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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 203 KB, 960x747, sverige01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7675888 No.7675888 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the vast majority of people on this board write like some 12 year old negro on facebook would ?

Since when was it ever /fa/ to write in some disgusting bastardisation of the English language and to deliberately omit using capital letters, appropriate punctuation, etc.

I'm not trying to come across as some grammar nazi, but in many cases it seems that even a top runglish ekspert on /int/ has a better grasp of the English language. Just saying.

>> No.7675893

Because it annoys people like you?

>> No.7675895

blablabla post fit

>> No.7675897

the ghetto typing is ironic you fucking mong


>> No.7675906

It's a tryhard attempt at appearing to not try hard.

>> No.7675907
File: 41 KB, 446x362, not amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is ironic
Yeah sure it is.

>> No.7675913

well, why do people type like retards on fb? its cause its more informal, doesnt seem very serious and is more light hearted.

If I start typing like this, it looks like I'm trying way way way too hard for my own good. I look like an Autist.

type like this tho noone cares. suck it mate.

>> No.7675916

it is ironic and cool like we up in wshh or ktt or sth :)

>> No.7675921
File: 5 KB, 139x139, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here op i think itll really fit your intelectual appeal

>> No.7675922

cuz im black on tha inside

When I'm talking like this I sound like a white man.

when i talk like this sound like a str8 up nigga g

>> No.7675924

Kuz we hyphy dawg nahsayin?

>> No.7675926

>If I start typing like this, it looks like I'm trying way way way too hard for my own good. I look like an Autist.

What the hell are you going on about ? No it doesn't.

>> No.7675929

Rick Owens Talks Like This So I Do To So I Can Express My Love For Fashion More Better

>> No.7675931


>> No.7675937

lel stfu op you cocksucker

>> No.7675939

Ooooohhh killem

>> No.7675941

I think it's pretty funny to see a lot of people acting like inbred retards over clothing on some anime website

>> No.7675943




Sent from my iPhone

>> No.7675956

Thats how we know who's keepin it 3hunna

>> No.7676052

Because /fa/ is filled with edgy trendhopping children. The best way to filter out 80% of bad advice is to ignore people writing in all lowercase without punctuation.

>> No.7676058

we in dese skreets

>> No.7676073

yes that's right :^)
Also, I made a .txt file where I put good and bad namefags, so I always know, which posts should I insta-ignore.

Also, Kuzu, idi nahooy, blyead.

>> No.7676097

>idi nahooy, blyead.

You are not Rushin. Where are you from ?

>> No.7676105

Kto ne russkiy, ti ne russkiy, epta
spoiler: No ved' tak i est', lol.
regards. krautchanfrogs.

>> No.7676103

>I'm not trying to come across as some grammar nazi

You have some mad gestapo attitude for not wanting to come across as a grammer nazi smh

>> No.7676111
File: 192 KB, 570x424, 1302048157350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because niggers (and wannabe niggers) are into clothing (not fashion). as you can tell from any length of time here, this is not a fashion board, it's /c/lothes, so you'll have to put up with wannabe niggers.

>> No.7676122

Yo u gotta keep it fresh for streetcreds n tha hunnies namean?

>> No.7676124

because twerk built founded the early persona on it and in spite of how tsundere they act pretty much all of anon fell in love with it

>> No.7676126
File: 151 KB, 480x681, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because fuck you that's why.

>> No.7676138

Because we're not autistic enough to care?

>> No.7676143
File: 7 KB, 184x214, 1369354003967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the tumblr thing to do idc is pretty cool tbh
check how laidback and cool i am idgaf man
im so trill

>> No.7676151

Ti iz sankt peterburg ?

>> No.7676148

y ya'll mad doe
y ya got beef wit the homies niqqa?

>> No.7676157

Nyet, ya iz Moskovii, churka Litovskaya

>> No.7676163

biljet biljet biljet

>> No.7676168
File: 346 KB, 660x660, 1375952650135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op confirmed fuccboi

>> No.7676187
File: 158 KB, 640x480, russian wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Negře, prosím

I still don't understand what that means

>> No.7676189

>posting OF tumblrcore pictures
>not king of fuccbois

>> No.7676193

ja is pitera
privet bratan

>> No.7676195

Kuzu, a ti modniy? Perebiraysya k nam na sosach v /fa, u nas oche pusto :3

>> No.7676203

Ne palishsya.

