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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 92 KB, 448x900, 1391284886599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7713622 No.7713622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Someone post LoTRcore/medievalcore inspo and where to cop some shit for it that isn't polyester cotton shit.

Thinking about getting one of those lace up shirts at the Re-Fest when I go next month, any ideas what else to get? Probably won't go for capes, but the high boots and long surcoats are a possibility. Probably just use some surplus jackboots for the boots though, tbh

>> No.7713687


>> No.7713699

literal autism please go
1) open mouth
2) insert loaded gun
3) pull trigger

>> No.7713709

>but goofninja is fine, lel

>> No.7713712

>not having your own sense of fashion

>> No.7713713

>but its fine cosplaying as a faggot

>> No.7713716

>asks for inspo for LoTR type clothing
>is supposed to have shit tons of good pictures already
>implying Aragorn isn't the best example I could find
Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.7713726

Fantasy as a genre is fucking gay, dude.
>muh dragons
>muh fairies
>muh elves
>muh hobbits
>muh magicks

Fuck off, creep. Dungeons and Dragons isn't /fa/.

>> No.7713729

>no fun allowed
>edgy as fuck

No Anon, you are the autist

>> No.7713737

>muh memes
Nice argument, sperglord. Enjoy your shit taste, fairyboy.

>> No.7713743

>literally spergs out because someone likes something they don't
>calls other people sperglords


>> No.7713744

You're the one spouting "muh x", you moron.

>> No.7713751

Go ahead and turn me into a frog, wizardfags. Oh, wait. Magic doesn't exist.

>> No.7713761
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>> No.7713766

You sure showed me. Golly gee.

>> No.7713775

sure am being hard trolled right now
please teach me your secrets, o master of the internet argument

>> No.7713795

Grow the fuck up. I'm just stating my opinion that the fantasy genre is shit as a whole. And now everybody is spazzing out like a bunch of prissy fairyboys.

>> No.7713817

No you're being a fucking autistic faggot whining because people like something you don't. How about instead of shitting up the thread you just hide and ignore it. Instead you have to act like a fucking 5 year old.

Log off 4chan

>> No.7713833

I'm not angry, you're angry. Calm the fuck down, son!

>> No.7713859

I never said angry you illiterate troll.

Pro-tip: if you're gonna troll, be subtle

>> No.7713863
File: 83 KB, 900x599, 1391287800396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright cunts bout to dump the greatest fantasycore shit ever.
>implying most modern fashion isnt derived from the works most midevil tailors pioneered.
>implying the king of gondor isnt 10x more alpha and fucking /fa than you
>impying hating on other shit if /fa
little cunt, you don't know shit.

>> No.7713874

>Oh hey, look at me I'm trolling. le epic trole XD
This isn't /b/ or highschool, kiddo. There is no trolling. Who the fuck says "troll" anymore!? Jesus, you 14 year olds are really stupid little shits.

>> No.7713875
File: 66 KB, 598x898, 1391287915010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doest thou even hoist knaves.

also going to be showing mainly armors as the craftsmenship is ridiculous, and i feel it really excrescents the time period fantasy or not. ill also post some tunics later

>> No.7713881
File: 123 KB, 800x800, LEDERLEGIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean look at that fucking craftsmenship. jesus fuck. 10/10 would wear into battle.

>> No.7713885

>trolling only ever happens on /b/
>it is literally impossible for it to happen anywhere else
>implying you're not the troll

>> No.7713890

There is a board for this

>> No.7713892

Holy shit, you must be the biggest autist ever. Hey man, 1149 AD called, they want you in the Second Crusade.

>> No.7713893
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>> No.7713899
File: 16 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, i wish. honestly. though id much rather live in a fansty world
>tfw no qt3.14 elf babe

>> No.7713905

You are one sad little nerd. . .

>> No.7713909
File: 31 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, like you don't fucking wish you could live in the world of skyrim going on adventures and having battles and fucking awesome shit. you act like you wouldnt love to fuck bitches up with magic, or fight your way through orcs with fucking elves and dwarves. why do you think girls wanted to be princesses when they were little. they want a knight in shining armor niqqa.

>> No.7713911

What is inspo

>> No.7713917
File: 155 KB, 774x1032, 1391288495882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean come on buddy. whats being /fa really about? it isnt sitting at home looking at clothes youll never be able to afford all day or going to uni and never talking to girls because your a socially awkward fuck. being /fa is about the life style not the clothes, though they are abig part. and going on adventures is /fa as fuck. though you cant do like this anymore, you cant swordfight or use magic, what the hells wrong with having an imagination. ill tell you no fashion designer would ever be where they are if they didnt have one...

>> No.7713928
File: 132 KB, 755x425, 1387064837607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever wonder why Game of Thrones is so popular?
besides, maybe i am a nerd, but if it makes me happy why should it matter? being happy is 100x more /fa than being a little fuck who insults people on the internet. ever fucking wonder why alphas dont do that? its because they know their alpha and dont need a confidence boost from making fun of people. sperg...

