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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 45 KB, 486x570, Asian-fashion-men-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7706297 No.7706297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here not find East Asians fashionable? I feel like the same clothes would look better on someone of White or white-origin. I just see them as try hards in adopting European fashion. Everytime I see an asian person dressed fashionably I just think to myself, "What a waste." I can't shake this.

>> No.7706299

you should probably just stop being a racist
ur probably afraid of black people too

>> No.7706300


>> No.7706302


That's just it. I don't believe White people are superior to Asians. I just don't find them fashionable on any level. That's not being racist.

>> No.7706307

oh i see, so it isn't that you find white people superior, its just that you find east asians inferior?


>> No.7706310


How are you implying that I'm saying they're inferior? All I am saying is that I don't see East Asians as fashionable, in no way inferior to other races.

>> No.7706318

You think they're inferior in looks because they're asian. That's racist.

>> No.7706324

itt: mad asians

>> No.7706328


dude you're grasping at straws

wtf lol

>> No.7706341

What's your point?

>asians should all dress like shit and not even attempt fashion because it would be better on a white person
>asians are inferior when it comes to aesthetics
>whites are master race

>> No.7707206

>oh i see, so it isn't that you find white people superior, its just that you find east asians inferior?
Butthurt much? OP never said that.

>> No.7707216

I'd say asians look better in their own fashion than white people do. Like Korean fashion will be consider really gay in western culture, but it's fine when Koreans wear it. I'd say Japanese and Koreans can be very fashionable. I don't know about the Chinese.

>> No.7707472

self-awareness is /fa/, denial isn't.

>> No.7707558

wtf do you want them to do instead? not try? wear a kimono?

>> No.7707671
File: 2.00 MB, 347x222, 1374632906539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP your autism makes it difficult to contextualize change. Thus, when you see an Asian wearing a slimmer, dandier variation of the Peacoat, you get scared, nervous, insecure, etc.

It's OK, OP. You've probably never talked to one or interacted with one in any significant way. They've reappropriated some European fashion trends but that's OK, too. It's evolution, organic growth and the way that progress works.

Remember: It's a big world out there. Take it one step at a time. And never post again.

>> No.7708845

aaand /thread.

>> No.7708881

i actually agree with OP
though i don't know why. on paper it should be the opposite but in reality they just look goofy to me

>> No.7708901

Well non-asians look fucking stupid when they try hard to be final fantasy characters. asian clothing is like non-existent cus it would be like robes and shit in fine silk.

>> No.7708961

that's like saying european clothing is non existent because it would be like hosen and doublets and shit in wool

>> No.7708974

they have the bodies of high school girls. only the 6'+ ones look good in fine clothing.

>> No.7708984
File: 123 KB, 400x388, 1390256326625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a bleached blond japanese guy in a visual kei band

>> No.7708992

that's because true visual kei doesn't exist anymore you fuccin nerd

>> No.7709004


this is what asians wore in the early 1900s

>> No.7709031

>implying Final Fantasy characters aren't white

>> No.7709049

>Well non-asians look fucking stupid when they try hard to be final fantasy characters.
>implying asians don't look fucking stupid when they try hard to be final fantasy characters.

I don't mind east asians. I mind east asian men who are ugly or short girl in all the wrong ways. I mind east asian women who are ugly or have bland faces or are manly in all the wrong ways (you don't think this happens often but oh god it does so many asian girls look like men). That happens to be almost every single east asian I see. But to be fair, the south asians are worse.

This is also true. Even the ones that aren't supposed to be white look white.

>> No.7709056


oh yeah and why is that? because dir en grey changed their style. listen to kamijo's band versailles and we'll talk again.

>> No.7709183
File: 52 KB, 222x189, JayHahChinese-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites gon white