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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 191 KB, 1248x1284, 1381347549806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7693597 No.7693597 [Reply] [Original]

vent out your frustrations /fa/
my canned coffee has an aftertaste like diesel

>> No.7693601

d&g deserves more respect

>> No.7693605

my tumblr posts either get 3-13 reblogs or more than 1000

>> No.7693633

my qt wanted to pay off a LOT from our credit card. ok so we did.

then out of the blue today they're depressed as shit when normally cheery. happened to mentioned, "low finances makes me feel blue."

well no shit. that's why i said we shouldn't pay off so much. we really didn't need to. wth

>> No.7693637
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>> No.7693665

My gf thinks it's demeaning to give blowjobs.

I'm going to leave her this year for this reason.

>> No.7693679

>tfw couldn't sleep because I was creating the most glorious fit in my head.
>tfw tired as fuck now

>> No.7693687

Im looking for advice on this feel.

>be me
>reasonably attractive, reliable anon
>meet girl on NYE and hit it off
>She looks ME up after and starts chatting
>go on date, goes well, we make out. Excellent
>set up second date.
>her house gets broken into the night of the date and cant make it
>wait a few days
>she does nothing, so I call, doesnt pick up or return call
>few days later texts to apologize and says she still wants to hang out
>She hangs with me on my birthday
>still no sex but she states she just doesnt like to sleep with guys off the bat (I can respect that)
>we have a great fucking time, im charming as fuck, and I leave her giggling and giddy
>call her a few days later, no response. nothing back.
>try AGAIN a few days after that and again nothing
>messages me next day to apologize AGAIN and I say okay lets chat tonight
>its tonight and I just called

WTF is going on. I know it sounds desperate but I really like her and she keeps fucking with me. Every time we communicate or have any interaction she seems so into me.

>> No.7693701

I guess she can't make up her mind about what she wants or there's a ton of stress going on in her life (but still man come on)
***I'm not a professional don't quote me on this

>> No.7693702
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 114[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I\m sick and tired of people wwearing trilby hats and calling them fedoras. ITS NOT A FEDORA YOU IGNORANT MOUTH BREATHER!

>> No.7693714

she too busy riding another nigga's dick to pick up the phone

>> No.7693723

confront the bitch and ask her why she's always doin that shit,
seriously no other way of going about this

>> No.7693728

More than likely you are someone she is pursuing on the side. I have seen this behavior before, personally and through friends.

It would be foolish to say I can fully predict what is happening, but I can say, with certainty, your best course of action is to judge on the way she is acting, and treating you instead of what she says.
She is acting flaky and uninterested, so you need to take that for what it is.

What does that mean to you?
That is not a rhetorical question. I'd like to offer you some advice but I want to know where you are coming from.

>> No.7693724


>> No.7693734

I made my first fashion fuck up, you know the kind where you have a regret cop? It's a stupid learning experience but damn.

Never again, Shopping With Asian Stereotypes.
>refuse to refund me because "we can't reshelve those products"
>continue on to say "but if you get an extra package please return to sender because we'd like to reshelve it"
I guess that's the stereotype.

>> No.7693747

everyone that argues about quality is a dipshit. almost all clothes are going to last long enough until you are disgusted by the thought of how old they are. my dads t shirts have lasted a long time and didn't pay apc like prices.

>> No.7693751

bet the cotton aint the same at all tho

>> No.7693748

i moved away from home and forgot half of my cooking equipment

i have to choose between food, petrol, etc or new clothes

there are no good shops in canberra

i'm in a 'thing' with this girl but she cancelled a date we had planned for tomorrow, don't know how she feels about 'us'

>> No.7693763
File: 1.60 MB, 245x170, magneto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After learning that Hitler and the Nazis thought eastern euros weren't white and that they were the scum of the earth (along with thinking Japs are totes better than slavs) I am completely free to adore Magneto.

I'm not a jew nor a slav. I love Magneto. Sometimes the character has good fits and one day I'll dress a bit like him (the movie version that is).

It's really, really bad but superheros and super villains make me really happy and motivate me. I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm free from thinking that stupid shit.

