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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 53 KB, 395x594, 5Lh1Uyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7680329 No.7680329[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder

don't do fashion if you're either of the following
>bald or balding
>short (<5'9)
>have acne
>have a lisp
>have a gay/high voice
>are fat

>> No.7680364
File: 15 KB, 281x227, maleperineumliving[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7680440

is this guy ugly?

>> No.7680451

i guess i can still do fashion then

>> No.7680457

So instead of trying to better yourself you should just give up?

Also something like acne is so minor since with healthy living you can get rid of it easily.

>> No.7680480

post face/fit compensating fuccboi

>> No.7680477


he isn't cute, but ugly is extreme imo

>> No.7680487

so dont do fashion if youre OP?

>> No.7680496


>> No.7680509


>> No.7680503
File: 61 KB, 600x369, 1390798574658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom was a model in eastern europe (born in czech republic)
>named me after a fashion designer from her time >tfw i will never live up to my mom's dream

>> No.7680514


>bald (or balding)

Excuse me sir, but we're going to have to escort you out the building.

>> No.7680530

No...he's right. Damn it, he's right. It hurts but it's true.

>> No.7680697

2/7 Not bad

>> No.7682758

>implying bald people can't be effay
>implying there isn't a good type of "ugly" aka rugged

>> No.7682800
File: 70 KB, 255x171, 040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw ugly
tfw short
tfw acne

>> No.7682806

>tfw ugly
>tfw short
>tfw acne
>tfw fat
>tfw greentext

>> No.7682813

But wait

Can I manlet if I'm Asian and only pursue Asians???

>> No.7682827


only if you're a light skinned asian.

>> No.7682825
File: 1.52 MB, 390x285, 1385658562645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you define fashion, OP?

>> No.7682831

What's your name, mate?

>> No.7682836
File: 7 KB, 214x200, 1350937546287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possibly balding (tho possibly just /fa/-born paranoia)

cud be worse

>> No.7682845
File: 17 KB, 533x212, mylife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acne since i was 14
>did every treatment available including accutane
>still have remnants of it
>i'm 21 now
time to kms

>> No.7682853

Can /fit fuck off already ?

>> No.7682849


excellent. I will continue to look good then.

>> No.7682851

Kek thank god for that :)))

>> No.7682859

I believe I'd be model tier if I wasn't 5'6" ;_;
my standards are so high that I rarely find girls who I would even kiss
then they're out of league for me
so much depression
maybe I'll get better when I start bulking serious

>> No.7682863

why bulk everyone will just laugh at you for overcompensating
which is what you will be doing

>> No.7682865

>getting muscles at 5'6

you'd on look like you're overcompensating.

>> No.7682871

>>have a gay/high voice

If you're going to dress gay, shouldn't you have the voice to suit?

>> No.7682873

>don't '''''''do'''''''' fashion

can you trip so i can filter you?
grammar isn't tough
you're saying 'don't do art' or 'don't do food'
i wish 4chan had a magical agegate that could detect the age of posters and bar everyone under eighteen

>> No.7682875
File: 129 KB, 500x596, Rick&#039;s 1 Rule for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a lisp
>have a gay voice

Boy! so many designers gotta kill themselves and burn their creations too

>> No.7682878

> changing your clothes
> bettering yourself


>> No.7682888

I have 5'5" friend who is very much muscle, bf maybe around 20% so fatty fat
and girls are attracted to him

>> No.7682891

> implying that you can be effay and rugged

>> No.7682902
File: 260 KB, 468x386, burningfurby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also something like acne is so minor since with healthy living you can get rid of it easily.
This is what people with normal skin actually believe.
>omg anon y don u just wash ur face???

>> No.7682914

what if i'm a 6ft athletic white male with a round, soft-featured face?

>> No.7682919

I don't think most people think of severe cystic acne when they see someone on /fa/ just complain about acne.

>> No.7682931

fedoras and open finger gloves if used correctly also open shirts

>> No.7683008

You forgot shitty jaw or chin. Or just a round face in general.

>> No.7683258

>>bald or balding
>>short (<5'9)
>>have acne
>>have a lisp
>>have a gay/high voice
>>are fat

c-can i still do it?

>> No.7683264

>>c-can i still do it?

>> No.7683338

I bet you eat mcdonalds every day

>> No.7683357

>have a gay/high voice
i have a deep monotone and i would kill for a sassy gay voice
>tfw no emotion
my mother was a vulcan and my father was gordon brown

>> No.7683376

only that. mild.
i-it'll go away one day in sure

>> No.7683962


>> No.7684019

Half the site's userbase would be gone.

>> No.7684049



>> No.7684432
File: 150 KB, 990x370, Amcqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a bald, overweight man.

But it's not like he's one of the most respected and influential fashion designers of all time, right cunt?

