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/fa/ - Fashion

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7714147 No.7714147 [Reply] [Original]

Unpopular opinions thread

>s-sometimes stuff from YesStyle can look good

>> No.7714148

no fuck you

>> No.7714160

I take most of my fashion advice from GQ.

>> No.7714161

>sometimes op is not a faggot. but not this time.

>> No.7714167


>> No.7714169
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>> No.7714174

Such as?

>> No.7714179

I have a GQ subscription, there are times when streetwear or gothninja are totally unsuitable so it's good having some respectable clothing at hand, I don't know what people with 100% gothninja wardrobes do when they have to go somewhere formal

>> No.7714181

Okay that's just straight up wrong

>> No.7714186

I don't have a GQ sub, but I know what you're saying. My wardrobe is a mix of menswear and streetwear.

Do you think anybody with any gothninja in their wardrobe is every going to be invited to something formal?

>> No.7714213
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You can be uninvolved with fashion and still be more stylish than someone very involved with fashion.

People that claim they buy designer for durability don't actually understand why their clothes are marked up so high.

Smoking isn't cool (I smoke)

Quitting cigarettes is actually pretty easy.

>> No.7714226

>People that claim they buy designer for durability don't actually understand why their clothes are marked up so high
I think it depends on what kind of clothes you're buying, if you were into workwear it would be valid but I think most people here realize that rick owens raf simons price has no relation to quality

>> No.7714253

Rick Owens makes tuxedoes and ball gowns.

>> No.7714259

I don't think you have a very clear picture in your mind of what "quality" actually entails.

>> No.7714271

I didn't realize that Rick Owens instantly means goth ninja

A tuxedo is a tuxedo

A Dick Ovens tuxedo is an over priced tuxedo, not goth ninja

>> No.7714274

when people mention quality most often they mean rugged and long lasting, not fine silk hand sewn with delicate threads

>> No.7714285


just because you cant afford to shop outside of ur flyover state walmart doesnt mean rick owens is overpriced

>> No.7714297

I don't think you're knowledgeable enough to argue about a designer's execution of a tuxedo.

Quality =|= durability

>> No.7714321

Yes since I'm unwilling to pay 50 thousand for something that I can get for much cheaper, I am therefore poor.

>> No.7714347

know anything about the jacket?

>> No.7714349

I didn't say quality
I said durability
I understand that quality is entirely independent

>> No.7714358
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I don't sorry
I love textured wool bombers though
would instacop

>> No.7714364

I actually have a yesstyle jacket that I've owned for over a year and has been in perfect condition until some kid pulled on a pocket and ripped it. I get a lot of compliments on it and it's decently warm. I literally get more compliments from that jacket than anything else I wear.

It's a safari jacket but I don't think they sell them anymore, I haven't seen them anywhere in a long time

>> No.7714664

Everything mae by Rick Owens is absolutely hideous and disgusting. Especially these ridicoulously awful shoes.

>> No.7714745

Dadcore is possibly the best, most neutral way to dress to impress everyone you would meet.Its also very hated on /fa/ for some reason because everyone wants to be a special autistic snowflake.

Gothninja/lunarcore almost always looks bad and would freak anyone out. Same with overly baggy pants.

>> No.7714753

You don't know what "dadcore" is, then.

>> No.7714798

>Dadcore is possibly the best, most neutral way to dress to impress everyone you would meet.
of course it is. thats not disputed here. but i don't dress for other people. i dress for myself. that's not being autistic or arrogant or trying to be a 'special snowflake'. its self confident and self conscious. i just wear what i like.

>> No.7715389

>i just wear what i like.
literally every one does this
people that don't understand this are worryingly short of empathy

>> No.7715945
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I think the word you're looking for is "prep".

But yeah, a healthy balance of prep, menswear, workwear and streetwear is the best you can have.

>> No.7715955

Dadcore on /fa/ is basically sweaters, chinos, button ups, ect. Which is high fashion to 90% of the population.

>> No.7716121

Quality doesn't mean durability. You pay for the artisanal craftwork. When I pay $2000 for a suit, I'm not paying that $2000 because I want to wear that suit every day and have it last forever, I'm paying that $2000 because it's handmade and woven from fancy Italian ballsacks.

