotcore shit coming out of Syria

>> No.7720783

i wish someone screenshotted the chat last night where the lad was smoking meth and aso's face was just like O_o

>> No.7720897

I went to laneway festival in Melb the other day, was like 36, and plenty of dudes were still rocking black skinnies and boots.

The problem is you're a pansy bitch who doesnt wanna suffer for fashion (and a faggot for wanting autumn looks in summer)

>> No.7720917

But then I get sweaty and my face looks greasy and I have huge sweat patches

>> No.7720949

just carry a small towel around and periodically wipe your face. also wear anti antiperspirant deodorant and avoid t-shirts that show sweat patches.
and stop giving a fuck.

>> No.7720981

bumping for more hot as fuck strayla fits

>> No.7721403

is that so bad?

>> No.7721507

>everything is so flat
what is the great dividing range
the third longest mountain range on earth

>> No.7721527
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>> No.7723034

be less poor then

>> No.7723045

white people are ruining my neighborhood
medigans stay out

>> No.7723050

>I'm not racist
>but I find it totally gross to be surrounded by nonwhites

pick one

>> No.7723253

noice m8y w2c fully siq, love me some aussie hxc

>> No.7723382

I bet you don't even support your local scene you fucking sperg

>> No.7723421

Australians are master race.

We're all pretty much tall and fit and extremely extroverted.

>> No.7723434
File: 75 KB, 379x424, 1388746858709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw small town Australian
>tfw I'm considered a fashion god just for wearing slightly out of the normal clothes because everyone else is so unfashionable
In all seriousness though everything about this country sucks and we'll always be 10 years behind the rest of the world. Send help.

>> No.7723450

>be 5'8
>everyone calls me "champ" or "son"

>> No.7723475

>be 6'3
>'bloody hell mate how's the fuckin' clouds up there. we'll have a stick a bloody brick on ya head'

>> No.7723478

thats average in australia though

>> No.7723484

6'3 isn't anything special in aus

>> No.7723495

Then I live in some sort of town that breeds jockeys because I've always been noticeably taller than most people.

Well, enough to be commented on. I believe you that it's nothing special though. I dunno why it's always turned out like that.

>> No.7725363

im planning moving to australia to work as a musician/ mastering professional. should I?

>> No.7725973

Melbourne is the only /fa/ place in Australia with Sydney kind of behind but still quite a while back.

>> No.7727360

Who's down for a Sydney meetup?

>> No.7727383

probably not, there's not a lot of money in music here in australia. unless you plan to do it on the side, you probably won't be able to get by as a musician. i'm not too sure about a mastering professional but i know a few guys who own studios who say, even though it's a great job, the financial downfalls are just too large to ever recommend it to someone

but hey, what do i know, right? if you want to do it, go for it buddy. follow your dreams and prove me wrong

>> No.7727913

You're actually so fucking stupid

>> No.7728556

pretty much any australian group that has reached any level of acclaim to the wider world beyond their local pub or city has had to leave ausralia.

>> No.7728584


>> No.7728589

kek theres ur prob uh4

>> No.7728596


isolated rural areas will be that way in any country you fucking retard

>> No.7728635

>americans actually thinking their country is better than any other western civilisation


>> No.7728638

how the fuck would you know retard

stop running your mouth when its obvious you have no clue about anything

please stop tripping

>> No.7728642

>all these australians with a romanticized view of america

all western countries are basically the same with minor differences

the only different opportunities you would have over in the states is more chance to make money in show business

>> No.7728659

that was a really heated response to a comment where i was basically just being as rational yet positive as i could

what i said comes from experience of being in multiple bands, playing with touring bands, organising shows, etc

>> No.7728657

can we all just acknowledge how shit Tony Abbott is as a leader and as a person?

He betrayed our future by cancelling the broadband network-the worlds fastest growing industry (IT services) relies on primacy in broadband infrastructure and thus here I am enjoying democratic republic of the congo speeds at ludicrous prices.
He also basically declared our public television networks as traitors because they don't support his party's position and offer too much foreign content (keep in mind that 6 million Australians are foreign born, including Abbott).
This is myopic scum put here by Murdoch dollars to serve hostile interests, pure and simple.

He also abolished the carbon trading scheme, dismantled AusAID (major Australian aid agency), dismantled the Climate Commission (agency set up to tackle climate change), changed the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship to the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Control.
Oh and he just put in motion to lift all of Australia's marine reservations, the largest marine conservation reservations in the world.

