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/fa/ - Fashion

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7674001 No.7674001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Question for /fa/,

Where do you meet other people? For relationships, socially, etc.

I'm 21 and lost. My old friends still want to party all day, and I'm tired of that. My leftover friends do nothing all day but game and work.
On top of that I deal with personal problems like social anxiety and I find myself a really unapproachable, intimidating person too. How does /fa/ go about their daily lives?

>pic unrelated

>> No.7674010

wat u want to do w/ friends

>> No.7674025

i know the struggle. people will say "go to bars/clubs" but no, not everyone wants to pick up a club slut

basically, your lifestyle has been shaped by your unique set of interests and hobbies right? so the best thing to do would be to just keep doing the things you like, and in time you should cross paths with people who share those. like if you like reading, maybe you'll meet someone new at a library or something. or if you're into fashion you could try your luck at talking to some /fa/ chick at a store

>> No.7674026

I dunno honestly. I just recently watched a depressing video on dating after college and how their facebook feed becomes reminders of engagements and things.

Makes me all feelsy.

>> No.7674041

>I dunno honestly
then play videogames w/ ur frandz :)))

>> No.7674048

I know right.

I've been thinking of moving out of my city, Vancouver, to LA, but that seems kinda drastic right now. That might be a nice change though. I love the electronic music scene there and I do like buying clothes. Economic stability is what I'm scared of right now.

You don't know how hard I've been avoiding that ._. All my friends play LoL and I can't stand it...

>> No.7674093

I have like 5 fb friends that I never talk to. I have like 20 friend requests pending from high school, a few family members and a couple qts that I denied their advances in the past. Should I just delete my fucking fb? I do have some good memories/photos on there.
I recently made a tumblr and it's way more my type of social site

>> No.7674097

Meant high school friends

>> No.7674099

>I love the electronic music scene
then go to electronic music club w/ ur frandz :)))

>> No.7674109

I've been looking for new hobbies that get my out of the house and keep my mind off being lonely.
I've never really thought of myself as a person do played sports or did group active shit.

but more and more i find its impossible to talk to people out some kinda of connection. and doing to same bobbie is kinda that connection. be that starting point.

maybe also doing thing that make you uncomfortable. pushing your boundaries, and excepting that at first y'all be clumsy and bad.

>> No.7674129

Most of this is good advice, but this stubborn idea most of you have that every woman at a club must be a slut is awful and isn't doing wonders for you either.

So you don't like clubbing, there's no need to reduce everyone who does into a slut. Can you honestly not see how that line of thought is both a) plain WRONG, and b) bound to isolate you? It makes you sound idiotic and arrogant.

For OP: don't think like this, be more open minded and accepting of people, because most of them are pretty cool once you really get to know them. But it's true that you don't need to force yourself into situations that don't make you confortable. Continue to do the things you enjoy, just try to be more social about it. Hang out more at libraries and bookstores if you enjoy reading, or go to concerts if you like music, or hang out at CD stores. I've met a lot of people by just hanging out in the right place at the right time, so I'm not an anxious or even shy person, and can't truly understand what you go through.

If you have any sort of friend at all that you can trust with your feelings, just tell them you'd like to meet new people who share your interests, and ask them if they know anyone nice. Friends are great bridges to new people.

Also, if you're interested in any sort of social movement, join organizations, or help the poor, or anything like that. I've met a lot of nice people through charity and social justice movements. They're most understanding people, and won't mind your anxieties and reservations.

>> No.7674150

keep your Facebook. They are useful for letting people contact you.


ecstatic dance. very different social scene then clubs or shit. Im not big hippie and it kinda weird me out for a while(maybe still) but its a warm inviting culture. at least in my city.


>> No.7674163

I've met all my girlfriends drunk as shit at art gallery openings, no joke.

>> No.7674189

I'm down to hang out with any anon if there live in Orange County

>> No.7674240

Your prob good looking and I would feel intimidated

>> No.7674269



I think that might be the problem, mate. Not that it isn't a beautiful city, but having been there myself.. it has a very isolating feel to it. Small talk on buses, etc. happen but its a rarity.

I went to work, got to know some of the girls there, hung out with them and had more of a social life. My adventurous friends? We found tourist like shitty activities or locations to visit which sort of feels like something a well adjusted person does.