>> No.7716152

>>This entire board is crap.

>> No.7716181

CPs are overpriced and overhyped.

>> No.7716208

Dadcore is to /fa/ as clips are to /k/.

It's a word people intentionally misuse to troll others.

>> No.7716212

Wranglers are premium quality denim

>> No.7716301

rolled jeans need to die entirely
maybe not unpopular here but unpopular in general

>> No.7716702

>literally every one does this
i'm not so sure that they do tho...

anyways, the point is i was responding to is that 'dadcore is the most neutral way to dress to impress everyone you would meet.' which vary well may be/is true. but i don't dress under the objective of impressing 'everyone i would likely meet'...

and, granted: some people do - and furthermore: that is their definition of 'style' or even [god forbid] 'fashion' - their choice tho...

i wear clothes i that make me happy. make me feel good. i don't open my closet and think about 'how edgy' i can look today, i just happen to like darker coloured and textured clothing. mono-/achromatic attire is Not my response to the public opinion of the look, it is My response. and just because i think [& prolly spend] a lot more on how i dress myself than the 'average' person doesn't mean ending up at 'Dadcore' is right for me...

fuck i don't even dress goof, but why do people come here (to a fashion forum) thinking they have all the 'right' answers to fashion...?

>> No.7716735

>high fashion to 90% of the population
does 90% of the population read about fashion?
do they know about the history of design?
do they watch fashion shows?
to they even have 'grails'?

wouldn't be basing my style/fashion understanding on 90% of the population, bruv... u know there are a lot of people who think leggings n uggs/boxfit jeans look good out there...

>> No.7716743
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>> No.7716750

75% of the "great" fits posted here would look absolutely terrible in a daily life situation. I think /fa/ takes fashion as aesthetic when it is very much presentation.

>> No.7716947

he said unpopular opinions

can you read

>> No.7716981

in the 'whey-whut'?: disagree. a lot of dad/general/basic-bitch/street - wear. 'normalfags' pulling off better-than-normal-fag wear and looking good in their surroundings... nothing wrong with that.

are you referring the inspo-threads? again, disagree. i think the point of those threads is that the situation and the outfit is working within perfect tandem. therefore i disagree with you again.

please be more clear and concise with your accusation. what is your argument?

>> No.7717018

This board should not be taken seriously.

>> No.7717345
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Long hair on guys is amazing thing, if coupled with attractive face and body.

>> No.7717356
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>tfw having a gross manjaw is horrible and painful.

>> No.7717367

This is Trove, a japanese brand.
You could find a similar jacket on their site.

>> No.7717390

>pretending to be a girl

fuck off dude sick of ur shit

>> No.7717392

almost everything looks good when paired when you're handsome

>> No.7717412


>some kid pulled on a pocket and ripped it


>> No.7717419


having an attractive face and body is an amazing thing straight up you fucklord

>> No.7717430


No need to be rude there sweetie, i often read that "every attractive guy with long hair would be even more attractive with short haircut" I saw such statements on /fa/ as well

>> No.7717455

post the full face, boi

>> No.7717494

God's work.

>> No.7717521

>quitting cigarettes is pretty easy
This so much
Only trouble is it's so easy you can put off quitting by telling yourself 'it's easy, I can quit when I like!'

>> No.7718800

so your telling me that cause i wear all balck and baggy pants im autistic just cause i dont wanna dress like 90% of the H&M staff doesnt meanim autistic and ive gotten way more compliments than any dadcore fag at my university. Not only that but there are too many people that dress dad core around me so i rarely doubt that they all get compliments. The only autistic person is you for dressing like 90% of the teenage population. Swag.

Even swag fags are dressing h&m tier dad core. Also remember that the people youre getting compliments from are the same people who are wearing ugg boots/northfaces/ and occasional green fishtails. Pls stop

>> No.7718836
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>> No.7718963

If it's made in a factory, it's not "artisan".

>> No.7719469

that kid was /fa/ incarnate lol