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/fa/ - Fashion

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7680668 No.7680668[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ college/university meetup thread

post what college/uni you're at and meet up with fellow /fa/ users and spill spaghetti and stuff

>> No.7680685

UBC (I hate my life. I should have gone to McGill)
I wear Raf, Jil, Ann, Our Legacy
Been thinking about buying some Rick and Damir pieces
I'm ugly as fuck and stupid

>> No.7680703

where's all my princeton/rutgers people

>> No.7680698

Vanderbilt University, BME phd. Considering the dumbasses in the classes I TA, I wouldn't want to meet any you fuckfaces anyways.

>> No.7680721

University of Washington

last time there was some guy here that said he wore raf velcros but i've never seen him

also there's some dude i see wearing black common projects like every day that i'm positive browses here

>> No.7680728

ill be there next year m8

>> No.7680730


post fit

>> No.7680736

CU Denver

>> No.7680750
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Here are some of my shoes :o)

>> No.7680784

I just moved to Akron. Any of you niggas want to show me around this shithole?

>> No.7680811


are you asian?

>> No.7680837


>> No.7680860

ucsd and i'm finna transfer (but it's not gonna happen, rip)

>> No.7680869
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Emory University


>> No.7680909

I went there. Out of all the qt korean girls, I never got to see one naked. =/

>> No.7680916

i go to ubc. I wear white geos sometimes. and a death grips shirt.

>> No.7680930

I feel like there is a pretty strong ucla presence on this board, but I don't think anyone has ever met up tho

>> No.7680937
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>> No.7680939

McMaster University

>> No.7680940

Yo i'm Langara, want to meet up pal :-) , don't worry i'm not some dumb nammer

>> No.7680953

I'll send some to you when I get there :)))

>> No.7680952

Are you from ucla, too?

>> No.7680960

U of A, Edmonton. I be amazed if there were someone else here, but I don't think you'd be interested in hanging out with a waspman like myself

>> No.7680965


go to Thursdays. there's a local group of hoopers that can introduce you to the rave scene if you're into that. Otherwise its a decently and diversely populated dive bar.

There's a weekly dance night called RPM at some place called nicolettis, never been there but's it's supposed to be low key and the drinks are cheap. If it's the same residents from the last weekly i used to go to you might get to see some people spin actual vinyl.

Euro Gyro is a good place to eat when it's late and you're drunk.

Idk what there is to do if you're not 21.

Oh, the musica has good shows. even if you don't know who's playing you should go anyway, i saw lights, churches, purity ring, the toasters and the english beat there for 10 bucks a pop, it's a good place to just show up and sit in a corner and just take in whatever is going on.

Buzzbin does shows too but they're a little more sporadic. if you want to try your hand at writing they'll give pretty much anyone a shot in their weekly rag if you're not a total cunt and don't mind being at the bottom of the pecking order.

>> No.7680974

Yep. 2nd year here. I mean if there is enough interest I would definitely be down to meet with other anons

>> No.7680979


also there's a hookah bar somewhere that's run by a bucnh of foreigners, they're really cool if you get to know them on a first name basis.

>> No.7681006


Thanks, nig.
I'll be moving downtown in a week. I'm holed up in a hotel until then.

>> No.7681011

I'd be down to meet people. I'm a third year (transfer). North campus. You?

>> No.7681023

ohio state university

>> No.7681029

UMN twin cities campus, catch me in dark brown steel toe red wings, carhartt shit, coke boys hoodie

>> No.7681036

hey i go here ha

>> No.7681041

I have like 6 good friends going to drexel, what year are you?

>> No.7681042

you're asian aren't you

>> No.7681049

Applying to the human bio and society major (so kinda both north and south) but also an asian humanities minor. I kind of wonder what the distribution of majors would be like for /fa/

>> No.7681051


Another UW here, not the CP or raf guy though

What's the best outfit you've seen on a Chinese or Korean on campus?

>> No.7681073

What year and major are you?

Nice. I'm a desma major

>> No.7681100
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Let's be honest, I'm the only person here from Umass Dartmouth, everyone who goes to my school is a basic bitch, and it's going to stay that way...

>> No.7681104

I'm scottish in heritage
My eyes are kinda droopy so I look half japanese or something (I've had a lot of people ask if I'm half japanese I mean)

>> No.7681106

I went to a desma event once, I think it was some sort of collab with lucky dragons or something? Was pretty cool. A good friend of mine is an art major so i sometimes check out the student shows and galleries with her

>> No.7681109


You'll have an good time, akron's not bad. just don't walk along at night and don't make eye contact.

>> No.7681114

Well, then we probably have crossed paths at one point because I was at the lucky dragons thing last quarter, too.

