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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 960x640, 1391293463424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7714303 No.7714303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post typical fashion of youths of you're countery

Pic related FRANCE

>> No.7714312

fuck off

>> No.7714319


wish i grew up in france and was in a gang like that with other immigrants

feels bad

>> No.7714402

> mocs with socks
> chinos or skate shorts
> graphic Ts and windbreakers

>> No.7714410

whats you're problem? you don't like to talk about clothes? why are you on a fashion bored?

>> No.7714440
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>> No.7714438

>youth of your country
>post pics of dirty sandniggers immigrants
yeah, no.

>> No.7714444

open you're eyes, it's france how it is
don't you know we multiculturalist? a huge melting pot, were all friends

>> No.7714791


>> No.7714820
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>> No.7714841
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>> No.7714860
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Do they really dress like that in France? I do realize that sounds ignorant.

Pic related, it's what I see a million times in a day.

>> No.7714865

guy on the right is DAF

>dem nikes
>dat trouser fit
>dat marsailles top

>> No.7714891


>Living in America in a nutshell

>> No.7714901
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It's finally dying out, but for the last three or so years so many people wore these shiny pieces of shit.

>> No.7715072
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>> No.7715090
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Mother Russia. Also, its 5 AM, but I don't get asleep, no...

>> No.7715099

They look like theyre gonna go hurt animals and laugh about it

>> No.7715110

nxt lvl

>> No.7715113

I stayed in St.Chamas outside Marseille for a few months and this is pretty much how everyone dressed.

I thought it was p funny. A lot of kids had Lil Wayne tshirts and hats, which is serendipitous considering I'm from New Orleans.

But my aunt and uncle live on the wealthier side of town so I only had to tolerate the europoors
if I went out for bread or cigarettes.

>> No.7715189

>Jays doe

>> No.7715284
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Not only france... holland is infested too.

>tfw muslim scum occupies street
>sandniggers everywhere

>> No.7715306
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Please be grateful.. nothing compares to mulsim street scum

Europe is doomed

>> No.7715351

>somehow the UK is yurop now
Kek, never

>> No.7715383


No vinz, that will get you killed.

>> No.7715391


The uk has always be in europe.

London is full of pakis.

>> No.7715393

>graphic tee/oversize tee
>chinos and chino shorts
>running shoes

Australia, m8.

>> No.7715400


time to go skinhead and bash paki scum while wearing full rick i guess

where 2 kop fash skinhead crew pls respond

>> No.7715428

Most /fa/

>> No.7715464
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oi oi forgot my pic innit blud

sware m8 dese paki kunts come round skin endz chattin bare shit bredrin will str8 body em innit

>> No.7715471

Kid on the right is /fa/ as fuck, balaclava is a close second.

>> No.7715474
File: 82 KB, 348x600, flaites-minos-y-ricos[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is Chile
fuck this shithole
The poor chilean usually consists of either
- really shitty quality polos
- Soccer t-shirts
- bleached pants
- adidas/nike anything.
- soccer cleats

>> No.7715481

>adidas nike anything
Welcome to Earth.

>> No.7715482
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>> No.7715494
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on the other hand
the rich dress:
- preppy
- typical jeans uggs and a the north face anything.
- brand named shirts and pants, billabong, ripcurl, etc surfer-kind brands
- high-top nikes

>> No.7715497

what a waste of springblades

>> No.7715499

>if you're not a football player you're a monkey

>> No.7715508
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I meant like for outerwear
Chileans also dress like this

>> No.7715516

Wow this picture is like identical to Turkey.
I was gonna post a pic but this is describing it fine LOL

>> No.7715517

Canadian winter attire-
Jackets - 90% North Face or Canada Goose, 10% Bench.
Boots- womens- 99% uggs/knockoffs. Mens- 90% Timberland, 10% Nike.

>> No.7715529

i feel you bro, i'm chilean too
don't forget
-that way of ''wearing'' caps

>> No.7715538

w2c jacket?

>> No.7715543

dat hat wearing
it makes me wanna flick it lol
well, the supra's practically go in the high-top thing I said
where you at bro

>> No.7715550

L'important c'est pas la chute, c'est l'atterrissage.

>> No.7715577

Antofagasta, it's ugly af over here.
what about you?