Or complain about shit - Vanites love getting to tell you their scathing opinion on things. Night life sucks, spaces are too small. Moved away to a smaller town, and while it is albeit quiet and lame, I feel connected with the people I do meet.

>> No.7674281
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is going to an art museum by yourself /fa/?

>> No.7674325

My gf has this problem now. She has literally 1 female friend and she cries daily why can't she be friends with more people.

But thing is whenever she is out with me she looks at a girl and without question will profile them a bitch, whore or tacky. And I tell her maybe she should be more open minded usually people are better as you get to know them rarely they'll be worse. But she refuses to do that, she profiles people and refuses to talk to them ever after that because she says "it's my girl intuition, I just know people alright."

Man she's retarded, but I don't want to leave her, at least not until she's on her feet, she doesn't have a job, friends, money or a plan for the future.

>> No.7674335

Depends, modern or fine art?

>> No.7674398
File: 72 KB, 584x332, 1390722599982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a dangerous situation for YOU to be in.
She will find friends and, in her desperation, she will change and adapt to their lifestyle.

Happened to me, and i've seen it happen to my friends GFs, and girls i've know.
yea, yea, all people change.
but girls it's unreal how fast and how quick.

It's a dangerous situation when you and your significant other are best friends too, because when you break up, for whatever reason, you have nobody else.

>at least not until she's on her feet
I felt the same way. guys always feel like that.
but watch what happens.
she leaves when YOU need her, without warning, or any sense of reasoning.

she wouldn't, and won't wait for you the same way.

I know you're still gonna stay with her, but it is a bad, bad, call and you will regret it.
You will remember this post, and this pic, and wonder why you didn't listen.

>> No.7674409

going to bars is a good idea bc its an environment where u can strike up a convo w someone and get to know them
if u like the person, exchange numbers, hang out after
if u dont, dont.

>> No.7674411


If you want to move to Victoria, I'll be your frandz.

>> No.7674414

too bad all the bars in my area are literally 10 guys to every 1 girl

>> No.7674420

listen to
been in this exact situation so many times. never works out for you

>> No.7674423

I wouldn't ever leave someone who needed me, it's just something that tells me I need to be with her at least until she is better.

Could be the whole male loyalty.

>> No.7674424

hi Graham ;)

>> No.7674433

>Could be the whole male loyalty.
something like that.
but you'll quickly learn how wrong your feelings are, even if IDEALLY that's how it should be.

you don't get what you put into a relationship, even if you believe and wish you do.
if you give all you can, you end up with nothing.

what does it even mean for her to be "better?"

>> No.7674439



>> No.7674436

make some guy friends then u closeted homo

>> No.7674450

Dammit, where are these other Victoria posters hiding in the city?

>> No.7674451

>tfw 1 friend, no gf
>tfw don't want to change anything because I enjoy being so reclusive and introverted
out-of-the-blue gf would change absolutely everything
inb4 fedora sperglord etc

>> No.7674455

Better as in, she studying, got a group of friends and has a job.

She said she loves me and would never leave me.

>> No.7674470


Tbh, I think there's only like 3 of us

>> No.7674479

I think there might be one or two others, I know that a poster just moved here recently. I have suspicions that a dude that works at 4horsemen might post.

>> No.7674482

>She said she loves me and would never leave me.
PLEASE don't be this guy.
do you think my girl never said that to me?
do you think >>7674420 his ex never said that him?

with relationships and all things pretty much, it's ACTIONS over words.
i can offer you some good shit to read, if you're interested but if you still, truly believe, deep down, that her saying she'll never leave you means it's true, i just straight up feel sorry for you.

>> No.7674483

is it lazy, selfish, or entitled if i honestly think my ideal girl will one day show up and approach me? im very introverted so it's out of my nature to talk to people first, and then from there you go on about how you shouldn't have to change who you are to make friends or attract ppl blah blah

>> No.7674500
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>She said she loves me and would never leave me.
>being this niave

>> No.7674502


Ya, I'm the dude that just moved here recently.

>> No.7674509


>> No.7674513


i feel the same way mane

>> No.7674522

tbh you may be doing more harm then good.
From what you've said I can assume that your relationship has a skewed emotional support balance. Your relationship is out of balance because of the emotional support that she requires from you is (probably) disproportionate to what you require from her, which probably isn't much considering it sounds like you want to leave her.

