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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 198 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-20140127091431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7687379 No.7687379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

let's do a thread with boots and workwear:

things taht are not allowed:
>pussy-ass wood and leather soled fagboots (yeah you know who you r)

pic related is a 30 year-old pair of Red Wings that my dad used to wear and now I'm doing things to them

>> No.7687386

>now I'm doing things to them
like what, wearing them when you go out to clubs so everyone thinks you're a hard working man and not just a little bitchboi who's worked in retail his whole life?

>> No.7687385
File: 139 KB, 576x399, 1390890222911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687404

>pair of Red Wings that my dad used to wear and now I'm going to ruin them

>> No.7687407
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2448, 20140126_143303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha jokes on you faggot

>doing things
like cleaning them because they're my DAD's and i'm doing NICE THINGS for him

and riding around in DIESEL PICKUP TRUCKS with my friends

look how nice i cleaned them up for him

>> No.7687406

i hate puss liberals as much as the next guy on /fa/ (who isn't wearing a skirt) but why hate on leather shoes nigga

leather is the best natural outsole material
artifcial rubber and crepe (natural rubber) don't last for shit

>> No.7687410

Confirmed for poser

>> No.7687416


>> No.7687415


>i hate puss liberals

Lol sieg ur cock is too big log off before it devours connecticut

>> No.7687417

op confirmed for faggotpleb that has no idea about anything but discount sneakers from walmart

>> No.7687418
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, 20140126_141137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed for bitchbetaFAGGOT

aww yeah look at that grime uuuunnnngngghhhh

>> No.7687428

>DIESEL PICKUP TRUCKS with my friends
it's cute that you think this is something about which to be proud

>> No.7687429

all joking aside, i'm talking about boots that are more along the lines of workboots.

look at a pair of 1ks and tell me that they don't look as much like workboots as they do dress boots. same goes for most of the stuff on the RW heritage collection

>> No.7687432

hes gonna be pissed you cleaned away 30 years of him finally getting them "just right"

>> No.7687436

Is that a crack on the left boot?
dem boots are ded
would make a find casual pair though, but that crack's only gonna spread like your boycheeks before your father's tumescent cock

>> No.7687448

i can get workwearcore but you're trying too hard OP

>> No.7687446


i'm not expecting to wear them heavily. casual pair? definetely.

fuck off pansy ass city fagot BITCH

>> No.7687449

what do you mean? being obnoxious and stupid?

>> No.7687450

>look at a pair of 1ks and tell me that they don't look as much like workboots as they do dress boots. same goes for most of the stuff on the RW heritage collection

That's the point. No worker buys expensive work boots since they just get fucked up. Cheap, comfy, safe and easily replaceable, except in specific circumstances.

The 1k mile and RW's heritage never claimed to be for work; they're for emulating a work look.

They may have been work boots 100 years ago, but there's better tech that's superseded them today.

I would have thought that this was self-evident?

Anyone who buys 1k's or RW H's instead of those brands respective workboot lines for using on actual work is a fool.

>> No.7687460

yep. I guess it's my fault for replying to sieg

>> No.7687470

op, wearing tough guy clothes doesnt make u a tough guy

ur just cosplaying as one

>> No.7687473
File: 1.95 MB, 3264x2448, 20140126_141240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking this thread even remotely seriously

>not contributing to the converstaion

>> No.7687493

>artifcial rubber and crepe (natural rubber) don't last for shit
siege that's just becase you're heavy and fat they last fine on the un-supersized

>> No.7687521
File: 281 KB, 1024x922, WilliamLennon78PTCDerbyBoot00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chippewa and Thoroughgood are all okay US brands that make this style of boot.

Their quality doesn't appear to be as good as RW though, but they're an option for the budget conscious.

One brand in which I'm interested is William Lennon of the UK. They, apparently, still have a tonne of old machiery from the Edwardian era or some such, and make hardy boots.

>> No.7687539
File: 145 KB, 1032x812, 30536_DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to buy a pair of boots that are similar to Danners in that I could wear them as winter boots, and then also use them for hiking?

pic is danner boot, for that retard/denim dan steez.

>> No.7687556

If I were serious about hiking I'd use dedicated, specialised hiking boots, and get a separate pair of winter/walking boots.
Used to use Scarpa about 12 years ago; dunno about their quality/rep these days.

>> No.7690137

they look like baby shoes

>> No.7690152

work boots =/= hiking boots, its more of a fashion name for rugged looking boots now

just trust me, they might be "high quality" work boots, but even chipps will fall apart if you take them out hiking or mountaineering regularly.

>> No.7690163
File: 548 KB, 1536x1024, WL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WL look awesome

If I'd wanted to wait 4 months for my boots I would have gotten some, but I stuck with Oak Street

also 4/10 OP troll harder next time

>> No.7690181

op is like the living incarnation of that powerthirst video lmao

>> No.7690239
File: 174 KB, 717x1024, manly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is lacking in the man department and more in the bitch aisle.
this is now a fabulous~~ thread

>> No.7690263

Shut ur mouth fuckin nerd