>> No.7715584


im in santiago, ñuñoa
>tfw poor, and shipping is a bitch for anything

>> No.7715611

i bought Acne Ace Cash and an Acne t-shirt and when they came in it was like 68000 pesos for import
oh god it was awful, i really wanted to kill myself

>> No.7715616

ho-le shit
did it atleast fit well?

>> No.7715642

they are by far the best jeans i have ever tried on but i tailored them anyways because they were too long and the t-shirt is sheer af but its good because it's so hot around here. Would cop again

>> No.7715654

>tfw im scared of copping anything online cause idk my measurements and idk if they'll fit well
I don't even know what size shoe I am man

>> No.7715675

but most sites have all the measurements, even a fit visualizer that compares them to clothes that you already own.
on shoes i just don't know, i range from 39 to 41 EUR but i guess everyone has that problem, i wanted to cop CP's but i'm not sure about my size so i guess i get to go to Iquique i'll get some Air Force 1 med-top

>> No.7715688

>a graphic t with a stussy logo or a palm tree or something
>pink shorts
>black vans with long black socks

>> No.7715694

I don't know MY measurements, and im too retarded so do it.
I don't have money anyways.
>finally getting a job, starting in 8 days

>> No.7715709
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What is it with fat girls and patterned leggings what the fuck

>> No.7715718

thats sick

>> No.7715730
File: 36 KB, 409x429, 1370390636916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel how lazy to get your measurements dude
i wish i had a job right now, i applied for a bunch to work this month but stores are mostly looking for people for the whole year and no one has called me yet
i wonder how much i will be able to work now that i just started uni

>> No.7715748

im in my second year of uni (arquitecture)
im fucked. no time at all, only time i get is weekends and barely because I still do projects on those days
and yeah when I was looking for a job everyone said that, but now im working at ripley and they don't really care if ill work for a month or not

>> No.7715766
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despite the generic file name I literally pulled this from my facebook feed

>> No.7715770


>> No.7715782
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Mexican chaka fashion

>> No.7715787

>but now im working at ripley and they don't really care if ill work for a month or not
those fuckers told me that they were looking for people and that they would surely call me ;_;
i worked in Falabella in december and thats were i got the money to cop those Ace Cash jeans and t-shirt.
But i'm guessing that money is for uni? don't architecture students spend a shitload of money for materials and stuff like that? if that's so RIP sick fits

>> No.7715791

same in peru, when i go back there its the same

reminder that kids in peru whose parents make a ton of money (as in $300k+) only wear

rip curl
other "surfer" or "skate" brads
baggy jeans

i don't get it... you are the upper class of your country... why are you dressing like lower middle class of the US

>> No.7715799

tfw no si hat

>> No.7715803

and my mom is shit poor :/ we barely make it through the month, most months we don't ;_;
I also really wanted a tattoo but
>it is what it is
oh and also my university will cost me 700k more because of my retarded ass brother
he works but doesnt pay one penny (peso kek) in the house, so with that I went up a quintil (from 3 to 4) and I lost my beca becaue its only up to the 3rd

>> No.7715806
File: 73 KB, 720x960, stereo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7715826

I don't see anyone like this around Brisbane..
I hope you're talking about another state so I can laugh about them..

>> No.7715831

sortof, sunshine coast is filled with floral shirts beige pants vans and 5 panels

>> No.7715840

haha that was at stereosounds or some shit
i thought brissy would be a haven for those kind of people

>> No.7715843

I kind of like this, its very uniform. got any more pics?

>> No.7715846

fucking all of these in mexico specially the patterned leggings with ugg boots, its fucking hideous it fucking hurts and it sometimes gets funny if they´re fat, then i get stomach ache,

also the typical fotballer faggot wearing soccer shoes and fucking whole team uniform, like if they were going to play or some shit like that, thank god the desert mali boots are gettinjg trdny around here so people are getting more /fa/ i guess, still they dress fucked up palettes, fucking light blue with dark green, why i´m still alive?