Girls aren't usually stupid about this kinda of thing either, she probably is fully aware of this and it lowers her self esteem more.

By continuing to stay with her you're not allowing her the opportunity to emotionally mature, and you're not getting anything out of it as you have intentions of leaving.

Anyway, like I said been there and done that 2 times already with 2+ year long relationships - she will be fine after the break up.

>> No.7674526

It's incredibly unrealistic.
Guys always want to argue with this and say girls do approach, and it's true - some girls DO approach sometimes - but that's limiting your potential, and also severely impacting the amount of girls you could meet.

You'd be missing out on many opportunities, and it's never good to let a girl lead your relationship anyway.

Plus the idea that your "ideal" girl will show up at all is just laughable, as guys have incredibly unrealistic idealizations to begin with.

>> No.7674530

other people would say yes, but being that guy out of preference I don't think it is if that's what you genuinely want. it happened to me in a roundabout way not long ago, nearly.
I don't expect to meet anyone new any time soon but i'm basically okay with that because I don't like most people, or at least can't relate to them.
only having 1-2 friends with similar personalities and living with a gf would be perfect.

>> No.7674538

RIP jon

>> No.7674545

Oh rad, what part of town are you in?
I live around cook street village, spend most of my time either downtown or at UVic though.

>> No.7674552

>Girls aren't usually stupid about this kinda of thing either, she probably is fully aware of this and it lowers her self esteem more.
exactly. how do you think she feels that her man is willing to put up with her like that? it's a paradoxical situation, because women want a guy with value, and options and you are showing her you are willing to accept all this shit, which makes you seem weak willed and pathetic.
like i said, it's a pardox and i can't explain it that well, but hopefully a better writter will be able to break it down. Or i'll just quote Rollo Tommasi like I always do.

>> No.7674558


oh shit, I live around cook street village too.

>> No.7674559

like, she is just a sociopath

normal humans do not behave in such a way

>> No.7674572

>Anyway, like I said been there and done that 2 times already with 2+ year long relationships - she will be fine after the break up.

that's the OTHER side.
you think you're doing her some favor, but you aren't.

she'll cry and tell you her life is ruined when you leave her, but the second SHE finds a better opportunity she'll leave you faster than Sonic after some rings.

you are wasting time prolonging the inevitable and it'll only hurt worse as time goes on.

i've been in your shoes, so i know exactly how you feel.
i've even broken up with her, gotten BACK with her after she cried and begged, and then i ended up with this pic:

>> No.7674581

>normal humans do not behave in such a way
that guys story hit way too close to home when i read it.

the guy wrote it, not the girl, btw.
she'll leave you and not look back.
women have a very interesting way of rationalizing their actions.

guys with no experience can't understand.
guys in their first or second happy relationship can't either.

>> No.7674586

preach, why is it that some girls get flat out psycho when it comes to relationships and breakups

>> No.7674593

men and women are very different when it comes to sex, relationships, and breakups.

they want different things, they have different idealizations.

>> No.7674612

it's not that she left him and didn't look back because that's not abnormal behavior for some -- especially in unfulfilling relationships-- but rather her outright desire to crush someone for no reason

like who give a fuck if she wanted to leave him but she is just unnecessarily cruel abt it

i'm also 100% she was obviously crazy beforehand i mean she's from florida

>> No.7674616

Crazy, well if you see someone walking around in
white KVA's that's me.

>> No.7674621

yes i know, but see >>7674612
what drives girls to do things like this, or yell "rape" and peg the guy with child care and take his house?

>> No.7674629

Already had that happen.

She bitched on and on about how I didn't like her friends in Highschool so I eventually left her because I told her that her friends were awfully full people and I don't want to associate with then and I told her that she would most likely not talk to one of them within 3 years of leaving Highschool.

A month after finishing school, she went to schoolies, it's like a massive party week for school leavers in Australia where everyone gets massively pissed and spends thousands on booze and high rise hotels for the week. I didn't go because I'm a Jew with money unless it's car things or clothes and don't drink.

Long story short her friends excluded her the entire week because they were whores and bitches and she lost a $300 deposit because one of the girls boyfriends stayed there a night (not allowed) and found out his girl cheated in him and punched a hole in the wall.