>> No.7713932
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>> No.7713943
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>> No.7713949

I remember being 14 years old.

>> No.7713959

xD HILARIOUS thread guys, too funny, will make 4chanz history


>> No.7713966

>the year of our lord 2014
>not being a nerd

>> No.7713969

I appreciate the inspo, but I was hoping for less metal and straps, tbh
Are good though

>> No.7713981
File: 173 KB, 400x600, 1391289224117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the shit looked like this. all depends on the time period/area. alot of clothing had cultural significance(this clothing would be that of a noble in a european country like Britain.

what kind are you looking for, do you larp?

>> No.7713984

Don't larp, just kinda want to get some fits that look medieval. German/HRE/Teutonic shit would be nice though

>> No.7714001
File: 146 KB, 702x454, 1391289531806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotcha, ive been thinking of that aswell, alot of midevil fits have a nice silhouette, especially if they have a hood or cloak.

(this nigga look rich as fuck.)

>> No.7714009
File: 248 KB, 800x800, 1391289669225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asians usualy do modern midevil a bit better than other races. the jacket is tunic inspired.

>> No.7714018
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see what i mean?

>> No.7714023
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>> No.7714028
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>> No.7714040
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>> No.7714050
File: 487 KB, 834x999, henryVIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renaissance fashion superior

>> No.7714057
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>> No.7714399
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>> No.7714775
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love these kinds of coats, too bad too short to rock it

>> No.7714851

Check out Material Boy from Mic Eaton, older collections had medieval look(f/w10), new stuff is gninja from what I've seen.

>> No.7714882


>> No.7714889

I hope you autist go outside wearing this shit

>> No.7715081
File: 703 KB, 1265x572, lotrcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really disappointed in you /fa/

the man said he wanted lotrcore, and nobody's posted this yet

>> No.7715249

moar pls

>> No.7715282

you could make this fit using a green hoodie, and a brown vest. To create that chest strap you could use a satchel so you're not just wearing a belt around your chest. I feel like that might look a little retarded though, anyone have these pieces and wanna post fit?

>> No.7715320

You have shit taste, but I shouldn't be surprised. When you go outside dressed up like a 13th century peasant, expect people to laugh at you because you look like a shit. You can live in your magical world of fairies and shit, and I can live in the real world. You need to grow the fuck up. You also have no imagination, you keep that shit in your head, you don't dress up like a fucking knight you stupid fuck. You are stupid and your shit is all retarded. Fuck this board is an abortion.

>> No.7715330

>no fun allowed
>fashion has to follow rules
>that I agree with
>hurr durr

We already had this conversation. Why not instead of being a massive fucking faggot you just hide the post, or at the very least ignore it? How is that so much harder than spending time to whine about people liking things that you don't? Seriously, if you're not trolling, consider going outside every once in a while, because you've obviously forgotten the basics of human interaction.

>> No.7715342
File: 26 KB, 450x450, Holy+Other+HolyOther450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Other

>> No.7715344

>ever wonder why Game of Thrones is so popular?
Game of Thrones is popular because of its sex and violence content. Not because it is placed in an analogue to medieval Europe. No one cares about that aspect. It is all about the fucking and killing--which HBO specializes in. You don't know what you are talking about, nerd. For a nerd, you are surprisingly stupid.

>what the hells wrong with having an imagination. ill tell you no fashion designer would ever be where they are if they didnt have one...
Fashion designers have CREATIVITY, which is something that your dull mind doesn't have. They can manipulate fabrics to whatever inclination that they may have--and a new garment is made. Your faggy imagination just involves sitting in front of a game board with other spergs and pretending that you are strong warriors and shit. Fuck that.

>also, like you don't fucking wish you could live in the world of skyrim going on adventures and having battles and fucking awesome shit
Why the fuck would I want to live in a gay fucking world with dragons and shit? Like I said, shut the fuck up.

This really looks like shit. This outfit is bad, and you should feel bad for posting this.

>> No.7715348

>only fashion designers can make clothes, that why we have a new diy thread on /fa/ every day or so
>now stop liking what I don't like

>> No.7715350

>or at the very least ignore it?
I'm tired of spergs like you and the OP shitting up my board. Fuck, man, you creeps will just throw any kind of shit on your body.

>How is that so much harder than spending time to whine about people liking things that you don't?
If you cannot handle the heat, get the fuck out of my kitchen.

>> No.7715356

*slow clap*
Bravo, anon. Bravo. You have a way with words. Now I see the error of my ways.

>> No.7715372

>my board
>my kitchen

Hey retard, here's a thought, why don't you leave? It's a public board, and 4chan is visited by thousands of new people every day. We have just as much a right to be here as you do.