>> No.7676204

when you type like this you can be a scathing fiery asshole and it's still just bants m8
if we weren't assholes or typed out "Your fit is fucking shit and you should end your life." we'd either be mfa with only compliments or have nobody posting fits or trying anything new
that's probably not why it started but it'd be st00pid to stop
why'd you suggest stopping
you st00pid m8

>> No.7676211

pne plevat hotlos na vostochnoje pravopisanije russkogo alfavita
ja shivu v germaniji, rodom is piterburga

un nas tu j+a chitaetsa kak ya
hotya moje imja pishetsjy po angliskij: ilya

>> No.7676215

idk bout u mufuccas but I type like this 4 real cause I ain't no herby ass bitch

>> No.7676219

ti ebanutiy? u vas tam polniy pizdec
milliardi zaletnogo bydla. fuuu

>> No.7676226

Sovsem ebabitiy chto le? :^)
Ebom toknut?
To-to i ono! Tak hot budet kto-to!

>> No.7676236



>> No.7676231

Ya ne gavariu pa-russkiy bro. Sorry

>> No.7676247

>Why do the vast majority of people on this board write like some 12 year old negro on facebook would ?
most people on the internet in general use slang and improper punctuation nice try though

>> No.7676258

ti moshesh kommunizirovat kak normalnij chelovek? voobshe ne ponimaju tboi slang

>> No.7676260

tru but if you look around other boards here most don't except for /b/ but fuck that

>> No.7676254

Speaking like a nigger is a good leadup to the inevitable "#ethered", a term this board is fond of but was created by a nigger in a dis track. I guess you have' to admire /fa/'s devotion as they debase themselves by stooping to a lower culture.

>> No.7676268

vou-vou, palehche, bratishka, tut vse tvoi druzya.

>> No.7676287

shut the fuck up with this martian shit

>> No.7676291
File: 1.42 MB, 349x225, MGJPLnD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>as they debase themselves by stooping to a lower culture.

>> No.7676299

u fukin wot m8 i fuc u n ur mom ass

in alll srsnes i prefer it bcuz it pisses a lot of ppl off when they comment on my spelling and i reply like this

>> No.7676318

does anybody comment tho
i mean most people type like this anyways
fuck i picked it up after like 2 days max on here and i write bullshit and read pope and milton for funsies
ppl just do it to fit in i think

>> No.7676332

ci vou plait a la toilette?

>> No.7676334
File: 339 KB, 1360x1888, stormweenies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like when /pol/ debased themselves by stooping down to Stormfront "culture"?

>> No.7676343


this pseudo intellectual shit always cracks me up

>muh english language

why the fuck would you want to limit yourself to a standardised language on a fucking image board

a standardised language is boring af

>> No.7676351

Oh the term liberals likes to use because saying "stormfag" is really uncool.

>> No.7676359

Yo kuzu, I like you better with brown hair.

>> No.7676360

yo dis nigga be right az he poundin' dat gash and pullin' new cutter erry day

>> No.7676366

I'm not a liberal and I've been calling people faggots on 4chan for years. I just think the term is funny because I always see it on /pol/ and it gets StormTards butt flustered.

>> No.7676372

I just call them stormfags, and not "weenies", which makes the people that hate them look like third graders.

>> No.7676383

The trick is to call the Stormfags a different thing every time. Its like a fun mini game.

>> No.7676387
File: 31 KB, 303x369, 1385516887445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ime an interlectual. I dont mean to brag about it but I am intelligent with a big IQ. I came to /fash/ion to Learn how to dress in a classy Suit and Tie, yet all the Fucking Subhuman Nigger Scum here can't even use Correct spelling and grammer. #yolo, as you fucking apes would say.

>> No.7676408

I used to type with perfect english when I was in high school

eventually I realized that coming off as a psuedo intellectual to my friends was no longer my calling in life, so now I just type the way I speak

>> No.7676403

Why do you look like such a huge faggot, kuzu?

>> No.7676424


>> No.7676570

Define "huge faggot".

>> No.7676573


>> No.7676574

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7676576

I stopped to bleach my hair in 2011. On the last occasion my hair began to break off halfway down the strands. Never again.

>> No.7676579


>> No.7676585

How ? Everyone is at least a little bit gay.

>> No.7676589

Thats how we stunnin on dem hoes
Keepin it real, cuz

>> No.7676601

Oh, so it is actually brown right now? The majority of the pictures I saw of you were picturing you with blonde hair.