>> No.7728670

i dont think there are many people talking about america in here b...

fuck dude
i cant believe i actually know people who voted for that chimpanzee cunt

>> No.7728673

You sound like someone I know. He's /fa/ so it's plausible and the living in Newtown bit makes it even more convincing that it's you.

>> No.7728687

is he a lad? because that's who that guy is

>> No.7728695

adolf shocked me, how does a person like that find this website.

>> No.7728701

what does he write? I think I might know this guy.

>> No.7728702

keep it on facebook thx

>> No.7728706

i dont know
he was in this tinychat thing the other night smoking meth and smashing records

i know right, and how do they end up on /fa/ of all boards

>> No.7728709


he has a tumblr too

legit off the rails

he IS the scum from that this is england film but australian

>> No.7728713

what's his tumblr

>> No.7728716
File: 242 KB, 384x387, fat ugly nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk it up

>> No.7728717

its actually fucked how bad he is

also expect to see even less australian movies and tv shows because liberal always cuts the budget significantly

i have a friend who is works in the industry and they havent even had castings or auditions or anything since he came in because the industry is too nervous about the cuts

>> No.7728720

> Be 'Murrican
> Absolutely hate 'Straya
But that's mostly because my home board is /k/.
You fags hate weapons for some reason.

>> No.7728723

because they are nothing but trouble

>> No.7728726

>also expect to see even less australian movies and tv shows
not really a bad thing tho

>> No.7728727

cause nerds keep weapon collections, get a real hobbie kunt

>> No.7728734
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1391501977182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7728740

thats the thing, it was starting to find its feet and was slowly improving in quality but now its reverting back

>> No.7728746

newtown faggot

>> No.7728750

i cried inside when he smashed that violent reaction record with the hammer tbh

seeing broken records breaks my heart, especially when they are the kind of record that doesn't get pressed in large numbers or repressed


>> No.7728752

I love this reaction.
Believe me, that's a lot more exaggerated than you'd like to believe.
> Not unleashing glorious 7.62x54r on watermelons out your back door
Why not? It's fun and affordable.
> Stop liking what I don't like

>> No.7728756


>> No.7728757

>Believe me, that's a lot more exaggerated than you'd like to believe.

>> No.7728759

nah your just a loser sums it up perfectly

>> No.7728779

Australia's most popular shows are fucking talent competitions or cooking shows.

>> No.7728784

thats the same with america and the UK

>> No.7728799

It's a long and complicated clusterfuck, basically summing up ' guns are not at all related to violent crimes '. You take away guns, gun homicide rate can drop, sure, but then knife homicides rise to even it out, or like in Australia's case, actually rise above what it used to be, without even removing 1/6th of the guns in circulation. I just remembered the Australian bans were that ineffective
Oh lord

>> No.7728809


give me the numbers to back that up

or fuck off back to /k/

>> No.7728814

lmao, keep dreamin bruh

>> No.7728817
File: 541 KB, 1920x1080, 1372466829286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any aussie bros wanna move to nyc with me?

>> No.7728821

nigg-a I live in Brisbane this is practically nyc on steroids

>> No.7728824

you gotta have a rare uni degree to even think about getting a visa longer than 3 months

>> No.7728827

uh what
go italy w me

>> No.7728829
File: 1.77 MB, 4569x5000, 1351864684148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was talking about illegal immigration b

>> No.7728833

thinking of moving to phillipines and fucking mud asians

who's with me?

>> No.7728839

>tfw possible to have US Passport / EU Passport / Aus Passport

>> No.7728840

Not that guy, but there's examples all over the spectrum
Japan has a lot of gun laws and low crime (massive suicide rate though)
Mexico has gun laws and a ton of crime
Switzerland has a lot of guns and low crime
it's not really one trend you can look at which does lead me to believe that guns and crime aren't inherently related to one another

>> No.7728838

no, the idea is to escape australia not create our own mini bogan ecosystem being NEET in our apartment

>> No.7728841


you might find alex's family there, idk might not be worth it man

>> No.7728851

i thought you could get a working visa for a year or something

>> No.7728855
File: 148 KB, 881x631, 1385521536513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/s nyc apartment

>> No.7728875

>bathroom above wooden flooring



>> No.7728919

How you wanna do it? On a boat?