>> No.7693769

i dont know how to talk very well, i had an extreme stutter for 13 years and now it is gone, but I am so used to talking to no one but my close friends

i think girls like my physically, but once i talk to them they don't like my personality as much anymore

>> No.7693773


I think your right. What else would explain the behavior. Question is, should I confront her about it? When she sends me the standard apologetic message tomorrow what do I say without sounding like I think shes my girlfriend? She isnt, and I know that

>> No.7693776


this fucking feel drives me insane. I see this girl often and we have a great time, then I can't get a hold of her for almost a week.

>> No.7693777

You tell her to cut the shit. Why handle her with kid gloves? If she can't even handle that she sure ain't long term relationship material.

>> No.7693801

>Question is, should I confront her about it?
I wouldn't.
You won't get the full story if you did, but you shouldn't ask her because it won't accomplish anything. You'll more than likely end up buying into what she's telling you, and overlooking the reality.
She will more than likely tell you a "half truth", which I'm sure you understand means telling you part of the story while intentionally leaving out crucial details.

You can see how things are, you don't need to hear it from her. It will also make you sound insecure and needy, even if you rightfully are curious.

What I would do is consider her as a "dead end" and find another girl to pursue. If she hits you up later, give her minimal attention while setting up another night out.
She may be still attempting to "work things out" with her ex, or even current, BF.

>> No.7693817

I typical would advise people to be direct and upfront about problems with their partners, but for cases "not getting enough attention" it is a much different scenario.

He hasn't come anywhere close to considering this girl as "long term" material, or at least shouldn't have. In early stages of a relationship it is a must to stand back and observe behavior while you can. When feelings start getting involved people can't see as clearly.

>> No.7693821


Yea, what to with the inevitable message of apology. No response seems childish as well. I think I might just say. Okay well give me a call if you want to meet up or something and wait for her to make the next move

Thanks for the advice too. You are pretty perceptive

>> No.7693825

>Chasing after girls

This faggotory is annoying me, you're playing into their bullshit.

If you want her interest you should be unavailable to her not the other way around.

>> No.7693831

>Okay well give me a call if you want to meet up or something and wait for her to make the next move
That is perfect. That is the exact right call.

>> No.7693832
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>worry if I look too much like a ninja or neo from the matrix that day to go into [insert store here].
fugg I need a crew

>> No.7693855

>tfw friends didn't invite me over to the beach
>tfw viewing how much fun they had without me on Facebook

>tfw no disposable money
>tfw cop freeze

I want a sweater, a shirt, I need to stock up on basics, but I still want a new effects pedal and need to save up for a concert ticket.

>tfw only had one interview over the holidays and got rejected

>> No.7693936
File: 77 KB, 640x668, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you continue to be a source of positivity for the people you choose to include into your life
>tfw cute, charming and sexy

>> No.7693954
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>tfw get complimented all the time on appearance
>tfw can entertain a room of people easily but am terrible at 1 on 1 interaction
>tfw people seem interested in me at work/classes but never even try to contact me outside

>> No.7693973


what can I say mate, I only want what I can't have.

>> No.7693992

damn you actually know what you're talking about. That's sound advice.

>> No.7694001

It's okay if you are crazy for a girl, just don't let her know it.

>> No.7694017

>got dumped for being a grill pleb
>still think about it time to time
>its ok im hotter now

>> No.7694033

>tfw people went up to you on the first day of school to ask for directions instead of the people around you
>tfw super qt 3.14 professor from previous semester hugs you because she's happy to see you
>people from past classes start conversations

I think I'm going to make it, /fa/ :^)

>> No.7694045

I support you on this.

Just move on nigguh

>> No.7694057

shut the fuck about relationships

>tfw hungry but too poor to afford a good meal

>> No.7694074

you must be REALLY poor then
you can make a good meal with $0, all you need is some street smarts if you know what i'm saying. that's not for everyone though

you can seriously make decent food to last you like 3 meals with $5 though

>> No.7694089
File: 369 KB, 849x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? And how nutritious would it be.