End of the week, she had no friends and no money.
Called me crying wanting me back. The bitch in me let her back in. Just a man thing to protect females I suppose

>> No.7674635

>but rather her outright desire to crush someone for no reason
you're taking it too literally.
it is HIS perspective on what she did, since he wrote it.

she wasn't trying to "crush" him, she wasn't' thinking of him at all, and that is what crushed him.

it's like the poster ITT is doing:
waiting for her to get better, thinking of her well being etc.
but it won't be reciprocated when her new friends come into the picture.

>> No.7674639

>The bitch in me let her back in. Just a man thing to protect females I suppose
You said it. It is the "bitch" in you.
and you're right, unfortunatly it's become the natural thing to do.
it makes sense, to guys, but it's just not how it is.

i'm trying to find a good article that explains it.

>> No.7674640

oh it looked like she wrote it

he should grow up then

>> No.7674649

You sound a lot like me OP, where u live in Van?

I'm up for meeting new ppl, u want an email?

>> No.7674652

female confirmed

>> No.7674655

I'm a hard ass externally. But I'm an emotionally bitch internally who cried his eyes out at the of Angel beats.

>> No.7674660

read this: http://therationalmale.com/2013/07/24/left-behind/

This guy is pro at understanding social and sexual dynamics. This ins't his best article, but it seems like something you could relate to right now.

let me know what you think

>> No.7674662

/fa/ - Robot9000

>> No.7674661

nah i just hate all men espcially white men


>> No.7674665

you should learn to UNDERSTAND instead of hate, but the modern male is pretty weak when it comes to relationships.

There are a lot of reasons why.

>> No.7674668

oooo, white lace-up ankles?

>> No.7674670

does it have to do with feminization of modern society

>> No.7674673

what do you think?

>> No.7674691

my brain says no but my body ... my body says yess

>> No.7674689

My girl has been through the whole cock carousel stage when she was a whore 2-3 years ago. And said that whole drunk partying scene doesn't do it for her anymore.

So I guess it's only a hope she has gotten everything out of her system

>> No.7674710

I don't get how tumblr is a social site. To me it's nothing but an enormous circlejerk of reblogging content. Can someone explain to me how it works?

>> No.7674708

You missed the point of the article if you think it doesn't apply to you and your situation.

Please don't think so literally. The entire article was about a guy making exceptions, believing h his relationship was the special exception, and believing words over actions.
Does any of that hit close to you?

Rhetorical question.

Keep reading his stuff.

>Men approach love from idealistic foundations, while due to their innate hypergamy, women’s approach to love is rooted in opportunism. The easy rebuttal to this that often comes from women is to presume that either sex’s life experiences are going to necessarily be different. Women cannot fully appreciate the male experience (much less validate it) unless they can actually become men and live in a lifetime of their experiences, their upbringing, their biology, their acculturation and societal conditioning.
>Yes, I am aware that it works both ways, men cannot fully appreciate women’s existential experiences either and for the same reason, however that doesn’t excuse either gender from making an effort to better understand the other’s experience. In a social environment where the feminine perspective has primacy, it has been women who have been the arbiters of what should universally be the socially agreed upon definition of what love means to both sexes.

>> No.7674715

>an enormous circlejerk of reblogging content
>how is it social?

circlejerks are social.

>> No.7674722

But how are people interacting? I see you can send messages, but how is that different than any other site? Every post is simply just followed by 300 reblogs and 500 likes.

>> No.7674723


figure it out, OP. you don't want to be 25 and lost like me

>> No.7674726

I was agreeing with you.

>> No.7674730

... :(

>> No.7674732

>innate hypergamy
*strokes bearded neck*

>> No.7674736

>I've been thinking of moving out of my city, Vancouver, to LA
I live near SF. I have a friend in Van though and she wants to live in LA for a year. What they hell are they teaching you up there? LAs a horrible place.

>> No.7674737


>> No.7674738


>LAs a horrible place.

fucking this. LA is literally the armpit of america. candidate for worst city in the world. i'd rather live in detroit

>> No.7674740

>Should I just delete my fucking fb
Yes 100% absolutely yes.

I deleted mine like a year ago and meeting people is an entirely different experience. Since I don't have my own fb I don't bother stalking people anymore and since they don't know shit about me, there's always something to talk about. Think of how many people have a Facebook. You become immediately more mysterious and out of reach when that pile of information becomes inaccessible.

