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File: 45 KB, 559x505, 1366849001798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7660705 No.7660705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Are you british? You look british"
>am american
it happened again

>> No.7660713

bet braces

>> No.7660712

they were coming on to you

>> No.7660727

it was a dude

>> No.7660730

better go see a dentist about your crooked teeth OP

>> No.7660766
File: 51 KB, 432x463, emmascared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess. you look like harry potter?

>> No.7660854
File: 24 KB, 630x354, 1152897-18084498-640-360[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad luck

>> No.7660861

Should have brushed your teeth.

>> No.7660859
File: 151 KB, 1395x1080, 1390390629697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you look American. Are you American? You look like someone from New England.
>I'm from Turkey
wtf man

>> No.7660860

For I second I thought I was on /int/ and wondering why the flags weren't loading.

>> No.7660872

>"Are you spanish/italian? You look spanish/italian"
>am british
it happens so often i just but on a shitty accent and go with it.

>> No.7660878

Your face just gives off the vibe of freedom.

>> No.7660890

holy fuck
i look actually look like that guy

>> No.7660891

> british
>mix of all the fuckin races in the world
> america
>mis of all the European country with majority of british

>> No.7660894

How does one "look English" in an anglo country? Do you have a walrus moustache and a monocle?

>> No.7660909

The majority of white people in the U.S. aren't of British ancestry.

>> No.7660925


Oh? Where do they come from then?

>> No.7660928

bad teeth/skin, tiny rat eyes, recessed jaw, retard speak, etc.

>> No.7660934


>> No.7660940
File: 72 KB, 1304x1337, 1368676845534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked a girl if she was Asian:
>"Yes." *giggles*
>"Yikes, I would never date you because Asian girls are fucking hideous."


>> No.7660953
File: 65 KB, 480x383, 05lede_ethnic-map-blogSpan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority have German or Nordic (In the Midwest, people of Norwegian ancestry are too stupid to know the difference) ancestry.

>> No.7660976


The fuck? But the States was variously colonised by the Spaniards, the English and the French wasn't it? So why so much German?

>> No.7660981

most people who report as just "american" are from british ancestry.
kek at all the mexican and hispanics slowly growing

>> No.7660986

people always tell me i look like i'm british / from london / should go to london

not the worst thing, i guess

>> No.7660997

colonized yes by like 10 people

waaaaaaaaay more boated over later once it was settled and shit

>> No.7661011

That still leaves German as the majority.

Yes, but they scarcely exist as they used to. A lot of the "Americans" in Texas have Spanish ancestry.
As you can see on the map Cajuns (Spanish/French) have become a minority in Louisiana.
And English became a minority.

This is entirely due to immigration from Germany between 1820 and WW1, and Germans/Dutch helped colonize too.

>> No.7661009

also americans are fucking retarded and cant report their ancestry right

most of those german people arent really that german

>> No.7661024
File: 71 KB, 960x720, 1357846379725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some drunk bish told me i looked like i was from amsterdam

>> No.7661025

who gives a fuck soon mexico shall reclaim its lands.

>> No.7661040


Fuck does that even mean?

>> No.7661870

>not exclusively centered on reservations

>> No.7661921

I'm under the impression that most of the people who report in as "american" are just hillbillies from east bumfuck in the ozarks who don't actually know their ancestry.

>> No.7662393


>> No.7662437

I have been told by tumblrcore girls that I look British.

>> No.7662449

i've had girls ask me if i'm european as a conversation opener.

good or bad?

>> No.7662452

id rather be british than some amerilard

>> No.7663120

>mexico shall reclaim its lands.
Ok cool. who gives a fuck. Tx, az and nm are some of the worst states anyways. Go ahed and make everyone that lives there a mexican citizen whil ur at it lol they suck too

>> No.7663125

Post pics of your britbong face

>> No.7663130

You've nailed that look down then

>> No.7663135

What's with all the English in Utah?

>> No.7663175

most A list american actors are a combination of german, scottish and english roots with occasional small mixes of other shit

>> No.7663192

OP, you must look like you have Downs or inbred.
>island people fucking each other for thousands of years
>island of uggos
>dem teef

>> No.7663198
File: 994 KB, 260x146, 1390563596682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to look like your British overlords

the true land of the free

>> No.7663200

the teeth thing is grossly over exaggerated

not even a britbong its just that england is not as vain as america where everyone feels the need to get cosmetic oral surgery

>> No.7663213

if anything Britain should have better teeth b/c free braces on NHS

>> No.7663238
File: 89 KB, 555x481, Health Statistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do

>> No.7663252


You only need 17 people before you can see no instances of inbreeding in a population, on top of that Britain has had immigrants coming to its shores for the last 1500 years so its not exactly like the genepool is even restricted.

>> No.7663253

>scottish english german and swiss roots
>constantly get asked if im french
