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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 18 KB, 309x385, FONZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7662176 No.7662176 [Reply] [Original]

So why doenst /fa/ like leather jackets again?

>> No.7662204

They do

Like 3 new snobs who fell for a troll don't and are now spamming "hurrrr autistic hurrr costume tier"

Ignore them

>> No.7662209

There's nothing wrong with leather jackets. As long as they fit well, are made of quality materials, and if they aren't overdesigned--it's all fair game.

>> No.7662207

they can be hard to pull off but they are cool

>> No.7662217


>> No.7662222


This. It's difficult to wear one without looking like a tryhard.

>> No.7662220

What's so funny?

>> No.7662232

Silver accents on black leather jackets tend to look awful.

>> No.7662234
File: 38 KB, 548x618, typical leather jacket owner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget it OP. Throw in the towel. No way. No chance, Lance. No way, Jose. You cannot wear a leather jacket without looking autistic. Everyone knows this. It's universal fact. Leather jackets look like shit. Period. Dot. The end.

Give up man. Stop spamming the leather jacket meme. It looks terrible. Just go back to what you were doing before you came to /fa/. Because you will never be /fa/, if you wear a leather jacket. And there is billions, upon billions of people who would back me up on that.

>> No.7662237

You can only look like a tryhard if you . . . try hard. That is, going for a particular aesthetic. If somebody wanted to dress up like the Fonz--with the hairstyle, outfit, and everything then yes, he's tryhard.

Otherwise, a leather jacket is just outerwear made from skin.

>> No.7662240

>fake bandit in a thread with real bandit

fuck off

>> No.7662251

>Throw in the towel. No way. No chance, Lance. No way, Jose.
Chuck up the sponge, drop by the wayside. You need to stop.

>> No.7662255

We're a meme now. We made it.

>> No.7662258

Don't make me a part of this, you bastard. This board doesn't need another shitty meme.

>> No.7662266

because they are for homosexuals

>> No.7662285


>> No.7662302

le epic bandido meme guys

>> No.7662336

leather jackets come from homosexual subculture. early punk (which was basically glam rock) synthesized this into a palatable and less subversive form which then became fashionable. but the trend basically died (punk is dead, or at least, that kind of punk) and now the only (reasonable/appropriate) reason to wear a leather jacket is if you're gonna go to a leather bar. or if you are trying really really hard.

further reading:

>> No.7664602

Who cares dude, quit being so prejudiced you fucking homophobe.

>> No.7664607

>leather jackets come from homosexual subculture.
they were around long before that

i'd say leather garments are the oldest style of clothing invented

back in like caveman times and shit

>> No.7664787


> something doesn't look good on fat autists, so it can't possibly look good on anyone else.

Fuck off. Nothing looks good on fat people or those without confidence. You may as well hate jeans, hoodies, tees and trainers too - they look just as terrible on fat people as a leather.


And your point is?

Hi-tops are nigger culture. Sagging pants is prison-homo culture. OCBD's are sport culture. The fact that gay people once wore leather jackets doesn't make them less appealing. Biker gangs and the military also wore them. I'm sure gay people wear socks too. And skinny jeans. Doesn't mean they can't be worn by anyone else.

> ITT: faggots who lack the confidence to pull off nice clothes.
> B-but what if they think I'm gay?

>> No.7664795

>Trying to reason with idiots.
Stop it, man. This thread is supposed to be dead.

>> No.7664797

Saying that leather jackets look bad is like saying that jeans look bad.
It's too broad a generalization, there are incredibly effay leather jackets, and ones that would make anyone look completely autist.

>> No.7664808

The fact that you think early punk was glam rock is really bothering me. Listen to more music nigger.

>> No.7664802

poor quality ill fitting leather jackets are a fucking plague

people wear them with everything when i feel they only really look good with white t shirts they really do not go with your silk shirt

basically the average person thinks they are a safe choice but in reality they are very hard to pull off and 9 time out of 10 look like shit

>> No.7664839

>poorfags buying 2nd hand from their thrifts
>mindless fuccbois wearing ToJ

>> No.7664844

in fact to follow up this post i would say the majority of black jackets which are worn open are hard to pull off

black as a colour is very aggressive and I rarely see fits which have black in them which work that aren't monochrome

>> No.7665030

fuck, this meme makes me want to take a crowbar to that fat fuck's face.