Post-fb socializing is GOAT
highly recommend it

>> No.7674742

take that little part out and you can't argue with it.

but yea, women are hypergamous by nature.
it's not a bad thing, and once you understand that you can become a better guy as a result.

you don't believe it because you don't want to so you convince yourself otherwise in however you feel fit, or you haven't had to deal with on a personal level.
angry, bitter guys will "blame" hypergamy for their failure, but cool guys like me understands WHY things are how they are.

but most women, and most men are the same
and women and men are different.
don't live your life assuming everything is the exception. it's an exception for a reason.

>> No.7674758

>You become immediately more mysterious and out of reach when that pile of information becomes inaccessible.
I can vouch for the success of this.
I stil have an FB but it's locked down and i never, ever post and untag any pics and delete all posts mentioning me.

girls like mystery in a guy
(please no jokes about the PUA guy named Mystery)
and girls always ask about my lack of FB and even have said "i can tell you're hard to get to know"
"i can tell you don't let a lot of people get close to you"
which, as a pro, I know are great things to have a girl say to you.

she will want to be one of those people you get close to, she will want to solve the "mystery"
>she becomes better by being close with you
this all works even better when other girls want you.

if you have comments like "you're sexy" on a pic.
make that your profile pic, and make it your only pic and make it public.

a girl left a comment on one of my pics: "you look sexy in this picture"
and i wasnt even looking that great.
i let a girl see my page and she says the same thing almost word for word "you look sexy in your facebook photo"
>social proof

this applies to guys too, but in a different way.

>> No.7674759

Oh boy, this type of story is always happening everywhere. A good friend of mine just got the boot 1 week before an importent final exam and i had to play the shrink.
He was three an a half years together with her and supported her however he could, whether she hit a rough patch in her studies or socially or emotionally. She was away for a week, so she could've just dropped the bomb after the exam, but now, bitches got to hit where it hurts. She has a degree in psychology so i guess she knows exactly what she is doing.
Afterwards she told him she did not want to see him for at least five weeks. It took two of us, me and his roommate, to keep him from calling her. At the three week mark she cracked and right now he spends a weekend with her to "sort things out".
I don't get it.
Four years ago my gf of that time broke up with me after my grandparents died, my aunt got diagnosed with cancer and my dad lost his job. all within five months. Apparently i was hostile, preoccupied and not there for her.
I would not piss on that bitch if she was on fire.

>> No.7674761

how can something that is entirely dependent on non-biological/cultural constructs really BE innate?

>> No.7674774


Op if i may i recently thought up a cool new way to make cool /fa/ friends:

the only thing you will need is a drivers licence and a van, if you don't have a van, buy one, even an old beater, so long as you can drive it around it's fine.
the idea is, go and enjoy your local music scene, dive the van to the shows, do not drink so you will be able to drive afterwards.

Find a band you like because they make good music, or they dress well or they just seem like cool people to hang around with, this may take a couple of nights, have patience.

after their show, talk to one of the members, tell them they are cool/whatever and offer to give them and their guitars/drums ect a lift in your van, if they already have a ride, say you live localy, and it would be no trouble if they needed a lift another time.
during the drive, you can easily get to know them quite well if you don't act like a groupie: tada, new cool friends!

obviously it might take a couple of attempts but there you have it, why not give it a try if youv'e got a van handy

>> No.7674787

there actually is biological evidence supporting it.
but i guess "evidence" is always up for question.

it is also nurture as well as nature, but even when you consider other cultures it still plays it's part just in different ways.

I know it says "innate" but really it could mean just "hypergamous in nature" which doesn't literally mean "innate"
it could just be bad writing.

and really, we're both smart enough to know either one of us can twist words to mean whatever we feel most comfortable with.

think about it, and read up on it, who knows?

>> No.7674792

Plus, if all else fails you can rape girls in it.

>> No.7674799

yeah looking back on this the van does see a bit creepy

>> No.7674811

>hypergamous in nature
but this would still suggest some sort of biological imperative towards marrying up which still seems totally wrong (is marriage even biological in that way?)

i do think that if it exists (which i doubt) it's obviously learned to the extent all cultural/social norms are but its still a meaningless operative to live yr life by

what i'm saying is one day we will live a communist utopia and people will be happy

>> No.7674814

You don't say?
Imagine you are in a band, and there is this one guy, who did not seem to party and he asks you if you want a ride in his SS Daterape.

Why would he do that?