And who said I can't handle it, fuckwit? Seriously, you come in here and sperg out because of one post about a style you don't agree with. Forget the dozens of other pointless trollthreads and shitposts, like the daily mandela shirt thread, or the "hurr how to have hitler youth hair" threads. No, you just had to come here, to a thread about something you don't like, just so you can sperg out and feel better about your small dicked self. It's not like I'm going to every thread posting this shit, and, in fact, most of these alternative styles are contained to their own threads pretty much 100%, and there's only a couple threads about it a week, if even. So I doubt you give a shit about "your board", you just want to feel like your opinion, and life matters. Guess what, buddy. Neither of them fucking do, none of ours does, we're all just anons posting on the internet.

>asterisked actions
>on an imageboard

>> No.7715375

Don't respond to the troll. He was obviously raped by a LOTR cosplayer. Poor fellow. :(

>> No.7715376


pls be in london

>> No.7715379


>> No.7715401

OP, I like this idea.

The layering, and earthy colors, could make a really interesting outfit. Add some copper and brass in there for buttons and buckles, and you'd got a sick fit going on.

I envision a look, and i use the following words VERY loosely, like goth ninja layering, except in nice reds, greens, browns, and tans.

It could be pulled off, and depending on how much you put into it, could look either really out of place (puffy shouldered, cod piece, cloak 5 yards long, and velvet vest), or an inspired look that could go big in small circles (light brown trousers, black or dark brown boots, green shirt with hood untucked most buttons undone with a brown leather coat thrown over, straight coller no lapels, and an earthy red ascot/scarf. add some simple leather and bead bracelets, or thick leather ones and a ring or two damn nigga)

>> No.7715405

Sorry, I honestly take this shit a bit too serious sometimes. Then again, I have just as little of a life as he does, so I don't mind wasting my worthless time on a troll, gives me something to do, besides shitpost on /v/ and lurk other boards like /k/ and /fa/ hoping for interdasting threads.

>> No.7715416

One of the things I like a lot about the style is the shirts with the lace up fronts. Was thinking one of those in a natural white, maybe a brown vest, green trousers and high black boots, maybe jackboots would work. Maybe a green/brown hooded poncho for wet weather, sorta like a plash-palatka that the soviet used, maybe even just use one.

>> No.7715832


>> No.7716659


literally google goth ninja

you don't lurk /fa/ very much do you?

>> No.7716676
File: 438 KB, 970x1280, 1391326830236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody has mentioned verillas.com yet

they have some maximum autist shit but the psylo line is kind of neat.

might cop cardigan for lunarcore fit.

>> No.7716782

>Game of Thrones is popular because of its sex and violence content.
I wouldn't give a shit about that show if it wasn't such a brilliantly written narrative. There's a reason why the book series is immensely popular and was made into a tv show

>> No.7717389
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>> No.7717405
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>> No.7718306


>> No.7718328

mite b cool

>> No.7718371

it's popular because of it's incredible story telling and HBO style of ensuring no character is safe. Also yes, it's set in an alternare medieval Europe. I would love to live in that world, if I was a noble. Being a peasant would fucking blow. Also, living in that time would suck no hygiene and no technology.

>> No.7720184


>> No.7720209

autismcore is rick owens

>> No.7720271

just checked it out
the two sweaters posted are literally the only decent looking things on the whole site

>> No.7720528


basically those and one pair of gloves that would be kind of neat in a goof fit

but OP asked for medievalcore, and medievalcore is autism

>> No.7721436

So is goof

>> No.7721449

Everything is autism.

>> No.7723810


>> No.7724970


>> No.7725442

Should I cop some basics at the Ren Fest when I go? It's coming up in South Florida in a few days. Always kinda like the shirts they have, the collarless ones with the lace-up front.

>> No.7725486

Ravenswood Leather makes some pretty high quality custom fantasy style clothing. Very expensive, but apparently as good as it gets.


Can't imagine actually spending that kind of money on a glorified costume, but hey, to each his own.

>> No.7725526

Just sayin', but the stuff that shows up at those festivals is often remarkably shitty clothing.

>> No.7725545

Well a simple cotton shirt shouldn't be too bad, right? Probably won't cop much else, tbh. And even then, probably won't cop if it's too much (more than $30)

>> No.7725722


Who buys that?

>> No.7726190


>> No.7726542

Holy fuck, who pays that much for a costume?

>> No.7727154


>> No.7727275

People like OP who have lots of disposable cash and very little common sense.

Also, I think they sometimes do props for low-mid budget movies, and those medieval theme restaurant places.

>> No.7727291

LARPers, people who go to Renaissance fairs, that'd be my guess. I can't imagine many people go to the mall for an orange julius dressed like that.

>> No.7727423

inb4 pedophiles start wearing armor and helms and shit to attract 5 year olds who daydream about being princesses

>> No.7727525
File: 64 KB, 776x400, whopaysthatmuchforacostume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, on a board like this it is unfathomable to me!

>> No.7727556

So, what would look more ridiculous to wear when walking down the street: a full gothninja outfit, or one of the LoTR-tier fits from this thread?

>> No.7727606

I am pretty accustomed to gothninja now from being on the board so long, but the very first time I saw it I honestly thought it was a costume. Based off of first impressions, neither is more ridiculous than the other to me.