>> No.7676615
File: 186 KB, 771x824, kuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah brown

>> No.7676622


>> No.7676665

since when is omitting capital letters and punctuation a "negro" thing? racist

it's a stylized way of writing. some people just don't like the look or feel of proper capitalization and punctuation. I'm not saying it's consciously chosen; it's about as conscious as choosing the way we speak. what I mean to say is it's not motivated by laziness or ignorance

it's not true that any of us couldn't type "properly" if we wanted to. when I was 13 my spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc was near-perfect because I thought it mattered. since then I've changed my mind about what kind of punctuation/etc is appropriate

the english language is not a set of perfect rules that should be followed to demonstrate your elite intelligence. it's a tool which you can use and morph to communicate in the way that you desire.

but clearly, for you, english rules are an important tool for classifying the intellectual capabilities of groups of people, like "negros", or board communities on 4chan. I think that's a pathetic way of thinking but I doubt anyone can persuade you to think differently

>> No.7676670

Is this a joke? is THIS faggot actually sitting here and complaining about the way people type? Let this be a troll.

>> No.7676679

I leld :)

>> No.7676713

Reading comprehension m8. I didn't classify it as a negro thing (I forgot this board was touchy on the race issue), but merely the style by which one would expect such a person to use.

>the english language is not a set of perfect rules that should be followed to demonstrate your elite intelligence. it's a tool which you can use and morph to communicate in the way that you desire.

Well that's your opinion, m8. But tell me this: would you intentionally misuse pronunciation/capitalisation in your CV or cover letter for example ?


>> No.7676719

Kuzu go back to /trv/ please.

It's clear you don't even care about fashion, so why even come here to shitpost about this board's "culture"?

Though I'm guessing its for the attention

>> No.7676720


i don't think the stream-of-consciousness style of posting here is at all comparable to the grammar/formatting on a resume

>> No.7676745

The English language is, in itself, a bastardisation of a bunch of other languages with a few loanwords thrown in.
It's like baby's first attempt at a Latin language or something.
You aren't smart or intellectual for getting autistically angry when people write in a well-known form of internet syntax.
Also, typing that way is not, and hasn't ever been isolated to black people. You're a mong.
By the way, you look like white trash (as in, "wow holy shit it's a fucking bogan hahahaha man i bet he's inbred lmao so gross").

>> No.7676757

>would you intentionally misuse pronunciation/capitalisation in your CV or cover letter for example ?
Do you honestly consider some glorified anime/shitposting forum the same thing as a CV?
You sound like a fedorafag basement dweller.

>> No.7676758

is a CV or cover letter supposed to be the highest aspiration of the english language? I don't understand your point

you don't tailor a CV or cover letter to your own ideals, you make it fit the employer's expectations, which is always going to be "correct" english.

even if you had said "essay" instead, which would be a much better example than a cover letter, it would still be the case that /fa/ is not an academic essay, or a CV, or a cover letter, or a poem, or a novel, etc. writing serves a different purpose in these discussions than it does in those other mediums.

>> No.7676764

would you intentionally misuse pronunciation/capitalisation in your CV or cover letter for example ?
>example ?
why is there a fucking space there ? !!

you're not used to communicating with other people, are you? deliberately capitalizing and using "appropriate punctuation" makes you look like an autist with a stick up your ass in many situations

like right now

sorry if this is hard for you to read

>> No.7676765

>you don't even care about fashion
What makes you think that ?
Well to deliberately use an incorrect style of English seems only anti-intellectual to me.
>Also, typing that way is not, and hasn't ever been isolated to black people. You're a mong.
Haha, why is the race issue so sensitive here ? It's thrown around on int all the time, but over half the people who use it aren't actually racist in any truthful manner. Calm down.

>> No.7676772

becuz we all got a BBC

>> No.7676788


>an incorrect style of English seems only anti-intellectual to me

incorrect style according to whom? was shakspeare an anti-intellectual as well?

>> No.7676795

Anyone familiar with the Queen's English.

>> No.7676804

>Queen's English.
wats dat

>> No.7676817

fuck ur shit mane bet u wearin cdbs. smdh get da fuck out so all us niggas can get #turnt up

>> No.7676831

>no argument
>"n-no racist pls stop"
Maybe you should go back to /int/, then. Everyone here kind of thinks you're retarded.
Btw you're bastardizing the English language by spacing out your question mark like that.

>> No.7676840

>Well to deliberately use an incorrect style of English seems only anti-intellectual to me.
to deliberately dress like a flaming faggot seems anti-intellectual to me

>> No.7676848

No really, since when did this board become so PC ?