>> No.7728934
File: 13 KB, 200x240, abbott-200x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking boat people..

>> No.7728945


>thinking you can just *move* to nyc

you will starve within a month

>> No.7728949

i never realised nyc looked like that

wow its b-beautiful ;_;

>> No.7728952

who /melbourneprivateschool/ here?

>> No.7728960

ya except u know sydney is a more expensive city than nyc
who /wog/ here

>> No.7728970

looks like a chiller

>> No.7728971

underage b&

>> No.7728976

Australia is like any other country. There are good parts and bad parts. I love living in melbourne, but that is because I enjoy what I do and I know what is shit. I've been to other parts of australia and had a shit time but that is because I am not in the loop.

>> No.7728978

tru dat

#fuckjwalkingfines #fuckcityrail

>> No.7729010

It's in the R&D in STEM stuff

>> No.7729013

/wog/ in the sense that im an ethnic euro

>> No.7729022

greek or italian

>> No.7729031


>> No.7729060

>rise above what it used to be
You're an idiot, friend.
However biased this series is (incredibly) it makes good points using solid facts.

>> No.7729082


>> No.7729165

fucking racist cunt,come on man, theyre not shitting up anything, contain themselves to a certain community, and create another cabramatta?

Settling them would be alot smarter imo, integration and assimilation, would decrease your and lots of other aussies attitudes about this shit.

>> No.7729170

>contain themselves to a certain community

that doesnt happen tho

>> No.7729197

Fuck integration, weeding out our blood, just like what happened in many other parts of the world with the white race. Countries you think were always ethnic once had thriving white populations in the past before mixing and the fall of those nations which quickly follows.

>> No.7729226

Ah yes the beautiful clean convict blood

>> No.7729229

>japan & switzerland low gun crime
>the average person isn't a dumb lazy cunt

>dumb lazy beaners

Australia is full of dumb lazy cunts

aus would definitely go completely mexico if guns were legalised
too many bogan and immigrant plebs that would misuse

>> No.7729241

yeah this
australian blood is not /fa/ or even respectable
lowest tier of euro people
one tier above the arabs

>> No.7729276

hardly any of the current pop are from the convicts

>> No.7729289

Convict blood is good. Alpha male, high testosterone. Better than wimpy pussy Swede genes or pushover British genes. I'm British btw. Fuck the doormats who live here.

>> No.7729301

they say the same about negro's (poor criminals) too lol

>> No.7729306

fuck, i have exactly this mentality of 'fuck it, i'll just let life sort itself out', i know it's gonna fuck me up in the future but i really like this comfort of not worrying

>> No.7729305

im from irish convict blood, but im sure you could of guessed that ey

>> No.7729308

and if they weren't the white convicts they were the dumb and poor brits that took a small amount of money to immigrate to australia, a land of infertility and a bleak future

>> No.7729315


did an aussie beat u up nerd?

u sure sound butthurt

where are you from

if you say america i will laugh

>> No.7729320

2nd generation french-australian (kill me)

one day dual-passport, one day

>> No.7729330

where abouts in aus

>> No.7729335

right, its around 5%

>> No.7729333

considering the whole populate or perish/encouragement of white breeding before the W.A.P. was abandoned MANY of the current white/white mixed population have dirty convict blood

>> No.7729337


I've visited brisbane and sydney before and it was awful

>> No.7729343

why are australians such defeatist assholes? you pessimists ARE the reason australia has a poor artistic reputation. go fuck yourself, if you want to make it better do something about it instead of whining.

>> No.7729344


>> No.7729345

True, not every white person in Australia is a descendant of a convict.

>> No.7729350

About what lol
but a lot are

>> No.7729356

you are obviously going to the wrong places and meeting the wrong people because like any country in the world it has good and bad places

melbourne and sydney especially are both very renowned cities

>> No.7729362

>tfw no convict blood

>> No.7729364

listen lara bingle
I was in Sydney for 3 months bunking in a friends sharehouse in Stanmore
it was clear chilled out places like newtown or things like the scenery can't redeem the rest of it

>> No.7729367

>listen lara bingle

idk why but this made me laugh

>> No.7729371

ex-elite schoolfag. fuck scotch college. plc girls are nice

>> No.7729375

Dude get on that passport asap. An EU country passport is the best passport you can have.


Anyone else from Perth here?