Why did he not party and sleep in his van, like a normal person? What could he possibly be up to?

>> No.7674821

i'm sure if you come off as a nce guy they wont give a shit

>> No.7674822

>SS Daterape

>> No.7674823

>biological imperative towards marrying up
Funny you should say that...

>It’s a man’s biological imperative to mate with as many fit and attractive females, while it’s a woman’s imperative to choose the male who is best capable of satisfying hypergamy and providing her with long term security, and by default to ultimately share in parental investment.


and really you should read his stuff on "sexual market value" which he links to in the article. that also supports the biological aspects of hypergamy.

>its still a meaningless operative to live yr life by
well, that sort of depends on what you're looking for.

>> No.7674830

but yea, any "theory" is a bad operative to live your life by.
it's something to consider, be aware and learn from.

i say understanding hypergamy made this cool young thug grow and have better relationships, because i can understand more about what women are looking for in a partner.
it's helped me learn some of my mistakes that otherwise i never would have caught onto.

>> No.7674834

success makes sexy, failure and insecurity does not.

also women are bitches when it come to break ups.

in other news, water is wet and fire is hot.

>> No.7674840

>water is wet and fire is hot.
not my water and fire you misogynistic prick.

>> No.7674844

At least you're not the only German guy on this board

>> No.7674847

>Oh boy, this type of story is always happening everywhere.
you won't stories like ours ending positively.
you'll only find guys STILL in those situations with a positive outlook or guys with no experience talking out of their ass and what they saw in a movie.

>> No.7674848

i just read something about a college-age sugarbaby with a boyfriend

i feel sick, man

>> No.7674857

bist du nicht. :^)

>> No.7674859

Are you qt and german

>> No.7674863

you should change your view and understand why I, starfucks, am a good trip.

i can tell you so many stories about college aged sugarbabies.

just today i heard about a guy who has a hobby of finding girls looking to be sugarbabies, leading the hot ones after an intense screening process, and then dumping them.

one of his "rules" is that she has to pay for the first meal, just out of politeness, then he'll pay for everything in the future.
of course, the future never happens because he drops them right after they fuck.

the Craigslist "roomshare" section is basically just guys looking for sugarbabies

>> No.7674862

oh damn, what a twist. This changes everything.

I'm told I'm good looking on a somewhat regular basis. Not modeltier though, obviously

>> No.7674864


>> No.7674867



>> No.7674866

she had a BF and was also someones sugarbaby.
safe to say the BF had no idea about it.

i've heard 1000 of these stories.
and even known some girls who did it.

they have really good lives now and no negative repercussions either..

>> No.7674879

Wait, she also has a boyfriend?

>> No.7674881

and also they've never, and most likely never will admit it to their boyfriends and future husbands.

guys just like the guys in this thread saying "she's special"

>> No.7674883

Also, how did this thread from "where to meet people" to womens are whores and will fuck you up?

>> No.7674886


yeah man. fucked up


it's a double-edged sword. i really dislike when girls talk to me about their sexual past but then again, i would like to know shit like this

>> No.7674887

because this guy:

and because i need to spread the knowledge at all costs.

>> No.7674894

i personally feel that guys will exaggerate the number of sexual partners they've had and girls will understate it.

i've found this to be true many times.
asking a girl for her sexual history is pretty stupid and weak, but fully believing it is even worse.

no girl was good at sucking dick magically. someone had to teach her.

>> No.7674900
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I know a girl exactly like this.

She dates a dirty drug dealer.

>> No.7674905
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>my ideal girl will one day show up and approach me?

this actually happened to me over thanksgiving break, and i'm just some lonely emo 22 yo virgin. from the start i knew it was going to end terribly or not last at all, good things like that just dont happen, for me at least. i'm pretty sure i posted about it here at one point.

>> No.7674906

itt: whiny 'nice guys'

deluded males on fa - whats new?

>> No.7674908

tell us the story

>> No.7674910

over-exaggerating a reality of <2 is pretty fucking disastrous

>> No.7674916

try okc

but dont go around asking if they're down to fuck or anything
just talk to people online, talk
let your walls go down, it's just the internet after all, just talk with people about stuff, your life, etc

trust me

>> No.7674922

Where you at btw?