>> No.7694092

i said good meal

not fucking instant ramen or easy mac

>> No.7694102

get pasta and stir some random shit through it

>> No.7694104

You can cook a pot of stew for about $15, freeze it and eat it for a week.

You probably don't even know how to cook.

>> No.7694130

>keeping stew for a week

fucking disgusting.

>> No.7694131

well i just made a pot of dahl that is going to last me like 4 meals

lentils - $2
garlic, onion, tomato - $1
kg bag of brown rice - $4, lasts a long time

plus spices and stuff but if you're really poor you don't have to use spices

>> No.7694139

LOL thats a terrible value for the price... the only decent shit in there is the brown rice.

you're such an idiot not even samefag

>> No.7694146

>Implying Stew doesn't taste better after a few days
>Implying I didn't say freeze and reheat

>No meat

Enjoy your lentils, hippy.

>> No.7694147

how so?

these are aus dollars im talking about btw

>> No.7694178

>no meat
And that asokone, is why I can't dig it

>> No.7694184

>not vegetarian/vegan

sometimes i overestimate how fashionable this board actually is

>> No.7694193

I'm frustrated that I can't eat wild boar in australia

>> No.7694212
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>Still fashionable

We're not in the late 90's anymore m8, we don't all wear tie dye and mood rings.

Nor do we spout bullshit about saving the whales.

It's the year of our Lord Anno Domini CCXIV and we revel in our decadent meat eating ways.

>> No.7694218

Year of our Lord year of our Lord 214?

>> No.7694224


>> No.7694247


I'm fucking laughing at this post.

>> No.7694252

i think i'm meeting cool people and i'm pleased

>> No.7694282

never use a credit card nerd, its nothing but a trap
the only thing u should ever buy with money u dont have is a house

>> No.7694291


>> No.7694294
File: 43 KB, 500x371, J9Ecp24108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made seven gees AFTER work, what have you done lately...

>> No.7694307

I'm too poor to afford anything beyond uniqlo and I just wanna be /fa/

>> No.7694329

u dont need money to dress good, im the best dressed 4chan user BY FAR and i dont spend anything on clothes, i get all my clothes for free cause someonem, your probably no one and ugly to top it off so that wouldnt work, get your money up asap

>> No.7694333

>sitting in my room and i can hear all the freshers partying
>got invited to party but probably won't go
>just another night alone

at least i can listen to this song on repeat all night

>> No.7694343

jawbreaker are cool af

>> No.7694349

what brands would you recommend below ~$100

>> No.7694367

I just started running and while I enjoyed it I was wheezing like fuck due to smoking.

>tfw can't have both

>> No.7694445

>tfw english teacher still hates me.

>> No.7694455 [DELETED] 

>tfw saw lit teacher at Death Grips show
>tfw hung out at a bar afterwards

>> No.7694493

>tfw big list of shit I w2c
>have somewhat nice amount of disposable income
>can't/don't want to cop shit because too fat

>> No.7694528

>not knowing trilby is a kind of fedora as well

>> No.7694533

>tfw disgusted by my body
>tfw like food too much to lose weight

>> No.7694538

no it does not it's for poor people

>> No.7694547

in fact it does not even exist anymore..
they merged it with the main
so it's non existent
and if you were referring to dolce and gabana through d&g you are a faggot noob and they get plenty of respect..
remember that streaker..yeah
that was out of pure respect

>> No.7694552

yes I meant dolce & gabbana
they don't get enough respect on online fashion communities

>> No.7694560

bc what they did for menswear ss'14 with the cherry blossoms-they did the same for chicks rtw

but they make shit tons of $$ and that is all that matters in the end

>> No.7694594

I thought u had a kinda gf

>> No.7694593

just watched amelie
feeling really sad

>> No.7694599

a 'thing'
we slept together once and organised to go on another date but she couldnt come
probably seeing her next week
hard because we live in different states

>> No.7694611

hav u see his face..

>> No.7694614

lmao he hasn't and neither have you fuccboii, log off

>> No.7694624

I always pictured you as like a qt dylan reider look a like..

>> No.7694631

if she lives in wa im probs fucking her
no offence

>> No.7694636


do you live in the principality of hutt river?