>> No.7729376


>> No.7729389

list exactly whats wrong with sydney and australia

>> No.7729400

He said Melbourne but whatever.

What year did you graduate high school?

>> No.7729402

who paul kelly gang in here

>> No.7729406

Gurl this where it's at.


>> No.7729414

umm scotch is in melbourne? plc is in melbourne?

>> No.7729415
File: 38 KB, 300x456, paul kelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man PK looked cool as fuck when he was younger and had hair. those rugged australian features

>> No.7729421

Hm, coincidence. There's a Scotch and PLC in Perth too. They're the two most elite schools and all the rich assholes go there.

The PLC girls here are nice too though...

>> No.7729427

>culture of low standards
this penetrates almost every facet of the culture
low education standards
low political standards
almost no interest in R&D or improvement
the bare minimum is enough and it's killing everything (anon already went through this above)
>flow on effects of low standards
govt maintaining a pseudo-dictatorship
science is dead and the scientific minds all retrain into something pointless like commerce/teaching or move overseas
years behind everything (australians pretty much fucking designed hong kongs octopus card system but took us like 7 years to even consider it or fund it)
no culture
criticism from the the low standard majority for trying to break out of mediocrity e.g. school grades/studying, artistic expression like fashion (tfw called a faggot for wearing something other than adidas sweatpants), in the business world etc.

that's more aus in general, nothing original really it's pretty much been mentioned already (evidence enough don't you thinkkkk?)

sydney doe
>all of the above
>it's dirtier than melbourne
>worse criminal night life than melbourne
>unattractive population
>so many creepy guys and trashy girls walking around and it's not looked down on
>all the grills in bandage dresses at night yuck
>terrible traffic
I don't even know there's so much more that's what I remember mostly

>> No.7729431

stab rate is higher in melbourne tho

>> No.7729433

I reckon he's got such a typical 80's Australian-Italian look.

There was a documentary about him on iView about a month ago. It was a good watch.

>> No.7729442

hey check out all these plebs in some european country
shit looks scary

>> No.7729448

If any euro cats are here, what's with the gypsy's and stuff? Are they as bad as I've heard?

criminal night life includes more then just knife crimes

>> No.7729455

gypsies* lol me

>> No.7729457

we about dat criminal night life

>> No.7729458

guys im from melbourne and ive just finished highschool and dont know what to do. All i know is i want to be in the city surrounded by /fa/ peeople and get involved in that whole vibe..any ideas guys? such as a course or jobs or places to chill pls...also whats the most /fa/ university in melb?

>> No.7729462

sit at home play video games all day

>> No.7729465


sydney is full of plebs, only difference is that the euro ones are on good pills

>> No.7729467

oh and to add to that
ugly buildings, old and new
the little heritage listed terrace houses in the inner city are terrible although some are nicer in doors, but either way, poor aesthetics


>> No.7729469

Do art or design, realise its not that stable, become an art or design teacher

>> No.7729470

uom. what atar did you get? try do commerce and get with the right crowd. move to brunswick or somewhere plebian if you can look past the pretension

>> No.7729471

are you seriously basing your uni choices on how /fa/ it is
you fucking muppet

>> No.7729474

The 2-3 storey ones in Surry and Paddington are nice. The ones in the inner city are mostly rented out so the owners dont give too much of a fuck at how it looks

>> No.7729479

>the owner dont give too much of a fuck at how it looks
dem low standards

>> No.7729485

Perth is soooo boring Guildford rep

>> No.7729486

pretty much what im doing atm looking /fa/ as fuck while ripping cones and playing gta 5
fuck that i already know it aint stable
i got 66 i love in preston which is junkie as fuark and ive never really seen the /fa/ side of brunswick..i mean all they have is lygon st, right?
no i was just wondering which was most /fa/..

>> No.7729489

$25 for a stick is so dumb

>> No.7729490

def not effay

>> No.7729494

architecture is a pretty /fa/ degree

doubt you'd be able to get into RMIT or UoM with an atar of 66 though, no?

>> No.7729495

when did i say i payed 25..i pay 10 dude

>> No.7729497

>looking /fa/ as fuck

prove it

>> No.7729502

not for architecture

>> No.7729505

im in my boxers in bed atm :( cbf getting into clothes ill probs be in a waywt thread tommorow around 8:15ish AM if you want ill add in it melb stoner fag with 66 atar hehe

>> No.7729503

I pay $25 :( where do you get $10 sticks ?!?!