>> No.7674942
File: 60 KB, 485x700, 6aoBKi8NRqjxmshp6OyVtgJRo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me 22 virgin shit job community college stundent
>friends qt kr younger sister (3 years younger than me) ims through facebook
>she wants to hang out from some reason
>she lives two hours away and is off for afew days for thanksgiving break
>things go great, hang out, go to movies, slept in the same bed together
>text back and forth all day for a few weeks
>make plans for new years
>week before christmas
>havent heard from her for a week
>she doesnt look at my snaps
>doesnt respond to texts
>"H-hey are we still hanging out for new years?"

havent heard from her since christmas when she sent a mass "merry christmas" text. i was super depressed for a week or so, but been getting better about it. other shit kinda became more important when i found out i had celiac disease. But things are getting better and i'm finally going to transfer to a university instead of this shitty community college where there's no chance of gf. the thing is im going be transferring to the same one university as her.

>> No.7674951

slept in the same bed and didnt fuck

and u wonder why she ignores u now


>> No.7674952

well really giving any number is disastrous. it's a lose/lose question.

if asked i say i'm a virgin.
or i'll give a really high number or say "in the past week?"

>> No.7674964

to be honest, i thought this could be it too. but i didnt want to make her uncomfortable or make any awkward sexual advances.

but i was legitimately really fucking tired and she had to wake up in just a few hours before she drove back. maybe i did fuck up there, but i dont know why she talked to me for almost a month after?

>> No.7674970

this will always happen when you place your sense of self worth in having a relationship.
that's the main message i always try to tell guys.

you can't fix your life with a girl, because that is temporary and will lead to a bad relationship and (most importantly) you'll feel even WORSE when it's over.

i know your dumb beta heart longs to be loved and to love some idealization of a woman, catch oneitis, etc, but you can't love, and can't be properly loved until you love yourself.

and if that's too gay for you (i know it is for me).
then think of it like this:

the better your life is, and the better you feel about yourself, the more girls will want to be part of your life.

>> No.7674974

>but i dont know why she talked to me for almost a month after?

maybe because you didn't make any further advances? Sth. like "we should to this again sometimes when you have some more time"

>> No.7674976

Because she was still deciding whether it was worth barking up your tree. Apparently, she decided that you not sleeping with her when you should have outweighed everything else.

>> No.7675007

and also, one last controversial post before i fall asleep.

i say controversial because most guys here never agree with this:
If you haven't fucked, you are nothing.
don't even think a girl is anything to you until you've fucked, even if she does have feelings for you.

don't pursue a relationship, pursue sex.
then pursue round 2
if a relationship is formed from that, that's great.

sex is crucial to a relationship and holding out, waiting, for this and that (unless the girl is a virgin) is almost always done for the wrong reasons.

"When a woman makes you wait for sex you are not her highest priority. Sexuality is spontaneous chemical reaction between two parties, not a process of negotiation. It’s sex first, then relationship, not the other way around. A woman who wants to fuck you will find a way to fuck you. She will fly across the country, crawl under barbwire, climb in through your second story bedroom window, fuck the shit out of you and wait patiently inside your closet if your wife comes home early from work – women who want to fuck will find a way to fuck. The girl who tells you she needs to be comfortable and wants a relationship first is the same girl who fucked the hot guy in the foam cannon party in Cancun on spring break just half an hour after meeting him.

If a girl is that into you she’ll have sex with you regardless of ASD or having her friends in the room videotaping it at a frat party. All women can be sluts, you just have to be the right guy to bring it out in them, and this happens before you go back to her place. If you have to plead your case cuddling and spooning on the bed or getting the occasional peck on the cheek at the end of the night, you need to go back to square one and start fresh."

>Negotiated desire only ever leads to obligated compliance.

>> No.7675009

>the better your life is, and the better you feel about yourself, the more girls will want to be part of your life.
yeah, pretty much afterwards i started trying to work on a lot of self improvement type stuff. appearance, health, school, finding more productive hobbies etc.

basically trying to stop being a piece of shit and getting my act together.

so im not really mad or sad about the whole thing because a lot of good came out of it regardless of how shitty and weird it ended.

>> No.7675017

dramatized, but true

>> No.7675018

as long as you LEARN from your mistakes, you are doing good.

you need to have shitty relationships to understand the difference between them and good ones.

you need to learn to spot the signs things aren't working out, so you can catch onto it sooner.

>> No.7675024

thanks my nig.

im passing the torch to you becuase i need to get some sleep and you seem like you know what's up.