>> No.7694646
File: 53 KB, 720x960, da blackman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not rly

>> No.7694654

damn it i had such a big thing 4 u
wtvr ill still pretend

>> No.7694657

nah hutt riverians are weird af

>> No.7694662

>tfw the only thing i look forward to anymore is sex with gf

>> No.7694677

tfw digging out earwax with a pair of tweezers
tfw hearing getting worse and worse everydy

>> No.7694684
File: 60 KB, 800x600, PIXECT-20130430212519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvr give up

>> No.7694698

lmao is that goon u fucking bogan

>> No.7694704

dnt wrry wnt

>> No.7694730

>>still no sex but she states she just doesnt like to sleep with guys off the bat (I can respect that)
If she wanted to fuck, you would've fucked.
Dump and next, that bitch is wasting your time and you've only got an extremely limited amount of that shit.
Fucken disrespectful.

>> No.7694746

Oi bruz next time I'm in CBR we'll have some hongas ay.

>> No.7694993

Quality doesn't just mean how long your clothes will last

>> No.7695003

You're most likely not

>> No.7695009

>tfw no job so i cant cop any nice winter boots or cozy knits and have to wear my sneakers in 20cm snow
applied for a job today though, hope it goes well. wish me luck guise

>> No.7695013

good luck friend


>> No.7695053

ever had a serious gf asok? if so please tell

>> No.7695068

There is more to quality than just durability

A honda will last just as long as a ferrari but it's nowhere near the same level of quality

>> No.7695076

any1 made fire crackers b4?
do they make ur house stink?

>> No.7695087

what are you doing here this is a fashion feel thread

>> No.7695095

>tfw I dont know if firecrackers are /fa/ and if they'll make my house smell

>> No.7695104

when i was, like, 12 me and a m8 made them. i think we bought those caps that u put in cap guns and then carefully pulled out all the powder and then wrapped it around a match in tinfoil. worked pretty well i seem to remember. they were louder and more explosive than the usual red ones that u buy on holiday in france. don't think they smelt too bad either

>> No.7695113

talking about the edibles dude
u get two crackers
put peanut butter on both
sprinkle weed on them
close it like a sandwich
wrap in tinfoil

>> No.7695118

They will

>> No.7695119

i've finally had it with being friendzoned as the nice guy / brother type
i'm starting to treat women like they deserve it. enough is enough.
and i'm slowly making progress, as retarded as i find it.

>> No.7695141

ooooooooooooooooohhhhhh, hahahahaha

dno, only ever make brownies

>> No.7695144

sounds fucking rank

>> No.7695149

oi yawn post a fit with that apc jumper i know you have

>> No.7695151

Why don't you stop spending your money on drugs so you can actually afford to piece together a fit that isn't shit for once?

>> No.7695153
File: 17 KB, 533x212, 1390841943934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i stop coming back to this shitty website?

>> No.7695172

When you find out, tell me

>> No.7695174
File: 551 KB, 1682x1163, photo 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno mite b cool
err only really have pic related
k will do

>> No.7695179

safe i wanted to see what the flecking looked like irl

>> No.7695198

np m8

>> No.7695225

oh damn w2c everything

>> No.7695238

>tfw nothing is made for a 6'4 guy with 30 inch legs

cmon make more 2XLT i'm begging streetwear brangs

>> No.7695261

a.p.c donegal jumper
sandro marble shirt

>> No.7695262

tonite's d nite
just do wat u wanna do
but do it like dynamite

>> No.7695268

ty buying the jumper right now

>> No.7695508
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>> No.7695527
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>> No.7695533

when you make them the house will smell for about two hours or so. the actual firecrackers dont really smell hardly at all

>> No.7695569

might throw some fish fingers in the oven with them or summin

>> No.7695577

fuck mate i love fish fingers
not eating tho cuz im out for a hot date soon but im getting hungry dunno what to do