>> No.7715849


>> No.7715850

closet fuccboi detected

>> No.7715853

holy shit i'm sorry but your brother is an asshole
i really hope you and your mom make it through the month
luckily i got a full scholarship (Beca Vocacion de Profesor) so i won't make my parents pay anything at all, it really bugs me the idea of making them pay for my shit because they are already busy enough paying my brother's uni
i really wish you good luck bro, i really do
i may sound like an old man but i think that its because of MTV, it's pretty much everything what kids see over here and it's focused on lower middle class US so i guess that explains it

>> No.7715854

100% of stereosonic

>> No.7715855

he probably has hispanic descendants lel
capcha: aiespie pass

>> No.7715857


full fucking retard

>> No.7715859

i´m mexican and i think those are the finest example of plebcore, dude, they think is ok to dress everyday like a football player

>> No.7715861

thanks bro, and yeah mom got paid
its just she's a mortgage broker (? corredora de propiedades) and she doesn't recieve a steady payment so when money comes in, its a lot, but maybe once a month not even
and she has those little sales (rents) she gets almost nothing
help me be /fa/ pls

>> No.7715862

yeah, the have money to afford nice clothes and they buy utter shit like Hollister and Aeropostal, maybe a piar of jawns from aero are nice but the hoodies are horrible

>> No.7715868

should I cop springblades effay?

>> No.7715894


>> No.7715897

stereoSONIC, you fucking pleb.

>> No.7715900

i don't know dude
i know that there is H&M over there so i guess that is a cheap place for basics but im sure you're aware of that. Just build your small but good wardrobe like any effay person would, and give yourself a nice effay treat for yourself every once in a while if you have some dosh like i do

>> No.7715920

hahah fuck that was a text book fuck up on my behalf
oh boy

>> No.7715948
File: 436 KB, 537x546, lunarcoreaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dosh
i have 15k on me
and i want new shoes (mom is gonna buy me a pair) been thinking of getting a pair of new balance but, the ones in the store are really shitty
bought this in bandera today lel was 4k

>> No.7715981

hahahaha a puka shell necklace

>> No.7715989

no dosh no sick fits
i don't like NB at all but if you think you can rock them go ahead
atleast you have many more stores in Santiago than me, over here its just mall-core bullshit

>> No.7716004

man thats not true, you dont have to cop expensive shit for dope fits

you just need to be more creative and work a little harder to find shit that could work

>> No.7716009

>I don't think I can rock them hue
idk the more I see NB on here (the good ones lol) the more I like em, but I don't know which to cop or what colorway
those air force 1 you said earlier, I used to live in florida, USA, so when I saw those they look like nigger shoes (+ typical cuico would use them too) what do you like about them?
>w-wanna give me your f-fb?

>> No.7716011

i reckon over sizer white t's are pretty sick

>> No.7716020

that look is huge in the northen beaches district of sydney. long black t's as well

>> No.7716021

yeah but having about 10 usd (max) to cop shit isnt cool
unless I thrift, but its usually shit, complete shit.

>> No.7716032

pretty sure its huge all around australia, especially in brisbane, whenever i go too the city they are eerywhere

>> No.7716051
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pretty standard sydney club getup

>> No.7716063
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fucking dead at the fat manlet on the right
australian clubs are the worst places

>> No.7716065

>those air force 1 you said earlier, I used to live in florida, USA, so when I saw those they look like nigger shoes
yes they do but i like the looks of them with all black fits and i really need some all white high tops or med tops atleast
i don't really like to give my fb because i think i look bad in all pictures i'm in. Do you have a Last.fm, tumblr or whatever you want? maybe we could keep in contact on those places
we are talking about like 30 USD

>> No.7716066

niggas dress like that in canada?

thats like atlanta in 2006 look right there

>> No.7716069

that fat fucking manlet and his pudgy fat fucking smug little face

bet he thinks he'sa sick fucking cunt m8

would straight up deck the cheeky cunt swear down

>> No.7716076

>implying im not normal tier with flaws
what do you think I am? lel
no tumblr, no last.fm, no nuffin

>> No.7716078
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mfw gold coast clubs

>> No.7716087
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This is what everyone between ages of 13-24 wear

The 'rich' kids wear hollister and nike everything lel

>> No.7716094

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
rich kids here wear ralph lauren and other "high tier" shit

>> No.7716095

IRL lold at this reply
fucking disgusting

god i hate australia... it's not even like these fits are just occasionally bad fits... this is actually how people dress

>> No.7716102 [DELETED] 

i'll send you my shitty email for spam lel
;_; don't laugh

>> No.7716097

put your e-mail and i'll send it to you

>> No.7716117
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>> No.7716119

people have different tastes, they probably think you look retarded. go to any 'trendy' suburb though in any of the big cities (maybe only sydney or melbourne, i dunno bout the others) and you would probably see people you think look good