>> No.7681139

Senior, Finance major

>> No.7681152

huh, well maybe we'll accidentally run into each other sometime. I'm not particularly fashionable or well-dressed, but if you see a guy with all black ramones or hender scheme vans thats definitely me

>> No.7681154

it seems like most UBC people are asian lol

>> No.7681166

probably like 90% of the student body is asian lmao

>> No.7681176

yeah haha I've been there a few times, the campus is so nice man

>> No.7681183

i go to langara lmfao

who are you? whats your skype son we have to meet

>> No.7681202

It's a shit hole man. Most of the buildings are gross. The Math Annex smelled violently like piss the whole term I was in there for a class. I think the SFU campus is way cooler than the UBC one and it's cozy as fuck at night.

I'd probably be down to meet up but I'm an ugly pizza face ;-( I've been looking for people to shop with who know about fashion.

>> No.7681209

Yeah, it's a small world. It's ok, I'm not well-dressed at all, but I do enjoy window shopping here sometimes. If you see a short Asian with some of his hair tied up, that's me

>> No.7681212

Well I'm the only fashionable kid in the school so you've probably seen me around. No judgment.

Add my skype:

>> No.7681226

you just sound like a really negative person, i bet the campus is really nice, and you just can't enjoy anything because you're so down on yourself it's seeping out all over everything

>> No.7681234

nooo I'm gonna be sad if I dont get accepted there I don't wanna go SFU..

>> No.7681237

Nah dude, I'm not that guy but the math annex really does smell like piss

>> No.7681242

two questions: do you have a dope samurai haircut? were you at the screening of grand budapest hotel? if yes i think i know who you are hahahahahaha

>> No.7681253

university of calgary
i've got a class from 8-9am tomorrow then i'm gonna be hanging around and doing homework all day so if you want to hang hit up my email

>> No.7681270

I'm going there next year look for a young nigga 5'7 (the one in Tacoma)

>> No.7681285

If you think rotting leaves, mud, and construction sites are pretty then UBC is the school for you. I'll admit the geology building is really /fa/ but that's about it.

Fuck, last class I had in there was during term 2 and when it started to warm up the stench got unbearable.

Honestly, If I could do things over I would have loaned up and gone to a school far away or I would have gone to SFU. UBC really is nothing special. If your high school average was in the 90s (which it should be since high school is piss easy) and you have some decent ECs you'll get in. If you're applying to arts I'd be seriously surprised if you don't get accepted.

I'll add you I guess.

>> No.7681290

Yes and yes haha. Let's be friends

>> No.7681331

please respond

>> No.7681342

whoawahowahwoahaohawoaha man this is too much for me right now. Thats nuts. You may or may not recognize me, I'm mixed white-asian with short hair relatively tall i guess. lets hangout sometime!

>> No.7681350

I really wanna get into sauder (ya I know they have a rep for being douchey af) I have like 95% avg for first term and pretty meh EC's... Also I missed deadlines for most other places so heh

>> No.7681364

woah thats pretty crazy

>> No.7681367

Yeah, let's! The description you just gave confirmed my initial suspicion. I definitely know who you are now. It's pretty easy to find me; I practically live in broad and b plate haha.

>> No.7681375

Stoner brook, suny

>> No.7681380

are you a freshman?
thinking about going there. any feedback on what the school is like?

>> No.7681404

sheridan college, trafalgar campus


>> No.7681408
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where ya at.

>> No.7681441

If i see you, I'll definitely say what's up! Man moments like this really shows you how amazing the internet is.

lol I love bplate too and I hangout in untitled at broad sometimes too. I feel like untitled is the only cafe on campus that isn't constantly crowded.

>> No.7681452


>> No.7681469

>Asian detected

There are few /fa/ honkeys on campus.

>> No.7681474

You fuckers kicked ass at the Quidditch Canada Cup in November.

>> No.7681484

Mfw 2 poor 2 buy nice clothes

>> No.7681503

UVic, I don't think anyone there posts here though.

>> No.7681517

i might go to uvic in sept

how is it for getting bitches if youre in engineering

i just
wanna fuck

>> No.7681531

You could always sell plasma or do psych experiments for money.

I used internship money for fresh cops.

>> No.7681530

Would do but in Calgary kek

>> No.7681538

University of Central Lancashire
P Town

>> No.7681539

how do i sign up for psych experiments

>> No.7681552

There are flyers all over the elevators in the Psych building. They may be posted online too on the dept. website.

Most pay $10/experiment (about an hour). A lot of them won't last the whole hour.

>> No.7681556

any chicago bruhs wanna go to a show at sub or something i am always down, and i dont care how u dress

>> No.7681557


>> No.7681564

oh i'm not them & i don't go to your school. would it still be possible to get into f2p science experiments anyway

>> No.7681573

Also, you best not shop at UO. I never stepped inside any UO store.

Get some orange chicken at Cravings. For $6, you get a lot.
Go to the Thai place on Mondays if you like pad thai. It's across the street from Walgreens.