>> No.7676863

>like a flaming faggot

lel, but I don't.

>> No.7676865

Please stop writing like a disgusting foreign exchange student who doesn't know typing etiquette.

>> No.7676871

>because niggers (and wannabe niggers) are into clothing (not fashion).
Other way around.

>but if you look around other boards here most don't
Wrong. Literally every board on 4chan is probably 50+% posts with slang and shit grammar. That includes /sci/ and /lit/. Why anyone gives a shit about this is beyond me.

>> No.7676889

lol i like how he's just ignoring hipster now cause he knows he's right

oldfags r hilarious

>> No.7676906


you know that le queens enklish has no qualification other than being agreed upon a few hundred years ago?

>limiting yourself to a pointless way of expressing yourself to appear intelligent

jesus, how fucking boring can a person be

>> No.7676914


>> No.7676939

none of the points you've made so far have held up just go back to /int/

this board is hardly PC it's just that other boards like /pol/ and evidently /int/ are filled with racist idiots

>> No.7677041

not the guy youre replying to, but that's not an opinion its a fact. language rules and vocabulary follow use, not the other way around. if it were, we'd still be speaking ancient forms of greek, latin, germanic languages, etc. even those went through great change.

also, im not writing a CV on 4chan. every post here is doomed to oblivion once it gets past page 2. its irrational to put effort into formatting and proofreading into something that will die in a matter of hours

>deliberately use an incorrect style of english seems only anti-intellectual to me

its actually anti-intellectual of you to dismiss ideas just because they dont meet your taste. more literally so, as 'intellect' is the domain of abstraction and ideas, not whether or not a pixel doesn't appear where it should or a letter is not capitalized. the latter is pettiness.

'incorrect' is also mistaken. hundreds of words are added to the english dictionary every year, grammer rules shift over time, and there are multiple forms of 'correct' depending on to whom and where you write. its best to suspend judgment, especially somewhere like 4chan. as long as one is understood whatever language used is adequate

>> No.7677053

Why would you give him your favourite hat?

>> No.7677072

>Ime an interlectual.
Really? You seem like a nigger lost on his way to WS.

>> No.7677082


That was the point

>> No.7677096

insecure, middle class white kids that need nigger culture because they have none of there own?

>> No.7677105

>as long as one is understood whatever language used is adequate


i think OP has a problem understanding that communicating is a social endeavor, it would make sense if an autist got upset when people played around with language since it's difficult for them to keep up

>> No.7677122


stop trying to force this meme kid

>> No.7677148

>as long as one is understood whatever language used is adequate

0k4y m8 1 gV3$$ th1$ is 4cc3t4bLe w3y 0f c0rnmun1c4t1nG cuZ u c4n und3$t4nd 1t

>> No.7677161

>as long as one is understood
that shit is hardly understandable

>> No.7677176
File: 1.25 MB, 2136x2848, 1286530853839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this is OP

>> No.7677179

Eto u GUMa?

>> No.7677181

i understood what you said. its adequate.


a) youre intentionally being opaque. whats being discussed does not involve the same intention

b) part of the point i made was about effort. you probably wont continue to post like that because it took a lot of effort.

>> No.7677191
File: 52 KB, 254x253, 1374085288199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's the cool thing to do

I know this will sound autist as fuck but I've been on effay for so long that I recognized when the shift in the slang used in posts changed, and I actually shitposted against it.

then of course I joined the current to b cool w/ the fam and not be herby af d:^)

>> No.7677184


if all you care about is being understood then why wouldnt it be?

>> No.7677185
File: 1.05 MB, 2623x2304, 1330663820985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is OP also

>> No.7677195
File: 1.47 MB, 2304x3072, 1330662988052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is OP

last pic i have

>> No.7677205

w4nn4 b3t? 1 c4n typ3 l1ke th1$ 34z1ly

>> No.7677206
File: 1.32 MB, 167x170, 1389134163581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ahahah this nigga gon get #rekt (;

>> No.7677213

b17ch u 2 dum 2 und3$t4nd l33t

>> No.7677224

that's why i said 'probably.' even if you continue to do so, i can still understand what you've typed, so you havent really made any inroad against my argument/points. its a good try though

>> No.7677235

c00l m8 l3t$ 4ll type in 1337 b3c4us3 wr171ng l1k3 a d3gen3r4te is 4cc37abl3 :^)