>> No.7729504

may as well dick around for the next couple of years and build a /fa/ network of friends somewhere cool and enter your course as a mature ager (like 21+) because you won't get in anywhere good with 66

>> No.7729506

damn I thought I fucked up bad

>> No.7729508

No jobs though.

>> No.7729509


>> No.7729511

yeah i wish i did harder in year 12 instead of just trying to fuck all the girls at my school, where do you suggest i build these friends? ive never really been one to know the more less mainstream places in melb, these days im just clubbing or on brunswick st
haha i know its not great but the amount of people that get below 66 id say im quite average no "fuck up"

>> No.7729512

I went in as a mature age, the time off was good for me because I was a NEET fuckup. See what TAFE courses you can do to help you get in, just keep hustling.

>> No.7729520

5+ people share houses in /fa/ areas are a golden ticket to /fa/ life
if you move around to different places every 6/12 months before you know it you'll have a decent network of friends or friends of friends and invites to decent parties

>> No.7729523
File: 90 KB, 500x722, jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw atar of 46.5
>DI average in uni

>> No.7729525

it will work unless you're an insufferable dickhead

>> No.7729526
File: 356 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure whether to rock this haircut or just go mainstream again an do it short, or any reccomendations?

>> No.7729531

oh nah dude im always in parties and shit dw bou that but my network of friends are made up of the pople your mummys warned you about (srs) junkies but like the "cool" junkies not the abo type lol, and just like your usual jock kinda parties and shit the usual "club rat" but im sick of it i want /fa/ friends

>> No.7729532


>> No.7729533

how u even get that seriously
I didn't answer a quarter of my bio exam and still got 87. something (I forget)

>> No.7729534

is this a troll?

>> No.7729536

just get an inch or two long trim dude
limp long hair without style is pointless but don't get it cut short
how do you usually style it
if man bun, keep growing
otherwise trim

>> No.7729537
File: 176 KB, 725x960, lietuva03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia is a severely overrated country, for sure. But if you despise the country because of its citizens' fashion choices, and you are over 14 years old, then you should kill yourself immediately.

Australia is not great because it's an anglo shithole. I left Australia as soon as I finished university, vowing never to return. Since then I've lived in Lithuania, but I'm currently in the UK which was something of a bad move as it appears no better than Australia. Sure the people are more miserable here, eat shit food and complain about bullshit all the time, but somehow they at least tend to be more respectable than Australians.

The thing is - the men in Australia are a bunch of knuckle dragging neanderthals and women - hard nosed and uncouth. Their drinking culture is abysmal, people soak about whatever bullshit cultural fad the USA throws at them (though they'll deny this vehemently) and they also tend to be insular as fuck. I hate that people will look at you as an elitist prick if you don't subscribe to their horrendous bastardisation of the English language that makes even your most degenerate chav seem educated. I hate their overuse of colloquialisms, even in formal situations and that so many people have this two-faced racist agenda going on. Using the term 'boat people' on national TV - are you fucking serious ?

>superior country has shit universities
>inferior country has good universities
>i went for the latter

I hope that was a Russell Group university because otherwise the universities in the UK are a pile of shit. Many seem to uphold a regressive curriculum that is in absolute contravention of the agenda set out but the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme. My gf studies at an average university in Lithuania, but she came here on Erasmus. The difference in quality is quite frankly astounding, it's as if here they have no fucking idea what they're doing. Her classes are also full of teenage mums.

>> No.7729539

tbh it was mostly bad subject choices and not understanding how the scaling system works, so i didnt bother trying to get above average

also a poor work ethic lol

>> No.7729546
File: 136 KB, 540x720, kuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u always criticise Australia's culture and some of ur criticisms are valid but honestly I doubt u have any real interest in culture u just wanna prance around shaving ur legs and wear tight jorts

>> No.7729545

what do you reccomend i do to it then?
when it was shorter i was styling it the usual mainstream faggy way so i decided to grow it out for a man bun but realised it doesnt suit me at allso now i have it as that fringe although usually its more up abit not so limp

>> No.7729548
File: 691 KB, 480x360, 574835719241.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw 98.95 and credit average

>> No.7729556

what uni & course friend

>> No.7729551

>I doubt u have any real interest in culture

What does that even mean ?

>> No.7729552

Do you have that saved somewhere? Because I swear ive read that before from you, word for word.