Take a bitty to Kofusion for dollar sushi on Sunday or Monday. Bitches love Kofusion.

>> No.7681579

ive participated in tones of psych experiments (part of the requirements of my course)

most of them will be boring stuff like questionnaires looking for correlations i did one where they ran electricity through my body though, i cant even remember why they did it but it was kind of interesting

anyone at university of canberra?

>> No.7681581

i wouldn't know i don't really pay attention to that stuff. Although seeing them play outside is always a good laff.

>> No.7681592

Yo I go to UVic, haha didn't expect to find anyone else here

>> No.7681607

pretty easy if you have game, wouldn't recommend the university if you don't want to be surrounded by meatheads/corny white people all the time tho

>> No.7681608


i don't like it. only way to party is frat life, feels like an undergrad meat grinder (this is a problem at every public institution though), offerings for non-STEM majors are weak...

but who am I kidding. i'd probably be this way anywhere i went

>> No.7681620

>University of Canberra
Hows going to questacon every weekend

>> No.7681625

Not him, but that sounds awesome.

>> No.7681940
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Let's have an lattc meet up, birthplace of Rick Owens.

>> No.7682042

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

>> No.7682059

MUN reporting in

>> No.7682068


>> No.7682085



pick one untermensch

>> No.7682087
File: 12 KB, 105x101, 1390824064315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def noones here from Maastricht University.. uni's good and rich and the labs are amazing, but shit's so rural i just cant(

>> No.7682105
File: 25 KB, 225x410, 1368803835612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully me. I'm still learning. I'm a CS major and this fashion stuff still new for me. Maybe we can work together to make the RUB more /fa/.

>> No.7682112

uni köln ya bish

>> No.7682131 [DELETED] 

UC Roosevelt (Middelburg) here, I feel ya

>> No.7682137

UC Roosevelt (Middelburg) here, I feel ya.

>> No.7682144

l'm at UM. Not Randwijk though.
Pepyn is also at UM.

>> No.7682147

Düsseldorf here.

>> No.7682291

aw, nice, at least something. i used to live in berlin bfore, and some other capitals as well, but this place.. i once got frisked on a train because of " complicated dark clothes" lol

>> No.7682380

University of Maryland CP, wizzup

>> No.7682391


FUCK your school.

>> No.7682394

Lund Sweden

>> No.7682397

Anyone from GMU here?

>> No.7682404

rutgers doesn't seem to be a very /fa/ place at all. feel like i'm trying to hard sometimes when everyone's wearing sweats.

>> No.7682405

mah nigga,
where you live?

>> No.7682412

yeah rutgers is for the most part un-/fa/
you can spot a lot of international swagfag koreans walking in designer sometimes though

>> No.7682415

University College London

>> No.7682417

Laval university, Quebec. I study fine Arts

>> No.7682432


>> No.7682437

>implying i can afford to go to questacon every weekend
i fuckin wish mate

>> No.7682445

north 4th, near 15th ave

where you at? if you see some faggot in an ma-1, oxblood docs, and a black sup box logo pullover don't hesitate to give the call of the fuccboi

>mfw i have like 3 outfits i can wear in this weather and not freeze

>> No.7682450

no shit I'm on 15th and Indianola

I have a pretty shitty wardrobe I barely have any winter pieces either. Fucking 20 degrees outside actually feels warm I hate this shit

>> No.7682462


>> No.7682465

aw shit, best school

know any future astronauts?

>> No.7682517

UT Austin here
If you see a manlet from space tell me I'm a fuccboi or something.

>> No.7682587


Wow I searched the thread for FGCU with 0 expectations. Shoot me an email

>> No.7682586

I graduated from UC Berkeley this december (no I am not asian) and now I live in LA.

>> No.7682596

La Sorbonne here, please tell me there are other people

>> No.7682624
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Mount Allison University, NB.

This place is shit, at least I'm moving to Halifax soon.

>> No.7682636

University at Buffalo. Saw someone in full goof in Knox around 10:10. Maybe they go on here.

>> No.7682665
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specifically mississauga campus
i need cute boys to spend some time with all of my irl friends go to different schools and i'm lonely

>> No.7682671

fuck i probably walk by your place at least twice a day

i am engineering major so i see very few /fa/gs

>> No.7682680

oh lawd

>> No.7682686
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Just a regular school (germany)
Anna Warburg Schule / Hamburg

feeling lonely

>> No.7682688

I was ME premajor, now I'm physics because reasons. And yeah I know what you mean

>> No.7682698

MSU, prefer Russian designers like Yudashkin. Look like walking stereotype about Russians. Dat feeling when you realize your clothes cost more than new car, but nobody give a fuck because nobody knows it.

>> No.7682710

Warwick University?

>> No.7682718

I go to UVic, too.