>> No.7684461



>glorious nordic hair


>almost no acne

>no lisp

>radio announcer voice

>skinny as fuck

I guess I should do fashion

>> No.7684506


>butthurt bald fatty detected

>> No.7684542

lel don't even try

>> No.7684543

all bald men should follow alexander mcqueens example and kill themselves

bald headed fucking freaks

i may be stupid, fat, ugly and a shitty humna deep down

but at least i have a full fucking head of hair

puts me a solid notch above you alien head looking mutant fucks

>> No.7684552

Eh, I wouldn't say don't build up muscle because of fear of what other people will think (you're overcompensating) most of 4chan is deluded in that they believe themselves significantly more important than they actually are.

In reality the majority of people who see you throughout the day will not care what is you're wearing and how you look nor what it is you're doing short of embarrassing yourself and ultimately, short of a snapshot of said embarrassing action or clothing item, it will be forgotten about within the hour.

Nobody caring about you is great in that it gives you the freedom to wear the clothing that you like the most rather than what is other people think you should be wearing and you no longer have to feel anxiety when attempting to accomplish something for the people that do care about you.

When it comes to being short, no matter what the troll threads lead you to believe, nobody particularly cares. Sure, I've laughed at ridiculously short and muscular people before, albeit briefly before I forget all about them, but no one is really concerned with your height. Wear whatever you want, get as big/small as you want. No one cares

>> No.7684557

Oh but the reason I don't lift is because I'm small like you (5'8) and don't want to look stocky.

>> No.7684576

>puts me a solid notch above you alien head looking mutant fucks
Nah, it doesn't.

>> No.7684594

Mcqueen dressed like shit himself. And honestly a lot of his clothes were shit.

>> No.7684631

the same is not true if you're balding, everyone cares and everyone remembers

>> No.7684638

That's not true either, probably, but when you're insecure about something I'm sure it feels as if it's obvious to everyone naturally. As if every single person is focused on you and your bald or balding head, solely, it's a selfish train of thought really.

>> No.7684644

>Exactly 5'9
>Finally got rid of my Acne
>125 pounds
>Normal Voice
>Receding Hairline.

I'll grow some balls, work out harder and then just fucking shave the whole thing.

>> No.7684659

>as if it's obvious to everyone naturally

How would it not be obvious to anyone naturally? Short of wearing a hat?

You clearly have not thought this through.

>> No.7684675

I was speaking generally of insecurities. Of course everyone can tell your bald if they look at you, similar to how they can tell you're short or you have acne, why should they care though?

>> No.7684696

Because acne is usually not as dramatic as a balding person before their years by socially generalized terms (50s and onwards). There are plenty of young short people, but it would hardly stun or turn heads to the same degree as balding 20 year olds, especially if they're not shaved.

>> No.7684722

There are plenty of bald or balding 20 year olds, if any of these feel threads provide an accurate assessment, it's not really a spectacle to behold when you see a person balding at an "inappropriate" age. Again, why should anyone care?

They don't, at least not any more than you do about them. Everyone has their own issues to focus on and as a result are simply too busy to make you the main character in their life to your detriment. Stop worrying so much and you can maybe enjoy life.

>> No.7684756

>my standards are high
The grapes are sour, said the fox

>> No.7684838

post fit/face

>> No.7684963

No, I'm a little above average.
>bald or balding
Thankfully no.
>short (<5'9)
Woah, just barely qualify for this.
>have acne
A tiny tiny bit. Trying to get it sorted.
>have a lisp
lol no.
>have a gay/high voice
Not by a long shot.
>are fat
120 lbs bruh.

Am I effay?

>> No.7686674
File: 60 KB, 500x500, give up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, no.

why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.7686709

my voice is only kinda gay, it's more annoying than anything else. It's okay though, I just keep quiet and people assume I'm mysterious because I'm such a cutie.

>letting other people on the internet decide whether or not you can invest yourself into fashion

>> No.7686710

>not 90%

>> No.7686828

Fuck you asshole, I didn't ask or do anything to cause this.

You willfully got fat, dumber, and stayed a shitty human being by your volition.

While this baldness crept up completely outside of any control.

>> No.7687079

w2c vest

>> No.7688164

>possibly balding
This means you are balding. Sorry, bro.

>> No.7688173

On the topic of acne.

Mine is mild to moderate. It never seems to fully clear up. Some days I'll break out really bad and some days it will be barely noticeable.

I've been on accutane before and it cleared every single spot. I'm going to my dermatologist today but my fucking acne has pretty much gone. Will she still let me take accutane if I explain to her that I might have nice skin today but might break out like fuck tomorrow?

>> No.7688182

>gorgeous face
>strong hairline, slight natural widows peak godly for manbuns and not a single balding gene to be seen in the family
>clear modelboi skin from good diet and lots of water
>moderately deep, rugged voice

manz str8 on that good feel ting innit blud

>> No.7688186

Truth fam -lil b