>> No.7695578

where do you get all those smiley faces and diamonds and shit wtf

>> No.7695582

if your not a fuccboi and u got an iphone u go to keyboards and enable emoji

>> No.7695583

fish don't have fingers are you retarded m8

>> No.7695584

they are fingers made of mashed up fish you fucking grape

>> No.7695589

if ur date ends well im sure u'll get some fishy fingers m8 ;3
dont u ever tell me what fish do or dont have kmt

>> No.7695601

nah I don't have an iphone, it's whatever

m8 you are retarded and yes they will make your house smell don't let mommy catch you fucking KID

>> No.7695602

>if ur date ends well im sure u'll get some fishy fingers m8 ;3
thanks for the kind words

>> No.7695618
File: 23 KB, 259x285, beepbop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those cats are so bitching

>> No.7695641
File: 22 KB, 139x594, pusheen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pusheen is rad. Get both sets of stickers + Beast.

>> No.7695644

i literally only use the cat and the ice cream person one, that one is cute af

>> No.7695660

>tfw all i do is work, 4chen, anime, and buy clothes online

>> No.7695670

Hi me.

>> No.7695674

the cacti ones are cute. i got most just for having sticker wars with cuties though.

>> No.7695694


>> No.7695701

highschool general

>> No.7695704

just get some ozium and use that or open all the windows. It well smell like peanut butter and weed and fish fingers if you decide to go that route...

>> No.7695706

Yeah, but I actually enjoy it, so maybe it's not really a feel.

>> No.7695720
File: 23 KB, 195x615, stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are all cute af bro.


>i got most just for having sticker wars with cuties though.

The qt I am currently seeing (L) and I have spent hours sending only stickers and no actual text. They are gr8.



>> No.7695736

>tfw you can hold convos with qts only with pusheen stickers

>> No.7695747
File: 235 KB, 466x256, arizonatears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no good fits cause fat

>> No.7695750

I haven't taken a shit in two days

>> No.7695754

sometimes I don't take a shit for a week
it feels so fucking nice to squeeze it out and I feel so much lighter afterwards, it's great.
only bad thing is that I block the toilet most times cos my shits are xbox hueg

>> No.7695766

>The qt I am currently seeing (L) and I have spent hours sending only stickers and no actual text. They are gr8.

mylife. its great fun there are bajillions to pick from, just sit saying nothing for ages. and if we are holding a convo and it dies we just spam stickers until have something to say.

>> No.7695774
File: 37 KB, 413x749, ro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pusheen is truly /fa/.


>nd if we are holding a convo and it dies we just spam stickers until have something to say.

Exactly. It's a fun and non-forced chat filler.

>tfw she is more effay than I am and we talk and joke about fashion, brands, and fits.

>> No.7695776

fite me irl
lol good luck tho seriously
nah im sure it'll b fine
just gonna wrap em tons of times and proper tight plus open all the windows
>tfw no rizla

>> No.7695796

Real talk for a second here, does this board have any mods at all? Like I really like the place and threads like these but come on, this shit doesn't fly on any other board.

>> No.7695804

Multiple times I've gone to girlfriends places or trailers or whatever for an extended period of time and held in a shit for a week because I didn't feel comfortable shitting. I have destroyed my digestive system doing so

>> No.7695819

>someone from this board wants to meet up but im kinda chubby (losing it but atm like this) and probably not quite /fa/ yet and would probably get judged to shit

idk what to do. "sorry i cant, i got cancer this morning"

>> No.7695833

it'll b fine m8
go make a new friend :3

>> No.7695849
File: 29 KB, 591x422, gpZwR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw like this cute grill, dont know her that well though.
she seems to have a thing for me, and starts getting all over me when she's drunk, and we've kissed multiple times, but i've seen her with this other guy when i go out and i think they have a minor thing going on.

saw her when i went out a few nights ago, and he was there with her, but she was still all flirty. saw her on her own inside later and we were just going out for a cigarette and he sees us and comes outside and they start having an argument then they leave.

this is the first time i've liked a girl in ages and usual story some other guy is banging her and don't know what to do

>> No.7695869

not really

there should be 2 janitors but I've never seen them do shit
tbh I'm pretty happy with that tho, the shitposting isn't too bad and it gives the board its charm
if it werent for the off topic stuff and the banter i'd probs just go post on sufu all day rather than here

>> No.7695874

I'm here for you anon

>> No.7695886

ahahahahahahahaha that is one of the shittiest metaphors.