>> No.7682748
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dude, very low q bait, yudashkin's chlothes are a fucking joke
and, besides, moscow has so much more to offer if you're into /fa/, i remember living there and coping so much ninjagoth and european designers stuff, not to mention tons of prada sport and such shit in second-hand stores, if you're on a budget.
shiit i even cop'd so much demeulemeester pieces there, just because russians don't know the value of it.

>> No.7682768
File: 541 KB, 1858x1233, Aarhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where mah danes at!?

There's gotta be someone on this board, Aarhus University is effay as fuck

>> No.7682770
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>> No.7682776
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im not in school rn but i will be in the fall

>> No.7682790

I go to Uvic. What program are you in?

>> No.7682802

Tvivler på det er særlig fa minven.

>> No.7682808

>What's the best outfit you've seen on a Chinese or Korean on campus?

lol to be completely honest it's like all the international students try to dress well cuz they can afford it, but usually dress really badly. it's cool to see brands like bape and cdg reguarly, but they're usually the highlight of a fit.

some of the girls dress qt tho

>> No.7682824

5th Uvic ITT

>> No.7682860

2 of my best friends are. History.
I'm in an engineering school though, not that far from Paris.

>> No.7682862

here is my email (masked because i have autism over posting my email on 4chan)

hit me up if you're trying to go to the bar or some shit

>> No.7682872

also this applies to all ohio state /fa/gs

>> No.7682883

Any of you /fa/ggots at SPSU?
I'll be there for 6 weeks, kek.

>> No.7682895

Cool. Do your friends live near the university?

>> No.7683041

Not technically, but I'm in Paris.

>> No.7683048


>> No.7683130
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UT austin here too. I'm not very /fa/ though

>> No.7683209

I see you all the time, I'm usually in some monochrome drapey shit and I wear y-3 sneakers

>> No.7683225

lol i highly doubt it.

>> No.7683227

where do you live?

>> No.7683262

Tennessee Tech

C'mon, I see you dudes all the time. Don't tell me you're just MFA.

>> No.7683268

>my fucking face when i realize the internet already knows i am a fuccboi
>my goddamn mother fucking face when i didn't notice someone walking around in y-3s in the middle of fratville

emailed you back /fa/ osu bro

>> No.7683279

me 2 m8
u a posh boy or vegan feminist? or both?

>> No.7683295

ASU anyone? biggest school in America and I never find any one posting

>> No.7683318

Lol transferring to UMD from Bridgewater mah nigga

>> No.7683329

rollins college

the majority of dudes wear boat shoes. that's how u know ur schools a joke

>> No.7683341

UBC here. Wear designer pieces here and there (read: sale pieces and second hand). I like Japanese streetwear mostly. 1st year, fuck this school it's so dull, will probs transfer but this year I got invited to hang out with frats so I might rush next year B) (didn't do it this year)

>> No.7683353

The 19th. I'm here on a program. You live here?

>> No.7683362

Lonestar cyfair

>> No.7683365
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, jan 14th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I saw you it was mid-day between classes around Cadwell and 17th so it was super busy. This is me though, I'm usually wearing something like this.

>> No.7683379

is that a zara sweater

>> No.7683384

u get my email?

>> No.7683387

yeah I'm a poorboi

>> No.7683392

nah who cares. it looks cute on you

>> No.7683410

Thanks! I don't mind it too much my biggest complaint is with the build quality though. the stitching around the zippers is extremely shoddy.

>> No.7683428

can you give more details? im considering going there

>> No.7683446

Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Wibautstraat)

>> No.7683450

good shoe collection and taste in music

>> No.7683489


>> No.7683498

>Maastricht University
hey anon wanna meet up?

>> No.7683501


>> No.7683511

wat studeer je?
ben niet >>7682144


>> No.7683527

I live right off campus, on top of one of the many Au Vieux Campeur.

>> No.7683582

hows bridgewater?

>> No.7683587

neither am i m80 what's your major?

>> No.7683589


Which sorbonne? There's a bunch of universities, right? I've only been here 2 weeks. I still don't really know the place too well. What stop/line do you live near?

>> No.7683592

It's alright, but I'm into comp sci + engineering so it's definitely not the school for me. It's a small liberal arts university in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.

Nice place, though. There's a lot of great local music and festivals and shit. I'm gonna miss it but it really isn't the place to do a science degree.

They just went on strike this morning, btw. So it's kind of a shitshow right now.

>> No.7683600
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>> No.7683603

hey, i do science undergrad.

>> No.7683638

>mcgill master race reporting

Yep. Should have gone here

>> No.7683650

i-im thinking about doing physics
s-should i do it ;_;

>> No.7683663

Paris V now (pharmacie school), and closest metro stop is Cluny-La Sorbonne from where I live.

Have you been to the Palais de Tokyo yet?

>> No.7683688

physics is top-tier, don't hesitate, anon.
but i haven't grasped entirely the take on phys sci in UM, honestly - it is mostly bio, chem and computational stuff that i was exposed to.