>> No.7675022


>> No.7675031

I socialize in the bathroom
>hey men, you've got a nice penis there, wanna hang out tomorrow :^)?

>> No.7675032

haha, catchy. Was studierst du?

>> No.7675034

was man halt so studiert in darmstadt: maschinenbau.

du so?

>> No.7675041

Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaften... wieso auch immer. Bist du das gewesen?

>> No.7675055

nope. uebervart kann ich zu dem thema aber empfehlen
und wo?

>> No.7675059

Sieht gut aus, aber wieso muss schöne Kleidung so verdammt teuer sein? ;_:
Leb in Bielefeld

>> No.7675065

ich würde mir eh in den seltensten fällen was zum vollen preis kaufen. mit sales, ebay und superfuture lässt sich ne menge geld sparen

>> No.7675071

Bin eh nicht wirklich 'effay', komme von /asp/ und /fit/ rübergesiedelt um n bisschen meinen modischen Horizont zu erweitern.



>> No.7675081

hmm, ansonsten wenn du neu bist ist für basics uniqlo sehr zu empfehlen. und den sticky hast du ja wohl hoffentlich auch gelesen

>> No.7675104

>und den sticky hast du ja wohl hoffentlich auch gelesen

Klar, danke für die Tips

>> No.7675108

Gibts in Deutschland überhaupt Uniqo

>> No.7675113

in Berlin, und der Onlinestore verschickt für 7,50 nach De wie's scheint.
Bin >>7675104, nicht der, den du angeschrieben hast

>> No.7675120

Geil, wusste ich nicht.
Gerüchten zufolge kommt Uniqlo erst in ein paar Jahren nach Wien.

>> No.7675142

If there was a coffeehouse specifically for dating, would you go there?

>> No.7675147

and by dating I actually meant meeting people of the sex you're attracted to.

>> No.7675148

nah, I wouldn't want to appear that desperate

>> No.7675159

oh, and I don't even drink coffee

>> No.7675230

sounds really fucking gay bro

>> No.7675235

>tfw gay
>tfw im only into older guys
>tfw my boyfriend is 59 years old an we are together for 6 years now

why are you guys not gay?

>> No.7675234

Thought so
+girl material would be flakey

>> No.7675236

you would have a stable number of women who go simply for the attention

there is a girl in the office who has an okcupid account, is always on it yet never meets anyone on it

either just for the attention, or the casual sex

>> No.7675242
File: 15 KB, 300x261, 1389656_286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its him

>> No.7675303

I counted on that too, but that wouldn't be a lucrative model I think.

>> No.7675308

I thought it's not a choice. If it was, I might consider it.

>> No.7675460

It is. I have friends I met in museum cafes and galleries. It's also an incredibly easy place to meet people - they're looking at an object, you walk over and say something like "i don't get it, do you?" and a conversation starts.

>> No.7675465

shit's pretentious as fuck if you don't know what you're talking about though. But then again, we're on /fa/

>> No.7675490

Man, I don't agree. Art isn't inherently pretentious. Not knowing what you're talking about can be a conversation starter in itself.

>> No.7675501

>Art isn't inherently pretentious

Oh I didn't mean to say that by any means, I like certain kinds of art, but the image of some dude chatting me up at a gallery, assuming everyone is there to 'get' that shit just seems so off to me

>> No.7675512

Get a job. Seriously. An office kind of job where you actually have to interact with people.
I'm 22, in three months working I've made more friends than in my whole life before.
Tho to be fair, somehow people actually wanted to know me and were the ones to come to me and invite me for beers and what not, so maybe I have some qualities I don't really know about that attract other people to me and it wouldn't work for you.
But ya, get a job.

>> No.7675522

>get an office kind of job
how? just how? the only kind of experience i have is putting fucking food on the shelves in the fucking store i work at

>> No.7675540

Hey, I was the same. Plus I have spent a summer building stages and what not at festivals.
Then an IT company nearby had an announcement that they were hiring testers. I applied, I got the spot. All it took was not being an idiot, listening to what they told me and having some respect and not know-it-all attitude.
I believe opportunities like that can be found all over Europe if you keep your eyes open and actually spend a significant part of your day actively looking for them.
US, I've no idea.

>> No.7676100

>I only want a gf not any friends
>Im only attracted to underage girls
clothes are the only good thing in my life anymore