>> No.7729555

what this guy said

get it about 2 inches long on top and then let the sides grow out so you can layer it to the top

u look like skrillex right now

>> No.7729562

like u don't really want to become more learned or worldly u just want to dress like a huge gaybo and have no one call u out

>> No.7729561
File: 476 KB, 215x194, 1373899728625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn dude
did you get ur photo in the canberra times lol

>> No.7729563

No, but I've written similar things on /int/ and I think once before on here.

>> No.7729566


ffs dude, move in closer. Get south and live in a cheap suburb that's still near Fremantle like Willagee or something.

>> No.7729568

Christopher pyne can suck a dick also where to cop weed in Perth

>> No.7729570

don't 4get greg hunt m8

>> No.7729569

oh if you didnt know the other side is shaven aswell thats just my top making it look like it isnt

>> No.7729572

what i said still applies b

>> No.7729573

Not sure what you mean. I see plenty of fashionable and unfashionable types just as you would in any city anywhere. What do you mean by same trend? How does everyone dress here? How do you want to dress? You just posted a pic of some people at the beach on Australia day.

>> No.7729575

tfw albo didn't get the labor leadership

>> No.7729576
File: 62 KB, 640x960, 1391519404857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i try give it more strength and style it like this fag?

>> No.7729582


>> No.7729585

pls be trolling

>> No.7729586


law @ anu

well arts too but that doesn't really count

>> No.7729588

I have no intentions to be anything of the sort. But I have always had an interest in other countries since a young age, and would seek to read as much as I could about certain places.

>> No.7729589

Thats barely styled. It looks like a mess.

>> No.7729592

do you know stenstrom?

>> No.7729593

Tfw when Bill shorten

>> No.7729595

i reckon its a cool an different hairstyle maybe not /fa/ but still cool

>> No.7729596

he has no charisma unlike my local member king albo

>> No.7729600

it's not

>> No.7729602

>pick 1

worst decision ive ever had to make tbh both options terrible. bring back the ginge minge

>> No.7729603

it looks like an '06 emo hairdo
please stop

>> No.7729601

Maybe if you thinned out the top. It just looks way too full and doesnt sit well on the side of the head.

>> No.7729606

protip: ur wrong

>> No.7729608

get out troll

>> No.7729609


i don't think so

is he from canberra

>> No.7729610

Implying Wayne swan shouldn't be pm

>> No.7729614

I'd vote for albo purely b/c a) he's italian and b) he's my local member

>> No.7729619

this thread is autosaging now i think

>> No.7729621
File: 43 KB, 250x250, 1349617371819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albanese is an ugly mofo.

He'd get destroyed for that in the popularity contest that we call an election.

>> No.7729622

Peter slipper for pm

>> No.7729624

I'd vote for johnno again b/c he's funny

>> No.7729626

Compared to the handsome beast that is Abbott?

>> No.7729627

swanny not even once m8 that man would run this country like a retard trying to keep flies in chicken wire pen

local pride bullshit

make the best choice not the easy choice

>> No.7729635

>make the best choice not the easy choice

This thread has almost gone full circle with that statement.

>> No.7729645
File: 38 KB, 620x349, tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Denies climate change
>Economically stubborn ("fuck K Rudd's saving of the economy")
>Wages war with unions instead of politely disagreeing with them
>Panders to lobby groups
>Makes irresponsible policy
>Generally conservative and behind the times

>tfw Liberal party has nothing for our generation

>tfw they're in charge of the country

>> No.7729652

Abbott in budgie smugglers tho

The Rudd vs Abbott election had ugly on both sides so it was more about who was the best fear monger

>> No.7729661

The ugliest one won. Murdoch

>> No.7729673

can't believe their constant labor bashing even now

when they inevitably accomplish nothing and ruin everything they'll still blame it on the labor government

>> No.7729679

and the idiots that voted them in will take that as a valid and acceptable excuse too

ugh fuck

>> No.7729727

99.6UAI (lol old fag)

>>tfw 3 average marks from HD average

>> No.7731563
File: 725 KB, 250x144, 1388888306429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I didnt pass enough pre tertiaries to get an atar and I get DNs too

>> No.7731615
File: 159 KB, 462x566, hellafied_gangsta_lean.anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you one of those law students that thinks its funny when you post political maymays on facebook

if so then fuck you