>> No.7683701

Tallinn University of Technology
>You'd never think I visit this board
>only thing that might give it away are the black skinny jeans
>but like anybody might wear black skinnies

>> No.7683750
File: 360 KB, 494x739, osa_ra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's in the tri-cities (ON) here? I'm on my gap year and working and idk how to meet people

>> No.7683807
File: 32 KB, 150x190, 1390158462240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone in Harvard?
We could meet and do some stuff, no homo.

>> No.7683812


Pre-junior here. I know there is a lot of /fa/ here. It's a counter to the commuter lounge-esque autism.

>> No.7683830

I'm in Laval too

>> No.7683831

you don't go to harvard

>> No.7683845

dartmouth college anyone?

>> No.7683852

It's often said to have a 3/1 female male ratio.
I've had pretty good success. Not many women in engineering though, there is a few qt3.14's though.
Crazy, did not expect that many replys, I've never seen anyone on campus that I suspected to be /fa/. Hit me up, we could have a mini meet up - I'm always in the biblio.

3rd year C-computer Science, I don't have a neckbeard though I promise.

>> No.7683849

Anyone from Rider University here? I'm transferring after this semester if I don't kill myself from boredom first.

>> No.7683858


just replied

>> No.7683869

ill be looking for you now, all of my classes are in that general area

if any other OSU bros see this thread hit up my email. if we get enough people i'll start a google doc. columbus state and capital university or general columbus /fa/gs welcome as well

>> No.7683888

Chem. Taking an Italian class so I'm on campus every day at like 8am. What's your schedule like bruv?

>> No.7683893

any of you ohio state guys play fighting games?

>> No.7683898

i have over 900 hours on SF4 and SF4 AE

>> No.7683899

is a fuccboi what i think it is?

>> No.7683909

do you go to wednesday nights at donato's? we have a weekly meetup there

>> No.7683910

>is a fuccboi what i think it is

>> No.7683907

CS here, taking Greek History and babby Gov 310 outside of that though
In Gregory at 8 M/F 7 T/Th and then usually leave around 12:30

no john
you are the fuccbois

>> No.7683926
File: 106 KB, 468x390, 010340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do.
What's the matter, jealous?

>> No.7684002


McGill master race also reporting in. Are you /fa/ anon?

>> No.7684004

sheridan college brampton campus here

>> No.7684029
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 1M514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep thats about where I'm at, mezes, welch, and the art building. If you see someone with an assault bag it's probably me, haven't seen anyone else on campus with one yet.

>> No.7684037

Uni College London

>> No.7684039
File: 6 KB, 234x131, BU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not in school anymore ;_;
After Bishop's I went to George Brown

>> No.7684068

I spend like 3 dead hours between classes in the art building a week lol
They play this one stupid fucking film on repeat in front of my classroom and it is 15 minutes long has a theremin soundtrack and is literally on that screen and those speakers 100% of the time
Fuck that building

>> No.7684069

persistent maastricht undergrad here. ya'll wanna meet up, still? i'm kind of getting tired of travelling and skyping all weekends)

>> No.7684079

wassup people

>> No.7684118

seems like theres a lot of uclbros on /fa/

id have liked to have gone but i was 5 UMS points from A*AA

it is what it is

>> No.7684158

University of Southampton. I know there are a few of you here.

>> No.7684160

no one's anywhere near asheville :'(

>> No.7684164

lol my art history class is probably in the same lecture room you're talking about. Yeah, that fucking movie man. I love walking onto west campus though, it's like you cross San Jacinto and you feel like you're at a completely different university.

>> No.7684210


Du tvivler? Og jeg er ikke din ven, kammerat. Og du er simpelthen ikke dannet nok, hvis du ikke kan værdsætte den æstetiske skonhed i nordisk funktionalisme når det er bedst. Med andre ord;

>> No.7684228



>> No.7684262

in fact i got a c in maths gcse so couldnt anyway hahahahahAHha fuck me

>> No.7684267
File: 638 KB, 1598x1598, 20091109_Bryant_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubtt any guys here browse /fa/ they adhere the northface/baggy jeans/timbs or gauche sneaker uniform

but here we go, Bryant University git in here

>> No.7684275

where are you planning on going now? got any offers from anywhere or are you taking a year off?