>> No.7695890

Yeah I'm with you. Just wondering since I've never seen anything deleted. Nice change up from /vg/ and /fit/ for sure.

>> No.7695896

What determines quality then?

>> No.7695901

also i didnt tell him im a grill.
that shouldn't matter r-right?

>> No.7695908

the word is analogy, brah

>> No.7695917

My greatest fear with meetups, uncooked spaghetti
Should probably at least hint at it beforehand even if you don't outright "btw im girl :3" at him.

>> No.7695910
File: 242 KB, 1920x1200, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get out of my head

>> No.7695922

yo its gonna b fine
stop over-thinking it

>> No.7695925

Nah the spaghetti's prolly on the other guy's end if he browses here. Just be chill about it gurl

>> No.7695938

bowtie pasta uncontrollably flying out of my fannypack
i don't really have an opportunity to hint at it without "btw im a girl :3"ing so it'll just have to be whatever i think
im pretty androgynous anyway

ok ur right i have nothing to lose thx man

>> No.7695940
File: 69 KB, 680x1102, 1385100168818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my entire existence

>> No.7695951

your meetup has the potential to be a great greentext story so make it happen

>> No.7695955

We should make some type of support group. Got laid off work and haven't bothered looking for a new one since I'm moving to another city soon
>tfw haven't talked to anyone in a week
>tfw going to be in a new city alone
>tfw my shit social life ends up repeating itself

>> No.7695974

>tfw crush didn't like my newest instagram photo
I guess it's time to commit sudoku

>> No.7695981

I woke up at 2am and been feeling weird since

>> No.7695991
File: 65 KB, 1200x900, busstop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too bro

>> No.7695993

tfw anxiety

>> No.7695999

11pm - 6am is the chilliest part of the night m8
watch some adult swim

>> No.7696008

tfw manlet feels ;_;

>> No.7696018

>anon you're looking so skinny, you need to start building muscle up

>> No.7696022

yeah prob. just watch some sopranos until I'm tired again
made the mistake of giving in to jet lag and sleeping from 11am - 9pm yesterday

>> No.7696039

>tfw friends think i have anorexia and stage an intervention

>> No.7696033

Unless you're married, never stop chasing girls and try to have a variety of female friends/potential lovers you can call up for a weekend when you need company.

Just get the numbers of as many cute girls as you can and text them/invite them out once a week so they're always at an arms reach.

>> No.7696053

>start working out/eating
>anon you're so big now what happened
>tfw still a skeleton
idk man can't please them until you're 100% "there"

>> No.7696049

throw a party and invite them. Seriously, take some fucking initiative. And invite from several circles of acquatences so you'll be the common bond between any positive encounters between parties at your party and be more likely to be let in on future stuff

>> No.7696052

ahaha my doctor thought that once and had a court order imposed for me to go to an eating disorder hospital
>so many qt anorexic grills

>> No.7696058

At least i have the self respect not to prostitute myself

>> No.7696066

I don't know if my face has always been this asymmetrical or if I'm just noticing it more since I haven't gotten laid in a while
Tfw whenever my sex life is shit I'm more self conscious

>> No.7696074

Oh shut the fuck up, for you it's just a little phase that I guess is normal because you correlate getting laid with being attractive. Try being a 21 year old virgin like me ;-;

>> No.7696079

nah man. you did the right thing.

>> No.7696077

I want to try to seduce a girl I'm going to be seeing at a party next weekend? I'll probably have only a few hour gap when I see her, so how should I pull it off?

Just get an H and M wardrobe and buy quality stuff cheap from second hand stores to replace it.

Smoke and work out.

This is decent advice. Unless you're having sex don't get too caught up on her or think of her as anything but a female friend.

>being a cunt just to have sex
You can be forward without being some kind of bitter asshole you know. Next time you're being sweet to a girl put your hand on her arm or try flirting with her.

>tfw I have the same sweater
Damn thats weird

>> No.7696086

dressing well and looking good is merely a facade.