>> No.7716122


people dress like shit all over the world

>> No.7716135

agreed, I've spent a fair bit of time in a few places in the us and europe and if anything, looking fashionable seems to be a bigger deal among young australians than anywhere else

>> No.7716156


tbh the only thing we're missing out on is nice old architecture

>> No.7716330

peruans are hideous, they have like a relly wird underbite

>> No.7716341

my bad, i had no idea about the exchange rate

>> No.7716337

>Hollister and Nike
>thats what middle class people wear in mexico

>> No.7716384
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1366262511550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new york

>> No.7716389

nah 30 usd is like half of what min is, depending on from where its from

>> No.7716456

man I don't ever see tis in my town, Are you from Toronto?! People in quebec city who would ress as thug are laugh at btw

>> No.7716518

the zyzz generation

>> No.7716528


exercised by the internet

>> No.7716537


>> No.7716563

theres fucking plenty around brisbane dont you worry

generally in lower middleclass southside neighbourhoods

>> No.7716801

best so far, OP here

>> No.7718674

woow go back to your dorp man, dem saghbi's don't hurt a fly....

dont let wilders brainwash you.

>> No.7718691

fucking koelies man, they all looks the same

>> No.7718712

pretty accurate

>> No.7718763
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>> No.7718798

Suprised you get access to internet. Aren't you too busy sucking the muslim cock?

>> No.7718801

That was the first thing I noticed too. Who the fuck made that shirt?

>> No.7718805

Dude in middle is 2qt4me

>> No.7718812
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>> No.7718818
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>> No.7718856
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South florida, most males wear t shirts and shorts with long socks and some type of basketball shoe/vans/nike runs. Grills either wear hoodies and leggings or go for the Urban outfitter mannequin look. Very rarely I'll see some dadboy decked out in J crew and gap clothes who thinks he looks fab. I'm sure it's the same everywhere else in the US.

>> No.7718897

those legs kinda thick tho m8

>> No.7718932
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>> No.7718945

seriously this

it's almost always mexican kids

>> No.7718952

I live in a rich area so no

>> No.7718957

I don't usually just hate people, but bitches with fat necks/double chin... ea

>> No.7718975

the nigga on the left is trying to grab that orangutans dick

>> No.7719029

Daily reminder I hate Roger David, Factorie and Cotton On

>> No.7719030

Same thing in Washington, except it's Filipinos

>> No.7719036

What is "niggers1" and "niggers2"?

>> No.7719052

These people are so fucking ugly

>> No.7719065

W-where you from..?

>> No.7719078


>> No.7719081

dat 90's mocro flavour

>> No.7719087


>> No.7719103

I live in South Florida too. Guys are still in the "swag" era and the girls literally just go on tumblr to see what they should wear next. Only fashion I cant stand here are the surfer kids (since they're not even wearing clothes most of the time) or the skaters since it's just beige pants with dark vans and a decent graphic t-shirt.

>> No.7719184

But you still go to the shit districts if you know how the youth dresses?!

>> No.7719270


this picture is so french it hurts

>> No.7719314

most effay

>> No.7719345

thought it was france

jesus those algerians are really reproducing over there

>> No.7719347

>shilling intensifies

>> No.7719474
File: 104 KB, 908x686, 1391373693999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7719537

take french picture of that sand-niggers
hide their faces
you`ve got an example of poor youth`s fashion over the world

*Belarus approved*

>> No.7719552


>dat failed topmancore

>> No.7719548

btw french street fashion influesed me
scarfs and shit
and now I see that the majority is styless like I have here/cognitive dissonance/butthurt

>> No.7719596
File: 88 KB, 960x720, shiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnish clubbing outfit

>> No.7719606

>white tee
>poor-fitting khakis
>boat shoes
every highschooler in northern ky

>> No.7719617

no i just browse facebook

>> No.7719643
File: 45 KB, 640x426, 1391211818467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no mongol gf

>> No.7719680


cotton on-core really works for him tbh

>> No.7719728

Its huge in Perth as well

Plus the normal hitler-youth, deep v-neck floral pocket tee, cuffed khaki chino shorts, black vans wankers

>> No.7721227
File: 21 KB, 500x500, tmp_1389722280265-1733136757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