>> No.7684285

hes gonna be a rapper

>> No.7684290

hey whats up, south campus here

>> No.7684303

usc (south carolina)

>> No.7684315


who knew McGill was on /fa/

>> No.7684335

trying this again because nobody ever fucking responds

university of calgary
hit up my email

>> No.7684353

yehhhhh where you at fam

>> No.7684369

holy shit is this real life
i'd never thought there would be fuccbois in this shithole

>> No.7684370
File: 5 KB, 774x82, hhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a place at york, law, for 2014

will probably go there, im finna resit this exam in may which will get me A*AA overall easy, but thats mainly cause i really fucked one up and can amend it easy and it will keep my melon whirrin before i go to uni, plus its a politics exam with some stuff in it about the biritish judicial system that will actually be helpful in my first year, and fuck, magic circle firms even look at your a levels when dishin out trainin contracts

I could take another year out, go to somewhere a little better, kcl has a philosophy law and politics LLB which looks cool, but in all honestly it aint worth all the effort just to go to some place a couple prestige points higher, even tho im a prestige whore studentoom style, hopefully goin to york will still leave me a good chance of getting a good training contact and making paper, plus im not sure im cut out for livin in london, i cant tell if id hate it or love it

big decisions big decisions, where ya at buddy you at ucl?

I love how in the UK school system you can not give a fuck until literally the last 6 months and still succeed, pretty funny, feel like i played the system ended up doing better than kids who worked hard all their life, all you gotta do is do good in a couple of exams at the end of a2 and bang youre in a top ten uni, dont matter if you never tried before hahahaha fuck man a levels were a fuckin joke, my attendance was fuckin 74%
yung lean/lelders colab mixtape 2014, you know its fuckin going off
yo i just ate a large dominos chicken feast pizza, check the macros on this shit its all my macros in one

>> No.7684379

is that 130 protein? damn son im about to join you on the Plains of Pizza
also drinking a gallon of milk tho #gomad #milkfart

>> No.7684388

I go to due. Seen an asion once with the most yellowed sole geobaskets (all black) that were sick.

>> No.7684385
File: 647 KB, 568x595, 1390784062976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I ctrl + f'd with no expectations. H-hi /fa/-riend :')

>> No.7684391

and man it was actually lower than 74%, probably more like 65% because one of my teachers who was a bro marked me in when i wasnt cause he knew i was gonna tear the exam up either way

ya man crazy shit, strong macros but i should be cuttin, tipping the scales at like 170 or something hahha fuck it

>> No.7684390

he fell for the meme :(

>> No.7684396

ye thought you looked kinda fat but w/e
fat lelders the mix master
droppin bombs in the waywt where ya @

>> No.7684405


The Asians are so aloof sometimes. Some are /fa/ as fuck, full on goofninja, others are /fa/ in that really rich preppy way.

Want to meet up?

>> No.7684407

UCF, Orlando. Let's do this turbo nerds.

>> No.7684415

shit brah in which program?

>> No.7684423

bac en enseignement secondaire (francais - anglais)

>> No.7684424

very true, love all the nb's I see the asians were haha.

Worst part about Purdue fashion is the saturation of hunter/ugg boots, lol.

yeah maybe, what year are you?
Im a sophmore in dietetics

>> No.7684434

do ya count calories or just #yolo
i can't keep up w/ it its gay

>> No.7684441

is that futureworks? my cousin is at futureworks

>> No.7684452

just get myfitnesspal my dude it's easy
does everything for you

>> No.7684466

bruv uk universities are ridiculous

friend got a cambridge maths offer they want 4 a stars

>> No.7684479

i was using fitday b4
i'll try dat tho

>> No.7684480

nah I'm still at college. I did my first year of sixth form and didn't like the limited options I had so I started college last september and now I'm doing courses which are 2 years long so i'll be here for another year and a bit then I'll probably take a year off just to think things over and get some money, sucks though because my m8s that had already started college before me will be off by september so I'm going to have to make some new friends after they go :(

>> No.7684494

wait what is college

you doing btecs? or what?

>> No.7684491


rutgers /fa/g here. for the most part un/fa/. koreans/japs go hard, cpl grills arent bad either.

>> No.7684499

have fun having no school today or tomorrw
wsu just got cancelled for tomorrow too

>> No.7684504

i just realized matt helders is the name for the drummer for arctic monkeys lol

>> No.7684501


sophomore in mech. eng.

>> No.7684512

nah I'm doing my a-levels there instead of sixth form because the courses where limited there compared to college where there is a whole lot more choice on what to study

>> No.7684514

Start at UAH in the fall. I did't think I would find anyone but I found 2 people on /g/ so I might as well check /fa/ too

>> No.7684518


im at kcl next year. postgrad law tho

>> No.7684517

oh cool man, well if you want to meetup at greyhouse or something like that this weekend (night) just hit me up, I gotta go but just send me a email if you wanna figure out something (odensel@...)

>> No.7684533

aye bro i go to u of c do u wanna blaze and fart coke

>> No.7684535

I'm a commuter but never go to the lounge, is it that bad? Also I see about 20 people a day who look like they were dressed by the internet.

>> No.7684558

p- pls respod

>> No.7684568


r u a grill?