>> No.7696100


pls god of shits, let me poop today

>> No.7696101
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tow only attracted to 15/16 year old girls

>> No.7696108

pine barrens is the best ep
its a fairly popular jumper
i had it first and wear it better than u tho :3

>> No.7696110
File: 94 KB, 480x640, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody talks to me
>gave a grill a gift and asked if she wants to come out with me
>she said maybe if she had time this weekend,which is no i guess
>listening to have a nice life...
>wish I was dead
>dad making shitty ass food again

>> No.7696145

Did you just try to buy a date intentionally or were you not thinking?

>> No.7696220

Okay this is hard to explain but here goes
>hot gril in tight jeans walks by
>everyone else looks at her ass
>I don't/can't look because i'd feel like I'm letting her "win" by getting me to look at her
>people constantly ask "anon are you gay"
I guess in my mind I don't want to give attentionwhores any attention
what's wrong with me

>> No.7696221
File: 22 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mqqbu9zqp21qcbx8zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt mixed seychellois creole gf

>> No.7696244


holy shit I never realised I did this until you posted

like there'd be a hot girl at a bus stop or some shit and I'm just "eyes forward", not even glancing in their direction, don't want to give them the satisfaction

i'll acknowledge literally everyone else I pass, aside from them

maybe I'm just bitter but w.e idrgaf by now

>> No.7696245

are you me?

>> No.7696253

that's disgusting. When making edibles you have to get the THC out by simmering it in butter or oil, then remove the remaining weed chunks and it still tastes strong even then. Having chunks still in it would be borderline inedible and might not even work well at all -- the THC is only soluble in stuff like butter, you cant just eat weed and get high. Baking like that might work a little but it's wasteful and dumb and pleb

Simmering it in butter smells really strong too. It makes my whole house stink for hours. I guess baking would do the same

>> No.7696250

Same here brahs.

>> No.7696252
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Hahaha I do the same thing. I usually end up critiquing their outfit when they're not looking in order to feel like I'm better than them even though I'm not. I'm just an autistic asshole. People definitely think I'm a gay weirdo
>mfw people keep trying to get me to hook them up with my sister

>> No.7696256

oh man the sister thing is the worst
I have 3 and all of my male friends are always trying to get with them

>> No.7696258

you crave attention and feel jealousy/competitiveness towards people who receive more than you

>> No.7696272

right in the feels

>> No.7696275

>lost my sexy skinny bod after coming off my roadracu about a few ago.
>couldn't tame my diet and pigged out like the fat shit i am.
>gained 4kg of body fat thus wrecking my 66kg 5'11 pedal body.

It's now 2:36am, I'm loosing my buzz and i still have too ride 70km.

>> No.7696279
File: 145 KB, 1700x2320, Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to dump my girlfriend but i feel so guilty

she is really not expecting it either and its gonna suck so hard

i just want it to go away on its own, she keeps asking to see me

how can you set up a dumping?


>> No.7696290
File: 126 KB, 1500x1383, demfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kyphosis
>tfw never have a perfectly straight back
>tfw will never be effay

>> No.7696293

Is everyone using Sms pro these days? My gf made me download it but I had no idea how popular it is

>> No.7696294

omfg u r so smart

just kidding you stupid fucking self aggrandizing faggot the oils/fats in pb are sufficient enough to extract cannabanoids

and youre all fucking plebeian anyway, everclear tincture is the best edible

>> No.7696304

I want a girlfriend but I can't get one without having a car and my mother is using my car right now and I have to wait until she buys her own, I'm not sure how long that will take but it won't take any longer than this year (that's still a long time ;_;). As soon as I get my car though I plan to sell it and buy me a nicer looking/luxury car (because let's be honest right now, a lot of girls are materialistic) So yeah, now I just have to wait....

>> No.7696314

You're full of shit

>> No.7696321

kinda intentionally i guess

>> No.7696320

you can't get a girlfriend because you are probably an ugly shithead with a horrific personality, i worry for any woman that comes within sight of you.

fucking shitsack

>because let's be honest right now, a lot of girls are materialistic

i hate you.