>> No.7677245

w3 ir0n1c nao
1337 1s th3 n3w c00l in th3 c3s$p001 th4t iz /fa/


>> No.7677257

yyyyyyyyyyyyy34h muh n1gg4

>> No.7677308

>writing like a degenerate is acceptable

putting words in my mouth. i never said that. that is just the opposite of your own argument/belief, which is also even wrong itself. the germanic roots of modern english were degenerate to romans--in their words "barbaric".

second, your argument if it even is one doesnt make sense. appeal to extremes fallacy.

keep trying though, its cute to see such a small mind trying a different approach every time the last one fails. cant wait to see what you try next :)

>> No.7677350

i like how he can't help himself from repeating the same joke over and over like a true autist

>> No.7677591

I wish that sweater was more practical.


I really like it, but it was difficult to wear whenever it was windy and impossible to fight people in.

>> No.7677659

ur a nerd :))) we into ebonics like you into that me-me cuz its totally cool and not ironic rite?

>> No.7677667



>> No.7677703

*tips fedora*

>> No.7677769

:)) this is u


>> No.7677782

What is wrong with ASOS if you're not buying from their in-house brand (which is over 50% of the time rubbish quality) ?

>> No.7677803

nothing really :/ that particular sweater is kinda herby tho

>> No.7677811

What the fuck does herby mean ?

>> No.7677842

nigga would you stop with that kawaii bullshit on your trip,

Why do the vast majority of anime loving faggots write like some 12 year old weaboos on facebook would?


>> No.7677873


as opposed to what? the made up brands they like to stick onto random products or the multitude of fast fashion uk brands like selected homme that produce the same shitty polyesterblend zara/h&m-tier products?


>pearly king
>67% Acrylic, 33% Nylon

youre fucking jokes m8

>> No.7677955

I've never even watched a single anime, and I have zero interest in anything to do with Japan.
You seem upset m8

>> No.7677978

you seem #rekt m8

>> No.7677994

Why m8 ?

>> No.7678041

let me urban dictionary that for you
smh u some bitchboi

>> No.7678055

jesus fucking christ I don't even care about this thread but HE DOESN'T HAVE A TRIP


A TRIPCODE LOOKS LIKE !xxxxxx or !!xxxxxx

>> No.7680566

>What makes you think that?

your fits are UO-core, and not even decent UO-core.

>> No.7680611

>Since when was it ever /fa/ to write in some disgusting bastardisation of the English language and to deliberately omit using capital letters, appropriate punctuation, etc.


>> No.7680735

how do i filter u??

>> No.7680827

why do you dress like shit

>> No.7680980
File: 34 KB, 505x479, what the fuck bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw kuzu is technically the oldest tripfag on the board now.

seriously how did we get to this point, this thread makes me feel so fucking old considering i think i might be the only person in here who's made that realization.

also what the fuck kuzu how have you not improved one iota since 2007, get a real haircut already and some pants that fit properly. you're in no position to complain about people acting juvenile.

>> No.7681864
File: 97 KB, 960x720, graduation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with my haircut ?

Also I would say I improved, especially since I used to be somewhat animu-influenced.

>> No.7681872

>mfw kuzu is technically the oldest tripfag on the board now.


Been here for long too, I remember the kuzu days too but some older trips are still posting here and there.

>> No.7681877
File: 954 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but some older trips are still posting here and there.

For example ?

>> No.7681879

cause spellings for coons, i dont needa spell to know im smarter than you

>> No.7681885

>/a/utistic scene kid complains about the way people type

don't forget your 'spergers medication, boy

>> No.7681896


>> No.7681910

>is a grammar nazi
>puts a space between the end of a question and the question mark

>> No.7681917


>> No.7681919

>Two-part punctuation marks
>In French, a space is required both before and after all two- (or more) part punctuation marks and symbols, including : ; « » ! ? % $ #

>> No.7681925

Don't remember him/her.

To be honest I only remember Blue and that gook dyke, because they were both utter cunts.

>> No.7681934

*tips fedora*

>> No.7681942

>>in french
French isn't English... !

>> No.7681952

that picture is aweful

sum1 w/out chin/jaw cnt b /fa/

>> No.7681969
File: 223 KB, 960x815, sverige04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small details.
I think he is cute :3

>> No.7681971



>> No.7681980

Not nice

>> No.7682006

Look at Andrej Pejic.
now look at this chinless cunt.

cross dressing for fashion can only be done well by people with a strong jaw and cheekbones.

people with kids would cross the road to avoid your creepy looking motherfucker.