>> No.7684565
File: 153 KB, 636x467, #.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



swag swag, are you wanting to be a lawyer, cause kcl i guess dont do gdl or w/e

>> No.7684579

European Institute of Information Technology

>> No.7684582


im probably not going to be on for the rest of the night/before this thread dies, but if you wanna chill/840-double blaze it sometime shoot me an email: vpn1@rice.edu (i don't go to rice, I just have an extra email account lel)

>> No.7684586

matt send this shit along with a pic of you to in a bucket hat to yung lean

insta signed

>> No.7684606

yo this shit is fuckin fun i just ordered a snowball mic

>> No.7684616

nah finance. magic circle work is boring af

>> No.7684619

i have the yeti and it is top notch

>> No.7684620

oh dang is it

>> No.7684625

what faculty you in?

>> No.7684628


>> No.7684633
File: 2 KB, 256x73, srjc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7684635

nice man spit a flow

>> No.7684643

you sound middle class

where are you from

>> No.7684645


dads from london mums from yorkshire, got some middle class and working class blood in me

>> No.7684648

that was dope

>> No.7684649

hello lelders should i go to durham or edinburgh for uni next year

>> No.7684661

i only know for law, durham is a fuckin borin uni and apparently has a load of cunts there, so i dunno, id probs pick edinburgh

my knowledge is mainyl based on law reputation thoguh

>> No.7684672

you live anywhere near stockport? cousins live in stockport

more specifically bramhall it's the only part of manchester i know

>> No.7684677

yeh, not bramhall though

>> No.7684685

whys no one spittin a response

>> No.7684712

is that where all the /fa/ people are? i'm in engineering (lel) so i don't see any except when i go to mac hall to eat

>> No.7684724
File: 12 KB, 500x500, ntnu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7684757

Whereabouts I'm in wilmslow

>> No.7684785


>> No.7684790

holy shit, long island. not going there but i know some people whp are and will be.

>> No.7684817

tell them not to it fuckin sux

>> No.7684839


lol I am your only other ASU friend, we have such an unfashionable campus

>> No.7684855

just for kicks, is this Dan? Or is it one of the campus's 70% asian student body?

and tell me what sucks about it

>> No.7684888



>> No.7684898

which one fuckboy
Paris-IV reporting in

>> No.7684894

do you / did you go to wilmslow high

>> No.7684906

anyone from uwo?

>> No.7684920


long island sucks everyone is jersey-tier retarded and this school is depressing as hell. no one really seems to ~want~ to be here. decent academics tho depending on what you're here for.

>> No.7684943

No, I'm tryna go. I heard it's "tres tres jolie". you have a phone?

>> No.7684978

Any Baylor bros?

>> No.7684984


>> No.7684991

Ayee 7.

>> No.7685010

Mainz represent

>> No.7685018

i live near the bnf, are you a med student ? because i think they're fags

>> No.7685022

Word. I'm on 15th and summit, pretty sure I've seen you on high and 15th a bunch of times

>> No.7685036


I never go to lounge either. But for reasons obvious to those who do go down there. Unless you like LoL and Pokemon and card games and are obnoxious about it. But only if you are obnoxious about it.

>> No.7685042

Any Cal State attendees?

Doesn't matter which one

>> No.7685061

get on skype

>> No.7685065

Nope. My mother is a doctor though, fuck you. What quarter is that? I live in the 19th.

>> No.7685071

i am on chilldude372

>> No.7685083

dude you go to diderot and don't know what the bnf is. hint : it's the huge building that overlooks the grands moulins campus and contains a public library
what do you study at paris 7 then ?

>> No.7685097

i'm up for a meet up to chill
no real good stores here though
went to amsterdam today and saw some real good stuff, almost afraid to touch it lel
idk if you guys want to do something add me tumblr or something
i'm always up for some alcohol

>> No.7685098

do random ass people just call you and chat you up or something?

who regularly calls you?

any anons who are cool? any who are lame?

>> No.7685099

waterloo hype



>> No.7685112
File: 46 KB, 474x355, 1390867092327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no /fa/ as fuck ccny crew to stand around the castles looking fly as fuck with

>> No.7685134

I'm not technically at Paris 7, like I should probably take a class there but I'm studying at a Columbia satellite campus. I'm on an exchange program.

>> No.7685141
File: 141 KB, 458x493, 1385866989918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol so shityy but yeah

Matt lelders
the chubbers
saying he got game
saying he bustin hy(mane)
we know you sitting
with ben and jerry's getting your licking
smoking by yourself
all alone in your shelf
taking a gap year
not having any experiences to hear
not fearing
matt always on /fa/, always appearing
all those lone hours
at night up late smelling flowers
made matt the king
always winning his flings
prepared for the worst
and constantly looking like a bratwurst

>> No.7685206

cool. enjoy paris

>> No.7685211

haha yea not really

my friend is in civil, what do you do?

>> No.7685223

virginia tech

there's a guy who works at the bookstore who is /fa/ is fuck

are you there?

>> No.7685244

first year so just common, gonna go into electrical next year
are you the asian guy i've seen wearing raf velcros a few times?

>> No.7685252

so true, either frat bros or cargo shorts in all my classes

>> No.7685261

wot no

that's cool, did you go up and talk to him? i would've

ii'm gonna keep an eye out

you sure they were raf?

>> No.7685274

nah, i've only seen him while i'm walking to the train so i'm usually in a hurry plus i don't want to sound autistic stopping some stranger to say "hey, n-nice shoes"
pretty sure they were raf lows though

>> No.7685280

Trinity in CT?

>> No.7685312

lmao that would be funny
I haven't seen anyone wearing designer shit (excluding michael koors, coach, lv etc) but it would be cool to strike up a convo with someone and talk about fashion and shit if they were wearing something i could recognize

also i lied i don't go to u of c i go to sait, i go there sometimes since all my friends go there

>tfw in school with a bunch of smalltown rednecks

>> No.7685323

are there a lot of cute girls there? every time i see one on the train in the morning they get off at sait

>> No.7685345

yea there are, probably more than MRU but that's pushing it

if you see a dude wearing blue isaora jacket/ alpha industries bomber

black jeans

and camel suede boots please shout out 'post a fit fuccboi'

>> No.7685491



yo, so its true that perhaps appreciate my own company more than the average drone but

thats cause its better than hanging out with faggots who aint even in my zone cause

im on another level, fuckin extra terrestrial you best believe that shit

im pure energy, pulled from the ether, my flow so fast i rap like a fuckin cheetah

yo, im the king effay, pretty boy known for turning straight men gay

yo, so i look like a fuckin bratwurst?, talk like that end up in a herse, six feet deep beneath the earth, and yeah so what i smoke herb, better than the cock you smoke now that is what i fuckin peverse

yeah, youre a fucking faggot, i said it, blowjob from your dad was your favourite birthday present

anon, dont start beef you cant finish, you know my rap skill cant be diminished

>> No.7685508

dope man

you are actually good at this lol

what was that last line you said right before "no offence dude"?

>> No.7685518

lol thanks

this is mad fucking fun too

i said like still better than your bars dude, no offence

>> No.7685529

oh yeah lol i wrote that out in like 2 seconds

>> No.7685550

no but I am one of the many ching chongs from SBU

>> No.7685598

this nerd called matt has picked up the mic i see

in white boy fashion he bragging about his dick

he ain't know that he up against the mother fucking power

my finger got more energy that that cro-magnum head of his

You calling me perverse? You the one in trouble, not being able to see me coming at you with 10 tons in reverse

Your face might be pretty, but after my pecs come down your face will be equivalent to your moms broken pussy

Thats right, ive seen your moms vag. Its as sloppy as mud mixed with ground meat

I wont hide my sexuality, i take blowjobs from my dad. Im so alpha my creator bows down and sucks me off

Thats a level you cant even reach, beetch

Holy shit i dont even know half of the stuff in here makes sense but yeah

>> No.7685601

any vic bros down for a meetup?

>> No.7685619


umd here, feel free to hit me up

>> No.7685831

boi or grill?

>> No.7685845
File: 147 KB, 481x267, ludovico-technique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahaha this anon tryna spit his fuckin broken rhymes to me

he sayin im braggin bout my dick yo well listen very carefully

see i aint exaggerating when i talk about its size

picture your mum looking up at it dribbling with wide eyes

cause she knows she about to get the face fucking of her life

then leave that pussy bleeding like like i fucked her with a steak knife

but yo, lets be serious for a sec about my dick, its big, and your mum loves sucking on it

and yeah i called you perverse but i guess ill take that back

cause its okay that you enjoy licking your dads ball sack

you just got a little problem bro not your fault, you didnt choose it

ima strap you to a chair and give you therapy like kubrick

in his film, bout the orange thats clock work

give you electro therapy untill your cock just wont work

yo, i bodied this fool, and its fucking embarrassing

i be poppin xannys when i spit jacked from your pill cabinet

but yo i gotta go, im about to pass out

from this beer and benzos, i guess ill see yall about

>> No.7685864

nobody ever says VCU ;_;

>> No.7685877


what year/major are you? sounds like you're in Fulton from the dress code

>> No.7686049
File: 331 KB, 1365x1024, ECU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have seen maybe 1 or 2 /fa/ people since I've been here. I'm not really /fa/ myself, but I lurk tons

>> No.7686073

thanks dude
see any /fa/ un-asian fags

>> No.7686417

we should meet up

>> No.7686771


seriously anyone living in the suburbs are worthless pennies laying on a sidewalk i wouldnt waste an hour of my time with them

>> No.7686789


>> No.7687204

anyone in the garden city area? no one stays on campus on the weekends, its the worst

>> No.7687263

I'm from greensboro. Did you go to high school there?